The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 05, 1900, Image 3

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ISfS! wp%n ßolf®' wflijx IklßlE^iiySMCE ■ jq \LL points Ifl Sooll and_ Southwest. 1 1 si> -— THBOU ND. H No. 403. No. 41. ■ , v „.- *ll 00am *9 OOj.m X>* * °* n ’ 1 5 00pm 4 30am ■ fi4: c f' 0 “'. nJj 9 00pm 9 05am B' 1 " 11 ’ < a r>T4siir a . 11 10pm 1143 am 12 56am 1 85pm B llli , r rinM 4 27am 6 09pm BlSouthern Tines, g Uam 7 00pm .’one ' B * 6 53am *9 12pm “ *8 00am *lO 25pm “ *8 13am*10o5pm Chester. 1Q 45am 1 12am Hflnenwood. 124 pm 348 am BjiS: 3 50pm_615am mr" northbound. ■ No. 402. No. 38. ■ m.ntft S A. L. * 1 00pm *8 50pm ■'S' 240 pm 1040 pm MIS’ 308 pm 1105 pm R'Kood, 5 40pm 146 am R'Ser 7 53pm 4 08am ■;, r 9 30pm 5 45am L-, * 8 20pm *5 00am Rrssis; *n io pm *7 43am Rfitaiinfiton, “ * *l2 05pm R'Cieh “ 2 03am 1113 am K' Henderson, 326 am 12 45pm K' Weldon, 4 55am 2 50pm ■r. Portsmouth. 7 25am 5 20pm ■HiJobmond, 4. C. L., *8 15am *7 20pm Kr Washington, 12 31pm 11 20pm Xcw York 6 23pm 6 53am ■ >Dai!v. + Daily except Sunday. ■ sv, 403 and 402.—“ The Atlanta Special,” ■olid Vestibuied Train of Pullman Sleepers Kd Coaches between Washington and At ■s). also Pullman Sleepers between Ports- Kouth and Charlotte. N. C. ■ X’o-. 41 and 38.-“ The S. A. L. Express,” ■olid Train, Coaches and Pullman sleepers ■etwen Portsmouth and Atlanta. ■ jnth trains make imme iate connection ■ Atlanta tor Montgomery. Mobile, New Or- Rtn-, Texas, California, Mexico, Chatta ■joocs. Nashville, Memphis, Macon, Florida. I Tor Tickets. Sleeners, etc., apply to ■jOs M. BROWN, G. A. P. D„ I W. B. CLEMENTS, T. P. A.. E. J. WALKER, C.T. A., I 7 ’ rvor Street, Atlanta, Ga. I S.B. DAVIS,’ Agent, Winder, Ga. IE, ST. JOHN, Vice President and Gen. Mgr. I V, K. McBEE, Gen’l. Superintendent. I H. \V. H. GLOVER, Traffic Manager. I L. S. ALLEN, Gen’l. Pass. Agent. (ienernl Office*. Portsmouth, Tit. job m Printing Best work at the most reasonable prices. i. nan u, The Greatest Remedy In the World For Burns, Scalds, Spasmodic Croup, Erysipelas, Poison Oak ““and-- Qjd Sores. E yoar Druggist pr local Dealer doe* kee P it. send 25 centi in P. O or silver for a bottle to MRS. W. H. BUSH, Winder, Ga. p —- _ “Among the Ozarks.” Land of Big Red Apples, is an T “ lvo and interesting book, with or Sooth Missouri scenery. It iru[ a^tt9 t 0 frQ i t ' rais i n g i Q that great j, U “ f-lt America, the southern f r 0l Oaarks, and is of interest to ‘ L ?ro ' w Ts and to every farmer and m,l g'eker looking for a farm and a tt9, bailed free. Address, J. E. Lockwood, Kansas City, ‘.Mo. DAVIS TO TALK FOR THE BOERS Assistant Secretary of the Inte= rior Resigns. HE ESPOUSES KRUGER’S CAUSE Has Just Returned From Tour of 3outh Africa and Is Loaded With Information. A Washington special says: Web ster Davis, assistant secretary of the interior, tendered his resignation to President McKinley Monday. He will go on the lecture platform in the interest of the Boers. In an authorized statement given out, Mr. Davis says that as a result of his visit to the Transvaal ho feels im pelled to tender his resignation as as sistant secretary of the interior. He will at an early date deliver a lecture in the interest of the South African republic. Mr. Davis feels that this is the best way to arouse the enthusiasm of the American people in behalf of those re publics. Mr. Davis decided to take this course as the result of his visit to South Afri ca. He has decided to deliver a pub lic address touchiug the entire scope of the present war and believes that be can best do so while free from any restraint w'hich his present position would impose upon him. W 7 hen taking his departure home from Pretoria 2,000 gathered to take leave of him at the station. They ap pealed to him in tears to state their cause to the American people, and Mr. Davis says his conscience would haunt him if he proved recreant to that piti ful appeal. He believes the American people are not truly informed on the situation. He will, therefore, avail himself of an early opportunity to relate his experi ence and observations at a public meeting that shall be free to all. Mr. Davis has decided on this course after mature deliberation and Tree consulta tion with his friends. Davis, who is a resident of Kansas City, has a reputation in the west of being a great orator. He was espe cially prominent