The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 09, 1900, Image 8

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Kilgore & Kelly Have some Pointers for the Men and Women who Want Bar gains During the Summer Days. IN SHOES they can satisfy your taste and leave you plenty of money to buy other articles you need, Their Stock of Women’s Shoes Is the most complete and UP TO-DATE ever seen in Winder and it will surprise you to know how low they are offering them. Yon want a SUMMER HAT and the place to find one that will suit you is at their store. They have them at any price you want. They still lead in Clothing. If you doubt this, price some of their handsome suits and you will be astonished and will wonder why you have not bought one before row. In The Notion Department You will find some unprecedented bargains from KILGORE & KEL LY What About Fruit Jars? You have'to get some Fruit Jars pretty soon. The place to get them is from KILGORE & KELLY. A large stock on hand at prices that will protect your pocketbook. Remember Kilgore & Kelly when vou com JEFFERSON. Mr. and Mrs. Preston returned to their home in Atlanta last Wednesday. Miss Eula Stockton, an attractive young lady, of Dry Pond, visited Miss Crawford Daniel last Sunday and Mon day. Miss India Niblaok spent a few days in the country this week the guest of relative*. Mrs. Mary Pittman spent last Tues day with her ton, Mr. A. E. Pittman. Miss Louise Pendergrass left last Sat urday on an extended visit to relatives in Rome, Ws. Mrs. Margret Hill, of near Hoschton, •pent last Monday with her sister, Mrs. Bradbury. Mr. Forest Daniel, of Brockton, is •pending this week in town the guest of relatives. Dr. W. L. DeLaPerriere, of Winder, is at Mrs. Randolphs this week. Mr. J. D. Hutchins, of near Nicholson, visited Mr. & B. Maxwell this week. Mrs. P. W. (juattlebanm and Miss Lurlie Mahaffey spent last Saturday in Athens. Miss Crawford Daniel and Mr. H. W. Hell, Jr. spent last Sunday at Dry Pond, the guests of Miss Eula Stockton. Mrs. S. C. Potts, of Apple Valley, •pent last Wednesday with Mrs. H. J. Randolph. Mr. J. S. House, of Winder, was in town last week. Master Frank Collier was badiy kick ed on the knee by a mule laat Monday. Miss Fannie Pattereon and Mr. Tom King, of Athens, spent last Saturday and Sunday in towu the finest of friends Kiss Maggie Center returned to her home in Athens last Wednesday to the regret of her friends and a oertain young man on Sycanrore. Superior Conrt is in session this week, Mr. J. N. Ross foreman of Grand Jury, and Mr. Frank Roberts clerk. We will only hs\e one week, conrt will adjourn this week. We were thinking of going Sunday and we went and are going again soon. J. M. Story, W. W. Dickson. A POWDER MILL EXPLOSION Removes everything in sight; so do drastic mineral pills, bnt both are migh ty dangerous. Don’t dynamite the del icate machinery of yonr body with calo mel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. Ming’s New Life Pills, which are gen’le as a summer breeze, do the work per fectly. Cores Headache, Constipation. Only 25 cents at Winder Drug Cos. Legal AMisemeats LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas, T. R. Potter, administrator on the estate of Mrs. Annie V. Potter, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission. This is to notify all oonoerned to show cause, if any they can, on the first Monday in Sep tember next, why letters of dismission should not be granted as prayed for. This June 4th, 1900. L. T. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson Coonty. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas, T. N. Highfill, executor on the estate of Jonathan Msrtin, late of said county deceased, apples to me for letters of distnissit n. This is to notify all concerned to show cause, if any they can, on the first Monday in September next, why letters of dismission should not be granted as prayed for. This Jane 4th, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, oackson County. Whereas, O. D. Arnold, administra tor on the estate of Washington Arnold, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission. This is to notify all concerned to show cause, if any they cau, on the first Monday in October next, why letters of dismission should not be granted as prayed lor. This July 2. 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Jackson County. To all whom it may concern: Where as, 8. L Moon, administrator on the estate of John W Moon, deceased, has in due form applied to me for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the es tate of said deceased. This is, there fore, to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors to show cause if any they have, at the regular term of court of Ordinary of said county to bo he'd on the first Monday in September 1900, why said leave shonld not be granted to said applicant. This August 6, 1900 L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Jackson County. To all whom it may concern: Where as, J. F. B. Nixon, administrator on the estate of John Nixon, due form am^i£4,o Q gi Q g n, e estate said deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they have, at the regular term of the court of Ordinary of. said county to be held on the first Monday in September 1900, why said leave shonld not be granted to said applicant This August 6. 