The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 08, 1900, Image 5

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POPULAR VOTE OF THE STATES Showing Majorities Received By Bryan and McKinley. HOW ELECTORAL FIGURES ARE President ricKinley, According to the Latest Returns, Will Have 284 and Bryan 163, TABLE OF PLURALITIES. STATES. M’KINLEY. BRYAN. Alabama 40,000 Arkansas 60,000 California 40,000 Colorado 40,000 Connecticut 28,000 Delaware 3,000 Florida 28,0e0 Georgia 40,000 Illinois 90,000 Indiana 30,000 lowa •• • 100,000 Kansas 25,000 Kentucky Louisiana 30,000 Maine 25,000 Maryland 15,000 Massachusetts 80,000 Michigau 90,000 Minnesota 50,000 Mississippi 45,000 Missouri 40,000 Montata 18,000 Nevada 2,000 New Hampshire.. . 18,000 New Jersey 55,000 New York 145,000 North Carolina.. .. 30,000 North Dakota 12,000 Ohio 70,000 Oregon 10,000 Pennsylvania 287,000 Rhode Island 13,000 South Carolina.... 40,000 South Dakota 14,000 Tennessee 30,000 Texas 175,000 Utah 5,000 Vermont 28,000 Virginia 30,000 Washington 20,000 West Virginia.... 10,000 Wisconsin 106,000 Wyoming 3,000 Total 1,352,000 573,500 THE ELECTORAL TOTE. States. Bryan. McKinley. Alabama 11 Arkansas 8 California 9 Colorado 4 Connecticut. 6 Delaware 3 Florida 4 Georgia 13 Idaho 3 Illinois 24 Indiana 15 lowa 13 Kansas 10 Kentucky 13 Louisiana 8 Maine 6 Maryland 8 Massachusettes.. .. .. 15 Mickigau 14 Minnesota 9 Mississippi 9 Missouri 17 Montana 3 Nebraska 8 Nevada 3 New Hampshire 4 New Jersey 10 NeM York 36 North Carolina.... 11 North Dakota 3 Ohio 23 Oregon 4 Pennsylvania 32 Rhode Island 4 South Carolina. ..9 South Dakota 4 Tennessee 12 Texas 15 Utah 3 Vermont 4 Virginia 12 Washington....... .. West Virginia Wisconsin 12 Wyoming 3 Totals ,163 284 FIVE DEAD IN KENTUCKY. Quarrel* Resulting Over Election and By Gambling; End In Morder. Quarrels over politics and gambling resulted in five men being shot to death Tuesday night in Kentucky. The dead are Alfred Stanhope, at Versailles, Bhot by George Woodruff, town marshal of Midway; Henry Os born, of Harlan county, shot by John Hay; Grant Raines, colored, of Mid dlesboro, shot by J. Griffith, white; Brown, of Buckeye, shot by Wright, Robert Munsey, of Burn ->m ambush. 4p.<l_Thomaß Ether ' bystander, shot M. The great trouble in trying to sell what are called patent medicines is that so many claims have been made for them that people don’t or won’t believe what honest makers say. We have been telling our story sixty years. Did we ever deceive you once? If we make any statement that isn’t so, we will stand the loss. Go to the druggist and get your money back. Here’s an example. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is a good cure for a cough that comes from a cold. Your cough, if you have one, may not come from a cold; your doctor will tell you about that. It is a straight medicine with sixty years of cures back of it. There isn’t a ghost of the ordi nary patent thing about it. J. C. Ayer Company, Practical Chemists, Loweil, Mass. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla I Ayer’s Hair Vigor Ayer’s Pills Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Ayer’s Ague Cure | Ayer’s Comatone LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS There is one flavor in pork and beans that all people like. It was devised in the rural homes of New England. It has made Boston the synonym of beans. In our kitchen we get exactly that flavor. Our beans are cooked by an expert. We put them up in key-opening cans. Your grocer will supply you. Plenty of other canned beans, but that flavor comes only in Libby's. LIBBY, HcNCILL C- LIBBY Chicago Send • postal for our booklet, “How to Make Good Things to Eat.” The Unheard-of Expected. “George, wbat does a presidential candidate do when be receives the committee to notify him of his nomi nation?” “Oh, he acts just like a girl who gets a proposal which she has been staying awake o’ nights looking for.” —lndianapolis Journal. Tlie Rest Prescription for Chlilt and Fever Is a bottle of GuOVK's 'jastki.kss ChiilTonic, it is simply iron ami quinine ia h 1081 eless form. No cure—no pay. Price >io. Too Young. “Ah! If I were younger,” sished the wealthy old man, “I might hope to win you ” ••Yes, or ten years older,” she replied, dreami ly. for ho was only a little over sixty and still quite robust. A Colonel in the British South African army says that Adams’ Tutti Frutti wac a blessing to bis men while marching. The Truth of the Matter. Watts—Ah. well, a man doesn’t thnk the world half so wicked a ter he gets along ip years a little. Potts—Yes. by that time he has generally got to be a little wicked hi nself. FITS permanently cured. No flts or nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. £2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. K. R. Klinb, Ltd.. &31 Arch St.. Phlia., Pa. Evidently Knows Him. Mark Hnnua Is one of those brutal-minded persons.