The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 16, 1900, Image 7

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RUSSIANS FIRE ON AMERICANS Mistaken For Chinese and Many Were Killed or Wounded. THE ERROR A DEPLORABLE ONE sir Claude HacDonald Again Sets Forth Fearful Condition of Affairs in Pekin. A special cable dispatch to the New York Evening World of Monday, dated Che Foo, August 9th, via Shang hai, says: A terrible mistake occurred at the taking of Yang Teun. Russian artillery opened tire on the American troops. Before the mistake was discovered mauy American soldiers had been killed or wounded by the Russian shells. The Fourteenth took part in the at tack on the Chinese trenches. As the Chinese fled the regiment entered and occupied one-of the Chinese po sitions. The Russian battery, it seems, did not notice the movemeut. It open ed fire on the position and planted shells among the American troops. The Russians were quickly notified, and ceased their fire. Commenting upon this occurrence, The London Standard says: "It is melancholy to learn that the losses of the Americans, who seem to have borne themaelves with conspicu ous gallantry, were increased by a deplorable error, in consequence of which one of their regiments was pounded by Russian and British can non. The incident emphasizes the necessity of that close co-operation which is not easily obtainable without a single commander and a general staff.” SITUATION OF FOREIGNERS IN PEKIN IS DESPERATE. The British consul at Canton, says The London Daily Telegraph’s cone spondeut there, has received the fol lowing message, dated August 6th, from Sir Claude MacDonald, British minister in Pekin: “Our situation hero is desperate. In ten days our food supply will be at an end. Unless we are relieved a gen eral massacre is probable. “The Chinese offer to escort us to Tien Tsin, but remembering Cawn pore, we refused the offer. There are over 200 European women and chil dren in this legation.” The Shanghai correspondent of The Daily Express, wiring Monday, says. “The allies at noon Saturday were within twenty miles of Pekin.” As General Chaffee’s report, which is the only authentic news received at Washington regarding the advance, located the international forces about forty miles from Pekin on Friday, it seems probable that the Shanghai re port is optimistic. It is scarcely likely that the allies could advance twenty miles in as many hours. A Yang Tsun dispatch dated August 7th, giving details regarding the cap ture of that place, says: “The Kussians and French held the left, the British the left center, the Americans the right center and the Ja panese the extreme right. The British and Americans advanced on the vil lage at a rapid rate for 5,000 yards under a severe shell and rifle fire. The Kussians opened and the British-Amer ican advance became a race for posi tions, culminating in a brilliant charge. The heaviest loss of the day sustained by the Americans, the Fourteenth infantry, having nine killed, sixty-two wounded and several missing. The Bengal Lancers unsuc cessfully attempted to cut off the Chinese retreat.” British Offer Money to China. The British government, according to the Shanghai correspondent of The Loudon Timtfts, has offered to lend £75,000 at 4$ per cent to the viceroy °f Wu Chwaug, province of Hu Pee, on the Yang Tse Kiaug, for the pay ment of provincial troops. REFUSES TO SIUS WRIT. Ju<l(;e I.acnmbe Mnkci a Decision Favor able to C. F. TV. Neeley. Judge Lacombe, of the United States circuit court at New York, Monday, refused to sign the writ of of Charles F. W. Neeley °u account the action of Judge Wal lac * in grautiug an appeal to the su preme court iu the habeas corpus pro ceedings, but indicated that ho did °°t think Judge Wallace understood the real situation of the case, and he I’elieved if it went to the supreme court in its present shape the applica tion for a writ of habeas corpus would ,J e denied. Pale and Weak Women Beauty and strength Bsi women vanish early In Ilfe> because of monthly pain or some menstrua! Irregularity* Many suf fer silently and see their best gifts fade away* Lydia E. Plr.kham’s Vegetable Compound helps women preserve roundness of form and froahness of face be oause It makes their en tire female organism healthy* It carries wo men safely through the various natural crises and Is the safeguard of woman’s health* The truth about this great medicine Is told In the letters from women being published in this paper constantly* Cuinea Pig Farm Run By a Woman. Milk is the only liquid that guinea pigs drink. This Is the testimony of a Philadelphia woman who has a farm of six hundred guinea pigs in that city. The proprietor of this unique establish ment supplies the pigs for inoculative and scientific experiments to the Board of Health, universities, colleges, hospi tals and physicians. "The little animals are peculiar in their habits, and need constant care and attention,” says this woman. "They are extremely