The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 14, 1900, Image 5

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HODGES, CAMP & ARNOLD. =• - RET AIL AND WHOLESALE=== ....Headquarters For GENERARL HERCHANDISE.... Our Dry Goods and Notion S?|pri"“nd l™™r%w?. o *.'f 0 £?, p s ?oo"aS and Notions. Come see and be convinced—our prices are right StfclW Bright and New Full Line and prices to suit. -> We do not hesitate to say that our hue of Ladies and Gents Oxford and String ties are ouuco. thoroughly complete and Up-To-Date. I are the recognized Leaders in FAMILY and FANCY GROCERIES. Corn, Flour, and Syrup we buy > > by the car load and can always make it to your advantage in buying Groceries from us as well as all other kinds of goods. We also still handle the CELEBRATED STANDARD SEWING MACHINE. \'\T are ever ready to wait on our customers and appreciate your patronage. Don’t forget when you are in"l Winder to \ V visit the Store of HODGES. CAMP & ARNOLD. News in and *- % Around Winder. I Work is progressing nicely on the I large hotel. I Mr. S. C. Cooper, of Monroe, was Ikere Tuesday. I Mr. W. K. Lyle was on the sic w list I first of the week. Winder will play Athens next week at the latter place. Work began Monday for the erection of the foundry and machine shop. The baseball sentiment seems to be in the ascendency here at the present. A number of cur young people pic niced out at White’s Mills Tuesday. Fresh car of Cotton Seed Hulls just received by Hodges, Camp & Arnold. Crops are getting grassy. Too much rain and scarcity of hands is the cause. Dirt was broken Tuesday for the erection of the large foundry aud ma chine shop. Buy the Parian Paint from .Winder Hardware Cos. A man never knows the real worth snd importance of a woman until his wiie goes off for a visit of a few W3eks. ihss Yertmau Patman, of Bogart, is visiting her grandfather and mother, and Mrs. J.“N. Sheats, of our city, We all ought to feel thankful that t “ i - blackberry crop is the largest in jears. No danger of perishing while last. D you want Cotton Seed Hulls see J dges, Camp & Arnold. They have s earload just received. r - W. K. Lyle is feasting on ripe Pesches grown in his own orchard. We si the pleasure of eating some of them ( s week and they are fine. Wuhim Stuart Kendrick,” is the nata “ young man who is at pres* fst topping at the home of Mr. and rs - E. Kendrick on Park Ave. Mr. J. m. Hood, of the Hood Foun l3Machine Works, will move to ‘ u 9r early in July as the building W ° r^s k® completed by that JWmraoted servioes at the Baptist sst^t) this Weelt 410 8 r °wiug in inter ' "-T. E. McCatchen is a hard 8r aa< * is preaching some splendid Ber mons, Monday afternoon most of the mem* las' °* E*°dje, Knights of Pyth t { Q WjQt dOWQ Monroe to be present ® sta^iß kment of anew lodge at 'Matter pi acet Pl .' Cap y Morris, who has been in vest' V Ol 80me tim9 * “ home for a no { ary ** * fine operator and has diff.° U let 0 * position with the ®ot raihroads. Uew , Y , t f? ,m “ 1, ° f CoTingt ° n ’ iomo yeßt ®rday en route to hu old n C "‘ 10 •P B - 1 •*w iw .oI h,’ 8 re Ports plenty of rain in New* Qn *y and fine crops. We received a basket of nice vegeta bles Tuesday from Mrs. L. J. McElhan non, of Galilee, consisting of beans, cabbage, beets, cucumber* and Irish potatoes. Mrs* McElhannon always has a good garden if one is to be found anywhere. When a resident of Win der her garden was ever earlier and larger vegetables than any other garden in the city. Small in size and great in results are DeWitt’s Little pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. They do not gripe. G. W. DeLaPerriere. The many frDnds of Uuncle Sam Smith will be glad to know that he has so far recovered from his prolonged sickness as to be able to walk around his home and ride out occasionally. Mrs. A. G. Lamar and daughter, Tnl lie, are spending a few weeks over at Apple Valley and Harmony Grove with relatives. All who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that DeWitt’s Witch Hazsl Salve will give them instant and per manent relief. It will enre eczema and all skin diseases. Beware of counter feits. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Mr. A. N. Nowell has moved his har ness shop and is now in the front part of the building oocupied by the Demo crat office, near the Winder Banking Cos. When you want anything iu the harness line or repair work done, don’t fail to see Mr. Nowell The Chinese ask “how i* your liver?’ instead of “how do you do?” for when the liver is active the health is good. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are famous little pills for the liver and bowels. G. W. DeLaPerriere. The town authorities should look closely after the sanitary condition of the city. There is nothing more im portant for the prosperity and welfare of a place than to enforce cleanliness and keep all filth removed. No one is afraid to invest and live in a clean town. The sanitary laws have never been enforced in Winder as they should and if they are not enforced we will yet have to suffer for this neglect. Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and all other accidental in juries may be quick ly cured by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazil Salve It is also a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Take no other. