The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, October 18, 1900, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOniST. VOL. VIII. J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY, "WINDER, GTGOLtGIA.. The Great DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, and SHOE House. The grand success of our methods has stirred a host of imitators. All we Have to Say is compare our PRICES with those quoted to you, go a step further, get a sample of anything offered in any other store in this section and compare the quality and price, with our offerings of the same character. And remember any article-purchased from us not found as represented, is returnable mth money refunded, if not en tirely satisfactory and better values obtainable elsew here. Our powder and shot consist of prices that average from 15 to 25 per cent below those of our-\vould-be com petitors with the result that our large standing army of cus tomers is corstantly increasing and is always ready to defend the reputation we have achieved as the leading house in this section, /Ujii® , - - uj You will find in charge of this department Hrs. Evangeline Brown and fliss Roxie i- Sliint"! y l/v{M I “ MMJSIII Ethridge, and a full corps of their cooperatives ready to serve you. Hats from 10 cents to $35.00. Give us a call before placing your orders. Yours for Business, l , 1 STTR A. NO ED - 8c OOTvl PA NV. Legal- AilmUemhik TWELVE MONTH rUPPORT, Georgia, Jackson C. Duty, Whereas, the appr.-u. evs appointed to appraise and set apart a twelve months support to Mrs. Ann Perry and her minor children, out ot the Estate of P. 0 Perry, deceased, have filed {heir re turn and re-nort. This is to notify heirs ■and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why an order should not bo grated, setting apart the property assigned by the appraisers as a twe;ve mouths sup port, on the first Monday in November 1900. Given under my hand and offi chi signature, this Bth day of October, 1900. - L Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. TWELVE MONTHs aUrPGRI. Georgia, Jackson County. Whereas, the appraisers appointed to appraise and set apart a Jtweive mouths support to Mrs. Sarah Kenny and her unuor children, out of the-estate of S. G. Kenny, late o f said e unty, deceased, have filed their return and report. This is to notify heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why an order should not be granted, setting apart a twelve months support, on the first Monday in November, 1900. (riven un der my hand aud.cfS ial signature, this the Bth day of October, 1900. L Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County. ItbUCC. Whereas, James A. Porterfield ha med his petition t< quir'rip V .. Holland as executrix and W. L. Ander son as executor of the will of James H. Holland to execu'c ' ’ ‘ r tain parcel of land bounty, adjoin!: -1. N ; TV. ... Card, J. M.' Lord r.r | -- • 'wo miles from 7 , „ banielsvillo ;• •* • . Containing ; , described in t said deceaa ;d to , -his is to notify th'e heiis of said H. Holland, deceased, that said fi’licatiou will bo passed upon in my e the fisst Monday in November, 1 J * -this October Ist, 1900. L. Y. Bradburi, Ordinary Jackson county The One Uay Cold Cure. , Hor colds arid tore throat Itermott’s Choco ; haxative Ouimae. Easily taken as candy .mckljr cure. WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1900. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. Kotiu. Is hereby given to all creditor.-: of the estate of Harriet E. Simmons, late of said county, deceased, to render in an account of their and man da to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out; aud all persons in debted to said deceased are hereby re quested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This September 3rd, 1900. J. H. Simmons, Administrator of the estate of Har riet E. Simmons, deceased. Notice. Ail persons are warned not to hunt, fish or trespass in any way on our lauds in Houses district, Jackson county Ga John B. McEiroy, W. Z. Hill, S. H. Pitton, J. Ij. M Gunnin, Jamas H. Wright, J M. Jackson. Honey To Loan. I am now in a position to lend money >n bettor terms than ever heard of be fore. I have an unlimited amount of | money to lend on Ten (JO) years time ! with the privilege of paying the whole [or any part of principle at any time ' Call on me at No. 17 Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. and I will be glad to ac commodate you C. C. Chandler. i DOES IT BAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds !’i. all right, but you want something j that will relieve and cure the more se ■ re and dangerous results of throat and j lung troubles. What shall you do? Go • to a warmer and more regular climate? ! Yes, if possible; if not possible ior you, :h uin either case take the ONLY rein ■ ft.