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LEAVE TO BELL LAND. Georgia, Jackson County. To all whom it may concern: Where as, J. H. Simmons, administrator on the estate of Harriet E. Simmons, de ceased, has in due form appied to me for leave to sell the real estate belong ing to the estate of said deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they have, at the regular term of the oourt of Ordinary of said county to-be held on the first Monday in Sep tember 1900, why said leave should not be granted to said applicant. This Auguste, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson Couu y. Road Notice. Georgia, Jackson County. If no good cause be shown to the con trary, an order will be granted by me on the 31st day of August 1900, discon tinuing the following public road, viz: Beginning at or near Evan’s Store, running through by Posey’s Mill, to the Jefferson Road above H. R Niblack’s Store. The above road being reviewed and reported as not being of public utilitv by the Road Commissioners of the 248th road district, G. M. July 31st, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I most respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election for Repre sentative from Jackson county. Jno. R.Hosch. FOR TREASURER. I am a candidate for Treasurer of Walton ooanty and ask the support of my frieuds in the October election. I have lived in Walton county all my life and have always been a friend to the peo ple If you see fit to honor me with this responsible office, I promise yon that I will always be found true to a trust, faithful to the interests of the whole people. Sinoerely yours, Chas. W. Felkkr. The One Day Cold Cure. Kermott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine for cold in the head and sort throat. Children taka them like candy. Hot meals and gjßsgfißP cool cooks ■BarMf! You’ll not need to regulate your cooking Pftgf j by the thermometer when you get a Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove. On the i hottest days you can cook whatever you ii! jIJ ; choose, in whatever way you wish, with out suffering any additional discomfort while cooking, The comfort you’ll gain is only one of the advantages of using a Wickless Him. Oil Stove It is handier than a coal stove and cleaner and cheaper. The Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove is absolutely safe; it burns ordinary kerosene, without wicks and causes neither smoke, smell nor soot Made in various sixes for various-sized families; sold at prices to suit any sized pocketbooks—wherever stoves are sold. If the dealer does not have them, write to the STANDARD OIL COMPANY. HOOSIER DISK WHEAT DRILL Disks in place of hoes operator to use this machine on hard or uncultivated ground! where it would be impossible to use other styles. Disks will not gather • trash and are the best style of furrow openers made. Disks are mounted between steel draw bars and ruu on chilied bearings, The machine for all kinds and conditions of soil. For sale by WINDER HARDWARE CO M Winder, Ga. 'Wf-.. NORTH AND WEST SIDES OF PLAZA, PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. •<->* 7 —VZ? 1 / N ;-y.V? r . - X ./ “ ? as& ■' - •• 1 1 ( •“**— i Otpgrrlibt, 1900, by the ran-American Exposition Cos. Standing at the great Electric Tower and looking north, the visitor to the Pan-American Exposition, to be held In Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901, will have before him the Plaza, or square, a beautiful open space 350 by 500 feet. On the opposite, or north, side of the Plaza will be the Propyliea, or monumental, entrances, connected by ft curved colonnade 280 feet long. A large building at the left, 341 feet long and 52 feet wide, with towers 164 feet high, will be used for restaurant purposes. This forms also the eastern entrance to the Midway, or pleasure ground, where the visitor may find a collection of novel entertainments that will astonish the most cosmopolitan traveler. Directly across the Plaza from the Restaurant building Ir a companion structure, forming the entrance to the Sta* dium, or athletic field, where 25,000 people may be seated to enjoy the high class athletic sports. Saturday and Sunday Excursions to Atlanta OVER SEABOARD AIR LINE Commencing Saturday, July 28, and on Saturdays and Sundays thereafter until September 80, 1900, inclusive, you are authorized to sell round trip tickets to Atlanta, Ga., for trainj of Saturday and morning trains of Suuday at fol lowing fares: Dacula, $1.22 Winder, $1.55 Auburn, 1.86 Statham, 1.79 Carl, 1.88 Bogart, L9l Limit tickets Monday following date of sale. L. S. Allen, Gf. P. A. A. N. NOWELL MANUFACTURER OF Harness and Saddles. DOES ALL KINDS OF Renair Work and Class Shoe Making. Prices as low as the lowest. See me before you buy your Har ness or have your Shoes Repaired, and I will save you money. All work First Class. Highest price paid for Hides, Next door to Winder Banking Cos., Winder, Georgia.