The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 22, 1900, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOHIST. VOL. VIII. J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY, WINDER GEORaiA. The Great DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, and SHOE House. The grand success of our methods has stirred a host of imitators. All we Have to Say jscompare our PRICES with those quoted to you, go a stop further, get a sample of anything offered in any other store in this secthm and compare the quality and price, with our offerings of the same character. [And remember any article purohased*from us not found as represented, is returnable with money refunded, if not en tirely saiisfrctorv and better values obtainable elscwhere. Our powder and shot consist of prices tliat average from 15 to 25 per cent below those of our-wou!d-be com petitors with the result that our large standing army of cus tomers is constantly increasing and is always ready to defend the reputation we have achieved as the leading house in this section, N\ illinp*r\7 You win find in char 2 e of this department firs. Evangeline Brown and Hiss Roxie 1 Til 1111 Id J I UUvll Ethridge, and a full corps of their cooperatives ready to serve you. Hats Trom io cents to $25.00. Give us a call before placing your orders. Yours for Business, J. T. STK'ANGIi & COMPANY, Road Notices. G 'or"in, Jackson County. To whom it may concern: AH per sons interested are hereby notified tuat, 1 no good cause be shown to the cou t.ary, an order will be panted by the undersigned, on tht 22 day of Decem ber 1900, es abhshmg the following uew roads, as marked out by the road cou uussiouers appointed for that pur pose and repined to be of public utility. No. 1 Beginning at the forks of the road above J. C Wilfiamsou’s and run ning through the woods to the Athens and Jefferson read, through the lands 0 ,1. C’ Williams in, L O. Me’tin, R. H. Elrod aud E. D. Whelchel, at, B rry McCleskev’s, v Co!) No. 2. Beginning at the forks oa the road at the residenceot Mr. Carrington, deceased, and running by J. B. King’s, W A. Caritbers’ to W. P, Chandler’s, Mrs Alexander’s and others and'inter secting the raw ro .and from Athens, Ga., just above James residence or Joe Alexander’?. No. 3. Beginning iu front of the res idence of F M. Cox, rutmiug thence practically a!o ’g the line run by T. P. Stanley surveyor, aud marked out by stakes to tile new road leading from AUiens to the Jackson county line. No 4 Beginning the Dry B’ud School House and running to the Jefferson and Maysville road ab ve Oconee chr ~ch. No. 5. Beginning at J. V. Alexan der’s in-242d district Cl. M., of said county, discontinuing the old road at tbe first fo k of the old road ?-d estab lishing a uew road running thence iu an easterly direction through the laud o' Mrs. N. E. Betts and Miss Fannie Burner, aud inter.eotiug the red stone road at the residence of Wm. Ham monds, decerned. No. 6 B*ginumgatl B. Prickett’s, 455th district (4. M. of said county, where the Gainesville road intersects the Hogmouutaiu road aud running South t augh Cr'oway aud Head, ruuniugon *=iid line and thence on the line be tween F. P. Henry and W. W. Han cock, theuce on the line between Dr Underwood aud Mrs. Nunn’s place, iu t .rsecting the Jefferson and Clarksville read near F. C. Evans’ store iu the old toad rout. No. 7. Beginuiug ou the Harmony Drove and Jefferson road near the resi (fence of Geo. L. Mr-tiu aud following the location of the present road over the lands of Geo. L. Martin, Henry E. Hardman, J. W. Minish, Mrs. E. E. Far’- E. W. P. Richie aud S. W. Jack son yuci by said Jackson’s Mill, connect ing with and ending at the Harmony •Grove and Jefferson road near sr-id mill. No. 8. Beginning at the top of the Bill on the Bethlehem aud Hogmouu- WINDER, jaCksoN COuiSi ÜbORUiA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22. .900. tain roa \ Eat o Barbers creek, disoon linuing one trong of the Hogmouutaiu and Bethlehem r ad leading from tho top of said hill to the Athens road one half mile below Statham, following the old road through the lands of Mrs. M A. Wood and Jack Jacksou to the G C &N. R. R. ; theuce down the R. R. to the present cro sing leading to or inter aectiug the