The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 05, 1900, Image 3

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OREGON ON A ROCK 0 . r Blg Battleship Meets With On Chinese Coast. $ NAVY DEPARTMENT IS ADVISED VU Harrying To Chee Foo and j, ru ck iMnnacle Rock During a Dense Fog-May Yet Be Saved. jte following dispatches were re vived at the navy department Satur day morning relative to the grounding c f the battleship Oregon: Che Foo, June 29.—Secretary of the Navy: Anchored yesterday, dense fog to seventeen fathoms, three miles fonth of How Ke Light, gulf of Pe [ Chile. Sent out two boats and sound ej least water five and half fathoms. Weather clear. Got under way and struck Pinnacle rock. Much water in the forward compartment. Perfectly 6 mooth. Shall charter a steamer if possible at Chee Foo and lighten ship. Bock through side of ship above doable bottom about frame 19. Small boles also through bottom of ship. “Wilde.” "Cee Foo, June 29. —Secretary jfavy: Iris gone to assistance of the Oregon. Raymond Rogers, “Commanding Nashville.” "Hong Kong, June 29.—Secretary ef the Navy, Washington: Princeton arrived. Brooklyn leaves for Nagasaki. TheZafiro, at Che Foo, has been sent to assist Oregon, reported by Rogers on a rock south of How Ke light. Iris going to her assistance. Remet.” Captain Wilde’s statement of the injury sustained by the Oregon is not sufficient for the department to form a definite opinion as to the prospects -of saving the famous ship. They say, however, that the ship probably can be saved, if the weather does not be come rough, but unfortunately this is the season of storms in Chinese wa ters. The point where the Oregon grounded is fifty miles west northwest of Che Foo. Taku is 150 miles west of Pinnacle rock, where she struck. At the request of the secretary of the navy, the state department sent a message to the Russian government at St, Petersburg asking permission to bring the Oregon to Port Arthur to be docked there in the event the ship can be floated. At that point is the nearest deck q{ sufficient sizg to dock the skip, and it is part cl the navy yard possessions of the Russian govern ment. Secretary Long will spare no reason- j able expense in the effort to save the Oregon. Her total cost was $5,575,- 032. On this total the hull and ma chinery represented $3,222,810. The Oregan made herself the most famous ship in the American navy, and the best known ship in the navies of the world by her remarkable race from San Francisco around Cape Horn to join the fleet at Key West just be fore the war with Spain was declared. It was a feat unequaled in the an oals of naval history, and an unprece dented test of the capabilities aud power of a modern warship. The Oregon, under command of Captain Charles E. Clark, began her long race of 11,000 miles against time from San Francisco on March 19th, 1898. She arrived at Jupiter Inlet, Fla., on May 24th and communicated with the navy officials at Washington. Secretary Long ordered Captain Clark to report to the Norfolk navy yard if his ship needed overhauling; if *rot, he was to go directly to Key West. Two days later, or on May 26th, the Oregon joined the fleet at Key West. She had steamed the 14,700 miles at racing speed without the slightest im pairment of her delicate machinery, or a break of any kind. The civilized world rang with praises of the magnif icent performance of the ship and her heroic crew. The Oregon participated in the at tack on Santiago and with the Brook lyn prevented the escape of the Colon in the memorable sea tight of July 4th. faring the chase of the Colon the Oregon developed a speed of eighteen knots under forced draft. hen peace was declared with Spain the Oregon was sent to Manila. Some oays a g o vesBe i was ordered to Ohinn, and had nearly reached her ( *e < diuatiou when the accident oc curred. Ministers not accounted for. v a ' y D *Prtnient Receive* Important Meaje From KempfiT. The navy deparment Friday morn ing received the following cablegram ir °m Admiral Kempflf: Che Foo, June 29.