The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, September 06, 1900, Image 4

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m jaw Official Organ Ordinary. mmmmm—mmmmmrnm OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WINDER. PUBLISHED KVRKY THURSDAY.iBVKNINO JEFFERSON OFFICE^ With the Ordinary in the Court House P. W. Quattlebaum will represent the paper and take subscriptions., Subscription Rates. Year, - - - *l-00 A. G. LAMAR, Editor and Publisher. ;*THURSDA l SEPTEMBER 6.1900. People’s Party Ticket. For President— WHARTON BARKER. For Vice-Present— IGNATIUS DONNELLY. POPULIST STATE TICKET. \" For Governor —J. H. TRAYLOR, .of Troup. For Secretary of State—Dr. L. L. CLEMENTS, of Milton. For Attorney General —F. H. SAF FOLD, of Emanuel. For Comptroller General—J. T. HOL BROOK, of Franklin. For State Treasurer—J. W. PARK, of Meriwether. For Commissioner of Agriculture A. H. TALLY, of Cobb. For State School Commissioner—W T. FLINT, of Taliaferro. For Prison Comissioners — TI J. DICKEY, of Upson, and S. C. McCAN DLESS, of Butts. For State Senator, M. D. IRWIN. For Representatives, Dr. L. C. ALLEN, J. H. BOGGS. For Ordinary,; G. D. BENNETT. For Clerk and Treasurer, A. G. LAMAR. For Sheriff, R M. PATRICK. Deputy Sheriff, W. C. PITTMAN. For Tax Collector, C. F. HOLLIDAY. For Tax Receiver, J. M. ROSS. For Surveyor, S. W. JACKSON, Jr. For Coroner, T. N. HIGHFELL. Go to Jefferson androgister before the books close uext Wednesday. Congressman John Allen, of Mississ ippi, whose reputation as a wit is well known, wiU make a lecture tour after bis retiremeut next March. It is get ting quite common for defeated politi cians to go into the leoture field. Register. Remember the registration book closes next Wednesday and if you have not already registered do so before that day. Don’t disfranchise yourself by failing to register. If you know a man who has not registered go and see him right away and get him to go or carry him to Jefferson. You have a few more days and only a few, and we appeal to our friends all over the county to help us in this matter. Be Honest and Fair.- We have heard this week that the registrar, Mr. Brock, and his clerk have beon going into districts for the purpose of letting their friends register, but not letting it be known to anyone els*. Wo hope this is not true, as we have felt that the democratic candidates and their leaders would be honest and fair with us and not take any advantage of us that was not honest and honor able. We hope our friends will, put them selves to a little trouble and go to Jeffer son Saturday. Monday and Tuesday and register it they have neglected this im portant matter. ADDRESS OF CHAIRMAN M'KNIGHT, To the Voters of Georgia.--A Plain Statement of Facts and Figures. GOOD GOVERNMENT. All Honest Citizens Desire an Honest Government. THE CURSE OF HIGH TAXES OPPRESSION MUST CEASE FOREVER. The People Demand it, and by Their Votes Will Compel Better Conditions. To the Populists of Georgia: We are promised more help from out side this year than ever before. And in addition to this independent help, the negro is afraid to vote for the demo crats this year because he thiuks if the Democrats are continued in power in Georgia that he and the poor white Re publican, Populist and Democrat will be disfranchised, as has been done in Mississippi, Arkansas, Lonisiana and other states. And, also, the white Re publican, who is a Republican from principle, believes the same, and I think they are right. I think if the Demo mocrats are continued in power in Geor gia that the poor whites of all parties and the negro will cast their last ballot this fall. Why do I think so? Because the corrupt leaders of democracy are the enemies of the great common peo pie. As the agent of Plutocracy and enemies of the people and reform these leaders have broken up the Greenback party, the Labor party and the Alliance and have been trying to break up the Populist party for the past four years. The Democratio party has been the graveyard of every reform movement in this country since 1865. Ia Mississippi and Arkansas these corrupt leaders dis franchised one-third of the poor white people and about sixteen out of seven teen blacks, and nearly as bad in the other States. And as a further proof of their enmity to the great masses of the people, we see the effects of their blight ing hands on everything they touch. We see it in tLe city, country, state, na tion and church. In Georgia these corrupt politicians and the party leaders have increased yon r taxes on personal and real estate in sixteen years 3 38 100 times (nearly three