in the campaign which led up to the nomination of McKinley at St. Louis. Those who do not approve of his course declare that as soon as he got to Washington Davis became afflicted with the swelled head and that his chauge of heart is entirely due to his chagrin in being called down when Secretary Hitchcock took control of the interior department. They say that Davis at that time was fondly imagining himsslf the most important figure in administration circles, and that because Secretary Hitchcock did uot so regard him he sulked and went off to Africa to find some pretext for further self-advertisement. A good deal of this may be true, but it does not minimize the political im portance of this action of the assistant secretary of the interior. There is no doubt that the over whelming sentiment of the American people is with the Boers and that sen timent is not likely to die out when men like Davis who have been on the scene become active in the agitation in their behalf. • _______ r RACE QUESTION IS CUBA. Whites Will Fight For Office and Color Lino Will Bo Closely Brawn. The funeral of Mayor Valiente took place at Santiago Sunday afternoon with elaborate ceremouies. United States officers acted as honorary pall bearers. The military and civil pro cession extended two miles. The death of Senor Yaliente mate rially changes the political situation. His re-election was considered assured, but now there is a prospect of a hard fight between the rival candidates of the black and white parties. Recent developments have shown that the oolor line will be closely drawn and there may be trouble. The whites declare their intention to organize an annexation party rather than to accept negro domination. BLIND TIixER LIQUORS Found By Trewunry Agent* In Chrlet*’f Custom House. Treasury agents in their search of the custom house at Charleston, S. C., found blind tiger liquors by the whole sale. Charges were made that the “blind tigers” had government pro tection by allowing their liquors to be kept under bond. Ex-Seuator Gibson Dead. Ex-Senator \V. 11. Gibson, of Mary land, died Saturday morning from heart dieease at the residence of his brother, Lieutenant Gibson, of the navy, in Washington, where he had resided sinee his retirement from the senate. QUEEN IN IRELAND. Her Royal Majesty Is Well Re ceived By Emerald Isle Subjects. A London special says: Queen Vic toria left Windsor Monday evening eu route for Ireland. Her majesty was accompanied by Princess Christina and Prince Henry, of Bajtenburg, and attended by the countess of Autrim, Hou. Harriet Phipps, Sir Arthur Biggs, Private Secretary to the Queen Sir Fleetwood Edwards, keeper of her majesty’s privy purse, and Captain Ponsonby. The passage of the channel was smooth and the queen sufftred no discomfort, although she expressed regret that the premature departure from Holyhead, owiug to the threat ening weather conditions, should cause her Irish subjects disappointment. It had been officially announced that she would reach Kingstown, seven miles from Dublin, at 5:30 p. m. Tuesday instead of 2 p. m., but at the latter hour the Victoria and Albert loomed up through the hazo and rain and was greeted with the thunder of 21 guns from each ship of tho British channel squadron. Thousands had poured iuto Kings town regardless of the pelting rain, which luckily ceased about 5 o’clock and they braved tho cold winds and murdered mud until midnight. • 'Hie celebrations were confined to an illum ination of the war vessels and to a few fireworks here and there. A shiuiDg shamrock stood out against the blackness of Dublin bay, and from the jackies clustered on the decks of the squadron came the strains of “God Savo the Queen,” which were taken up with a will by the patient crowd on shore, and “When Soldiers of Queen” floated across the quiet water, the spectators on Kings town pier joined in with equal fervor. Although all political conditions are represented in Kingstown, there was no attempt at a counter-demous'tra tion. In fact, the evening’s fireworks, singing and cheering were not marred by any hostile note. STORY IH NOT RELIEVED. Report Current That Awarlmn Officer Bed a Boer Attack. War department officials do net be lieve the story that comes from South Africa to the effect that Captain Carl Reiohmau, Seventeenth infantry, was one of the leaders of the Boers at the last fight