The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 03, 1900, Image 5

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HODGES, CAMP <fc ARNOLD. = RETAIL AND WHOLESALE- - ....Headquarters For GENERARL HERCHANDISE.... Our Dry Goods and Notion and Notions. Come see and be convinced —our prices are right HfltS Stylish ’ bright and New Full Line and prices to suit. We do not hesitate to say that our line of Ladies and Gents Oxford and String ties are thoroughly complete and Up-To-Date. are the recognized Leaders in FAMILY and FANCY GROCERIES. Corn, Flour, and Syrup we buy W by the car load and can always make it to your advantage in buying Groceries from us as well as all other kinds of goods. We also still handle the CELEBRATED STANDARD SEWING MACHINE. \ X are ever ready to wait on our customers and appreciate your patronage. Don’t forget when you are in Winder to V V e visit the store of HODGrES. CAMP & i ■ S T ews 111 and *- 3 Around Winder. Thera is a lot of sickness yet over the country. Mr. Thos. A. Maynard spent Tuesday in Atlants. A nobby line of dress goods at G. W. Woodruff’s. Mr. D. Y. Hodges, of Logauville, spent Monday in Winder. Prof. Black, we are sorry to know, is stiH confined to his room. Genuine’ Cuba Molases at Hodges, Camp & Arnold’s. A number of our people went on the excursion to Tallulah Falls Tuesday, The farmers are badly behind in planting on account of so much rain. Register while the tax collector is making his rounds with receiver Moon. Buy the Parian Paint from Winder Hardware Cos. Miss Ila Year wood, one of our ac complished young ladies, is quite indis posed this week. Capt. Hill, the postmaster and big merchant of Pendergrass, was in the city a while yesterday. Toung men and boys should see those new straw hats and silk bosom shirts at Q'W. Woodruff’s. Notice the appointments of the tax receiver of this county. He is now making his last round. Most of the democratic candidates of Jackson county were here Monday with the tax receiver and collector. Mrs. Dexter, of Lawrenoeville, visited her father and mother, and Mrs. A Hamilton, first of the week. We are oontinually receiving New Millinery and Dress Goods. Don't buy ““till you give us a look. J. T. Strange Cos, Mrs. Hearing, who haa been very ill the home of he* father, Mr. G. R. of oux city, is slowly improving. Mr. N. B. Lord, the foieman of The osomibt office, is at his post again * ,6r eonflued to his room for two weeks. For Rent— A five room house on Can w street close in for rent. Apply to and House Winder, Ga.. J. H. Troutt, of Pendergrass, Pent part of Monday in Winder. We D )oyed a pleasant call from him while here, Mrs. Alice Green and children of * ton county, are spending a month “h her uncle Mr. S.' W. Arnold of our City, ( J\ or —IOO bushels of choice cotton A Pply to this office. Mr. j. jk came up week South Georgia and Bpent a few ?b. H e I* well pleased with that 1 -ju and says they will soon have .r new mill in operation and sawing' • JQQ or more feet of lumber every day. J. D. Stanton Dead. Mr. J. D. Stanton, one of the pioneers of Winder, died at his home here on last Monday afternoon after an illness of several days. He was 4tf years old and was born and reared within two milles of this place, in Gwinnett conn* ty He had been a citizen of Winder for about 22 years, engaged in the mer cantile business. He was a man in whom every one had implicit confi dence —a safe business man, honest in all his dealings and a consistent mem ber of the Methodist church. Every body liked Josh Stanton, and if he had an enemy or any one who disliked him it is not known. The funeral service at the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon was largely attended, ail the business houses clos ing. Rev. J. A. Quilliau spoke very touchingly of his life and character, and all who knew him could bear testimony to the truthfulness of every word uttered by his pastor. Mr. Stanton was married in May 1883 add leaves a wife and three children. His family is one of the old and promi nent ones of this section and among the first settlers of Winder. He leaves three insurance policies of SI,OOO each to his wife and children iu the follow ing companies: The New York Mutu al, Aetna and the Home Forum. “After suffering from piles for fifteen years I was cured by using two boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve,” writes W. J. Baxter, North Brook, N. C. It heals eyerything. Beware of counter feits. