The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 15, 1900, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOfIIST. VOL. VIII. J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY, WINDER, GEORGIA. The Great DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, and SHOE House. The grand success of our methods has stirred a host of imitators. All we Have to Say iscompare our PRICES with those quoted to you, go a step further, get a sample of anything offerer! in any other store in this section and compare the quality and price, with our offerings of the sa me character. JAnd remember any article purchasod'faom us not | found as represented, is returnable with money refunded, if not en tirely satisfactory and better values obtainable elsewhere. I Our powder and shot consist of prices that average from 15 to 25 per cent "below those of our-would-be com petitors with the result that our large standing army of cus tomers is constantly increasing and is always ready to defend the reputation we have achieved as the leading house in this section, lUiilinaHir ft You will find in charge of this department firs. Evangeline Brown and Hiss Roxie immnery uepdrimcn II Ethridge, and a full corps of their cooperatives ready toserve you. Hats irom io cents to $25.00. Give uS a call before placing your orders. Yours for Business, J. OT. STRANGE & COMU’ANV. Statement City Council Oct. 31, 1900. ASSETS. Note Board o' Education $ 160 00 U collected Fi fas 9 ,J 96 Note Board of Education 450 00 Annex to School Building 477 00 sllß3 96 LIABILITIES. Note H N Rainey I 649 05 Note Winder Banking Cos 1100 00 Note H. N. Rainey 477 00 $2*26 05 receipts. Specific License $ 05 Fines 11 950 City Taxes Collected 84 18 Cemetery Lot Sold 4 0(1 Gasoline and Mantles 501d... 2 00 Borrowed of H. N. Rainey to nay improvements school building 477 00 $ 709 23 disbursements. 83 Bill Winder Drug Cos I 430 84 Jackson Economist 23 00 80 Repairs on Calaboose $ 275 Bti Gasoline. 45 05 87 lusniance on School House annex 15 ‘ 5 88 Sundry Bills 02 89 R. H. Moore, Services 32 00 90 Winder Democrat 4 4)0 91 J. H. Smith & Bro 65 92 Winder Democrat 3 00 93 Winder Hd’w. Cos., Stoves.. 18 20 91 J. R. Smith, Services 25 00 Bui. dn Treas. last report 7 84 Pu Improvements on School Building 477 00 $ 653 56 Bal. Cash on hand $55 67 L. C. Russell, Mayor. R. L. Mobley, Clerk. Notice. All persons are warned not to hunt, fish or trespass in any way on onr lands in Houses district, Jackson county Ga John B. McElroy, W. Z. Hill, S. H. Patton, j. L. M. Gunnin, James H. Wright, J. M. Jackson. WINDER, JACKSON COONI V. UuORGiA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, igoo. One of Those Old Time Southern Gatherings and two Weeks Sport, as can only be Seen In Dixie Land. There is to be a novel and unique gath eiiug of ladies and gentlemen from all over the Union, at a point near Pine bluff, Noith Carolina, ou Norember 12, to 24th. The gathering is for the pur pose of witnessing and participating with Southern ladies and gentlemen in some of the old time sport3. One of the principal features will be fox hunting in the olden time style. There will be more than one hundred full blooded Southern fox hounds in the chases, and representative huntsmen from all ovbr the Union will be present and a delega tion from England. Ainoinl the gen tlemen most interested in this great sporting carnival are leading cotton manufacturers and business men fcom the Catawba section of North and South Carolina, who have spent Thousands of Dollars in breeding the best running dogs. Their co-operation alone gnaran tees that the hunt will be the most im portant and interesting ever held in the United States. There are thousands of acres of nn broken pine woods to hunt over, with smooth rolling hills and no swamps. It is the best fox hunting ground in Amer ica. The location near Pmebluff, N. C , is a good one on account of the splendid accommodation that can be had at the many fine boardinghouses at Pinebluff, which is a Winter Resort, bails up by the people from the North. It is also near the celebrated Winter Resorts. Southern Pines and Pinehurst, that haye accommodation for thonsonds of visitors. There will be many amusing features such as barbecue dinners, ’possum” sappers, negro jubilee sing ing dancing, cake walks and many amusing games of olden times, that can only be seen in the land of cotton and cane. The public are invited to be present and participate in or witness the sports and enjoy the fun. The more the merrier. To enable those from the North to attend at reduced rates, arrangements have been made so persons can buy, any date after November Ist, tickets from all enpon stations to Southern Pines and return, good to return any time up to June Ist. 1901. From South ern Pines it costs only twenty-five cents to Pinebluff. Values Count, Services Count, Careful attention to Customers count, Promises fulfilled count. Fresh, New, Stylish, Fashionable count, and we sell no other. These are the reasons why our Business is so famous in this section. Every purchase is backed 5y our broad guage guar antee and money back if you want it. Every department is brim full of choice merchan dise with no advance in price. We are today selling you goods as cheap as you bought them when you sold cotton for 5 cents. A Good Woman Dead. Mrs. Emily Niblack, of Virgil, died at h'*r home last Saturday after an ill ness of several weeks. Mrs. Niblack was a good woman and a kind neighbor. We have spent many pleasant hours at her home in the years gone by and es teemeed her very highly for the friend ship always manifested to us. She was a woman of intelligence and a great reader. Mrs. Ninlack leave-' a lar.:o family of sons and daughters and grandchildren. Mr. B. Niblack and Miss Ada Niblack are the only two unmarried, and