The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 16, 1900, Image 8

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Kilgore & Kelly Have some Pointers for the Men and Women who Want Bar gains * During the Summer Days. IN SHOES they can satisfy your taste and leave you plenty of money to buy other articles you need. Their Stock of Women’s Shoes Is the most complete and UP TO-DATE ever seen in Winder and it will surprise you to know how low they are offering them. You want a SUMMER HAT aud the place to find one that will suit you is at their store. They have them at any price you want. They still lead in Clothing. If you doubt this, price some of their haudsome suits and you will be astonished and will wonder why you have not bought one before now. In The Nolion Department You will find some unprecedented bargains from KILGORE & KEL LY What About Fruit Jars? You have'to get some Fruit Jars pretty soon. The place to get them is from KILGORE & KELLY. A large stock on hand at prices that will protect your pocketbook. Remember iKilgore & Kelly when you come to Wiuder. Miss Manon Barber, of Harmony Grovs, visited, Mrs Lizzie Bennett a few days this week. Mrs. A. E. Pittman and Mrs. Lola Thompson spent last Tuesday in the country. Misses Minnie, Louise and Glenn Methvin. of Atlanta, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Holder. Mr. Joe Webb and Miss Maggie Blair visited Harmony Grove last Sunday. Miss Alma Thurmond from Harmony Grov''. visited her sister, Mrs A. C. Appleby last Thursday. Messers. Mack Potts and Tom Hood, of Winder, were in town last Sunday. Miss Emma Ivey has returned to her home in Athens after a few days visit to Misses Blair. Mr. Joe McGarity after taking a three months course in the business college of Atlanta returned to his posi- tion iu Jefferson last Friday night Mrs. E. C. Armirtead and son visited relatives in Madison oonntythis week. Mr. George Story wll now wait on his friends at Maxwell A Pettyjohn’s. Miss Jnlia Bell is quite ill at this writing. Messrs. W. L. and J. M. Sailors, of Harmony Grove, were in town on busi ness Tuesday. Mr. Scott Camp, of Winder, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. P. W. Quattlebaum and Miss Crawford Daniel visited relatives in Winder last Thursday. Mr. Henry Pittard, of Wiuterville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell last Mon. day. He was accompanied home by his sister, Mrs. Bailie Pittard. Mr. W. L. Thurmond, of Harmony Grove, is in town delivering McCor wick mowers this week. Mr. C. HL Yearwood was on the sick list last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Randolph hare almost reoovered from recent illness. The young people enjoyed a straw ride to the country last Friday nigut. Mr. and Mra T. N. Potter were in town last Tuesday. On account of the favorable weather for farming there was not as large a crowd at court this term as usual It seems a certainty that we are to have another cotton mill In our town. Messers. E. C. Mah alley and Emory Lord are progressive law students un- der Col. J. A. B, Mahaffey. Mr. J. M. Storey visited relatives a* Brockton last Sunday. We had a good rain last Tuesday. WORKNTG NIGHT AND DAY. The busiest aDd mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weak ness into strength, listlessness into en ergy, brain-fag into mental power. They’er wonderful in building up the health. Ouly 25c per box. Sold by Winder Drug, Cos. CARL. Rain very much needed here. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bradford, of At lmta, are visiting relatives and friends at this place. J. H. Jones and J. C. Lovin have re turned home after a few days visit to Atlanta. Mr. Jas. Hutchins, a street car con ductor of Atlanta is visiting his father, Mr. J. H. Hutchins, of this place. He is the tallest man that has been in oar town in two years. Miss Lena Park is visiting friends in Atlanta this week. Some of the farmers in this section are pulling fodder this week. Hope they will have pretty weather to save it The Populist of Gwinnett have nom inated Messrs H. L. Peoples for State senator. W. W. Wilson and Weaver for representatives, Carroll for sheriff, John Morgan, Clerk and E. J. McDmald for tax receiver. We have not heard yet the balance of the ticket. These are all good and strong men and we hope they will be elected by good majorities. RED HOT FROM THE GUN Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrib’e Ulcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years.. Then Buck len’s Arnica Saive cured him. Cures Cots, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cure guaran teed. Sold by. Wiuder Drug, Cos. Mrs. W. J. Haynie Dead. Mrs. W. J. Haynie, of near Nicholson died on last Friday after a brief illness. Mrs Haynie was a good and noble wo man and her death will be learned with much sadness by her many friends all over the county. She was raised near Winder, being a daughter of the la mented Col. Robert White and aunt of Mrs. N. J. Kelly, of onr city. Mrs. Haynie was a woman of strong miud and firm believer in the justice of the reform movement. She always lent her presence and helped to make onr annual ralies for the past Bix or seven years at Jefferson a great success. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the pub public to know of one concern in the laud who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The oro prietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption, coughs and cold, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolute ly cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, hoarseness, and ali diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Winder Drug Ca and get a trial bottle free, regu lar size, 500 and sl. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Reunion of Hodges Family The Hodges family had a reunion at Bogart Tuesday. Messrs. Hary, John and Dr. Hodges and their families and their mother, all of our city went down. We had a kind invitation to be present and regretted that business engage ments prevented us from going. All of the Hodges in Jackson, Walton and Oconee counties were present and on Wednesday after the reunion and barbecue of Tuesday, they had a big fish fry over on the Oconee river at Tall&ssee- The law holds both maker and circu lator of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of DeWitt s Witch Hazel Salve risks your life to make a little larger profit You can not trust him. DeWitt's is the only genuine and origi. nal Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and all skin diseases. 