The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 14, 1900, Image 7

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I fIORE DANGEROUS Ii P •>'m a 7 Sends Gunboat ■torai a-^-j | Nashville To Taku. LesvMENT is aiding he boxers I Fm „res* [)o"#f<“ r Severely Rebuke, ■ \„e of Her Leading Generals For | Killing the Outlaw*. ■ 1 • iAdffiira 1 Remey informs the navy I artllieE t that the gunboat Nashville a force of mariups aboard left t'ite Friday for Taku. She Is a light K ht gunboat of the same type as If Liena, and it is presumed that Kifsent in plaee of the latter. The K„„ w .cy, l Slnghi, ha also been |;dered to join Admiral KempfiF at | pis understood at the navy depart ment that the Nashville was despatch |,i t 0 Takn, in place of the Helena, I*, j,jj wftS originally selected for that I'arpose but was probably unavailable L absent from Manilla. . I The navy department has sent in unctions’to the commander of the Jlouoeacv at Shnnghia to report to Admiral Kempffat Taku, and thatves (gl is already on her way. Though an sld ship, the Monocacy is admirably sdanted to this kind of service, draw ing only nine feet of water and carry- j D g a venf good secoudary battery. Her personnel is twelve officers 146 men. The Castiue and Yorktown also are at Shanghai and can be drawn npon, according to Admiral Bemey’s dis pel! by Admiral Kempff, if he wants moremeu. These vessels are of 1,000 to 1,700 tons displacement, respective ly, with batteries about the same as tiie Nashville. The Castine’s per sonnel is eleven officers, 142 men; the Torktown’s is fourteen officers and 181 men. BOXERS ENCOtTBAGKD. Dispatches from Tien Tsin, of Fri day, state that in view of the con clusive confirmation of imperial ooo nivance in the boxer movement, furnished by a pnblished edict de nouncing General Xieh Si Chong for killing some rioters, the strong possible action of the powers, it is asserted,n alone remedy the sitnation, which has assumed the graveßt aspeot. The edict is couched in such terms that it leaves no doubt of the deep sympathy of the throne with the boxers, who are described a* “good citizen?.” Besides denouncing Gen eral Nieh for killing the bcwera, the edict orders him to return wifh his troops to Loopai, eighty miles from the scene of the disturbances. The special train that went out from Tien Tsin to examine the line and reconnoiter returned Saturday night. The railway was found clear two miles beyond Yang Tsu. The engineers with the guards walked a mile and a half further. They found the ties and two bridges burned and the railway torn up. The first repair train, with Admiral Seymour and staff, 650 British,Captain McCalla’s 100 Americans, forty Italians and twenty-five Austrians, left Sunday morning at half past 9. A hotchkiss and other guns were mounted on a car m front of the engine. The rest of the guns were mounted in the center of 'he train. A second train left at 11 w >th 600 British, Japanese, Russian an 1 French troops. Repairing material and new rails were taken along. more spicy testimony ls Given Before Atlanta City Council’s Investigating Committee. The Atlanta city council committee resumed their investigation of the may '•B alleged reprehensible conduct Saturday. their testimony was in effect that 'he mayor, J ameß G. Woodward, had 'juounced upon one occasion that the • auta Railway and Power Company not get anything through the ecutive office while he was mayor of anta; that h used oaths unfit for |i!T l a conn ectian with this statement; ,, a “ e bad disturbed a meeting of board of education recently by at // ing the session while in an intoxi- that he visited acer /' n ‘* rs - McCraney on Garnett street ■ o that he had become intox w- , . w hile upon an official visit to 'asiington, D. C., and that it was mon talk that he took a woman to that city with.him. cabinet ihscuhseh situation. ~a > Presents Facts Regarding Trouble In the Chinese Umpire. j cabinet meeting Tuesday was v °ted largely to a discussion of the -mese situation. Secretary Hay laid ore cabinet dispatches from °usular officers which indicated that critical, be steps that have been taken to 6 enforce Admiral Kempff were gone 'er, and it was decided