nervous, and a sudden jar or unexpected noise Is lia ble to kill them. A single thunder shower will sometimes injure great numbers, and perhups kill eight or ten of them. As I ralae them strictly for the use of their blood, which must be absolutely pure, I feed them only such vegetables as are conducive to that result. Beets, carrots, apples, green peas, oats, hay and grass consti tute their chief diet, with now and then a little cabbage for a relish. They are extremely susceptible to heat and cold, and during these hot days it takes most of my time to regulate the tem perature of their cages. Although they are so tiny their average weight is from five to seven pounds. Con sidering their size they require a good deal of food. The average age of the little fellows is two years. After that they become sickly.” Exit the Grasshopper. A Nebraskan man has Invented a machine for ridding his farm of the grasshopper pest. The pans which lie flat on the ground are full of a mixture of coal oil and water. The horses drag the pans over the ground and the grass hoppers, of course, attempt to hop over the machine, but strike the shields which are erected behind the oil baths and fall back into the oil which is to them instant death. MITCHELL’S Price. 2Bc. EYE SALVE la Creole Will Restore those Gray Hairs La Crcole" Hjjj^Pesiorer_js^Pcrfec^Dres^m£^n£^Re^ioi*ciK^iMCe^l^oo^^.^ YOU KNOW WfMfYOU'RE TAKING Jjfß When You Take ml PCc-'-1 GROVE’S \ Tasteless Y\\d\lHSP* Chill Tonic \ST K ■lie l. AlVrffdWooJ fW' r - AT '“'** booauso the formula Is plainly priniod on oaoh bottlo, R| jj > | )( ** showing what It contains. Imitators clo not advertise jb-f ; " c£h. their formula, knowing that you would not buy their medi-Ij I j cine if you knew its ingredients. Grove’s contains lronlj If^ and Quinine put up in correct proportions, and is in a taste-■! ; less form. Grove’s is the original Tasteless Chill Tonic i| | j| * and any druggist who is not pushing an imitation will tell you|| |j![| PARIS that all other so-called “tasteless” Tonics are imitations. Grove’s is the only Chill cure sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States and Cuba that is guaranteed to cure any I case of malaria, chills and fever, or money refunded. Price 50 cents. J Beeswax From the GulFs Bottom. Mr. P. J. McNeel, of High Island, made an unusual find on the beach at that point a few' days ago which made him a richer man by several dollars. The beach for several yards was strewn with beeswax, aggregating about five hundred pounds in weight. It seems that about forty-alx years ago a Spanish vessel, hound from some Mexican port to New York, sank In the Gulf about one hundred miles off High Island coast. Part of her cargo was beeswax and, after remaining at the bottom of the ocean for nearly half a century, it finally drifted ashore. The wax wa9 in fine condition, and Mr. Mc- Neel found little difficulty in dosposing of it at a good figure. l>o Your Feet Ache and Burn? Shake Into your shoes Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel easy. Cures Corns, Ingrowing Nnils, Itching, Swollen, Hot, Callous, Sore and Sweating Feet. All Druggists and Shoe Stores sell it. 36c. Sampl* sent FREE. Address, Allen 8. Oi.mstkd, Lelloy, N. Y. , A Happy Outcome. Smart Pet: Otlfoyl* Kildiuff’s elopement wasn't successful, was It? Fotnlieiter -OU, I don't know. The old man caught them before they reached the minister’s. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxativb Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drucglsts refund the money If it falls to cure. K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 3xs. Trouble of the Rich. The Smart Set: Jaggles—Since the Par venues got Into society 1 suppose they have had to b: ush up a little? Waggles—Yes. indeed. At present they are practicing how to walk on a h-irdwood floor. • 100 Reward. 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleaded to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis ease that science lias been able to cure in all its stages, and that Is < atarrh. Hall’s Catarrh ( me is th onlv positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beingaconsti u tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly on the blood and ni l cons surfaces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation ot the disease.and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing Us work. The proprietors have so much faiih in its curative powers tiiat they offer One lluu drvd Dollar for any case that it fails tocure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Chemiy & Cos., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 7oc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Lightning's Great Power. During a thunderstorm near Consett, in the North Durham district, England, the lightning struck a pasture field and dug a trench varying from three feet to three feet six inches in depth, and six inches or seven inches wide, across the field for a distance of a