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Mr. R. L. Rogers has fitted up six beautiful office rooms on the second floor of his building over the Winder Hardware Cos. Ice--Ice--Ice. L. O. Sh&rpton & Bro. are ready to supply Winder and the country gener ally with Jce. Mr. Dave Hughey, who has been confined to his room for a long while, was in Winder a short while Monday afternoon. Hia many friends were glad to see him oat again. The eaaiest and most effective method of purifying the blood and invigorating the system is to take Dewitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for cleansing tbe liver and bowels. G, W- DeLaPerriere. Col. J. EL Felker, the next nominee of the democratic party for state sena tor of the 27th senatorail district, was in Winder Monday shaking hands with his many friends. J. C. Kennedy. Roanoke, Tenn. .says, “I cannot say too much for DeWitt s Witch Hazel Salve. One box of It cured what the doctors called an incurable ulcer on my jaw.” Cures piles and all skin disease. Look out for worthless imitation. G- W. DeLaPerriere. Prof. Kilgore was up from Madison last Monday. He is thinking of mov ing back to Winder in a few weeks. Madison Is too dull a place for one who has ever lived here. If You Want Ice - f / See L. O. Sharp ton & Bro. They can you on short notice with all the Ice yon need. Tax Notice. Acting under instructions of Mayor and Council, I hereby give notice that Tax books for returns of City Taxes will be open on May 10th 1900 and will close June Ist 1900. Tax payers will please take notice and be governed according ly. Blanks can be procured by calling on me at the Winder Banking Cos. R. L. Mobley, Clerk. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain’s Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent if it does no gool. One application will relieve the paiu. It also cures sprains and bruises iu oue-tnird the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frost bites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swellings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 and 50 cts. Winder Drug Cos. Mr. J. T. Cheely, one of the clevt r and progressive farmers of that good old county, Ooonee, was here one day last week and during his stay made us a pleasant call and renewed his sub scription to The Economist for another year. Dr. Bush is getting ont a lot of gran ite posts in his quarry for fencing pur poses. Rock posts and wire fencing will last a hundred years; and if you doubt it, by some posts from Dr. Bush and be convinced. “I had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope of being cured till I began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has done me so much good I call it the savior of my life,” writes W. R. Wil kinson, Albany, Tenn. It digests what I you eat. G. W. DeLaPerriere. The editor of this paper will be in Cincinnati next week attending the Reform press convention and the N\- tional convention of the People’s party. The rock work on the handsome two story store house of Griffith and Bush has been finished. This building is put up altogether out of granite from the large and inexhaustible quary of Dr. Busb, and which lies within the in corporate limits of Winder. W. S. Musser, Millheim, Pa., saved the life of his little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure when she was dying from croup. It la the only harm less remedy that gives immediate re salts. It quickly cures oougbs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma and all throat and lung troubles, G. W. De- LaPerriere. MARRIED.—On laat Sunday Dr. J. H. Viokera, the popular pharmacist of the Winder Drug Cos., was married in Atlanta to Miss Willie Mae Whitley of that city, Rev. J. J. Bennett perform ing the oeremony. Mr. David L. Hill is still very low at his home just out of the city and there is little hope now for his recovery. There are few better oitizens than Uncle Dave Hill and his many friends will be saddened to learn that he does not im prove. Mbs Mamie Tuck, of Loganville, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Arnold this week and aocompanied them Tues day on the excursion to Tallulah Falls. “After suffering from severe dyspepsia over twelve years and using many rem edies without permanent good I final ly took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It did me so much good I recommend it to every one,” writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what you eat. G. W. DeLaPerriere. The tax books for the city of Winder will open on the 10th of May and close first of June. Mr. Mobley, the clerk will be ready then to receive your re turns. It is well to remember this as you will only have 20 days before the books close. Go to L. D. Yearwood for your Gro ceries. Ho carries a full line of the best Dove Brand, Boneless, and Califor- Hams; also the best patent flour, water giound meal, Cuba molasses, homemade sorghum etc. Head quarters for fancy candies, can goods of all kinds; California fruits a specialty. Chewing tobacco, cigars sunff and everything