The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 24, 1900, Image 3

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lIINE HORROR IN CAROLINA (t , s Received fa Fearful Dis aster at Cumnock Mines. 0 lives reported lost Fir et Details of the Catastrophe and Confirmation Were Diffi cult to Obtain. At 3 o’clock Wednesday morning telegrams from Greensboro, N. C., re ported that a terrible disaster had oc cjrre( t in the coal mines at Cumnock, in explosion took place some time ,fter the night shift went on duty and it i s said that thirty miners were killed. The Cumnock mines are located near the Stanford, Greensboro & Mount Airy railroad, which is a branch of the Southern railway. The San ford, Greensboro & Mount Airy rail road’runs from Sanford to Mount Airy. Cam Dock is fifty miles from Greens boro and the mines are located several miles off the railroad on a road which is owned and operated by the. company controlling the mines. It was reported in Asheville at mid night that the explosion had occurred in the Cumnock mines. The news was to the effect that between fifty nd sixty miners were killed, but this was not confirmed. NEELY AGAIN ARRESTED. Civil Suit Is Instituted Against Him By the United States Government. C. W. F. Neely, former chief finan cial ageDt of the postoffice at Havana, Cuba, was re-arre6td in New York Tuesday by a United States marshal. The arrest was made on a warrant is sued by United States Circuit Court Jndge Lacombe in a civil suit against Neely by the United States. He is charged with the wrongful conversion of $45,300.26. His bail was fixed at $50,000. The arrest was on informa tion furnished by George H. Barton and the order of arrest was indorsed Edward K. Jones, special attorney general, and Fred P. Smith. In his affidavit Colonel Burton states that on April 24, 1900, he was order ed by Major General Wood to exam ine accounts and vouchers in the de partment posts in Cuba, passed upon and audited by the assistant auditor from the inception of his office to April 24, 1900. ' - Colonel Burton, according to his affi davit, examined the accounts and found irregularities that made it nec essary for him to visit Neely's office anu this man, he asserts, held frequent whispered talks with his superior. Af ter Neely learned his acoounts were to be examined he left Havana on tha steamship Mexico. BOERS VISIT M’KINLEY. Peace Envoys Treated Only ai “Tour its” at the White House. A Washington special says: Messrs. Fisher, Wessels and Wolmorans, the oer envoys who are now in this coun ty, visited the white house at 10 °elock luesday morning, according to previous arrangement, to pay their re jects to the president. No official stams was given the visitors, and they pr ® se nted no credentials. Ihe envoys were received in the ue par L.-, u 0 one being present but emselves, the president and Secre ary Cortelyou. At first the conver- ? a 10Q touched upon a variety of sub . r * The Boers talked about Wash lngton; told how they admired the I resident Kruger’s name finally was entioned, and the visitors thex a e 'i their purpose in coming to this ''intry. They said they understood and Secretary Hay told them on ' nuny was final, and that the posi °n of the United States was that this ouutry could not interfere in the Present struggle in South Africa. The President confirmed this view. HOERS evacuate natal. ral Ku Her Is Left Free to Advance on the Transvaal. - dispatch received in London from th t [ J mar^z^ur f?. dated May 21st, pays if, ers af e reported to have entirely Th i ata * leaving Laing’s Nek free. T lB ® ave# General Buller free to ad ti|Ce l , Transvaal when the broads are repaired. 1 lagnc Increases at Manila. shl^'f/ 6 * 501^3 * rom the Philippines in tl ere aa been a steady increase tl e nun iberß of bubonic plague. ,j u - re Wore ‘thirty-one cases in Manila Fai. anu ary, forty-eight during ruar T aQ d fifty-six daring March. Never Admit Defeat Never admit defeat or poverty, though you seem to be down and have not a cent. Stoutly assert your divine right to be n man, to hold your head up and look the world In the face; step bravely to the front whatever opposes, and the world will make way for you. No one will insist upon your rights while you yourself doubt that you pos sess the qualities requisite for suc cess. Never allow yourself to be a traitor to your own cause by under mining your self-confidence. There never was a time before when persistent, original force was so much in demand as new. The namby-pam by, nerveless man has little show In the hustling world of to-day. In the twentieth century a man must either push or be pushed. Every one admires the man who can assert his rights and has the power to demand and take them if denied him. No one can respect the man who slinks in the rear and apologizes for being in the world. Negative virtues are of no use In winning one’s way. It Is the positive man, the man with original energy and push that forges to the front.—Success. Feminine Cenius Ida—l tell you the woman that first started using her hairpin as a £hoe buttouer was a genius. May—Yes, and the woman that can tind a way to use a shoe-buttoner as a hairpin will be another genius.—Chi cago News. Curiosity Saves Life. A package marked quinine was secretly sent to a bright w, man, but being curious she took it to a druggist who said it was not qut nlne but arsenic. A like Inquiry into some of the medicines offeied will certainly detect the false from the true. For half a eentu y Uostetter’s Stomach Bitters has been curing Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles and has never once failed. Try it if you feel weak and tired. The Reason. “Bragalot was just complaining to me that he finds it almost impossible to get any subscriptions to that hos pital he’s interested in.” “I’m not surprised. The chump announced publicly that the list would not be published.” Do Tour Feet Aclie and Bnrn T Shake into your shoes Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot, Smarting and Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores, 25 cts. