The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 26, 1900, Image 5

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HODGES, CAMP fc ARNOLD, . RETAIL AND a if— / ....Headquarters For GENERARL HERCHANDISE.... Our Dry Goods and Notion SSS^JfSS^'SSff'&'SSaf'S.SS: and Notions. Come see and be convinced—our prices are right HatS Styli3h ’ Bri ght and New Full Line and prices to suit. V-k rA<=kß We do not hesitate to say that our line of Ladies and Gents Oxford and S trine- ti a OilUfcJb., thoroughly complete and Up-To-Date. ouing ties are ■\X7n are the recognized Leaders in FAMILY and FANCY GROCERIES. Corn, Flour, and Svrun we buv w c by the car load and can always make it to your advantage in buying Groceries from us as well as all other kinds of goods. We also still handle the CELEBRATED STANDARD SEWING MACHINE. \ A Ts~\ are ever read y to wait on our customers and appreciate your patronage. Don’t forget when you are in Winder to V V e visit the store of HODGES, CAMP <& ARNOLD. News In aid f % Around Winder. re A nobby line of dress goods at G. W. Woodruff’s. Mrs. A. L. Barge is spending a few weeks in Atlanta with relatives. Genuine Cuba Molases at Hodges, Camp & Arnold’s. There will be about $250,000 worth of manufactures put up in Winder this jear. Buy the Parian Paint from Winder Hardware (Jo. Messrs. A. A Camp and W. H. Toole spent part of last and this week in New York. Remember tha plaoe to buy your eas ter Hat is J. T. Strange & Cos., Mrs. A Hamilton visited her daugh tr, Mrs D-xter, at Lawrencevi’le a few days first of the week. For all the new ideas in Millinery. No place better than J. T. Strange A Cos., Messrs G. W. Smith and C. M. Fer guson went to Maysville Tuesday on business. If you want the best Suit of Spring and Summer clothes for the money call on J. H. Smith & Bro. Mr. J. M. Hood, the big machine and foundry man, of Harmony Grove, was here first of the week. Young men and boys should see those new straw hats and silk bosom shirts at Q. W. Woodruff’s. The heavy rains have done great damage all through this section. We are continually receiving New Millinery and Dress Goods. Don’t buy •still you give us a look. J. T. Strange *Ca, Mr. W. N. Leraaeter, of Maysville, waaia Winder Monday. nsw line of Shoes of latest patterns *°<l lowest prices. Stanton A Bondurant. Mr John Russell, of Athens, has spending a few daya in Winder. H jou want to see a beautiful line of goods visit the store of Stanton 4 Boodurant. Fresh Groceries of all kinds, iuolud lD can goods. Stanton A Bondurant. The many friends of Mr. 8. H. Smith be glad to learn that he is some wh*t improved. He has been quite **•* for some time. J. C. Jaoksen, who has been is better than for a long while. • probability now is that in a fsw *k he will be able to get out of the OUH oome down town. J?*’ k. Hill, who lives just out of and w* r ' 11 no * doin ff *° well this week **mily and friends feel mnoh sin*a# about his oonditioa. ./jf* D. Stanton is quite ill this •fccet M &i * hoow on Dawrenoeville Notice. This is to notify all persons not to hire or harbor my son, John Watson, colored, seventeen years old, who left me on April 2d 1900. Gkokqe W. Watson. “I think DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the best pills in the world,” says W. E. Lake, Happy Creek, Va. They remove all obstructions of the liver and bowels, act quickly and never gripe. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Ice—lce—lce. L. O. Sharpton & Bro. are ready to supply Winder and the couutry gener ally with Ice. J. L Carson, Prothonotary, Washing ton, Pa., pays, “ I have found Kodol Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in cases of stomach trouble, and have de rived great benefit fro n its use.” It di gests what you eat and can not fail to cure. G. W. DeLaPerriere. We have the nobbiest, best and most up-to-date stock of clothing iu the city. Let us show you what we cau do for you in Clothing. Stanton A Boudurant. Otto Karb, Grand Chancellor, K. P., Boonville, Ind., says, “Da Witt's Witch Hazsl Salve soothes the most delicate skin and heals the most stubborn ulcer with certain and good results.” Cures piles aud skin diseases. Dou’t buy an imitation. G. W. DaLaPerriere. For Rent —A five room house on Can dler street close in for rent. Apply to Griffith and House Winder, Ga., Pneumonia is one of the most dan gerous aud fatal diseases. It always resnlts from a cold. