The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 10, 1900, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOMIST. VOL. V,!l * J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY See Our Spring Dress Fabrics, Novelties, Serges, Henriettas, Mo= chairs, Twenty=five thousand yards of loom beauties.^ French and English ideas and American wearings in every shade which man or nature can produce. EVERY THING for which fash ion calls. Plain or Blended, Smooth or Rough Striped or Figured, Checked and Plaid, Changeable and Solid, Fine and Loosely woven Somber and Gay, Such is the de scription of our DRESS GOODS STOCK, our entire Stock is NEW STYLISH, PRETTY and CHEAP ER than ever. ASK THE HUNDREDS of de lighted customers who visited our STORE’ the past week and hear what they have to say. UiTlDi Cll3-S anti money on every purchase. Try us and see. Yours for Business, J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY, . mvm- II r rnsmar Leaders in Styles, Regulators and Controllers of Low Prices. - - Winder, = - Georgia. |* Winder Institute. Rev, H. S. Br.idljy will pr9:ich the unimtucemciit sermon May 20th at the astituie. Ciiaucellor Hill of the Uui e:s ty of G- ‘orgia will give tn a lit-era faddress Tuesday morning. Therj will be exercises Monday, Mon ay ni tiir, Tue-'day mornin; and night nd Wednesday morning'. An adinissicn fee of 10 cents will be barged f r all those who have no child enm school So.nil of the night eutertain leuts. No clnrge for the day exercises a3 c ~ -motion will be held at the the 3-d week in Jnne for ad lission to the University of Georgia >o wish to stand should consult rc ' H. R Hunt. y,v i "or nation begins next week. A life AND DEATH FIGHT. 4\ lues of Manchester, la., 01 Lia almost miarcalou3 escape f S ? eaf “’ says: “Exposure after meas -1 serious lung trouble, whicn omn 1! u I had frequent av ah ß es au( * coughed night and 16 " Jr 1 m r doctors said I must soon r ew r!.“ en 1 began to use Dr. King’s iscovery for Consumption, which ritnV, 7 ‘ rrf,f l m - I would not be I Dn r\ u it it cost *5.00 a bottle. 5 have used it on my recom nrt. t\. 10u :iu< l all say it never fails to phest and Lung troubles.” r / , ur ■’ and SI,OO, Trial bottles ree W ! n it . r Drug, Cos.. , tlv in Kentuck, a couple were nr , ‘ tel cgraph, the bride being *ke S r oom in another and and in' r * n an ” )t ber. This prevent- V 9hootiug or th& minister kissing 3e b nde,— Winte r .et Review. WyTowW ll not only a P ,eaaar e but a wonH °, ray nei shbors to tell about • t.. . cure effected in my oaae iCb y ® Chamberlain's Col- P S 0 r W a:id Diarrhoea Remedy. I fed a bom " y ] ,ad,y with and pro |e*Ji?i eofthia r emedy. A few ie Dip, 5 eC - ed a permanent cure, 'r-: SQff la recommending it to j A 1 a? from that dreadful dis iremprl - Ly , nch > Dorr, W. Va. a ‘ y 13 sold by, Winder Drug VVINDfcR, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1900. WE are constantly receiving NEW GOODS, Nothing new out in DRESS GOODS and MILLIN ERY that does not find its way to our Store. We are having the most Satis factory MILLINERY trade we ever had, every body pleased with goods and every body pleased with prices in this department. If there is such a thing as perfection we have attained it and everybody can look pretty if they wear our hats, A Card of Thanks We wish tc extend our sincere thanks to our friends for their kindness shown us during the illness and drath of Mr. David L Hill, and wo extend special thanks to Messrs. Stewart, Guuniu, Patton and McE’.roy who stood by us so faithful in the time of need. Respectfully, Yours Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graham. The ancients believed that rheuma tism was the work of a demm within a man. Auy one who has had au attack of sciatic or infl immatojy rheumatism will agree that the infliction is demoni ac enough to warrant the belief. It has never been claimed that Chamberlain s Pain B ilm would cast out demons, but it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds boar testimony to the truth of this statement. One application relieves the pain, and this quick relief which it affords is alone worth its cost. For sale by, Winder Drug Cos., An Awful mistake, A man in lowa had been storming at his family, especially at his poor wife, one day, until h3 had spoiled the pleas ure of everybody in the home for tl at day at least. Then he went out, slam ming the door behind him. His little boy had stood off at one side listening to it all. He looked into his mother’s face and tearful eyes, and coming across the room, took her hand in his own and exclaimed, "Ma, we made an awfnl mistake when we married Pa, didn’t B. Williams. HE FOOLED THE SURGEONS. