The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 12, 1900, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOMIST. VOL- vlll * J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY. Our Easter Spring Dress Fabrics, Novelties, Serges, Henriettas, Mo= -#hairs, Twenty=five thousand yards of loom beauties.^ French and English ideas and American wearings in every shade which man or nature can produce. EVERY THING for which fash ion calls, Plaih or Blended, Smooth or Rough Striped or Figured, Checked and Plaid, Changeable and Solid, Fine and Loosely woven Somber and Gay, Such is the de scription of our DRESS GOODS STOCK, our entire Stock is NEW STYLISH, PRETTY and CHEAP ER than ever. ASK THE HUNDREDS of de lighted customers who visited our STORE the past week and hear what they have to say. it tu A D**<icalc We have the only complete stock m this section and can save you Umbrellas ano money on every purchase. Try us and see. Yours for Business, J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY,. ■ Leaders in Styles, Regulators and Controllers of Low Trices. •4 Winder, -*|:|* - Georgia. |S* PATRICK 5 ACADEMY. •Mr. John Austin’s little sou is ill with ineumonia. Rv, Mr. Higgins will preach at this hca Sunday and Sunday uight. Mr. Eageue Dunahoo spent last Sunday tiiii Mr. J. K. Strange. Mr. C. D. Oates and family, and Mrs J.M. McElkanuoii a:id daughter spent F 1 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harwell. Mr. A. B. Harwell and family visited Hr. and Mrs. YV. N. Strange last Sun day !M:s J.M. Garner aud Miss Azzie Htmmoud spent Monday evening with F 3 W. R. Segars. Mr. George Garner visited his best ? J lSuuday evening. I M*’ s •S. Dunahoo and grand daugli r s P e Q- last Monday with Mrs W. N. btraage. Miss Carrie Segars spent Saturday with Miss Susie Havni > of Pente cost. Mr Sam, Foster’s little baby is quite Bc Wit ß pneumonia fever. Mr. aad Airs. Green Chandler, of Oak J OVe ' 9pent Sunday with their daugh r rs > J. E. Duuahoo. Mis. Saliia Fine h spent S tturday enia £ with Miss May Dnnahoo. T n^’ S Hammonds spent last s a 7 with her Cousin Miss Snsie Hsynie. 3 ore nce Dunahoo spent Tues - Gening W i th her Aunt Mrs wN> strange. Th plat fe Wlll be Sunday school at this - next Sunday 8 o’clock a. m. Every come out and help ns. THE B£ ST in the world. n ’ 9 Cough !e,f w eP v.„ the bast the world. A cold and f 8 ° suffered with a severe io ? read ’ \ roubles °™e cough, and hav- c *a and n Af lr ?dvert iß6ments in our I bottle to c •!; papers we purchased a Cfced n . u would effect ns. It la u half n c e l ore T tbe hob He was more Ca *for cois fcC ' tbe beSt medicine f n^onv?iu c°QPh.-The Heral, 4tr orug( ‘ o ’ Ind - For sale by Win- WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1900. WE are constantly receiving NEW GOODS, Nothing new out in DRESS GOODS and MILLIN ERY that doeß not find its way to our Store. We are having the most Satis factory MILLINERY trade we ever had, every body pleased with goods and every body pleased with prices in this department. If there iB such a thing as perfection we have attained it and everybody can look pretty if they wear our hats, Odd Fellows Celebration. Live Lodge, No. 84, I. O. O F., will celebrate the 81st anniversary of Amer. ican Odd Fellowship, at Dry Pond church, on April 26th. Every-body cordially iuvited to come aud bring their baskets well-fllled with something good to eat. Exercises will begin at 10 a. m. Ju Ige R. B. Russell, Col. C. H. Brand. Col. W. B Sloan, J. N. Twitty, and other noted speakers, are expected to be here. Music by Winder Bind, All Odd Fellows whose lodge will not cele brate are fraternally invited. Come, aud enjoy the day. C. E. Jackson, Sec. Dry Pond, Ga. STORY OF A SLAVE. