The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, March 15, 1900, Image 5

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HODGES, CAMP <fc ARNOLD. Cheaper Than The Cheapest-Equaled By None. ....Headquarters For DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES.... Our Shoe Department [S nQt surpassed b y an y house in Quantity, Quality and Price. In Clothing and Hats we defy competition. Our Drv Goods a net Notion Department is filled up with every thing m that iXAJLItJII lme you need. Come see, and be convinced. AA/p are the recognized Leaders in FAMILY and FANCY GROCERIES. Corn, Flour, and Syrup we buy \ v by the car load and can always make it to your advantage in buying Groceries from us as well as all other kinds of goods. \/Vo carry the Leading Brands of Fertilizers and have always proven to our rnanv customers that we Wc sell nothing but the Best We also still handle the CELEBRATED STANDARD SEWING MACHINE. \/\ rare ever ready to wait on our customers and appreciate your patronage. Don’t forget when you are in Winder to V V visit the store of HODCIES, CAMP AENOLD. News In and &- 3 Around Winder. Mrs. J. A Quillian is quite indisposed this week. This ; s the second week of court at Lawrenceville. Mr. James Ethridge went to Social Circle Monday. Mr. T. 0. Conway, of Atlanta, was here Monday. Mayor Russell spent a few days in Atlanta this week. Mr. H R. Hunt spent Saturday and Sunday in Gainesville. Call on G. W. l■ i f for a nyb hing in general merchandise. Dr. W. H. Crow and family left last week for South Georgia. Rev. R. S. McGarity, of Jefferson, was in Winder Monday. Capt. H. S. Pinkston has been on the sick list this week and off of duty. WANTED —A lot of fine Turkeys at once. L. O. Sharpton & Bro. Rev. Thos. Chapman will preach at Rockwell on Sunday next at 11a. m. Mr. CaiD, representing the daily Con stitution of Atlanta, was hero Monday I will pay the highest price for coun. try produce. L. D. Yearwood. Mr. G. R. Duke, who hr.s been very i]l for several months, is slowly improv ing. Mr. Ed Herrin returned last Saturday after a visit, of a couple of weeks with his father. Mr. W. T. Thurmond, of Harmony krove. was in the city Saturday on business. D 0. Sharpton & Bro. will sell you bst Eastern Seed Potatoes at 80 cents per peck. Deputy Sheriff Appleby and Bill Har ns °n. both of Pendergrass, were here l&st Saturday. Judge Russell will open superior court for Banks county at Homer next Monday, 1 Keep a fresh lot of family and fancy groceries at the lowest cash prices. L. D. Yearwood. Miss lia Yearwood, of our city, has e on elected music teacher for Bethle* Institute. Mrs. Ware returned from Hoschton ‘-turday where she has been .visiting her daughter. t Mxsses Maud and Nellie Mobley vis:* relatives in Social Circle Saturday SuiKlay. "Ino old reliable Potapsco Guano sold 7 Woodruff Winder, Ga. an< * rs ‘ G' Herrin, of Pen- J" riss ' spent Saturday and Sunday " re Vlßi ting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Herrin. Duan & Lyle’s advertisement they 1 e best goods for the least money. yOUr eet * kish Potatoes from L --narpton & Bro. Guaranteed to be B®uoin@ Eastern stock. Birthday Dinner. Little Lois Smith, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Smith of our city, was given a birth day dinner last Saturday by her father and mother, which was greatly enjoyed by her and the dozen or more littlo girls she had invited to be present. We accepted the kind and hospitable invi tation of Mr. Smith and went with him at one o’clock to help eat up the many good things that Lois and her little girl friends had left for us. When wo ar rived at his beautiful home, we found these little children full of iuuoceuce aud glee eucircled around Miss Dora Wilhite, who is a special favorite with the little children as well a3 the grown up children, aud they ail seemed per fectly happy. The Economist wishes that all of Lois’ birthdays may be as pleasant to her as the one last Saturday. Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., says, “DeWitt’s Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe.” They gently cleanse aud invigorate the bowels aud liver. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Messrs R. J. Fleemau and A. L. Ven able, of Marcus, were in the city Tues day and gave The Economist office a pleasant call. Bring your barter to L. D. Yearwood and get the top of the market. Rev. Thos. Chapman returned yester day after being absent for a week. John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind., says, “I never used anything as good as One Minute Cough Cure. We are ueves 1 without it.” Quickly breaks up cough and colds. Cures all throat aud lung troubles. Its use will prevent consump tion. Pleasant to take. G. W. DeLa- Perriere. Mr. J. M. Bradley, one of W a lt° n county’s best citizens and farmers, gave ns a pleasant call yesterday while in the city Dnnn & Lyle will sell as low as the lowest in prioe and pay high for their customer’s cotton. Try them. Prof. Lumpkin Green of Paradise was here last week visiting relatives. He is having a fine school and well pleased with his location. When in Winder come around and let me price yon. I can sell you grocer ies as low as the lowest. L. D. Yearwood. “I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic’s best friend.” says E. Hartgerink, Overisel, Mich. Di gests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Mr. J M. Burson, of Cedar Hill, who has been very low with pneumonia ior ten days or more is no w thought to be out of danger. Leather “Safety Pencil and Pen Pock ets” that will save twice their cost in 6 month. Price# from 5 to 25 cents. Address, P. W. Quattlebaum. Agent, Jefferson, Ga. Dr. Banks expects to be in Winder most of next week The Doctor can be found at the residence of H. D. Jackson onCandler street. Prof. J. L. Moore, of Bethlehem, made ns a very pleasant (sail one day last week He is made of the right stuff and his visits are alway enjoyed. Didn’t Come Back. Mr. Jesse Beam, of near Flowery Branch, was here Tuesday hunting for a man by tho name of Lewis, who claimed to have beau a resident of Oco neo county before going to Hall to live with Mr. Beam. Nearly three weeks ago he borrowed Mr. Beam’s bay mare male, of “medium size, to go down to Oconee county after trunk and a buggy he said ho had down there. He uever returned aud was