-ic t it i .i.p been introduced in ail civ iitiz-d countries with success dor severe ii>oat nud lung troubles, Bosehee’s t-r- Syrup.” It uot only heals and •■.f ; re • tii ues to destroy the r•, ■ - f> but allays inflammation, civ - ■ iv . xneotorwrion nive? a good • ■ r.’s v t, • ->d cures the patient. Try I one bottle, Recommended many years joy all druggists in fho world. Sample I bottle at Winder Drug Cos. Winder, Georgia. _ Notice. All persons are notified not to fish hnntor trespass on my land in Ben Smith’® district, Gwennett county Geor gia, under penalty of the law. R. D, McDonald Values Count, Services Count, Careful attention to Customers count, Promises fulfilled count. Fresh, New, Stylish, Fashionable count, and we sell no other. These are the reasons why our Business it; so famous in this section. - ) Every purchase is backed by our broad guage guar antee and money back if you want it. Every department is brim full of choice merchau= dise with no advance in price. We are today Belling you goods as cheap as you bought them when you sold cotton for 5 cents. ANNOUNCEMENT. Wo have decided to make a change, both in our firm ai ! business. And to meet our purpose our house will have tobe repaired and ei buw and For those and other reasons we want to close out our entire stock of Merchandise. In order t<-> g t these goods out of our way, WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ‘ We are anxious to close out and can save you some money. SHOES! SHOESII We have $1,500 worth of Shoes —Men’s, Women’s and Children’s to sell cheap. We will sell >ou a fiine pair of $3 00 Shoes for $2.50, or a $1.50 pair for $1.25, Will sell a No. 1 whole stock Brogan worth $1,35 for $1.17, Smiths best No. 1 Kip ties for $1.20 and all others in proportion. HATS! HATS!! We are making the same reduc tion on Hats. Respectfully, FLANIGAN & ALLEN. BOSCH TON. ruMicess of Importance. The Populists of Cut Off district, Wal ton cour.ty, will please meet at B.'thlo hem Academy on Tuesday night of Occ. *3th. Business of importance will be attended to and let every true popu list who can come. Don’t forget the time aud come. Kesp’t’iy, J. L Moore. It makes no difference what other people may tell you j about selling you and at what prices, if you consult your own interest, you will see what we are offering as we cannot and will not be undersold. We pride ourselves on our Millinery department which is complete in every sense of the word. DRY GOODS. We have a large stock of Dry Goods, Calicos, Drees Goods, Trim mings, Laces, Ribbons, &c. that we are offering very cheap. Remember we are not offering shabby goods, but first class mer chandise to close out, aud remem ber also that these bargsins will not Inst very long. Ci>me early before the stock gets too badly broken, and somo of these bargains exhausted. Announcement To The Trade. I want to say to the public, especially tkoc.-- who trade at Winder, that I have put chased the stock of goods belonging to Stanton & {Bondarant which must go. I have added a nice line and guar antee nrices to suit you. Z. F. Stanton, Winder, Ga. i We will undersell and do under soil any house in this section, be cause we buy in large quantities from tho manufacturer and take advantage of cash discounts. ‘ Wo are at the seat of commer cial war all the time with way down prices for desirable goodsour only ammunition. We always win in the battle of competition, be cause we aim not to destroy, but to build up the business of our custo mers, and w'6 nevor miss the target. PANTS. We have a lot of Punts to close out very cheap —will soli you a $1,50 pair of pants for $1,15. CROCKERY AND TINWARE. We recently got in a full line of Crockery and Tinware, all of it must go at reduced prices. TOBACCO. We have 600 lbs. “F and A Leader” Tobacco to close out at 30 cts. worth 35 cts Will sell you Thedford’s Black D) amrht 13 Low RaL t ' Oa account f ’’ . dlv uj Inter- State Fair, Aiiau. ■. L jrgut, October 10th, to 27th, the GJ. ,S. R. R., wilt soil round trip tickets at a rate of one fare, Tickets to go on sale Tuesday Octocer 9th, to continue until B-durday October 27, final return 1: nitud to Tues day October 30th. NO 40.