The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 26, 1900, Image 4

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m JMECOBOMIST Official Organ Ordinary. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WINDER. PUBLISHED F.VKKY THURSDAY KVKNINO jkffkrson office: With thu Ordinary in the ConrtfHouse P. W. Qaattlebuain will represent the paper and take subscriptions. SubscriDtion Rates. Year, - - 11.00 A. G. LAMAR, Editor and.Publisher. THURSDAY. APRIL 26, 1900. POPULIST STATE TICKET. For Governor —J. H. TRAYLOR, of Troup. For Socrotary of State —Dr. L. L. CLEMENTS, of Milton. For Attorney General —F. H. SAF FOLD, of Emanuel. For Comptroller General —J. T. HOL BROOK, of Franklin. For State Treasurer —J. W. PARK, of Meriwether. For Commissioner of Agriculture —A. H. TALLY, of Cobb. For State School Commissioner —W. T. FLINT, of Taliaferro. For Prison Comissioners —J. DICKEY, of Upson, and S. C McUAN DLESS, of Butts. A Populist hat. uo right to vote in a Demo ratio primary. A. The time for the WHITE(?) Dem ocratic primary to arrive in Jackson oounty has almost arriv. The WHITEi?) primary for the Dem ocratic office seekers of Jackson county will come off about May 16th. With a fair election and an honest count the Populists of Georgia do not fear the result. From en honorable and honest opponent we can aooept de feat gracefully, believing in the old established priuoiple that the majority shonld rule. We fail to see how any man who claims to be the prodact of God instead of an evolution from the monkey can laugh and make light of the corruption of the ballot and say that all things are fair in politics. We have heard men who almost claimed s mctiflcation nse the above language to justify them iu voting with a party tuat resorted to staffed ballot boxes and not counting populist votes legally cast. We would like to express our opiuiou on such men, bnt the son of God, the man who oame into the world to expose corruption, hypooracy and greed and to show men up in their trne light, has done the sains thing so well we bow ou> head and let his deuenciation suf fice. Col Fclker’s Announcement. in this issue will be found the an nouncement of CoL Joseph H. Felker, candidate for State Senator fron the 27th Sentorial District of Georgia, em bracing the oonntiee of Walton, Clarke, Ovonee, Newton and Rockdale. Col. Felker has represented Walton oounty for the past fonr years in the lower house of the Georgia legislature and has made a good member, and one of the few who has made a state reputa tion. If Georgia has to be burdened again with democratic representatives, we would like to see Col. Felker elec ted from hie distriot because he has sense enough to represent his people and is broad enough to command the respect of those who differ with him politically. These are two qualifications that many democratic candidates of the present day do not possess. On To Cincinnati. Notioe Ad of the Official route to the National Convention of the People’s Party at Cincinnati in thia issue. The rate is only one fare for the round trip and if you want to go to Cinoinuati now is your opportunity. Take advan tage of title cheap rate. Col. Farrow On the Situation. Col. Henry P: Esrrow of Gainesville has been spending a few days in onr county, at Porter Springs, and while we have not seen him yet we learn from others that he is emphatically in favor of such action by the republican party in this state as will bind all trne and loyal republicans in Georgia to support the state ticket which has been nominated by the populists. His posi tion as we understand it is the democ racy haviug proclaimed that no colored man shall hava any voice in onr govern ment and the populists having “de clared in favor of a free ballot and a fair count and pledging the party if it gets into power to the enactment of laws securing this to every legal voter,” it is the dnty of all republicans witlont regards to cob.r, to support the popu lists on that issue. We learn that he does not call for any fusion bnt for what might more properly be called a “coordinate movement.” He says the platform upon which the populists have nominated their ticket emphasizes the Inndamental principal, of the repub lican party that ours is “a government of the people by the people, and for the people” and that the colored race is a part of the people. He says that the issne thus joined between the populists party and the democracy and the right of alll the people to have a voice in their government makes it entirely td inissible for the republican party to nominate as its nominees the gentlemen who stand upon that platform, and iu that event that loyalty to the party would imperatively demand their sup port of that ticket. —From Dahlonega Nugget April 20th, 1900. NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but ona who would be attrac tive must keep her health. If she is weak, Bickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has ooustipation or kidney trouble, her im pure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complex ion. Electric Bitters is the best medi cine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com plexion. It will make a good-locking, charming woman of a run down invalid Only 60 cents at Winder Drug Cos. Stay out of the Democratic primary if you are a Populist. You have uo right to select candidates for another party. THE OFFICIAL ROUTE! TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION Of the People’s Party AT CINCINNATI. OHIO. MAY 9TH> IS VIA WESTERN & ATLANTIC R, Atlanta to Chattanooga, N., C. & ST. L. and Lk N RYs- Chattanooga to Cincinnati. Through Car. Without Change This epecialcar with the delegation will leave Atlanta on Monday night, May 7th, at 8:30 p. m., attached to the fast vestibule train of the W. *fc A. Ry„ going straight through to Cincinnati without change, a daylight trip through the beautiful blue-grass section of Kentucky, past the Mammoth Cave, etc. The moat attractive route. Be