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will qaickly cure a cold and perhaps prevent an attack of pneu monia. It is in fact made especially for that ailment and has become famous for its cures over a large part of the civil ized world. It counteracts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. Cau you afford to neglect your oold when eo reli able a remedy can be had for a trifle? For sale by Winder Drug Cos., Prof. Lumpkin G-een closed hie •ehool last Friday and ie in the city this week visiting. H Clark, Chauncey, Ga.. says De- Witt’s Witch Haael Salve cured him of piles that had afflicted him for twenty yeare. It ie also a speedy cure for skin diseases. Beware of dangerous coun terfeits. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Mr. T. H. Hodges oame >esr losing his residence last night by fire. After midnight he awoke and found the oook room in a blase. He stopped the flames without calling out the fire department.^ For Sale—loo bushels of choioeootton seed. Apply to this offioe. Lost Bracelet. Little Pauline Camp lost her bracelet a few days since betwean home and the Methodist ohurch. It is a plain silver chain bracelet with four hearts attached and all of them eortered on. One of the i( larger than the other three. The finder will be rewarded by deliver, ing it to her mother, Mrs. A. A. Camp. If You Want Ice See L. O. Sharpton A Bro. They can furnish you on short notice with all the Ice you need. In almost every neighborhood there is someone whose life has been saved by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Dia rrhoea Remeby, or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such persons make a point of telling of it whenever opportunity offers, hoping that it may be the means of saving other lives. For sale by Winder Drug Cos., Wonder Bean. “The French Asparagus” grows from 2to 4 feet loug, it is both orna mental and nseiul. Try a packet, lOcts. P. W. Quattlebaum, Jefferson, Ga. W. H. Shipman, Beardsley, Minn., under oath, says he suffered from dys pepsia for twenty-five years Doctors and dieting gave but little refief. Fin ally he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and now eats what he likes and as muoh as he wants, and he feels like anew man. It digests what what you eat. G. W. DeLaPerriere. • For Sale— A good 5 year old horse for saie by Winder Hardware Cos. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and care the more se vere and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall yon do? Go to a warmer and more regular olimate? Yes, if possiple; if not posible for you, then in either take the ONLY rem edy that has be:a introduced in all civ ilized countries with success for severe throat and lungs troubles, Bosobee’s German Syrun.” It not ouly heals and stimulates tne tissues to destroy the germ disease, bat allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night’s rest, and cares the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. Sample bottle at Winder Drug Cos. Winder, Ga. Bradbury’s Improved Corn for sale by P. W. Quattlebaum, Jjfferson, Ga. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain’s Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains aud bruises in one tnird the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frost bites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swellings are qaickly oared by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 and 60 cts. Winder Drug Cos. Notice. A few more boarders can be aooom. modated at the Thompson House. Rates from nine to fifteen dollars per month Dr. L. W. Hodges haa returned from Jefferson where he had an appointment first of the week. The I. O. O. F. Lodge of Winder is at Dry Pond today celebrating with the lodge at that plaoe, On aooount of the slcnness of our foreman we were de prived of the pleasure of being on hand. Dr. L. C. Allen and family, of Hosch ton, stopped over in Winder several hours last Saturday en-route home from Atlanta where he had been atten ding the annual convention of the physicians of Georgia. Chicken Cholera Cure. Mr. D. P. Camp gives us a remedy for ohicken oholera whioh he says has cured his chickens whenever *ed. He makes up ths doe with syrup and keeps water from them nntil they get well. Remember this and try it when yonr chickens have cholera. —■_ W. W. Mayhew, Merton, Wis., says, “I consider Oue Minute Cough Cure a most wonderful medicine, quick and safe ” It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, whooping cough, pneumonia and all throat and lung diseases. Its early use prevents consumption. Children always like it and mothers endorse it. