The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 07, 1900, Image 8

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Kilgore & Kelly Have some Pointers for the Men and Women who Want Bar gains During the Summer Days. IN SHOES they can satisfy your taste and leave you plenty of money to buy other articles you need, Their Stock of Women’s Shoes Is the most complete and UP TO-DATE ever seen in Winder and it will surprise you to know how low they are offering them. You want a BUMMER HAT and the place to find one that will suit you is at their store. They have them at any price you want. They still lead in Clothing. If you doubt this, price some of their handsome suits and you will be astonished and will wonder why you have not bought one before now. In The Notion Department You will find some unprecedented bargains from KILGORE & KEL LY. What About Fruit Jars? You have to get some Fruit Jars pretty soon. The place to get them is from KILGORE & KELLY. A large stock on hand at prices that will protect your pocketbook. Remember Kilgore & Kelly when you come to Winder. Card Of Thanks. Winder, Ga, June 4, 1900. Air. Editor:— Please allow me space in your paper to thank the Maters of my church, for the good work they did as a club of Willing Workers, in making our rally a grand success. The following is a list of these workers and the amounts they collected for the benefit of the church; Sister Lottie Boose, Pres., $.35 “ Patcy Smith 101 “ Fannie Slaton .60 “ Georgia Piukard 2.20 “ Callie Britain .61 *' Alice Haj es 1.20 " Mattie Williams Total amount $5 97 These sisters worked hard and de serve much pr lise. Very Respectfully, Rev. D. Al. Pinkard, Pastor A. M. E. Zion church. Information Wanted. My sou, Bee Peppers, left home on the last Sunday in May. He is 16 years old, good size for his age and has dark hair and dark complexion. Any infor mation as to his whereabouts will be gra tefully appreciated and your kindness rewarded. Please let me know if you hear of him in your community. Respectfully J. W. Peppers, Olix, Ga. Land Posted. We hereby forbid any one from fish ing, hunting or otherwise trespassing on oar lands in Boose's district Jack son coanty Georgia under penalty of the law. EruRAM Mathews, H. N. Rainey. Land Posted. We hereby forbid ady one from fish ing, hunting otherwise trespassing on oar lands in Boose's district Jack son county Georgia under penalty of the law. J. M. Chandler, Buddie Chandler. May 16, 1500. J L. Gregory. The One Day Cold Cure. ItensMl"* Chocolates Laxative Quinine for themuioTtaady** 4 swe threat. CMMrta taka ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR STATE SENATOR. It being Walton’s time to famish the Senator for the 9?th Senatorial District, and being desirous ofservirg the people in that oapacity, and having received assurance of support from all portions of the county and district, I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the Dem ocratic nomination. If elected I will strive to be beneficial to my constituents, to maintain the right againsi the wrong and pass such laws a* my constituency may desire. Very truly yours, Joseph H. Felksr. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I most respectfully announce mysslf a candidate for re-election for Repre sentative from Jackson county, subject to the Democratic primary May 15. Jno. r. hobch. Application For Charter. GEORGIA, Jackson County. To the Superior Court of said county. The petition of J. > f . Hood, John S. Smith, R. L. Carithers, G. W. Smith, W. B. Mathews and J. C. Turner, re spectfully shows, Par. Ist. That they with their asso ciates and successors desire to be incor porated under the name and style of the WINDER FOUNDRY AND MA CHINE WORKS, whose principal of fice shall be Winder, Georgia. Par. 2nd. That the object of said as sociation is the engaging in for pecuni ary profit of the lnanu acturing of cast ing, the building of and the repairing of machinery, the building and repair ing of agricultural implements, the en gaging of all work common to like business. Par. 3rd. Petitioners further ask for the privilege of buying, holding and sell ing property both real and personal, to sue and be sued, to borrow money, to have and use a common seal and to ex ercise all power usually conferred upon corporations of similar character as may be consistent with the laws of the State of Georgia. Par. 4ch. Petitioners further show that the capital stock of said corporation is Ten Thousand dollars, divided in shares of one hundred dollars each—ten per cent, of which has been paid in. Peti tioners ask for the privilege of increas mg said capital stock to any amount not exceeding Twenty-five Thousand dol lars, whenever they may desire. Par. sth. Petitioners further show that the officers of said corporation shall consist of a President, Vice-President, a General Manager, and a Secretaiy and Treasurer, who shall be elected by the stock holders of said corporation, each stock holder in all elections or transac tions of business to have one vote for each share of stock owned. Par. Gth. Petitioners ask that tiie corporate powers of said association shall be exercised by a board of direct ors elected by the stockholders who shall number not less than three nor more than five. Par. 7th. Petitioners further ask that the subscribers aud stockholders of said corporation be exempt from individual liability for its debts, contracts aud obligations, except as is provided in paragraph 3 of section 2350 of the civil code of 1895. Par. Bth. Petitioners desire the priv ilege and rights to make such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be neces sary for the purpose of conducting the business of said corporation. Par. 9th. Petitioners pray the grant ing this their petition that they and their associates and successors be incor porated for aud duriug the term of twenty years with the privilege of re newal. And Petitioners will ever pray. J. C. Turner, Petitioners Attorney, State of Georgia, Jackson County. I, A. C. Appleby, Clerk of the Supe rior Court in and for said county do hereby| certify that the, foregoing is a true and correct copy of Petition for charter