8e that your dealer gives you DeWitt’s Salve. G. W. DeLaPerriere. The On* Day Cold Cura. Kermott'* Chocolate* Laxative quinine for cold in the head and lore throat. Children take them like candy. HOOSIER DISK WHEAT DRILII Disks in place of hces enables the operator to use this machine on'hard or uncultivated grounJ where it would be impossible to use other styles. Disks will not gather trash and are the best style ol furrow openers made. Disks are mounted between steel draw bars and run on chilled bearings, ThJ machine for all kinds and conditions of soil. For sale by WINDER HARDWARE CO., Winder, Gal HORTICULTURAL, GRAPHIC ARTS, FORESTRY AND MINES BUILDINGS AT BUFFALO. • m Copyright, IWO, by the Paa-American Exposition Cos. At the Pan-American Exposition, which is to be held in Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901, the Horticultural building, 220 feet square, is flanked on the south by the Forestry and Mines and on the north by the Graphic Arts buildings, each 150 feet square. The whole group is connected by arcades, forming a semicircular court, in which will stand the “Fountain of the Seasons.” The Horticultural building will be about 240 feet high. The Graphic Arts and Forestry and Mines buildings are companion structures of the same size and style, having four corner tow ers. Two colored compositions above the eastern entrance of the Horticultural building will represent Ceres, god dess of the harvest, In a chariot drawn by three lions, led by Flora and Primavera. _ legal Advertisements LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Jackson County. AVhereas, T. R. Potter, administrator on the estate of Mrs. Annie V. Potter, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission. This is to notify all concerned to show cause, if any they can, on the first Monday in Sep tember next, why letters of dismission should not be granted as prayed for. This June 4th, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Jacksou County. Whereas, T. N. High fill, executor on the estate of Jonathan Martin, late of said connty deceased, apples to me for letters of dismission. This is to notify all ooncerned to shew cause, if any they can, on the first Monday in September next, why letters of dismission should not be granted as prayed for. This June 4th, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia. Jackson County. Whereas, O. D. Arnold, administra tor on the estate of Washington Arnold, late of said oonnty, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission. This if to notify all concerned to show cause, if anj they can, on the first Monday in October next, why letters of dismission should not be granted as prayed for. This July 2, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Jackson County. To all whom it may concern: Where as, 8. L Moon, administrator on the estate of John W. Moon, deceased, has in dne form applied to me for leave to sell the real eetate belonging to the es tate of said deceased. This is, there fore, to cite all persons concerned, kin dred snd creditors to show cause if any they have, at the regular term of oourt of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in September 1900, why said leave should not be granted to said applicant This August 6, 1900 L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Jackson County. To ali whom it may concern: Where as, J. F. B. Nixon, administrator on the estate of John Nixoa, deceased, has in due form applied to me for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they have, at the regular term of the coart of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in September J9OO, why said leave should not be granted to said applicant. This August 8, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Jackson County. To all whom it may concern: Where as, J. EL Simmons, administrator on the estate of Harriet E Simmons, de ceased, has in due form appied to me for leave to sell the real estate belong ing to the estate of said deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed, kindred and creditors toshowoause, if any they have, at the regular term of the court of Ordinary of said county to bo held on the first Monday in Sep tember 1000, why said leave should not be granted to said applicant This August 6, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson Coun - y. Road Notice. Georgia, Jackson Connty. If no good cause be shown to the con trary, an order will be granted by me on the 31st day of August 1900, discon tinuing the following public road, viz: Beginning at or near Evan’s Store, running through by Posey’s Mill, to the Jefferson Road above H. R. Niblack’s Store. The above road being reviewed and reported as not being of public utility by the Road Commissioners of the 248th road district, G. M. July 31st, 1900. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. The One Day Cold Cure. F° r cold in the head and sore throat use Ker f-hocolatea Laxative Quinine, the " One Oay Cold Cure.” ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOE REPRESENTATIVE. I most respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election for Repre sentative from Jackson county. Jno. R. HoscH. FOR TREASURER. I am a candidate for Treasurer of Walton county and ask the support of my friends in the October election. I have lived in Walton county all my life and have always been a friend to the peo ple If you see fit to honor me with this responsible office, I promise you that I will always be found true to a trust, faithful to the interests of the whole people. Sincerely yours, Chas. W. Felkbb- Saturday and Sunday Excursions to Atlanta OVER SEABOARD AIR LINE Commencing Saturday, July 28, and on Saturdays and Sundays thereafter until September 30, 1900, inclusive, you are authonz id to sell round trip tickets to Atlanta, Ga., for trains of Saturday and morning trains of Sunday at fol lowing fares: Dxoula, $1.22 Winder, $L&> Auburn, 1.86 St*tham, Carl, 1.38 Bogart, Iyi Limit tiokets Monday following date f sale. L. S. Allen, G. P. A. G. J. & S. Railroad. The Sunday trains over the Gaines ville, Jefferson and Southern railroad add much to the popularity of this roa under the management of Cob Dunlap- The reduced rates enable all who wish to get out on that day the opportunity. Under the excellent services offered now by this road any one on its can go to Athens or Atlanta via S. A In road and back home the same day Cos ■ Dunlap has done wonders for the G. J- * & & railroad and is very popular tloag ts line.