dozen feet. The solid clay was scat tered in all directions, portions thereof being found lying over twenty yards away, while the turf had been cut up as clean as If the work had been done, by a sharp implement. One grass sod, measuring about six feet long and nine inches in width, was laid on the oppo site side of the fence in another field. • The Wickedest Bit of Sea. Nine out of ten travelers would tell Inquirers that the roughest piece of water Is that cruel stretch in the Eng lish channel, and nine out of ten trav elers would say what was not true. In reality the “wickedest hit of sea” is not in the Dover straits; or in yachting, for example, from St. Jean de Luiz up to rauillac; or across the Mediterranean race from Cadiz to Tangiers. Nor is it in rounding Cape Horn, where there is what sailors cal a "true” sea. The "wickedenst sea” Is encountered in rounding the Cape of Good Hope for the eastern ports of Cape Colony. If you will buy three Old Virginia Cheroots and smoke them to-day you will get the greatest amount of comfort and satisfaction that 5 cents will buy in a smoke, and get it three times over I You haven't any idea how good they are and cannot have until you try them. Try three to-day instead of a sc. cigar. Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. 3 Andrew Female College, Cuthbert, Georgia. Forty-sixth year begins September 1!) Large additional building being erected. Many a4* dittons being made to the library and laboratories Well equipped, steam heat, electric lights, modern conveniences, etc. ANDREW stands for Christian culture and character, and the highest and best education for Southern women. Healthfulness unsurpassed; faculty large an 4 competent; patronage expensive, representing several States. Rest advantages ollered itt Music. Art, Elocution, Bookkeeping, Stenography, etc., ns well asln Literary Department. Board and tuition can be bid for #llO to #l4O for the entire session of nine months. Writs for the catalogue and make your arrangements as soon as po Bible Address HOMER BUSH, President. Naming a Kaffir Boy. The war In South Africa has pro duced some strange results in the nomenclature of children, but ft has been left to a Kaffir to devise the most curious combination —Buller Churchill Labouchere. Lest he forget, or there should be any mistake, the proud fath er had written the three names on a piece of paper, which he handed to the baptizing minister. Certainly the Kaffir boy with the three names will be a strange hotch-potch if he pos sesses all the qualities of those after whom he is named.-Westminster Ga zette. —i tib For 33 vein we hive been trxin alVßpEA>'jng yoang men and women for .usi l . jgjuw R mines*. Only bat. eol. in TANARUS. SpS ■? owning it* building— mnd ( vgSSwnew ono. Up todate. Digbiy en • ~ jrCSwug dorsed. Thoroughly reliable. Ko | T * c * ,lon *' Oanlogce ire*. “ Leading baa. eol. acath Potomac rivsr."—Phil*. Stenographer. SOUTHERN DENTAL COLLEGE DENTAL DEPARTMENT Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeon* Oldest College in State Fourteenth An nual Session opens Oct. 2: close* April 30th. Those contemplating the study of Dentistry should writ# for ca alogue. Addrt os S. W. FOSTER. Dean. 02-03 I run an Building, Atlanta. Ga. CONTRACTORS’ *hd_MILL SUPPLIES. Castings. Steel Beams, Columns and Chan nel Bolt*. Rods. Weights, l ank*, Towers. Ac. Steel Wire and Manila Rope, Hoisting Engines and Pumps. Jacks, 1 snicks, Crabs, Chain and Rope Hoists. IW~Cat liverv Day. Hake Quick Delivery. LOMBARD IRON WORKS S SUPPLY-CO. AUGUSTA, GA. That Littla Book For Ladiot, ALICE MASON, BoCHKSXiS, N. T. It&Sas&sassL I • Kb largest makers 11 cj IHtl of Men’s $3 andjffi V s3.M)shoe in the§■ S, Eu SjsgiT world. We sell ffl * OE moro $3.00 andiSia £ 3 IBMgl $3.30 shoes than|lß g? KA&I any other twoß , B&SBrf manufacturers infm s *1 BBm huo U.B. : SSmpf The reason more XVt 'I smat W.L.Douglas *3.00 * ar| d 83.50 shoes are £• SSbS sold than any other la make Is because they are the best in the world. *a Mf A $4 .00 Shoe for SB.OO. ff k $5 Shoe for 000,000 —8 : The Re*l Worth of Our $3 and $3.50 Bhoes g compared with other makes Is $4 to $5. \ Having the largest #8 and %t. 60 shoe buul- H i ness in the world, and a perfect system or M ’ manufacturing, enables us to produce JF I higher grade SI.OO and $8.60 shoes than jjf | can be had elsewhere. Your dealer PI should keep them; we give one dealer fj H exclusive sale In each town. £J n Tuke no substitute! Insist// Hon having W. f,. Douglas shoes with*/ ra nameand price stamped on bottom.^ lf your dealer will not get them for Jy U, you, send direct to factory, en -M ta closing prii-e and - 48. extra Jg H for carriage. Slate kind of Jm loalher, Stic r id width, Mr % plain or esp too. Our Mr shoes wifi reach you-/Sy . _ snvwbere Mr nDHDCV MEW DISCOVERY; giro* |/|\ V I O I quick rebel and cures worst caees. Took of testimonial, anil IO days’ trsatmsat I ree. Dr. H. H. GBEEII'S SONS. Box B. Atlaata. . Mention this Pa?3f"‘