to stand by e policy which has been entered up r pushing measures for the pro- ion of the lives and property of et lean citizens, and of acting in endently as far as possible. The Turn of Lite This is a critical period In the life of every woman and no mistakes should be madom Tho one recognized and reliable help for women who are approaching and passing through this wonderful change is Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound That the utmost reliance can he placed upon this great medicine is testi fied to by an army of grateful women who have been helped by it* Mrs* Pinkham, who has the greatest and most successful experience in the world to qualify her, will advise you free of cltargoe Her address is Lynn , Mass* Write to her. Where People Dress ANke. In Yucatan, Central America, sisters dres* precisely alike, even to the tieing of a bow, the turn of a button, or the flower in the hair. In the tropics large families are the rule, and one may see in that country girls in groups of from three to a baker's dozen wbo belong to the same family, as their clothes will show. It is thus easy to distin guish the members of a family any where. In Anam men and women wear their hair in the same way, and dress almost ailke. Earrings and fin ger rings are worn by the women onlyT The men and women of the Cree tribe of Indians dress alike, except the or namentation of their leggings, which Is vertical for men and horizontal for women. Hair of Extraordinary Length. The longest recorded hair growing on a female head was eight feet. The long est recorded beard was twelve feet. From Louisville, Ky. “I take off my hat to a 500. box of Tetterine. It has cured me of a long standing skin disease, which doctors in seven states failed to cure. May the manufacturer live long and continue to make such a blessing to humanity. W. C. Cantrell.” 5Uc. at druggists or by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, Savan nah, Ga. Jacky’s Prayer. At the battle of Trafalgar a sailor found kneeling by his gun, as his ship was about to engage the enemy, was asked by the first lieutenant If he were afraid. “Afraid.” answered Jack, with an expression of the utmost disdain; “no, your honor; I’m only praying that the enemy’s shot may be distributed like the prize money—the greatest among the officers.” Not of the Meek. “Well,” said the New Woman, “sup pose we do want the earth! What then.'” “Nothing,” replied the old man, "ex cept that you’ll have to work for it. You’ll never inherit it”—Philadelphia Press. . .... ' Sand-blinded sufferers who have not heard of the efficacy of Mitchell sEye Salve should know that this reliable Salve is in constant de mand wherever the com plaint is prevalent. Price 25 cents. All druggists. HALL & RUCKEL, New York. '***■ Lond °^ ..1 . Ti nn ~,h>'oriti,rvjts> a>loertiers. Mention this Fapsr amc -bdj -21 Plantation Chill Cure is Guaranteed To Cure.orHoneV Refunded fav Your Merchant, so Vf hr Wot TtY It? Price* Soc. > - Daring. This man is not In the habit of flirt ing, but he really could not resist the temptation the other day when he en tered a corner grocery in the outlying district. The pretty, red-cheeked girl behind the counter looked so demure and said, ‘‘Certainly, sir,” so sweetly when he asked if he could use the tele phone that he was tempted to use the electric eonverser as the means of throwing a complaint. Besides, had not she encouraged him by a slight arching of the eyebrowa and a coy glance in his direction? Bhe was wait ing on a neighboring housewife, who was herself attractive enough to cause more than passing attention. They both laughed when he made a facetious remark to his friend at the other end of tho line. “Where are you now?” asked the friend. “Why,” replied the audacious fellow, “I’m out here in an east-end grocery watching a pretty girl sell a dozen eggs to a customer. There was a sudden plunk and splash, as the confused girl allowed the paper sack into which she was count ing the eggs to fall to the floor. The proprietor of the grocery came in from the rear at that moment, and the young man escaped during the con fusion.