between the Boers and the English at the Bloemfontein water works. Reichman’e brother officers, men who know him well, eay that it is very probable that Reichman occupied some conspicuous poiat of vantage from which to view the fightiug, and hie discovery in uniform by the Brit ish was the basis for the assumtion that he was one of the Boer leaders. Reichman was selected by General Miles personally to accompany the Boer forces during the war as an ob server for the United States army. His colleagues in Washington de clare that the officer has too much eommon sense to be led iuto a violation of his orders in the manner described. It is understood the English war office has no information as to who com manded the Boers in the affair leading to the capture of the British guns, but it places no credence whatever in the report that a United States attache or any one connected with the United States government took part in it. FETTUS BADLY SCARED. Alabama Senator Don’t I.lke to Be Called a “H uir.orl.t. ” Senator Pettus, according to a Wash ington dispatch, has awakened to find himself famous as a humorist, and he is badly scared. He doesn’t want to be thought a humorist. “Im no humorist,” he said to a cor respondent. “I’m nothing of the kind. I’m serious-minded. Why, say, I don’t suppose I’ll ever be able to , live that speech down. And I’m not eighty years old, either, as some of those newspapers say. I’m only sev enty-nine, and I’ve got a good long time to live.” To Make Darrel Hoops. A company waa formed at Chatta nooga, Tuesday, with $30,000 capital to build aud operate a barrel hoop and building lath plant. It will make 60,- 000 barrel hoops daily. Ample means is behind the enterpise when needed \ to make it a success. PROYES EXISTENCE OF WAR. of Mujor Kirkinan Make* the Filipino* Belligerents. Secretary Root stated Monday that Major George O. KirKmaD, Forty ninth volunteer infantry, is no longer ! in the service of the United States. Under the articles of war, the approv- ! al by General Otis of the action of the \ courtmartial which recommended Kirkmau for dismissal on the charge of drunkenness, was sufficient to exe cute the sentence. Kirkman was ac cused of being drunk on the transport Liverpool on the voyage from San Francisco to Manila, and of insulting a priest aboard his vessel. ni winder Bins atm, Winder, Georgia. Paid In Capital $25,000.00. THOS. A. MAYNARD, President. L. F. SELL, ) __. _ . _ . a a r.A*/TT> Vice Presidents. A. A. CAMP, \ W. H. TOOLE, Cashier. T. A. Maynard, !*; R. J. Pentecost, L. F. Sell," A. M. Flanigan, A. A. Camp, ;*; W. H. Braselton, W. H. Toole, !j| J. I. J. Bell. We Discount Notes. We loan money on good collateral or personal security. We receive Deposits subject to check. We buy and sell New York Exchange. We pay taxes in Jackson County. We are a Home Institution. We want your business--and will appreciate it. PAINT! PAINT!! Do you want to Paintyour dwelling? If so we have added to our stock of Hardware PARIAN PAINTS, OILS ETC. PARIAN PAINT contains no load and hence is guaranteed uot to chalk, oiraok, rub off, peel nor blister. It will adhere to wood, Tin, Iron, Galvanued Iron, Stone or Tile. PARIAN PAINTS dry hard with an enamel-like gloss that ia permanent and can be washed or scrubbed PARIAN PAINTS will cover more surface and outlast all oth er paiuts and will uot come off except by wear. It is guaranteed to hold its original color, Call at our store and get a Catalouge explaining all about PARIAN PAINT. W now hare our store paoked full of NEW GOODS at OLD PRICES and will be glad to wait on our many friends and customers. WE SELL THE CELEBRATED McSHERRY GRAIN DRILL, The on\j drill that will sow oats successfully. We are also prepared to sell all kinds of HARROWS, inoludmg CLARK’S TORRENT and VARIOUS MAKES of TURNING PLOWS, Infact anything found in a first class HARDWARE STORE’ Call and see us at the same old stand, STATE ST., HARMONY GROVE. GEORGIA. Benton-Adair H’dw. Cos. WINDER DRUG CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Druggist, WINDER, GA. Fresh Stock of Drugs always on hand. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS at Prices to Suit the Times. Headquarters for all the leading Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos. When in the city come and see us. WINDER DRUG CO., Winder, - Georgia. ’W'JS LPO • Panov id Plain Jo) Prim