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. Sure Preventive. “Say, old chap, there’ll be no more rear-end collisions after this—” Old Chap—“ You don’t say?" “Yes. They’re to take off the last car on all trains.” In the Menagerie. The Elephant—Professional life would not be so bad If It were not for the long Jumps. The Kangaroo—l don't mind them. Each package of Putnam Fadeless Dte colors more goods than any other dye and colors them better too. Sold by all druggists. Nothing To Say. Uncle Sam—Well, what havo you got to say about paying that money? Speak out, inant The Sultan—You forget that 1 am the un speakable Turk. The Best Prescription for Cliills and Fever is a bottle of Gkove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure—ko pay. Price 50c. His Besetting Stn. “Hey, there!" shouted the pursuing Boer, “you’ve left your gun behind.” “Oh, I’m such an absent-minded beggar," replied the fleeing Briton.— Philadelphia North American. I am sure PLsc’s Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.— Mrs. In os. Rob bins, Map e St., Norwich, N. Y.,Fel>. 17, liiOO. We will give SIOO reward for any case of ca tarrh that cannot be cured with Hail’s Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. F. J. Chkney & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Little Beth had never before seen a skim mer. “My!” she exclaimed, “who ever saw such a moth-eaten dipper as that? - ’ FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. R. 11. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phlla., Pa. Tho Diplomat. Mrs. Nuwed—My husband has talked me out of having anew sprlng bonnet Mrs Gabty—How did he do iiT Mrs. Nuwed —He says my hair Is so pretty he hales to see it hidden by a hat. To Cure a Cold in One Dar- Take Laxative Bitoifo Quinine Tablets. All drucglste refund the money If it falls to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. ioo. What About “Heaven?” Bobbs —Did you read IVofea-or Tellyscope’s article on how to weigh stars? . Domms-No. But I suppose you’d welch them Just the same as you would chorus girls, wouldn t you?—Baltimore American. Mrs. Winslow’s Foothlng Syrup for children nmtlilne softens the gums, reduces lnflamtna- Uom alfays Pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. He Knew Them. n OT _Say, Mater. want mo to bait y< nr hooks? Man—Git out! You only want to hook my bait.— Judge. < nod Luck cam* B “ <*>' *"* * a * oM **'■ led loti More “ Good Luck “ Id m South <bo U other to*** wmbmid Htghcl. Leavening Power; Wkoleme .ad HfltWol. Look lor the Horn Sho. " cervery cn nmttmM rw* *7 Tk. Souther- IW.uf-rt-rt-S Ca. v *- [a Creole Will Restore those Gray hairs *L a Creole” Ha?r Restorer is a Perfect Dressing and Restorer. Price SI.OO. MITCHELL’S Price, 25c. EYE SALVE is the name of a valu able ill ustrat ed pamphlet which should be in the hands of every planter who raises Cotton. The book is sent Free. Send name and address to GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Najiau St., New York. Hard cider must be tha spirit of the press. —Chicago Daily News. BILE IN THE BLOOD r| 14 No matter how pleasant your surroundings, p C health, good health, is the foundation for en- Y h ( joyment. Bowel trouble causes more aches and i&Z&K ’ll C pains than all other diseases together, and when ItM C you get a good dose of bilious bile coursing ' I through the blood life's a hell on earth. Millions AfW r-a'Jk —lilX of people are doctoring for chronic ailments that If "''■Cl O started with bad bowels, and they will never ) ]K CC. \\ get better till the bowels are right. You know / \ \ how ft is—you neglect —get irregular —first [ \ / ~ (L-l / ( suffer with a slight headache —bad taste in the \ IP —/ j\\ C( rjj mouth mornings, and general “all gone" feeling K\ J\ A iMI J m during the day—keep on going from bad to \ /tL Jl 1/ I worse untill the suffering becomes awful, life I/ \ /1 I _J loses *** c^lArms anc * there 1* many a one that J V(\ \\~\l has been driven to suicidal relief. Educate your y bowels with CASCARETS. Don't neglect the Jf UN/M / slightest irregularity. See that you have one natural, easy movement each day. CASCA and after you have used them once you will wonder why it is that you have ever been without them. You Will find all your other disorders commence to get better at once, and soon you will be well by taking — To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a box free. Address <fr*vli g Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, mentioning advertisement and paper. <2l More Ornamental. Dorothy— Papa, we girls have anew name for those men who can call on us, but never take us out anywhere. Papa— What it it, daughter? Dorothy—We call them “fireside companions. ” —Life. FOR MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER. The Best Prescription Is Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. The Formula Is Plainly Printed on Every Bottle* So That the People May Know Just What They Are Taking. Imitators do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy their medi cine if you knew what it contained. Grove’s contains Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless form. The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives the malaria out of the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that Grove’s is the Original and that all other so-called “Taste less” chill tonics are imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows that Grove’s is superior to all others in every respect. You are not experimenting when you take Grove’s—its superiority and excellence having long been established. Grove’s is the only Chill Cure sold throughout the entire malarial sections of the United States. No Cure, No Pay. Price, 500 OPIUM MORPHINE habit* cured at home. NO CVBK, NO PAT. Correspondence confidential. (iATK CITV SOCIETY. Lock box 715, Atlanta, Ga. HDADCY NEW DISCOVERY; give. IX \9 ■ quick relief and core* worst cans*. Book of tsab moiuals and JO dare’ treatment Free. Dr. H. H QKEEN'B *o*. Box . Atlanta. fl CUR£S WHErTaTI ELsTTMIS. IJ Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use Prl to time. Bold by druggists. f*| Mention this Pape^ /nw^^r rt< " r * ,