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson , 0., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was per formed; but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by, Winder Drug Cos, Why Grant Never Swore. While sitting wifih him at the camp fire late one night, after every one else had gone to bed, I said to him: ‘‘Gen eral, it seems singular that you have gone through all the tumble of army service aud frontier life, and have nev er been provoked into swearing. I have never heard you utter au oath or use au imprecation.” “Well, somehow or other, I never learned to swear.” he repliei. “When a boy I seemed to have an aversion to it, and when I became a man I saw the folly of it I have always noticed, too, that swearing helps to rouse a man’s anger; and when a man fhes into a pas sion, his ad vers try who keeps cto! al ways gets the better of him. In fact, I never could see the use of swearing. I think it is the case with ma y peo ple who swear excessively that it is a mere habit, and that they do not mean tc be profane; but, to say the least, it is a great waste of time - ” —Michigan Christian Advocate. Land Posted. We hereby forbid any one from fish ing, hunting or otherwise trespassing on our lands in House's district Jack son county Georgia under penalty of the law. Efhbam Mathews, H. N. Rainey. Tax Notice. Acting under instruction* of Mayor and Council, I hereby give notice that Tax books for returns of City Taxes will be open on May 10th 1900 and will close June Ist 1900. Tax payers will plaase take notice and be governed according ly. Blanks can be procured by calling on me at the Winder Banking Cos. R. L. MoblißY, Clerk. The One Day Cold Cure. For cold in the head and sore throat use Ker mott’s Chocolates Laxative Quinine, the “ One Day Cold Cure." Clothing, Clothing. In this department we ar6 in the lead and will stay there, you cant make us take a back seat, we are determined to sll you better clothes for less money than any one, and if you don’t believe it come in and look us over or ask some of the Hundred and Twelve customers we sold to last week and tne verdict will be guilty, and we recommend all our customers to buy their clothes of J. T. STRANGE & CO. Notice--Tax Payers. THIRD AND LAST ROUND I will be at the following Places on the days named ior the purpose of re ceiving returns of your State and coun ty taxes for the year 1900 Apple Valley May 49. A. M. to 2. P. M Virgil “,5 Morning Harmony Grove 7 and 8 from 9. A. M. to 4. P. M. Maysville May "9 Morning Dead wilers Mill “ 9 lto2. P. M. Diamond Hill “ 9 3t05.P. M. David Lipscomb’s May 9 at night Miller’s May 10 Morning Dry Pond “ 10 Evening Hitchcock’s store May 11 Morning Taltno May 11 Evening Pendergrass *' 12 Morning Randolph’s “ 12 Evening Hoschton, “ 14, Da. m. to2p. m. Mulberry, “ 15, Morning Winder, “ 15 Evenin Chandler’s “ 16 Morning Statham, “ 16 Evening Santafe “ 17 Morning Clarksboro, “ 17 Evening Cal. McElhanuou’s, May 18 Morning Johnson’s Mill, May 18 Evening Johnson’s Academy, May 19 Morning Justice's Mill, May 19 Evening Jefferson, May 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. G. M. D. Moon, R. T. ft J. C. Notice. This is to notify all parties not to hire or harbor Willie Arnold, colored, better *nown as “Buster” Arnold, who is under oontract with me for the year and has left without cause. J. L. Harris, - Winder, Ga., May Ist, 1900. BED HOT FROM THE GUN Was the ball that hit G. B. dteadmnn of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrib’e Ulcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Bnck len’s Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cots, Bruise*, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25 cts. a box Cure guaran teed. Sold by. Winder Drug, Cos. ( Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers and Sandals For Ladies, Misses and Children —full and complete Stock now ready in all the new lasts and toes. Can fit any foot and if you want comfort buy your SHOES OF US. A full lino of BAY STATE SHOES for men and hoys just received. If you have tried them you want them again, if you havn’t you must get a pair to ap preciate them. Every pair guar anteed. You must be sitisfiiod or we refund the money. A lady with a t'ic.e-ycar-old daugh ter once asked hor physician when she ought to begin the education of her child, an l the answer was, “..ladatn, you have lost two years already.” It is easier to vrain the flexible twigs than to bjiid the gnarled wood of the matured tree into symmetry. It is impossible to b gin too early to teach ohil Iren to ob serve the amenities of life, and act with a scrupulous regard for the rights and feelings of others in the intimate relations ol home, as well as in associa ioa with friend- and st.angers.—Eliz abeth, in The Stockm ,u aud Farmer. To G ?t Rid of Flies. People in the country who are annoy ed by flics should r inomd-r that clus ters of the fragran clover, which grows abundantly by u aiiy every roadside, if hung in tho room and left to dry and shod its faint, fragrant perfume through the air, will drive away irore flies than sticky saucers of molasses and other fly-trap* and fly pa pers can ever collect.—New York trib une. WORKNIG NIGHT AND DAY. Tho busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weak ness into strength, listlessness into en ergy, brain-fag into mental power. They’er wonderful in building up the health. O ily 25c per box. Sold by Winder Drug, Cos. Explained. A scientist says the earth is shrinking at the rate of three inches a year. This may account for the anxiety of some people to get possession of it before it dwindles away.—Chicago Daily News. The Historic Route to the confeder ate Reunion at Louisville, May 30th- June 3rd. is the bEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. NO 17.*