sure your tickets read via the above lines. THE RITE IS ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP Little Boy Kills Sister. The little son of Mr. A. J. McDonald, of near Pendergrass in this county who is about six years of age, got hold of a pistoi Tuesday and shot his little sister abont nine years of age through the neart, killing her almost instantly. From whatwe could learn of the terrible tragedy, the larger members of the family were not at home at the time, and the little fellow not realizing the danger in a pistol fired at his little sis ter with the result as above stated. This is a terrible shook to Mr. McDon ald, following on the loss of his wife last year, and The Economist sencerely sympathises with him in his great grief and sadness. The little girl was bnried beside her mother at the Pender grass cemetery yesterday afternoon A POWDER MILL EXPLOSION Removes everything in sight; so do drastic mineral pills, bnt both are migh ty dangerous. Don’t dynamite the del icate machinery of your body with calo mel, ciotiu oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which are gen'-le as a summer breeze, do the work per fectly. Cares Headache, Constipation. Only 26 cents at Winder Drag Cos. A Sudden Death. * ____ • • Mr. W. H. Gunter, postmaster at Social Circle, died very suddenly last Monday afternoon. Mr. Gunter was quite a prominent man in his county and was known by most of the people of Walton. He was raised on the eastern side of the county, near Gratis, but since his marriage, abont twenty— five years ago, had lived near Jersey on the western side of the county until he was appointed post master at Social Circle two years or more past. He was a confederate sol dier and received a wound during the war that almost caused the loss of one arm. His health had not been good for several years, bat his death was so sud den that it was * a great surprise to his family and many friends. “No family can afford to be without One Minute Cough Cure. It will stop a cough and cure a cold quicker than any other medioiue,” writes C. W. Williams Sterling Run, Pa. It cores croup, bron chitis and all throat end long troubles and prevents consumption. Pleasant and harmless. Winder is gtting on A Regular Boom Some Facts! ==OF== | INTERESTS YOU I sell the best Buggies onl the Market. I I sell them at the old prices! for Cash. | A good Note gets them at the same Figure. You Want to Know How I Can do This? I ANSWER: Because I buy them in Carload lots, Because I pay the spot Cash for them. Because I bought them before the Advance. DO YOU WANT ONE? IF YES, then why should you go where you can only see two or three different styles, when 'you can come to my place and see A HOUSE FULL, no two alike, and take advantage of the above prices. c • Thos. A. Maynard, The Largest Dealer in Vehicles in North East Ga. Winder, - - Georgia. A. N. NOWELL MANUFACTURER OF Harness and Saddles. DOES ALL KINDS OF Repair Work and Class Shoe Making. Prices as low as the lowest. See me before you buy your Har ness or have your Shoes Repaired, and I will save you money, All work First Class. Highest price paid for Hides, Next door to L, D, Yearwood, Winder, Georgia. SEVEN RUNNING SORES CURED BY Johnston’s Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. JOHNSTON’S SARSAPARILLA as a Blood Food and Nerve Energizer. Is tie greatest SPRINO MEDICINE ever discovered. It comes as a rich blessing heaven to the " worn out,” the run down, the overworked aad debilitated. That n . feeling.” thoaa “sinking spells,” the languor and despondency which arise from badly nour Ished nerves, from thin, vitiated blood and an underfed body, vanish as If by a spell. The weariness, lassitude and nervous prostration which accompany th* time and the heat of summer, are conquered and banished at once. For every orm neurasthenia, and all ailments of the brain and nerve. Insomnia, hyaterla and nervousn generally, It la almost a specific. It furnishes the very elements to rebuild worn-out ne tissues. It feeds brain, narva centers and nerves, calming and equalising their act makes rich, red, heneet blood. Newness of life, new hope, new strength folio* H ful use. It makes the weak strong, and the eld young again. It was the antiquated (but now happily exploded) method la the good old !,rr *' treat Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Cancer and ether troublesome disorders arising BLOOD TAINT with powerful alteratives, such ss mercury, arsenic and other m " . agent*. It was expected by this treatment that the poison could be killed while * was left to course through Its channels holding In its circulation the specific ® disease. But In this way, avary part of the body became mere or less dlssassd. j lag can be more terrible than a horribly destructive blood taint. It not only * tue Bally the different structures of the body, but many times the bones are and destroyed. It often seeks out the nerves and spinal cord, and again it wi eay and death to some vital organ, as th# kidneys, Uvar or stomach. There iJ or " , scientific method for the cure of blood taint. That Is, PURIFICATION I Every of tha blood must be removed through the execretory channels, the lungs, kidneys. Uvar and skin. ” First pure, then peaceable.” The great restorative, reconstra- ' vitallier of tho blood. JOHNSTON’S SARSAPARILLA, not only radically haustively removes the taint, but also removes all mercury, calomel and {j and fills the veins and arteries with the ruby, glowing current of vitality. * TQH*f rite Hfe.” Good health means pure blood. The old and rellabla remedy, JOB SARSAPARILLA, la universally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever - •red. This fact la now established beyond question or cavil. ““** *•— W.y 1 .... JOHNSTON’S SARSAfARILL* br m impute** of mm *my anno. I Ud SEVEN RUNNING SORES m m iefa lITTHBA md m oetlrotr eurod. I know It Is wk* ouroe mo. Toero W. KxoKxaAW nva oompart, x>wrßorr, G.JWJDkLaPERRIERE, Winder, Georgia