that is cprried in a first class Grocery store at the lowest cash prices. Go to see him and get prices. Mr. John R. Hosch, who is a candi date iu the democratic primary of May 15th for repsesentative to the next Geor gia legislature, has his announcement in this week’s Economist. Mr. Hosch has represented this county for the past two years and will receive the nomina tion from his party at the May primary by a lvrge majority. He is one of the leading farmers and business men of Jackson county. J. Hood. Justice of the Peace, Crosby, Miss., makes the following statement: “I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it. My wife could not get her breath and the first dose of it re lieved her. It has also benefited my whole family.” acts immediately and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe, bron chitis, asthma and all throat and lung troubles. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Col J. N. Ross, one of the democratic candidates for ordinary in this county, was in Winder last Satardar shaking hands with his many friends. John and we were boys together and have always been, friends. We hope some day to see him advocating the great principles of reform instead of remain ing with a party that lives on dead is sues. Col. Ross is well qualified for any position to which he aspires and the probability, from present appear, anos, is that he will be nominated by his party. Dr. Hodges caa now be found in his office, haring returned from his engage ments at other plaoes, and is ready to treat all those in need of treatment in his special line —the Eye, Ears, Nose and Throat and fitting glass:s. Miss Callie Watson, of Jefferson, has taken charge of the mosioe department of Winder Institute daring the siokness of Prof. Black. Mrs. J. T. Ethridge, who has been very ill for several weeks, is alowly im proving. A. D. Chandler has jost opened up a new and beautiful lot of men’s straw hats, summer suits, Shirts, Shoes eto. Also ladies Hats, waists and spring and lawns and dress goods of the prettiest and latest patterns. His store is now full of everything you need. He buys for cash and sells for eash and oan, therefore offer you bargains you will not find any where else. The way to prove this is to Inspect, examine and price. Enquire for store of A. D. Chan dler, on Broad street when you come to Winder. The One Day Cold Cure. For colds and sore throat ase Rermott’s Choco lates La* at ire Quinine. Easily taken an candy and quickly cure. Kilgore & Kelly Have just roceived a beautiful line of luces of all kinds, also a nice line of very pretty inserting, with an extra ordinary line of embroideries which they are selling at astonishingly low figures. Their stock of white goods is very complete and attracts a great many buyers. Their 40 inch white Lawns for prices at which sold cannot be equaled. Their crockery department was well stocked before the advance in pricep. They only soli the veiy best goods in this line which means they warrant every pieee not to craze. For same quality iu this line their prices can’t be beat. They have a very handsome line of Jewelry just from the factory—such as Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons and Stud Buttons of all styles; also a beautiful line of roll plate and Solid gold finger Rings which they are selling 25 % be low the usual prices. Any piece of Jewelry sold by them that does not prove satisfactory will be taken back and mocey refunded. They know that fair and honest dealing is the way to buccoss. Their Clothing sales for this Season have been something enormous and have gone far beyond fheir expectations. The styles aud prices on their clothing have been the inducement. To convinoe yourself about this, ask some of the one hundred and twenty—fire purchasers of snits for last week. For Right Prioes and correct StyU s, onll on Kilgore & Kelly. Fa-So-La Singing. There will be aa-all-day fa-so-la sing ing at Correntn church, between Win der and Bethlehem, on third Sunday of this month. There will be dinner on the ground and every body is invited to come and thoee who oan are requested to bring baskets. A Follower of Measles.— ln many instances a persistent cough follows an attack of meaeles. In speaking of this Mr. Walter B. Beel, editor of the El kin (N. C.) Times says: “Three weeks ago I had an attack of measles which left me with a bad cough. I took seve ral doses of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy and the caagh has entirely disap peared. I consider Chamberlain’s med icines the best on the market.” For sale by, Winder Drug Cos. Special Notice. All our customers will confer a favor on us by coming to oar office and giv ing their notes for guano bought this season. Very Respectfully, Dunn & Lyle.