—Milwaukee Sentinel. Each package of Putnam Fadilrss Dti colors more goods than any other dye and oolors them better too. Sold by all druggists. Depends. Arny Zeppers -Recken you could live on 15 Ce TifrSld < KnHtt-Ez fur ez the solids Is con cerned, b’gosb, that and be an Independent for tun’.”— Chicago Tribune. Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Heartburn and all Btomach and bowel troubles quickly cured by Taber’s Pepsin Compound. Full size 50c bottle free?expreM paid. Dr Taber Mfg. Cos. Peoria, 111 r do not believe Plso’s Cure for Consumption has an equal for coughs and colds.—John F. Boykk, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15, 1300. Made a Difference. “Kitty. I can’t stand your extravagance at school: sls a month for candy !’’ ••But, pa, I don’t pay for it; I hare the bills sent to you." Plantation Chill Cure is Guaranteed Liability of Beekteperi. At Bastingstoke County Cork, yes terday, Judge Gye dealt with a ease affecting the liability of bee keepers. John Butter, a wood dealer, sued the village postmaster, Mr. Longley, for the recovery of part of the value of an old mare which the defendant's bees stung to death, also 10s. on account of pain from bee stings suffered by plaintiff, 10s. for loss of use of part of a field adjoining the postmaster’s garden, where the plaintiff’s laborers could not work owing to the bees, nnd 20s. for extra labor through having to make a hayrick In another position. It was suggested on the defendant’s behalf that some other person’s bees were at fault, but the plaintiff and his witnesses established to His Honor's satisfaction the fact that the bees came from the defendant's hive3. Judge Gye, In giving Judgment for the amount claimed, said that a bee keeper kept bees at his own risk, and If they did damage he was liable. —London Times. To Curd h Cold In Giro Day. Tk*> LAXATIVR Bromo QriNlNg TABLETS. All druggists refund the money tf It falls to cure li. W. Okoyk's signature is ou each box. 250. Not. Neglected. Doctor: “ Well, I consider the medical pro fession badly treated. See how few monuments there are to famous doctors or surgeons 1” The patient: “Oh, doctor, look at our ceme teries 1” Best For the Bowels. No matter wbat ails you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. Cascarets help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. Cascarets Candy Cathartlo, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tab let has O.C.C. stamped on It. Beware of imitations. Wrinkles. Miss Pnssay—When he proposed. I tried hard not to let him read any encouragement In my face, but he did. Miss Pepprey—Ah! I suppose he could read between the lines. 8100 Reward. 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleaded to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis ease that science lias been able to cure in all its stages, and thatis Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh ( ure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, Bcting directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation ot the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Chknet & Cos., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Gold From the Klondike. A total of $:0,166.687 worth of gold dust and bullion has been received at the Seattle assay office durlug the present year. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma tion. allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. The Battle-Scarred Hero. It Is doubtless t ue that Teddy has had more things thrown at htm than any other person engaged la campaign work. An Expensive “Tip” is the one which you cut off and throw away every time that you smoke a Five Cent cigar. There is nearly as much labor in making this end as all the rest of the cigar, and yet every man who buys a cigar cuts it off and throws it away. You get all you pay for when you smoke Old Virginia Cheroots Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. 1 More Dlplomaoy. He —I am the bearer of a charmed life. She (sarcastically)—lndeed! What great dangers have you ever escaped? He—None. But I have looked Into your eyes and heard the sound of your voice. After a lapse of ten or fifteen min utes she became conscious of what he meant and permitted her beautiful bead to rest against bis breast. Dr.BuIPigSSSCS Cough Syrup Quick. ure reitilU. Refuse substitutes. Get Pr. Rull’e Cough Syrup. I*l CURES WHEK AU. ELSE FAILS- „ Q U Boat Couch Syrup. Taatea Good. UM K in time. Sold by druggtata- I*l jjL-f-lfptiifliaiwgiM PURE BLOOD AND STRONG NERVES With glowing health all things are possible, small annoyances fade Into nothingness and real troubles are battled with successfully. Women who aro blessed with perfect health are a constant joy to themselves ami till around them. The beauty jßjßr'Jjj'.Bj. whioh health alone can make permanent is a , ’j I', crown which raises a woman above other ■nr* women. Such beauty is always accompanied BjaT *>■ 1 V by a sweet disposition, for snappishness is a Klk. ' \ sure sign of ill-health and leaves its mark It seems to be the fashion for women to ignore health and sacrifice it to the little Cajflp, * JSB every-day trials, or offer it up on the altar Tt ’" Ig of devotion to daily tasks. Then again r — Ipj the nervous organization of women is con- fyPKF '& stantly attacked by woman's natural ex- V/jrj\ W , periences, so that it is practically impossi- \/jt \ V ble for her to retain the beauty which \Jli\ /\j j}BesßL - nature gave her, unless she has discrimi- Dr, Greene's ray i&jSfiß Nervura for the Blood and Nerves • "W? Trials and troubles are easily overcome by O' \ 0 wn the women whose strength is the genuine ° 1 /-/* Ha strength of perfect health. Dr. Greene's Ner- BaHT / ; / \■S-, vura blood and nerve remedy, bridges the Ljqßßfo /£?'