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Patronize Home Industries. Ohe great mistake that many of us make is fa.ling to patronize home in dustries. We are led to this train of thought by seeing oar people buying fruit treeß from a Tennessee nursery that is uow working this county when we have the Jackson county nur sery, which is oue of the best and most reliable uurseries in the state. Messrs. J. G. Justice and A. M. Flanigan, the proprietors of this popular and long es tablished uursery, are kaowu to all our people and we see uo excuse forauy oue in this section of the state patronizing other states in this line. We are not questioning the reliability of other nurseries, bat believe in patronizing home industries, especially when we cast do as well or better than going away from home. The Wages Family. The auditorium last Saturday night was almost full to hear the performance of the above family. Winder haa never had a musical entertainment to equal the one last Saturday night and those who failed to go oat missed the great treat that was iu store for all who were present. This is a remarkable musical family. Death of firs. J. H. Park. Mrs. Park, the wife of Rev, J. H. Park, of Gratis, Ga.. died on 23d of this month at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thurmond, of near Chattanooga. She had been in delioate health for over a year. Mr. and Mrs. Park are well known in this section as Mr. Park is one of the old and greatly respected ministers of the Universalis! church of Northeast Georgia, and the death of his wife will be learned with mnoh sadness by the many who knew and loved her for her noble Christian char acter. Prof. J L. Moore, of Bethlehem, was in the city last Saturday. He informs us that his latest song book is selling like hot cakes and every one who bays one is well pleased. Mr. I, G. Cooper, of Oconee, was in the oity ane day last week and made ns a pleasant call to renew his subscription to The Economist for another year. He has been a regular reader of (he pa per since it first started. Wf hove a splendid circulation in Oconee, bnt there are a number of good men in that county yet who ought to take The Economist. Our friends down there oould do ns a lot of good on this line if they woald talk a little in our behalf. Suppose a few of yoa try it for a day or more when you are oat, Kilgore & Kelly Have just roceived a beautiful line of laces of all kinds, also a nice line of very pretty inserting, with an extra ordinary liue of embroideries which they are selling at astonishingly low figures. Their stock of white goods is very complete and attracts a great iuauy buyers. Their 40 iuch white Lawus for prices at which sold cannot be equaled. Their crockery department was well stocked before the advance iu prices. They only sell the veiy best goods in this line which means they warrant every not to craze. For same quality in this line their prices can’t be beat. They have a very handsome line of Jewelry just from the factory—such as Caff Buttons, Collar Buttons and Stud Buttons of all styles; also a beautiful line of roll plate and Solid gold finger Rings which they are selling 25 % be low the usual prices. Any piece of Jewelry sold by them that does not prove satisfactory will be taken back and money refunded. They know that fair and honest dealing is the way to success. 1 heir Clothing sales for this Season have been something enormous and have gone far beyond fheir expectations. The styles aud prioes on their clothing have been the inducement. To oonvinoe yourself about this, ask some of the one hundred and twenty—five purchasers of •nits for last week. For Right Prioes and correct Styles, oall on Kilgore & Kelly. Notice. Daaa A Lyle have agaia redaeed their pricee on guano, see them on tha wind ap they sell first class goods from 16 to SO lbs oottoa cheaper thaa aay dealer la lowa. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Poole, of Farm, ington, spent part of last and this week in the oity. The doctor is thinking of ooming bac< to Winder to locate after being away something over one ysar. There is no place like Winder and the people etill continue to oome heie. Mr. 8. P. Higgins, one of the big farmers of Randolph’s district, was in the city last week and while hare sold over 1200,00 worth of ootton. While here he gave ns a pleasant oall and re newed his subscription for another year. Mr. Higgins is a successful far mer, a good preacher and olever mag, Winder is the best ootton market in tha state and when a man wants the high est price he always sells in Winder. Tha Ona Day Cold Cura. For colds and sore throat sac Xcrmott's Choco- Mtes Lasatire Qnialac. Sully taken as candy and quickly cart..