—Detroit Fret Press. He Doesn’t Mean It. When you henr a young man say: “1 don’t believe in a woman having any thing to do but sit and read, or mani cure her finger nails all day, I don’t want my wife to be busy about any thing,” why, of course, you know that the young man is simply talking against time. He doesn't mean a word he says, and it is safe to warrant that he is the first mn who would be bored to death by such a girl. This young man may like t® fancy that he is a believer in such false sentiments, and perhaps he does believe in them foi the moment of saying. But this may more than likely be only his way of protesting against the wave of energy which the girlhood of to-day Is re sponding to, out of which perhaps may come salvation even to man. Or else, possibly, there is nothing more than sly method in his old school assertion -Philadelphia Inquirer. Gold Medal Prize Treatise, 25 Ots. The Soienoo of Life, or Self-Preservation, 865 pas**, with engravings, 85 cts., paper cover; cloth, full gilt, ill. bv moil, a book for every man, young, middle-aged or old. A million copies sold. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bulflneh St., Bos ton, Muss., the oldest and best institute in America. Prospectus Ynde Meoum free. Kix cts. for postage. Write to-day for these books. They ure the keys to health, vigor, success and happiness. Be6t in the \tforld. The Base Wrl—l Ihoutfht you would marry a title, dear. The American Glil—l (lid. The Base Girl—Oh, did-you? What ls ItT Th American Girl (with emphasis)—Mister. —Phi adolphla North American. All goods are alike to Putnam Fadeless Dies,its they color all fibers at one boiling, bold by all druggists. A Hamly Panacea. “I wish you would do something for my hus band,” said the anxious wife; ‘ he seems to he worn-lug about mouey." “Don’t he alarmed, madame,” returned the doctor, reassuringly; "I’ll relieve him of that.” —Philadelphia Record. Are You Using Allen’s Foot-Ease? It is the only cure for Swollen. Smarting, Tired, Ach Dg, Hot, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. Cures while you walk. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. Temptation Restated. St. Peter—Editor, eh? What good things have you ever done? New Arrival—l once took the blame for one of my own mistake* instead of throwing It on the intelligent compositor. Bt. Peter -Go up head. —Now York Weekly. To Cure a Gild In One Pay. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine toblets. All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure E W. Ukoye'S signature to on each box. 25c. United States Transports. Thera are thirty-nine transport* on the service of the United States army, of which thirteen are chartered. The Thomas, Meade, Logan, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Sumner are considered the finest in the world, be ing thoroughly oqulpped with electrical appliances and all modern conveniences for the comfort of their passengers. They have an average carrying capacity of about sixteen hundred troops, with their baggage, equipments and supplies. These vessels are used for the trans portation of troops to and from the the Philippine islands. Other trans ports owned by the government are the Buford. Burnside, Crook, Egbert, Han cock, Ingalls, Kilpatrick, Lawton, Me Clellan, McPherson, Port Stephens, Rawlings. Rosecrans, Sedgwick, Sew ard, Warren, Wright, Relief and Terry, which are used for the transportation of freight and animals, but have an aver age capacity for 1,000 troops and are wen equipped. The Relief and Terry are hospital ships. Tbe Transvaal and the World’s Fair. The visitors to the Paris Exposition will see some curious exhibits in con nection with the South African exhibit, among fltim models of mines contain ing ore glittering with diamonds and gold. It is commonly supposed that dia monds and gold constitute the back bone of South Africa’s mineral riches. Asa matter of fact, nearly every min eral known to science and nearly every precious stone used by the Jeweller are found in that country. In truth, South Africa IS a mass of mineral from the Cape to the Zambesi Kiver. In the Kimberley district and east to Bloemfontein, diamonds and natural iron abound. To the northwest of this district are the