The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 31, 1900, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOMIST. VOL. VIII. J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY See Our Spring Dress Fabrics, Novelties, Serges, Henriettas, iVo= chairs, Twenty=five thousand yards of loom French and English ideas and /Vinerican wearingsin every shade which man or nature can produce. EVERY THING for which fash ion calls, Plain or Blended, Smooth or Rough Striped or Figured, Checked and Plaid, Changeable and Solid, Fine and Loosely woven Somber and Gay, Such is the de scription of our DRESS GOODS STOCK, our entire Stock is NEW STYLISH, PRETTY and CHEAP ER than ever. ASK THE HUNDREDS of de lighted customers who visited our STORE the past week and hear what they have to say. IT ii I ~ We have tJig only complete stock in tliis section, and. can save you Umbrellas and Parasols, money on every purchase. Try us and see. Yours for Business, J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY, Leaders in Styles, Regulators and Controllers of Low Prices. ——— *j Winder, - 4®* - Georgia. N Teachers Examination and Annual Institute. Ist. The next general examination for the teachers of Jackson county will be held on Saturday, June 16, in Martin Institute, at Jefferson, at 9 o’clock a.m Questions for examination win be limi ted to subjects in the cc mmon school branches— Manual of Methods, Miss Arnold’s Waymarks, and Page’s Theory and Practice. 2d. AH who have licenses to teach in the publio schools, unless they have permanently retired from the profes sion, are required to attend the annual session of the Teachers Institute, which will convence in Alartin Institute, at 2 o'clock a. m., on Monday, the 18th day of Juno, 1900. Each delinquent, without a physician’s certificate of physical inability to attend the lusti tote, shall pay not less than $2 nor m °re than $5 for each day of absence, tie sum to be deducted from each de linquent teacher’s school account. R ' D. Moore, C. S. C. May 23, 1900. A MONSTER DEVIL FISH Destroying its victim, is a type of D*ustipation. The power of this mur derous malady is felt on organs and Dervea and muscles and brain. There’s “o health till it’s overcome. But Dr. Ktig’s New Life Pills are a safe and Attain cure. Best in the world for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels Dniy 25 cents at Winder Drug Cos. Notice. This is to notify all parties not to tie or harbor Willie Arnold, colored, Letter inoffn as “Buster” Arnold, who " Un der contract with me for the year iQ i has left without oause. J. L. Habbis, Wl ader, Ga, May Ist, 1900. Cn The One Day Cold Cure. feoti A!* hf ‘and and tore throat cured by Ker liv. oc ? 1 at Laxative Quinine. taay t UtMi 7. "Children cry for them." WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORQIA, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1900. WE are constantly receiving NEW GOODS, Nothing new out in DRESS GOODS and MILLIN ERY that does not find its way to our Store. We are having the most Satis factory MILLINERY trade we ever had, every body pleased with goods and every body pleased with prices in this department. If there is such a thing as perfection we have attained it and everybody can look pretty if they wear our hats, Statement City Council May 30th, 1900, ASSETS. Note Board of Education, SIOO 00 Uncollected fi fas 1899 issue, 98 56 1 Mu’e, 105 00 Note Board of Education, 450 00 $Bl3 56 LIABILITIES. Note H. N. Rainey, $049 05 Note Winder Bauking Cos., 100 00 Note Winder Cos., 150 00 Note Winder Banking Cos., 300 00 Note Winder Banking Cos , 450 00 $1649 05 RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report, sllß 16 Fines collected 13 00 Street tax collected 9 00 $l4O 16 DISBURSEMENTS. Pd % gross chim’s. and mantles, sl4 50 pd Sundry hands work on streets 18 01 Pd Bill Standard Oil Cos., 15 26 Pd Fr’t and Dr’g. on Drum Rat’d. 65 Pd Sundry work on streets, 7 80 Pd feed bill mule, U a8 Pd Salary, J. C. Ethridge 33 83 Pd Salary. S. C. Hill, 30 00 131 53 Cash on hand $8 68 L. C. Russell, Mayor. R. L. Mobley, Clerk. I consider it not only a pleasure bat a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected in my case by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flax aad pro cured a bottle of this remedy. A few doses of it effected a permanent cure. I take pleasure in recommending it to others suftoring from that dreadful dis ease —J- W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. This remedy is sold by, Winder Drug Cos., ** 0 DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for conghs arid colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more se vere and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possiple; if not posible for you, then iu either case take the ONLY rem edy that has been introduced in all civ ilized countries with success for severe throat and lungs troubles, Boschee’s German Syrup.” It not only heals and stimulates tne tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night’s rest, and cures the patient. Iry ouo bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. Sample bottle at Winder Drug Cos. Winder. Ga. Cloches Cleaner. King C. Lewis has opened up a room here for cleaning, pressing and patch ing suits. He guarantees every job and his charges are reasonable. If