as appears of file in this of fice. Witness my offiicial signature and seal of office. This 23rd day of May 1900. A. C. Appleby, C. S. C. Honey To Loan. I am now in a position to lend money >n better terms than ever heard of be fore. I hare an unlimited amount of money to lend on Ten (10) years time with the privilege of paying the whole or any part of principle at any time Call on me at No. 17 Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. and I will be glad to ac commodate yon. C. C, Chandler. F. HOFMEISTER, —FIRST-CLASS— Boot & Shoe Shop. —Also— Harness'Repairing All Work Guaranteed and your patronage solicited. Winder, GsJ Legal AMiseuts LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas, W.B. Hardman, administra tor on the estate of A- M. Loyin, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission. This is to notify all concerned to show cause, if any they can, on the first Monday in June 1900, why letters of dismission should not be granted as prayed for. This March sth, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas. M. J. Farmer, administrator on the estate of J. M. Chandler, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission. This is to notify all ooncerned to show cause, if any they can, on the first Monday in August 1900, why letters of dismission slionld not be granted as prayed for. This May 7th, 1900 L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas, J. W, W. Maddox, admin istrator on the estate of J. W. Maddox, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission. This is to notify all concerned to show cause, if any they can, on the first Monday in August 1900, why letters of dismission should not be granted as prayed for. This May 7th. 1900. L Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas, T. R. Potter, administrator on the estate of Mrs. Annie V. Potter, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismissiou. This is to notify all ooncerned to show cause, if any they can, on the first Monday in Sep tember next, why letters of dismission shonld not be granted as prayed for. This June 4th, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas, T. N. Hightill, executor on the estate of Jonathan Martin, late of said county deceased, apples to me for letters of dismission. This is to notify all concerned to show cause, if any they can, on the first Monday in September next, why letters of dismission should not be granted as prayed for. This June 4th, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. All persons who are indebted to the estate of Fannie Haygood, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the under signed, and those to whom said estate is indebted will render an account of their demands. This May 7th 1900. A. C. Appleby, Administrator on estate of Fannie Haygood, deceased. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. All persons who are indebted to the estate of A. V. Potter, late of said coun ty, deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those to whom said estate is indebt ed will render an account of their de mands. This April 2d, 1900. T. R. Potter,'’ Administrator on estate of A. V. Pot ter, deceased. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. All persons who are indebted to the estate of F. M. Holliday, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate paymaut to the under signed, and those to whom said estate is indebted will render an account of their demands. This May 30th, 1900. N. T. Elder, J. R. Holliday. Administrators on the estate of F. M. Holliday, deceased. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civ ilized world, Your mothers’ and grand mothers’ never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or Biliousness. Dootors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra tion or Heart fail ore, etc. They used August Flower to olean ont the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic no tion of the system, and that is all they cook when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. Yon only need a few doses of Green’s August Flower, in liguid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Sample lbottles at Winder Drug Cos. Money To Lend. We have mads arrangements with parties through whom ws art able to place loans, secured by mortgage on im proved farms f>r 5 years time, payable in yearly.installments at 8 per cent, interest. Shackelford & Cos., Athens, Georgia ▼he One Day Cold Cure. CoU ia ktU aad sore throat cared by Kcr> ChoeoUtoo !>*•"* Qalata*. Aooasyte take ae eaedy. *C*Udna tor them.” Millinery Parlor. Our first Spring Opening was largely a tt e and the many kind expressions from the Ladie " visited and purchased from us was greatly apprecj We are here to stay and will continue to l. the Kee P Latest Styles Fresh froin the Leading Markets, embracing all t h' Newest and Latest Designs In Millinery Novelties, Trimmed Hals, Waists and Skirts. We have an experienced Trimmer, and our deter mination is to give you the best and latest of every thing. y Come in and take a careful survey, price and examine. It’s °ur business to fill your wants and we think this opening will prove it. Shakespeare’s expression. ‘"Neat, not gaudy” is our motto and we cordially ask all the ladies of North East Geor gia to come in and see us. Yours to please, Miss Carrie Boyd & Cos. In Stanton & Boudurant’s store, Broad St., Winder, Ga. Harvesting Machines STILL IN THE LEAD. More McCormick’s in use in this section than all others put together. Why buy a Cheap Hachine when you can get the BEST for nearly the same money. A little high* er in price but knocks out every thing in the way of Harvesting riachines. The Vertical lift Is the very latest machine out. It will save you time and money to buy this up-to* date Mower and Rake. Before placing your orders call on or write the WINDER HARDWARE CO. A. N. NOWELL MANUFACTURER OF Harness and Saddles. DOES ALL KINDS OF Reoair Work and Class Shoe Making. Prices as low as the lowest. See me before you hay y cur ness or hare your Shoea Repaired, and I will save you money, work First Class. Highest pries paid for Hides, Next door, Yearwood, Winder, Georgia.