Witwatersrand gold fields. On the Vnhl and Orange Rivers magnificent asbestos, some of it six feet long, can be had for the trouble of dig ging. Silver exists In all parts of the coun try, but is mined only near Pretoria. Copper has been mined in Namaqua land since the seventeenth century, and recently fine deposits have been found in Mashoualand. Lend is found in conjunction with other metals in all parts. Zinc exists in the Malmani district and antimony has been mined near Barberton. Tin is being mim'd at great profit in Swa ziland, twenty-one pounds of the puro metal being taken from every ton of ore. Quicksilver has been discovered in the north of the Transvaal. Mica can be found in the Zoutpans burg district, between the Selati nn(> Great Letaba Rivers. Salt is plentiful at Uitenhage, in the Cape Colony, at Craddock and near Bloemfontein. In Rhodasia sulphur is being mined and in Natal oil has Just been discovered. Nitrate deposits have been located in the Doornberg Mountains. Besides diamonds, amethysts, beryls, garnets, sapphires, opals, olivines, to pazes, carnelians, tourmalines, rubies and turqnolses Lavs been found. —Col- lier’s Weekly. Badly Needed. “I’m going to travel this year,” said the young man with more money than brains. “I’ve decided that I need change.” “I guess that’s right,” replied the candid friend. “You’ve got dollars and you need sense.” Virginiaha7furmh*d many badaralor many causes. In the Baking Powder line, aha has furnlahed GOOD LUCK." In sales and popularity. ‘GOOD LUCK" ex- Ceeda In the South all other brand* combined, nigluat Leavening Power, Wholtaomi and Healthful. "Horaw ghoe" on every can. auaafacume ky TOE SaCTKKS JUNUFtCTVMNO M. BaMaaA fa r^D^"|OQY NEW DISCOVERY; givm. nw B U S ijuick rolie'and cures worst cases. Book of testimonials nod I O day s’ treatment Free. Dr R. H. OBEKN'S SONB. Bo* B. Atlanta. Oa MAMA N C HESTER WmWW GUM CATALOGUE FREE Tells all about Winchester Rifles, Shotguns, and Aimltioa Send name and address on a postal now. Don't delay if you are interested. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. 180 WINCHESTER AVENUE .... NEW HAVEN, CONN. Gig ar Dealers Like to have their regular customers smoke OldVirg mia Cheroots because they know that once a man starts smoking them he is “fixed/ 99 and that he will have no more trouble with him trying to satisfy him with different kinds of Five Cent cigars. Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. NOT ALWAYS SAVED. E cheapest la not the best, but tho best is aTJ J I ths cheapest, and the beat Buggy is none (T * I 100 good. Then why practice economy at jrflg w A 1| JL the wron g end? For a dollar or so more you get as good aa can be made, and you might a well reap i|, e benefit os not. Did it ever occur to you in .. See our Arent or write direct rock Hmmr,s&cl !cj tlilm twenty 9 $ lifcnwl years older than you are? Yet it’s impossible to look young with the color of 70 years in the hair. It’s sad to sec young persons look prematurely old in this way. Sad be cause it’s all unneces sary; for gray hair may always be re- *s*l Wm coior ff E vigor For over half a cen tury this has been the standard hair prepara tion. It is an elegant dressing; stops fall ing of the hair; makes the hair grow; and cleanses the scalp from dandruff. $l.OO a bottle. All drugglitr,. “ I have boon using Ayer's Hair Vigor for over 20 years and I can heartily rccommena it to the public an the best hair tonic in existence.” Mrs. Cr. L. Aldekson, April 24, lb!). Ector, Tex, If yon do not obtain all the benefit* you expected from the Vtjror, writ# the Doctor about it. Aiidreoi, Du. J. V. AYER, Lowell, Matt. i wuw v k M'O W anted for the boss A A 11, Ru B L 7 selling book .vor Aa f) 9IH l%] 1 wk publtahsd. 1,000 d(* LS sl> 8 , | ’S S .1 livnred In York Cos., Lml \BLuJL t A kJ S. C., 1,100 in Ander. eon County, *OO la Charleston, 1,130 In Memphis. One agent sells 250 In one week, $4 00 to SIO.OO per day sure. In answering state your experience, If any. J. L- /N leHOLS & eo., Mo. 91Z-024 Auetell Building, Atlanta, Oa, OPIUM MORPHINE habits cured at home. NO CUBIC, NO I’AY. Correepondence confidential. (JAltl CITY SOCIETY, Lock box 715, Atlanta, Ga.