you have a suit or part of a suit that needs cleaning and pressing you will find him well fitted and ready to do your work. His rates are SI,OO for a whole suit, for coat 45 cents, pants 35 and vest 20 cents. AN EPIDEMIC OF WHOOPING COUGH. Last winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children contracted the disease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy very successfully for croup and naturally turned to it at that time aid found it relieved the cough and eiiecL and a complete cure. —John E. Clif ford, Proprietor Norwood House, Nor wood. N. Y • This remedy is for sale by Winder Drug Cos, For Sale. One large, young milch cow in good fix. Calf six weeks old. Price $35. Bee Marsh Williamson, near Steed’s mill, Jackson county. Clothing, Clothing. Iu this department we ar6 in the lead and will stay there, you cant make us take a back seat, we are determined to s 11 you better clothes for less money than any one, and if you don’t believe it come iu and look us over or ask some of the Hundred and Twelve customers we sold to last week and tne verdict will be guilty, and we recommend all our customers to buy their clothes of J. T. STRANGE & CO. Kind Words. Selected. It is just as easy to form the habit of using kind words as harsh ones, and af ter the habit is formed, it is as easy to re main in one channel as the other. Kind words is to life what oil is to the great engine. It mokes it run smooth, over comes friotion, and causes it to last longer and do its work more smoothly; they are the smoothing plane and sand paper whieh gives glint and glisten to all parts of the structure—which glad den all who behold it. Kind words arouse hope from slurnner, put faith to work, stiis determination into increas ed activity, inspires the soul to nobltr deeds. “A little word in kindness spoken, A motive or a tear, Will often heal a heart that’s broken, And make a friend sincere.” The ancients believed that rheuma tism was the work of a demon within a man. Any one who has had an attack of sciatic or infiainmatojy rheumatism will agree that the infliction is demoni ac enough to warrant the belief. It has nsver been claimed that Chamberlain’s Pain Balm would cast out demons, but it will care rheumatism, and hundreds bear testimony to the truth of this statement. One application relieves the pain, and this quick relief which it affords is alone worth its oost. For sale by, Winder Drug Cos., The Ticket. The ticket nominated at Cincinnati is the best one ever placed before the Peo ple’s party of this nation. It is fully the equal of any ever put up by any party. Personally the gentlemen named are very clean men. With their names at no time in their history has the least breath of scandal ever been connected. Against them not one word may be sc id. But their qualities are not merely negative. Both of them have been men of great affairs in our country. Both are highly educated and have used their abilities for the better ment of their fellowmen. They are Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers and Sandals For Ladies, Misses and Children —full and complete Stock now ready in all the new lasts and toes. Can fit any foot and if you want comfort buy your SHOES OF US. A full line of BAY STATE SHOES for men and boys just received. If you have tried them you want them again, if you havn’t you must get a pair to ap preciate them. Every pair guar anteed. You must bes vtisfiied or wo refund the money. broad-minded in th'-ir views and are gentlemen of the highest class of American manhood. Mr. Barker lias lougs'ool in theverv forefront in Pensylvaoi.* and has been active in public matters. Few men have exercised so wide an influent ein that great State end his power has been exerted for good. Ho did what he could to right the wrongs done the people. As a Republican he was over in favor of correcting the err rs which so oppressed labor. Realizing that his efforts were futile in that party of “criminal aggression,” ho came where ho might labor for humanity with some hope of accomplishing good. He came without other ambition than this when our party was at its lowest ebb, and we have honored him with our choice for the highest position on earth—the Presi dency of the United States. Of Ignatius Donnelly nothing need be said further than till know. Of ability which places him in the front rank of great men, he has always been of us and for us. No man possesses more the love of his party associates and the esteem of the whole people. An earnest man and full of good works is he. Grown old in the service of his fellowmen he yet possesses the vigor of young manhood, and will continue his labor to uplift mankind. In all the conveutious of this year no better, truer, manlier men will be placed before the people for their sufferageand we invite all to consider Wharton Bar* ker, of Philadelphia, and Ignatins Donnelly, of Minneapolis, and say by your ballots that these are worthy the highest honors.—The Populist Journal. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often cause a horrible Barn,Scald Cut or bruise. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guar anteed. Sold by Winder Drug Cos. The One Day Cold Cure. For colds and sore throat nae Kermott's Choco lates Laxative Quinine. Easily taken aa candy •od quickly curt. i NO 20.