and a half times). Or, in 1882 they col lected $750,000 on personal and real es tate, and in 1898 they collected $2,535,- 800, which is 3 38 100 times more than they collected from you in 1883; and besides, they received $120,000 more rent from the W. & A. Railroad in 1898 than in 1883. What benefits do you derive from this enormous increase in the expenditure of your hard earned taxes? These same corrupt leaders employ more men to wait on either Senate or House than it took for both in 1883. They pay the Secretary of the Senate SOO 00 per day and the Clerk of the House $74.50 a day, and extra for in dexing the reports. Every officer in the State House has a telephone at $60.00 a year (to encourage the telephone mo nopoly,) and a porter and clerk, all at the expense of the taxpayer. The custom has been for every Com mittee sent out by the Legislature to charge the State $20.00 each, and this, too, while the State paid for everything that was eaten, drank or smoked; and as many as 100 have been put on such committees, and while this committee was one the legislature was without a quorum and could not do auy business. But the expenses of the legislature was going on at an expense of about $1,500, • 00 a day, and the taxpayers had to foot the bills. They pay a man a big salary as Ad jutant General who oannot do any of the work, and hire another man to do the work at $1,100.00 a year, and pay both out of your taxes. A few years ago the Librarian got S6OO a year. What do you think he gets now? only $3,2001 A bill reducing his salary to two thousand dollars pass ed the Honse but was met in the Senate by the State Honse Gang and defeated overwhelmingly. Any one who wants to reduce expenditures and relieve the taxpayer, though he be a Democrat, is virtually ostracised, is utterly power less to do anything, and has no voice in shaping the legislation of Georgia. In some cases this State House Gang re fuses to speak to Demooratic members who will not at all times do their bid ding. I want to ask the temperance people of Georgia where are the members of the House and Senate who favored tem perance? This hand of ostracism, with the whisky people oombined, have sent them to the rear; and with them they have sent the nineteen State Senators of the last session who wanted to re duce expenses. They pay a chaplain $4.00 for two to five minutes prayer, or abont one dol lar a minute. I think this is clearly another case of Balaam; and I am snre there is not one in all this set farther from the Golden Rule than this man. Over $30,000 a year is paid out of your taxes to arm, clothe and drill the mili tia; and $20,000 more for the maintain auce, etc., of the Governor. Eight thousand dollars goes to the geological department, and if yon will show where a man, woman or child has been bene fitted by it, except office holders, I will set np the cigars. They reduced the public school ap propriation two hundred thousand dol lars, and the Governor wanted it re duced four hundred thousand, and said he considered it unconstitutional to ap propriate money for anything more than a common English coarse. But in the face of his object.on he coaid and did approve a bill appropriating $20,000 for the Technological school in which higher education is given to rich men’s sons. And on the last day of the last session of the legislature, when the Railroads and Atlanta wanted five hun dred thousand of your hard earned tax es to build a depot, the bill was only de feated by a few Democrats and Popu lists filibustering until 1 o’clock and thus prevented the bill ooming to a vote. Where are those few men who stood as a stonewall between you and your plunderers? Are they coming back to the legislature? Not much. Their political bones lie bleaching by the way side. I understand that the corporations spent twenty-three thou sand dollar.- to defeat the man who led this fight in defense of the people. You should vote to keep this set in power! A Democratio State Senator told me that the Asylum management was very bad. That in some cases they have two nnrses for one patient, and one nnrse each for nearly every other patient though they were of little more trouble than sane people. The last legislature employed a tax committee at your expense, and they did nothing that tee legislature would have, but you taxpayers paid the bill, $3.195.00. It is reported that there was sent out from the State House a few years ago several thousand letters of a personal political character, and the postage was paid by the taxpayers. This man had the same right to use this tax money, if he did so, theta thief has to