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Pure Apple Vingar at J. H. Smith & Bro’s. Young Men s Buggies. \ M\ ASS Terms to Suit Anybody. t k \/ We have a Big lot of Bug gies to select from and no Shoddy BUGGIES handled. vV If you want a nice UP-TO-DATE Dabney hardware co., Winder ’ Qa Gainesville Badly Defeated The big game of ball between Winder and Gainesville at this place on last Monday resulted in Gainesville being badly defeated, the soore standing 18 to 4in favor of Winder. The Gainesville team came down Monday with a large delegation of its friends and the entire crowd felt that it would be an easy job to defeat onr team and return to their beautiful little town in the mountains victorious. The game had not progress ed very far, however, before they real ized their fond hopes and expectations were only dreams never to come true. They played well, and if the con test had beeu between them and the University team or a regular league team, in all probability they would have loeen suc cessful, but when it comes to a game with Winder, they, like all other teams, are simply not in it. Gainesville is to be congratulated, however, on having a team that can score 4 to Winder's 13, and if it will practice diligently for four or five more seasons it oan, we hope, be able to interest the Winder team \nd at least change the score from 4 to 13 to 5 to 12 in favor of W inder. Reports show that over fifteen hun dred lives have been saved through the use of one Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of prippe, croup, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia. Its ea-ly use prevents consumption. G. W. DeLaPerriere. We hope it will not be long before Winder gets large enough to have water works and sewerage. A town cannot remain healthy without these two ne cessities. Charles H. Marks, while acting in the capacity of nurse at the Second Division Hospital of the Fifth Army Corps at Santiago de Cuba, used a few bottles of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera aud D anhoea Remedy for diarrhoea and found it to work like a charm. For sale by Winder Drug Cos. Go to J. H. Smith & Bro., when you want Clothing, Overalls, Shoes, Hats, etc. Unless food is digested quickly it will ferment and irritate the stomach. After each meal take a teaspoouful of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all you need of whet yon luce. It never fails to cure the worst cases of dyspepsia. It is pleasant to take. G. W. DeLaPerriere. Mr. Paul Horton came home last week from Dahlonega, where he has bean at tending the North Georgia Agriculta al College this year. Paul is one of onr bright young men and ranks high in the above institute of learning' He will spend his vacation here. When you want Fruit Jars, and ex tra Rubbers call on J. H. Smith & Bro. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doc tor I called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rhenmatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a 50. cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends — F. A. Babcock, Erie, Pa., It is for sale by Winder Drug Cos Col. W.L Pike, of Jefferson, was in the city yesterday. Seaboard Schedule for Winder. SOUTH BOUND. I NORTH BOUND. No 41 due 4:21 a m No. 52 due 9:30 a in. “ 403 “2:l9pm “ 403 “ 2:l9pm. *, 63 “6:lßpm “ 88“10;43pm. All trains stop at Winder. Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Persons with indigestion are already half Btarved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cura digests what you eat so the body can be nourished while the worn out organs are being reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will instantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you are suffering from indigestion. It will cer tainly do you good. G. W. DeLaPar riere. Mrs. W. J. Herrin is spending this week at Pendergrass. Neglect is the short step si many take from a cough or cold to consumption The early nse of One Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It is the only harmless remedy that gives imme diate results. It cures all throat and lung troubles. Children all like it and mothers endorse it. G. W. DsLaPer riere. Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Sheats have an important persouage at their home aud he is so entertaining they have decided to make him one of the family He weighs ten pounds and is getting on nioely. A Delightful Trip. Mr. E. Kendrick, cashier of The Winder Bank, will leave Monday, ac companied by Messrs. T. C. Dunn and O. L Dabney, "or Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Washington, D. C., Asbury Park, N. J., and New York, They will go on a special decorated train of five coaches gotten up by Mr. W. S. Witham for himself aud oashiers of his different banks and their special guests. They propose to sip in the "Dinah” and “goin washin” at Virginia Beach, and will be gone about two weeks ou this delight ful trip. The Bank of Winder proposes to lend you mon ey with which to buy your supplies for 1900. The marriage spoken of a few issues back was postponed until about the first of July. Winder then will lose, one of her best yonng ladies. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the pnb public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy aud suffering. The pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption, coughs and cold, liavß given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolute ly cured thousands ot hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, hoarseness, and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Winder Drug Cos. and get a trial bottle free, regu lar size, 500 and sl. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Mr: W. R. Lavender, one of the sec tion men on the S. A. L. railroad at this place, has nearly recovered from his se rious accident of a few weeks back. Cotton chopping can be done with much ease when you have borrowed from The Bank of Winder what money it will require to run you this year. We have money for the farm er. The One Day Cold Cure. For cold in the head and sore throat use Ken. molt s Chocolates Laxative Quinine, the 11 One Day Cold Cure."