The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, March 22, 1900, Image 5

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HODGES, CAMP & ARNOLD' Cheaper Than The Cheapest-Equaled By None. ....Headquarters For DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES.... Our Shoe Department Is not surpassed by any house in Quantity, Quality and Price. In Clothing and Hats we defy competition. Our Dry Goods and Not ion Department is filled up with every thing m that X OXI line you need. Come see, and be convinced. \A7o t re }£ e Leaders in FAMILY and FANCY GROCERIES. Corn, Flour, and Syrup we buv alT crfgoods always make to y° ur advantage in buying Groceries from us as well as /za carry the Leading Brands oi Fertilizers and have always proven to our manv customers that we VV C sell nothing but the Best We also still handle the CELEBRATED STANDARD SEWING MACHINE. \\T a f e .SYf r read y wait on our customers and appreciate your patronage. Don’t forget when you are in Winder to \ V visit the store of HODCJES, CAMP A A.RI STOLE. lews In and % Around Winder. * t ■ Mr. J. T Strange returned from New ■ York last. Saturday. 5 yxr. L. .T. McElhannon, of Galilee, ■ was here Monday. I Mr. G. A. Johns spent several days ■ in Atlasta this W6ek. I The board of education for this county ■ met at Jefferson Monday. I Judge Russell is holding court over in I Banks county this week. I Mr. H. J. Garrison spent Sunday in I Hoschtou with relatives. I Mr. Lewis Moore, of Bethlehem, I spent Sunday in Winder. I Don’t buy Fertilizers until you see I Bodges, Caiup & Arnold. [ Mr. John Mitchell, of Lithonia, was I here Saturday and Sunday. [ The place to buy your Fertilizers is I at Hodges, Camp & Arnold’s. Rev. J. A. Quillian visited over at I Harmony Grove first of the week. If you want Gome old time Cuba Molasses, call on J. H. Smith <& Bro. Prof. Moore, of Bethlehem, made The Economist a pleasant call yesterday. WANTED—A lot of fine Turkeys at once. L. O. Sharpton & Bro. Messrs T. T. Cooper and W. H. Bras olton, of Hoschton, stopped over in the oity awhile Tuesday. Winder Furniture Cos. sell Wheeler & Wilson aud White Sewing Machines For every thing in gents furnishing Roods at close prices go to G. W. Wood ruff. Miss Sallie Millican, after a stay of several weeks in Atlanta, reached home Sunday. Don’t buy your Dry goods until you *** tbe B P r ing line of Hodges, Camp Sc Arnold. Judge Bradbury was over today from * erBon an( i gave The Economist a Peasant call. Mr. Gordon Bell and Miss Eulalia J iier, of Jefferson, were here last Sunday visiting. I win pay the highest price for coun ■7 produce. L. D. Yearwood. S. P. Speigel and Mr. E. E. ackson went over to Jefferson last Sat business. I keep a fregjj i o j. Q j f am j]y ail( j fancy ' 1 -' at the lowest cash prices. L. D. Yearwood. Find your Hate and Shoes at Hodges, ' J P <k Arnold’s. The latest styles in 6ad and foot ware. Th gas Cotai a‘ ^e9 is having ten t jj 6 a P 8 Pat up in different parts of Wp Bmith re * ret to know that Uncle Sam fppu 13 not so well. He is quite leeb e this week. “ii th^ UUn * k y * 0 ’ 8 advertisement they e best goods for the least money. Found Dead. Mr. Sanford Smith one of the old and prominent citizens of this section was found dead in his bed this morning. He lived just three miles below Winder on the line of Jackson and Walton coun ties but on the Walton side. Mr. Smith was 70 odd years of age aad had been in feeble health for some months. He will be buried at the old Smith burial ground near his home tomorrow. We have some special bargains in second hand Sewiug Machines. All in good order. Winder Furniture Cos. Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., says, “DeWitt’s Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure iny headache and never gripe.” They gently cleanse , and invigorate tho bowels aud liver. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Mr. H. D. Jackson left last week for South Georgia to engage in the lumber busiuess. He will be greaely missed in Winder and we hope he will soon get rich and come back home. Bring your barter to L. D. Yearwood and get the top of the market Tax collector Brock and Mr. J. N. Ross were over one day last week from Jefferson. Wanted —A lot of nice country hams. L. O. Sharpton Sc Bro. Mr. J. E. Randolph, Jr., and Miss Minnie May Randolph, of Jefferson, spent Saturday last in Winder. John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind„ says, "I never used anything as good as One Minute Cough Cure. We are neve g without it.” Quickly breaks np cough and colds. Cures all throat and lung troubles. Its use will prevent consump tion. Pleasant to take. G. W. DeLa Perriere, Any thing you want to buy, you will find at store of Hodges, Camp & Arnold. The Economist received fifteen new subscribers last week and has already added five more this week. J. H. Smith & Bro. have for sale some of the celebrated Joe Bradbury Seed Corn. Miss Grace Durham, of Athens, who has been visiting Miss Sallie Ware, re turned home Tuesday. Dunn Sc Lyle will sell as low as the lowest in prioe and pay high for their customer's cotton. Try them. Miss Della Douglas, after spending some time in the Eastern markets, will return next Monday to fill her engage ment as head of the millinery depart ment of J. T. Strange <fe Cos. When in Winder come around and let me puce you. 1 can sell you grocer ies as low as the lowest. L. D. Yearwood. “I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant totakeaud is truly the dyspeptic’s best friend ” says E. Hartgerink, Overisel, Mich Di gests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. G. W. JLJeLaPerriere. Leather "Safety Pencil and Pen Pock ets” that will save twice their cost in 6 month. Prices from 6 to 25 cents. Address, P. W. Quattlebaum. Agent, Jefferson, Ga. J. H. Smith and & Bra have jost re ceived a hogshead of Molasses from Matanzas, Cuba. The Knights of Damon. A flourishing conclave of this order will be organized in Winder this week by Messrs. Jones and Neal, special dep uties, composed of several of Winder’s