—Secretary of * a '7, Washington: Pekin relief ex pedition now in Tien Tsin with 200 p C j\ at >d wounded. Ministers and ‘■kin party not with them. No news ,r tnem. Kempff.” Ihe department was also advised nt Admiral Remey, on the Brook lyn, had arrived at Hong KoDg cn r °Qte to Taku. MITCHELL’S Price, 20c. O@7J7iGXUL EYE SALVE At Law Over a Ce* A curious suit to determine the own ership of a cat has just been ended at Blufftoo, Ind. Mrs. Mike Daily, of that place, was the owner of a largo Thomas which was regaded as a great family pet Without cause, so Mrs. Daily alleges, the cat strayed to the house of Morris Sawyer, and took up his quarters there, forsaking Mrs. Daily. Demand was made on Mrs. Sawyer for the surrender of the eat, and she peremptorily refused. Then re plevin proceedings were begun, and at an expense of S2O Mrs. Daily got a writ, and a constable went after the wayward Thomas and carried him back to the Daily domicile in triumph. Mrs. Sawyer threatens to carry the litiga tion to determine the ownership of the cat to the Wells Circuit Court—Cin cinnati fO.) Enquirer. Tbe Heliograph la the Philippines. General Greely, of the Signal Serv ice, has received word from the Phil ippines that communication has been established between the islands of Ce bu and Behu by means of acetylene gas and heliograph. The bright light pro duced by the gas is reflected by mirrors just as the sunlight is used in ordi nary heliographing. ''*•*■ - Are You Vising Allen's Foot-Ease? is the only cure for Swollen. Smarting, Tired, Aeh ng, Hot, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. Cures while you walk. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 26c. Sample sent Fit EE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lelioy, N. Y. Proud. “How proud you must be, Gladys, of having a papa who Is ati author.” “Oh. mamma’s very careful about our read ing. 1 don't know papa's books at all.” —New York World. The Best Prescription for Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Giiove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure—no pay. Price 50c. Dreyfus’ Health Restored. Captain Dreyfus, who is living at the Villa Qauterive, just outside Geneva, Is and -cribed as looking In very good health. Lis face Is full and ruddy, but hls hair has turned quite white. lira. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. Plso's Cure fer Consumption Is an Infalli ble medicine for coughs and colds.—N. W. Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900. A philosopher says that every failure Iso step toward success. This explains why some men become richer every time they fail. E. A. Rood. Toledo, Ohio, says: "Hall’s Ca tarrh Cure cured my wife of catarrh fifteen years ago and she Las had no return of it. It e a sure cure.” Sold by druggists, 75c. The eyeball* white because the bloodves sels that feed its substance are so small that they do not admit the red corpuscles. A Colonel in the British South African army says that Adams' Tutti Frutti was a hkssing to his men while marching. Shutting Out the Horse. If the craze for automobiles continue*, they will, before long, entirely supersede the use of the horse at the nation’s capital, for not only have they become a ad with society people, but the ab .ps, the express companies and the transit comi<anles are rapidly adopting them. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. li. H. Kune, Ltd., 981 Arch St., PhUa., Pa. Oldest Naval Officer. Captain Francis Martin of Detroit, the oldest naval officer, has Just celebrated his one hun dredth anniversary. He entered the govern ment service In 1831, and has been In it ever since, getting hls first commission from Andrew Jackson. _ Thirty minutes Is all the lime required to dye with I’utxau Fadeless Dies. Sold by all druggists. All Is Vanity. “Prise person, isn't he?" ‘'P/iafw? Why. b** say* that he s even tired of the automobile.”