%§,- JBs chasm that separates the sickly woman from gfirew'wc* 0 happiness. It fills her veins with blood that is Mrs. WM. E. Bosse, of 85 Farrington St., 0 o*H “In regard to myself, I have suffered for years I ° )ifrm with disease, having been troubled with great ner- gig l T £K vousness, female complaints, indigestion, and u O 1 ® 0 l I great weakness and prostration. I did not tifl fiO I nave strength to do much of anj’thing. Know- o *** i \Jr wt 1 ing the great value of health and strength y f O t)/ I I consulted doctors and took many medi- / V\w3 j' clnee, but they all failed to cure me, ° f and I grew worse rather than better. Dr. Greene's a §erv ura, blood and nerve remedy, was doing in restoring to health everybody who took it, IM and I thought I would try a bottle. I used it and to my surprise I began to gain strength every day. lam so thankfnl that I tried itl It is certainly tne most excellent tonic and strength giver. I recommend it very highly and wish that other people who are troubled in any way would, take warning and us# It.’ TO PRESERVE WOMANLY BEAUTY At all the stages of a woman’s life Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerrß remedy, is shown to be efficient tp ward off the results of nervousness, or over work, or impure blood. From early girlhood to advanced years, this world renowned medicine builds up the forces destroyed by disease, grief, or over exertion, and the effects of this great medicine are quickly felt and permanently retained. Let women guard well their health, and consult Dr. Greene freely. Nothing they can possibly do will so surely keep them strong and well, or re pair the exhaustion from acute illness, nothing will work so continually to the preservation of beauty as the great health-giving Nervura. Dr. Greene’s office is at 35 West 14th Street, New York City, where he may be consulted either by personal call or by letter Women may write in perfect confidence, and get Dr. Greene’s advice free. Coingto Paint House 7 Well, McNeal'i Keu.iy Mixed Paints are the Beet and Cheapest. Write for prices to McNEAL PAINT & GLASS CO., Manufacturers, 10 N. Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. n A \Trt MILLS, CANfcssss. ENGINES, BOILERS AND SAW MILLS, AND REPAIRS FOR IAMB. Bristle Twine, Babbit, law Teeth and Files, Shafting, Pwtleys, Belting, Injectors, Flpes, Valves and Fittings. LOMBARD IRON WORKS 4 SUPPLY CO, AUGUSTA. GA. The reel worth of W. C L. Douglas 83.00 and Js. m 83.. V) shoes compared g® with other makes is Ejgy'WJv A& 84.00 to 83.00. KJ " Our 84 Gilt Edge Line CtAA fj cannot bo equalled at t* any price. Over 1,000,- J 000 satisfied wearers. VwjfaifTA B USE P lr *• \r OouflM if FAST ft , Y r, positively outwear We are the largest makers of men’s 83 and 83 50 shoes In the world. We make and sell more 88 and 83.50 shoes than any other two mannfaeturers In the U. B< The reputation of W. L. nrST Doufla* t3M anil 08. SO *ho tor DCCT nr 0 I etyle. comfort, uid wear lx known DtO I every whera throughout the world. Efl Th r have to itiv. bttr tattafxa- flfl SjJ.OU tion than other make* becauw 41J.UU W the etandard ha, xlwaye beat! CUfIC placed ao high that the wearer* OlinC OItUC. expect more for their money OnUCe than tliay can f* alxawhere. g THE KKAsO.V more W. L. Dougtae P am. P W •how are otd than any other make ta bawaae THET ABE THE HEsT. Youy dealt, ehould kt*s them 1 wa fit* one dealer exeloetv# aala is each towh. Take no auhatitute! Inalat on having W. L. Pougiat above with name and prlea atampad on bottom. If roar deolar will not gat them for 700. e#nd diraet to factory, enolwtnr price and **e. extra fo, carriage. State kind oil eat her, aixe, and width, plain or cap to*. H WHEAT and OATS FOR SAXE! Red May seed wheal from a crop that yield ed S3 to S5 bushels per acre, recleaned by a speoialseed wheat cleaner, in new two bushel bags, price $1.23 per bushel. Seed Oats grown In North Carolina from Texas Red Rust Proof Heed, the North Carolina crop yielding 80 bushels per acre, price 60c per bushel. Prloea on cars at Charlotte, N. 0., freight to b paid by buyer. Terms cash with order. CHARLOTTE OIL A FERTILIZER C0 n FRED OLIVER, CHARLOTTE, N. C. non DGV HEW DISCOVERY; rt~* MJ fx I quick raliaf and cur.a wont caaaa. Book of teatimooiAU end IO days’ tr*lms* Free. Dr X. X. eXXIX’t SOUS. Bax B. Atlanta. 9*.