go into my pocket while I am asleep. These people formerly collected a large surplus of taxes and deposited it in pet banks, withont interest. Twenty five thousand, dollars of this money was put into a bank at Brunswick and the bank broke and the State was not secured and the money was lost to the taxpayers. Three hundred and one thousand more of this snrplus money was deposited in a Colunabu9 bank, with only $50,000 secured; and while this money was there this set of plunderers of the people sold $200,000 in bonds, at 6 per cent..l be lieve, to this bank, or some of its mam bers, as I understood. And at the same time this bank, and others, were loan ing the people the taxpayers’ own mon ey at from 12 to IP per cent. Through this system of plundering the people the pet banks made a hundred thousand dol lars a year or more. The Democratio leaders are the ene mies of the poor. If Jefferson or Jackson, or any of oar patriot dead were living in Georgia, Mississippi, Arkansas or Tennessee, and were so poor they oould not pay their taxes they could not vote nor hold office. While your taxes have been enormously increased, there are corporations in sight of your State capital which do not pay on more than one-eighth of their pro perty. We have a government in Georgia by corporations and trusts, in which nearly one half of the property escapes taxa Winder Foundry and ~ Hachine Works Is One Of The New Enterprises Of The Growing City Of Winder. This is one of the best equipped Machine and Foundry Works in the state and is prepared to do all kinds of work, such as building and repairing of ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW and SYRUP MILLS, GINS and ail kinds of Machinery. Orders will be attended to promptly and all work guaranteed, Send your work to us and we will give you satis faction. Winder Foundry AND Machine Works. WINDER PUBLIC SCHOOL Opens Sept. 4,Sipoo==Tuesday. DISCIPLINE FIRn - - - TRAINING THOROUGH. The growth of our town is not spasmodic, but continuous. Never before has there been such material advancement—cotton factory, foundry, knitting mill, mercantile business unparalleled by any town. Here too the social, intellectual and spiritual sides in man are cared for —hospitable people—good churches— Excellent Public School System. Our school is the pride of the town, hence we understand its success. We are adding two new rooms to accommodate the pupils. Come here for an education. Thorough course in common school branches by experienced and cultured teachers, and also a high school course covering Latin, Greek, French, German, Euglish, Algebra, Geometry, Physics. Chemistry, History, Euglish Literature. Making a specialty of some of the Plays of Shakespeare. HENRY ROBERT HUNT, A. B. Pprincipal. RICHARD A. BLACK, 5 and 6 Grades. MISS ANNIE MCDONALD, 3 and 4 Grades. MISS DORA WILHITE, 2 Grade. MISS ERNESTINE BRUMBY, Ist Grade. MISS MARGARET MALONA TILLMAN, Music and Elocution. MISS ANGIE MAYNARD, Art, NEWS! NEWS! The Best News Yet! As the fall is here, and winter near The cotton in bloom, and the town on a boom, I have rented the store on Athens street, next door to Yearwood’s corner, where*l will open my stock, to be moved from the city of Chattanooga, about August 15th. I handle Men’s, Boy’s and Children s— —---= Gents’ Furnishings, Hats, Notions etc, 1 Everybody invited to call and examine, whether you buy or not. You will be surprised at the Bar gains I will offer you. Remember the*place—it is Athens street. M. BRENER & BRO., Winder* Q-a* tion, while the farmers’ taxes are more than doubled to pay the taxes on cor* poration property and to support one of the most coirnpt and dishonest State governments in the country, Kentucky not excepted. These same leaders set by and see the School Book Trust rob the people of Georgia out of from one to two million dollars a year, and pay out of the public school fund $75,000 to SIOO,OOO a year to a set of useless officers. And upon all these proofs of their enmity to the people, they add insult to robbery by claiming to be the friends of the peo pie- . . If these corrupt leaders are the frienas of the people, may the good Lord deliver the people from their friends. The hon est people are disgusted with these con ditions and are ready to help rid the State of this cancerous tumor. The hon est people of all parties are looking to you to lead, and you can and must do so, and commence now. Organize every precinct in your county at once and give to your State committee at least five good, active workers in each precinct, and we will sweep Georgia this year. Will you do this? „ S. J. McKnight.