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a slave was made free. He says: ‘‘My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Elec tric Bitters, she is wonderfully im proved and able to do her own work. This supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep lessness. melancholy, headache, back ache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, rnn down people. Er ery bottle guaranteed. Only 50 centss Sold by Winder Drug Cos., Money To Lend. We have mads arrangements with parties through whom ws are able to place loans, secured by mortgage on im proved farm? fr 5 years time, payable in yearly installments at 8 per cent, interest. & Cos., Athens, Georgia Cure Cold In Hoad. Kermotfs Chocolates Quiniiw. easy to take and quick to cure cold in head and sore throat. Wonder Bean. “Tho French Asparagus” grows from 2to 4 feet long, it is both orna i mental and nseiul. Try a paeket, 1 Jots. P. W. Qnattlebaum, Jefferson, Ga. Hagnetic Healing. Statham, Ga, March 20, 1900.—1 was suffering untold ag'mies with tooth ache amt neuralgia in chronic form at tacks lasting me several days. I bail not been easy in several days. My mouth was blistered w*th strongest medicines. I had no faitn in magnetic healing, bat J. D. Jennings, tho mag netic healer, relieved me in just seven minutes. There has been no return 12 days afterwards. Mrs. M. J. McLendon Statham, Ga , March 14, 1900. —1 am 62 years of age. On Thursday, March Bch, I fell from a barn r>erp ‘ndicularly, 9 feet, landing on a stump, knocking me speechless. The be.-t liniment in the world was applied, bat no relief. J. D. Jennings, the Maguetic Healer, relieved me in less han five minutes. Lemuel Moore. Not only these classes of diseases, bat ALL diseases are treated as readily and as surely as the above by Vital Magnet ism. gjgf- paid out of over 100 pa ‘ tieuts, one can be found who will swear that I have not cured EVERY case where instructions have been followed. Fail ares impossible. If disease 1, address or call on J. D. Jennings, the Magnetic Healer, Statham Ga , and yon will have nothing to pay until yon are benefited. Leather • ‘Safety Penoil and Pen Pock ets” that will save twice their cost in 6 month. Prices from 6 to 25 cents. Address, P. W. Qaattlebaum. Agent, Jefferson, Ga. REMARKABLE CURE OF RHEUMA TISM. Kenna, Jackson Cos., W. Va. About three years ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism wh:ch confined her to her bed for OT6r a month and rendered her unable to walk a step without assistance, her limbs being swollen of doable their normal size. Mr. 8 Maddox insisted on my using Cham berlain’s Pain Balm. I purchased k fifty-cent bottle and used it according to the directions and the next morning she walked to breakfast without assistance in any manner, and she has not had a similar attack since.— A. B. Parsons. For sale by Winder Drag Cos., Clothing, Clothing. In this department we are in the lead and will stay there, you cant make us take a back seat, we are determined to sll you better clothes for less money than any one, and if you don’t believe it come in and look us over or ask s >lllO of the Hundred and Twelve customers we sold to last week and tue verdict will be guilty, and we recommend all our customers to buy their clothes of J. T. STRANGE & CO. Stanton & Bondurant Have an Opening every Business day of the year. We are receiving some Beautiful Goods and can make you prices that defy all competition. The way to find this out is to come in and see and price. STANTON & BONDURANT, Winder. Georgia- Notice. This is to notify all parties not to hire or harbor Tom Shy, colored, who is un der contract with me for the year and has left without cause. J. K Dunahoo. BISMARCK’S IRON NERVE Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kideys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King’s Now Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 250 at Winder Drug, Cos., Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers and Sandals For Ladies, Misses and Children —full and complete Stock now ready in all the new lasts and toes. Can fit any foot and if you want comiort buy youn. SHOES OF US. A full line cf BAY STATE SHOES for men. and hoys just received. Tf you have tried them you want them agaio, if you havu’t you must get a pair to ap preciate them. Every pair guar anteed. You must he sitisfiied or wo refund the money. F. HOFMEISTER, —FIRST-CLASS— Boot & Shoe Shop. —Also — Harness Repairing All Work Guaranteed and your patronage solicited. Winder, Ga Cleanse the liver, purify the blood, invigorate the body by üßing DeWitt’a Little Early Risers. These famous lit tle pills always act promptly. G. W. DeLaPerriere. NO 13„