who were still at home at the time of her death. She was a sister of Capt. H. R Howard, of Olix, one of oar best citi zens, and if we mistake not is the only one of the large family of brothers and sisters now living HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder ful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: “1 was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hard ened. I was so weak I couldn’t even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King’s New Dis covery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong, I can’t say too much in its praise.’’This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest ccue in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular size 50 cents and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at Winder Drug Cos. Every buttle guaranteed. Land For Sale. I will sell at Jefferson on first Tues day in December, one lot of land con taining 41 acres, adjoining lot No. I of F. M. Holliday land, which is to be sold on that day, and one lot of 41 acres ad joining lot No. 2 of Holliday land. Will sell either or both of these lots to par ties who buy the Holliday tracts if they desire them or to any other parties who want to Dny them. They are both de sirable small tracts of land. Terms made known at Jefferson on first Tues day in December when the Holliday place is sold. R. J. Pentecost. It makes no difference what other people may tell you about selling 1 you and at what prices, if you consult your own interest, you will see what we are offering as we cannot and will not be undersold. We pride ourselves on our Millinery department which is complete in every sense of the word. ROUNDLAP BALE A COMPETITOR. That’s Why the Compress and Bagging and Tie Interests Oppose It. Mr, S. E. Watson, a merchant and planter of watson, Texas, in a letter to Venator James K. Jones of Arkansas, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said: “The round bale press instead of being a trust is j Ist the opposite. It is a competitor of the Dag ging trust and the compress trust They are all fighting it. The baggiug trust has raised the price of bagging and ties twenty cents Der bale this year. The farmers all favor the round bale, first, because it will save them fifty cents par bale of the compress charges, and second, it will save them a dollar a bale for bagging and ties from the bagging trust.” NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have fiiends, but one who would bo attrac tive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly qnd all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her im pure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complex ion. Electric Bitters is the best medi cine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com plexion, It will make a good locking, charming woman of a run down invalid July 50 cents at Winder Drug Cos. Honey To Loan. I am now in a position to lend money m better terms than ever heard of be fore. I have an unlimited amount of money to lend on Ten (10) years time with the privilege of paying the whcle or any part of principle at any time Call on me at No. 17 Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. and I will be glad to ac commodate you. C. C. Chandler. Cure Cold In Head. Kermott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine, easy to take and quick to cu-t cold in head and sore throat. • - --it We will undersell and do under sell any house in this section, be cause we buy in large quantities from the manufacturer and take advantage of cash diseounts. We are at the seat of commer cial war all the time with way down prices for desirable goodsour only ammunition. We ahvavs win in the battle of competition, be cause wo aim not to destroy, but to build up the business of onr cueto mors, and we never miss the target. A POWDER MILL EXPLOSION Removes everything in sight: so du drastic mineral pills, but both are migh ty dangerous. Don’t dynamite the del icate machinery of your body with calo mel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which are gentl* as a summer breeze, do the work per fectly. Cures Headache, Cons ti oat ion. Only 25 cents at Winder Drug Cos. Obituary. In Loving remembrance 01 our dar ling sister, Bailie Williamson, who wai born March 15, 1877, died September 19, 1900. One precious to onr hearts has gone. The voice we loved is stilled, The place made .vacant in onr home Can never more bo filled. Our Father in His wisdom called The boon His love had given; And though on earth the body lies. The soul is Hafe in heaven. Asleep in Je-usl blessed sleep, From wh ch none ever wake to weep; A carm and undisturbed repose. Unbrokened by the last of foes. Asleep in Jusus! far from thou Thy kindred and their graves maybe. But this is still a blessed sleep From which none ever .vakes to weep Oh, Sallie, thy gentle voice is hushed. Thy warm, true heart is still; and on thy pale and peaceful face Is resting death’s cold cbilL Thy hands aie clasped upon thy breast, We have kissed thy marble brow, And iu onr aching hearts we know We have no Sallie now. Darling Sallie she has left ns; Left uh, yes, forever more; But we hope to meet our loved one, Ou that bright aud happy shore. ’Tin hard to break the tender cord When love has bound the hearts, ’Tis hard, so hard to speak the word*, ‘ We must forever part” Dearest loved one we have laid tbee In the peaceful grave’s embrace But thy memory wdl be cherish ’Till we see thy heavenly face. VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, cures them; also Old, Running and Fe ver Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns. Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,. BestPils cure ou earth. Drives out Pain and Aches. Only 25 eta. a box. Cure guar antee 1, Sold -by Winder Drug, Cos • ? NO 44.