even so ungrate ful as not to send Mr. Beam’s mule back. Any one knowing of a stray man aud mule wou and confer a faver by informing Mr. Beam, whoso postoffice address is Flowery Branch, Georgia. My entire stock of goods is new and fresh aud I can make it to your interest if you will call in and let me show bar gains I can offer you. A. D. Chandler. Mr. C. M. Anderson, of the Aetna Life Insurance Cos., is spending the week in Winder. He writes more in surance than any man in the state. .'ames H; Wright will save you mon ey on any kind of Fence you need. He is selling Page’s Woven Wire Fence— they only wire fence made. See him before you buy as he is prepared to put up fence and makes a specialty of orna mental fences. See him or write him at Winder. Dr. Banks is treating some very se vere aud aggravated chronic cases in this section at the present time; all of theso patients, however, from reports, are improving. Dr. Bash has added much to the at traction of his beautiful home by the new wire fence placed around his gar den and lot going to the depot and thd row of shade trees put out on Broad street to the railroad. I have opened up a full stock of Gen eral Merchandise in Winder and will be glad to have my old friends and the public at large to come in and see me whether they wish to buy or not. A. D. Chandler. Dr. H. H. Carlton, of Athens, spent Monday afternoon in Winder, going from here to Atlanta. Dr. Carlton is one of Georgia’s prominent citizens and is the present able member from Clarke of the Georgia legislature. Mr. V. L. House, of Chandler’s dis trict, was in to see ns first of the week and renewed his subscription for an other year. He is a strong friend of The Economist and is always ready to say a good word for it. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milsbnrg, Pa., says, “Asa speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup aud sore throat One Minute Cough Cure is unequaled, It is pleas ant for children to take. I heartily recommend it to mothers.” It is the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe aud throat and lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Mr. J. M. Jackson, of the Jackson Lumber Cos., loft here last - week for Colquitt county where their mill will be located. He carri and about 19 head of mules and oxen with him and eight or ten hands. This company is com posed of H. D., J. M. and W. F. Jack sou, three of our bast and most enter prising citizens and will do a large bus iness. TO THE PLANTERS -OF- Walton, Gwinnett and Jackson Counties, Especially those of you who get your FERTILIZERS at Winder, I wish to call your attention to the fact that I am in the FERTI LIZER business to help us both and I want to sell you a First" Glass Goods that will give you satisfaction. You will see samples of my goods at the stores of Kilgore & Kelly and Stanton & Bondurant. They will give you an order to H. S Segars and he will deliver you the goods from my warehouse just above his store, on the Narrow uage Railroad. Anxious to do business with you, I am yours very truly, Z. F. STANTON. Badly Cut. A difficulty took place last Friday night near Patrick's store, in the Ma line!a neighborhood, between Harp Ken ney and two of Mr. Jim Fulcher’s sons, Lee and Lafayette Kenney was teriibly cut up, and Dr. Hodges of our city, who was called to attend him, had to take 45 stitches in dr a -sing all of the wounds. Mr. Kenny was getting on very well under the circumstan'.es when last heard from. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, ‘1 never fail to relieve my chil dren from cronp at once by using One Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it.” Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and long diseases. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Mr. D. Y. Hodges the big merchant of Loganville, spent Sunday and Mon day in Winder. There are few better business men than Young Hodges and we hope that it will not be many years before he will decide to come back here to remain. Judge J. W. Wood, of Talmo, was in the city Tuesday and spent a short while with us. He is one of the found ers of his town, located on the Jefferson braDeh of the G. J. &. S. R. R., about 3 miles above Pendergrass. Talmo is getting to be a flue trading point and has a beautifm location. It has some splendid citizens and is surrounded by a thrifty and good clas3 of farmers. With such a man as Judge Woo l as one of its business men, i-c will continue to grow in prominence aud population. Dr. Hodges the specialist is now pre pared to treat all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and fit glasses. If you are suffering from Catarrh in any form, enlarged tonsils or deafness now is the time to have it treated. will change your old spectacles or eye glass es or fit you with anew pair cheap. The Dr. is well recommended and is meeting with excellent success among his patients. Offlcs over Chandler’s store. CAPT. F. M. HAYNES An Influential Citizen and R. R. Man for a Number of Years. Winder, Ga. This certifies that I took a short treat ment from Dr Banks for Dropsy and desire to say to friends everywhere that I was cured of same. Very truly, F. M. Haynes. Populist Meeting. The Executive committee of the Pop ulist party of Jackson county, and any other Populists who can come out, are requested to meet in ‘Jefferson on the Ist Tuesday in April to attend to some matters of importance. A. G. Lamar, Acting Chairman. Get your Pillsbury’s Vitos, the great Breakfast food from Herrin Bros. Has no equa l . Notice. A few more boarders can be accom madated at the Thompson House. Rates from nine to fifteen dollars per month. Mr. James D. Collins, of Oconee, was in Winder Monday trading. Jim has been victorious in the noted laud suit between him and FrankJ'Griffith, the case having for the th : rd time been de cided in his favor at the last term of Oconee Superior court. For Shoes—All styles and close prices Seo G, W. Woouruff, Wm. Orr, Newark, 0., says, ”Wo never feel safe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved my little boy’s life wheu he had the pneu monia. We think it is the best medi cine made.” It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harm less and gives immediate results. G. W. DeLaPerriere. When in Winder come around and let me price you and I will save you money A. D. Chandler.