leading citizens and busines men. All who contemplate life insurance should investigate this plan, speciall inducements are offered charter mem bers’ The objects of the Knights of Damon are to furnish an absolute safe insurance at a cost consistent with an 1 ample for the security of the policy holders. The rates are graded according to age, and are fixed high euough above the actual cost to provide against its needs. The premiums are divided into twelve equal parts and members have the op tion of paying it monthly, quarterly, semi- annually or annually without extra cost. There are no death assess ments in this order. In the Knights of Damon, one of the strongest points in its favor is, that if you are totally disa bled the face of your policy is paid to yon in cash while living. Another is, should you live to your expectancy 62 to 72 years old, you are paid while living. Its rates are reasonable and iu the reach of all who are insurable risk?. Men and women accepted on same rates—ages 16 to 54 years. My entire stock of goods is new and fresh and I can make it to your interest if you will call in and let mi show bar gains I can offer yon. A. D. Chandler. Our spring stock of Dry goods and notions is the prettiest and most com plete ever seen in Winder. Hodges, Camp & Arnold. Dr. Banks expects to be in Winder March 26, and 27th. Those desiring medical treatment can meet him here on those days. W e make all kinds of Picture Frames. Let ns frame that piotnre for yon before it is spoiled. Winder Furniture Cos. Dr. L. W. Hodge3 assisted by Drs. Almond and Ross, of our city, and Dr. Henry Hodges, of Watkinsville, per formed a very oritical bat successful operation last week ou Mrs. J. N. Hodg es. who was brought here from her home at Bogart for that purpose. James H, Wright will save you mon ey on any kind of Fence you need. He is sellin" Page’s Woven Wire Fence— they only wire fence made. See him before you buy as he is prepared to put up fence and makes a specialty of orna mental fences. See him or write him at Winder. I have opened up a full stock of Gen eral Merchandise in Winder and will be glad to have my old friends an and the public at large to come in and see me whether they wish to buy or not. A. D. Chandler. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milsbnrg, Pa., says, "Asa speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough Cure is unequaled. It is pleas ant for children to take. I heartily recommend it to mothers.” It is the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. G. W. DeLa Perriere. Come and see the large stock of mens and boys negligee and dress shirts at G. W. Woodruff. TO THE PLANTERS ==oF== Walton, Gwinnett and Jackson Counties, Especially those of you who get your FERTILIZERS at Winder, I wish to call your attention to the fact that I am in the FERTI LIZER business to help us both and I want to sell you a First' Class Goods that will give you satisfaction. You will see samples of my goods at the stores of Kilgore & Kelly and Stanton & Bondurant. They will give you an order to H. S Segars and he will deliver you the goods from my warehouse just above his store, on the Narrow Railroad. Anxious to do business with you, 1 am yours very truly, Z. F. STANTON. New Song Book. The new song book “Saving Songs” of Prof: J. L. Moore will be ont this week. It contains 80 pages—bound in flexible cloth-20 cts per copy or $2 26 per dozen post—paid. The songs are all new and singable, and every Sunday pchool should have this book. “Saving Songs” is edited by J. L. Moore, G. W. Lyon, H. A R Horton and W. Y. Dale, D. D. A thousand copies have been sold in advance and it would be well for yon to cat ont this notioe if yon need singing beeks. Address J. L. Moore, Bethle hem, Ga. Mr. M. G. Henderson one of the good citizms of Olix was in Winder yester day, also Messrs E. D. Lackey and W. L. C. Howington, of Galilee. They all grve The Economist a pleasant call. Little George Dillard Dead The sad news reached Winder last Tuesday that little George Dillard, a bright boy of five years or more old and a sou of Rev. W. B. Dillard, who was pastor of the Methodist chnrch of Win der in ’97 and 98, died at tha home of his father at Monticello Monday with smallpox. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, ‘ I never fail to relieve my chil dren from croup at onoe by using One Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it.” Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Dr. Hodges the specialist is now pre pared to treat all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and fit glasses. If you are suffering from Catarrh in any form, enlarged tonsils or deafness now is the time to have it treated. He will change your old spectacles or eve glass es or fit you with anew pair cheap. The Dr. is well recommended aud is meeting with excellent success among his patients. Office over Chandler’s store. Church Notice. On account of the Georgia Baptist Convention, the entertainment an nounced for Saturday night before the Ist Suuday in April at the Ida Carith ers Institute is indefinitely postponed and there will be no preachiug or con ference at Bethabara church on Satur day morning before Ist Sunday, but the pastor will fill his pulpit on Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. All are cordi ally invited to be there. T. E McCutchen, Pastor. 1900 openlnq 1900 J. T. Strange & Cos. Winder, Ga. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 2nd, Brd and 4th. Will display all the Novelties of the season. Drop in and look ns over. Yours for business, J. T. Strange &. Cos. Leaders in Styles, Regulators and Con trollers of Low Prices. Notice. A few more boarders can be accom madated at the Thompson House. Rates from nine to fifteen dollars per month. Commissioner’s Bond Approved. The board of education of Jackson oounty met at Jefferson Monday and approved the bond of R. D. Moore re cently elected by that body as county school commissioner for tho next four yearf. The contest has been declared off and Mr. Moore has taken oharge of tho offioe.