—Puck. ILa Creole Will Restore those Gray Hairs A Lawsuit Over Chickens Asa result of a quarrel over some chickens which refused to lay eggs, two residents of Coffeyville, Ivan., have become Involved In a remarkable law suit. Jason Brophy, the plaintiff, avers that his neighbor, Needham Weeks, presented him ten hens and two roost ers in February last and assured him that the bens would lay upward of sixty eggs a week. Brophy fed and cared for the chickens for ten weeks, “devoting most of his time to them, to the detriment of other interests,” but the hens failed to lay any eggs. The plaintiff alleges that he was unlaw ful deceived by the defendant and seeks to recover SIOO damages for his wasted labor and for his expenditures for chicken feed. Use of a Stammor. Tess —He'll never ask her to marry him. He stammers so awfully. Jess—l suppose the thought of what he's doing paralyses his tongue. Tess —No, it Isn’t that. He stammers naturally, and whenever he Impulsive ly starts to ask her his halting speech gives him time to cool off and think what he’s doing. More Important. He—Before I proposed to any girl I should want to feel sure of myself. She—Better be sure of the girL—Life. Medical Book Free. “Know Thyself,” a book for men only, sent Free, postpaid, sealed, to ar.y male reader mentioning this paper; 6c. for post age. The Science of Life, or Self-Preser vation, the Gold Medal Prize Treatise, the best Medical Book of this or any age, 370 pp., with engravings and prescriptions. Only 25e., paper covers. Library Edition, full gilt, 61.00. Address the Peabody Med ical Institute. No. 4 Bulflnch Bt., Boston, Mass., the oldest and best in this country. Write to-day for these books; keys to health. Fair Pleii, There was a young man of Pompeii Who proposed to a girl <>ne deli. Queried she: "Do you golf?” He said: “No, Eve sworn olf." The answer he got was: “Neill Nelli" —Puck. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c.' Signs That Failed. 44 AH signs fall in a dry town!” sighed the weary pilgrim, who had led every wink in hls repertoire on the girl at the soda fountain, on ly to get sarsaparilla at last.—Puck. A DEAD LIVER He thinks he lives, but he's a dead ~ one. No person is really alive whose liver is dead. During the winter most people spend nearly all their time in warm, stuffy houses or offices or exercise as they ought, and everybody weight, but means a lot of flabby fat and useless, rotting matter staying in driven out. But the liver was you are > a ver > s P r i n ? * s the time for resurrection. Wake up the dead! Get all the filth out of your system, and get : ready for the summer's trials with clean, clear blood, body, brain free from bile. Force - is dangerous and destructive unless used in a gentle persuasive way, and the right plan is to give new strength to the muscular walls of the bowels, and stir up the liver to new life and work with CASCARETS, the great spring cleaner, disinfectant and bowel tonic. Get a box to-day and see how quickly you will be To needy mortal euffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a box free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, mentioning advertisement and paper. 42* Will Rent Their Directories. Tbe Chicago Directory Company will not sell the book published this year, but will, instead, let out copies at $7.50 for one year's use, or un til recalled by the company after one year The purpose of this is to put an end to the use of old directories and keep the field clear at the end of each year for the new dire.tory. You Look Cross What makes you look that way? There certainly must be some good reason for it. If your tongue is coated, if you are bilious, if your head aches, if your food rests heavy on your stomach, and if you are constipated, then the whole trouble is with your liver. What you need is a good liver pill, an easy liver pill, a purely vegetable liver pill. You need a box of Ayer’s Pills, that’s what you need. These pills cure constipation, bilious ness, dyspepsia, and sick headache. 25 cents a box. All druggists. “ I always keep a box of Ayer’s Pills on hand. There is no pill their equal for a liver regulator. Long ago they cured me of liver complaint and chionic constipation.”— S. L. Spellman, Columbus, Ohio, May 31, 1900. Most everybody knows something about OldVirg ima Cheroots as 300,000,000 of them are being smoked this year. Ask anybody about them, if you have never smoked them yourself. They have made their own reputation and their own place in the cigar trade, wholly on their merits. Three good smokes for five cents, and no waste I Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. 5 All Entitled to Their Opinions. Friend—“Of course, some folks object to dogs and parrots.” Aunt Sally—“ Yes; and some object to folks who object to dogs and par rots.”—Puck. Mention this Paper jjl Bet Couch's Good. CM B