Atnens road. No. 9. Beginning at the Bill Phill ips place iu said county aud running iu a due South direction and by the resi dences and tb’ough the lands of W. P Phil ips, G Elward-’, W. P DaLaPer riere, L. F. Sell and Mrs Willingham, and inters c ing the Hogmouutaiu and Winder road about bj. of a mile East ot L F. Sell’s. No. 10. Cuange in the Jefferson aud Claaksv die road. Beginning at the Ap pie Valley roa I, ruuniug due East in said road for about 300 yards, leaving si- il rood to the left, intersecting the J AI. Wilhite aud T. J. Morrison road aud continuing therein about 350 yards, 1 outinnng therein and intersecting the present old road bed at T J. Morrison’s in Harrisburg district. No 11 Change in the Winder aud Hoschton road in the 2431 district G. M Beginning nepr the White br-ying grouud, leaving the present road bed to left on the edd road bed about twenty or 25 ya“ds iuto the open field of F L Sims iu said district, through the lands of the said F. L. Sims aud W. S Sims; theuce errving slightly to the left crossing the present road bed, running South Easterly drectiotf between the field aud woodland to the South East c uer of the fieid ou into the woods about 200 or 300 yards iu the same cou-se; thence cnr\lug slightly to the right, running South end intersecting the present road bed on top of what is knowu as Pea Ridge The above roads and changes marked out and reported to be of public utility b> the Road Commissioners of said Dis trict?. L Y Bradbury, Ordinary Jdoksou County, Nov. 19th, 1900. Land For Sale. I will sell at Jefferson ou first Tues day iu December, one lot of land con taining 41 acres, adjoining lot No. 1 of F. M. Holliday land, which is to be sold ou that day, and one lot of 41 acres ad joining lot No. 2 of Holliday laud. Will sell either or both of these lots to par ties who buy the Holliday tracts if they desire them or to any other parties who waut to Duy them. They are both de sirable ;small tracts of land. Te-ms made known at Jefferson on first Tues day in December when the Holliday place is sold R. J- Pentecost. Values Count, Services Count, Careful attention-to Customers count, Promises fulfilled count. Fresh, New, Stylish, Fashionable count, and we sell no other. These are the reasons why our Business is so famous in this section. ■win .1 I' 1 r-ir-rr ■ ' 1 —-1 l- - n. Every purchase is backed by our broad guage guar antee and money back if you want it. Every department is brim full of choice merchan dise with no advance in price. We ere today selling you goods as cheap as you bought them when you sold cotton for 5 cents. True Prophets. The cotton letters of Duun, Lyle & Cos. or- big wi ehousemen, which have been published drying the season most every week in The Economist, have been very interesting reading mitter. Their predictions that cotton would go higher if the farmers would hold it, have been verified, and now those who held it are getting ten cents. BRAVE MEN FALL Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, aud all feel the results iu loss of appetite, poisousiu the blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tireu, listless, run-down feel mg. But there’s no need to feel like that. Listen to J VV. Gardner, IdavilJe Ind. He says: “Electric B.tters r*e just the thing for a ra in when he is a.! rundown, and don’t care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me uew strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I cau now eat anything and have anew lease on life. Only 50 cents, at. Winder Drug, Cos. Every bottle guaranteed. Shingles! Shingles!! Why don’t you cover your house with Shingles made out of our own hard lim her? I have b-st timber and up-to date ma chiuery, and know how to saw aud can save you money. Will sell best No. 2 Sningles, cheaper than a board. Note what my customers say: The err of Shingles bought of you are O. K. Good as we ever handled. Bkdinufikld Bros. <fc Harris. The Shingles > ought of you are per fectly satisfactory. Good as I ever saw from South Georgia. R S- Harris. Shingles bought of you all O. K. Not a Single sap iu lot. W. C. Baggett & Cos. I consider Shingles bought from you 25 percent better than average Shingles. J W. Sanders. The No. 2 Shingles fit better than any I ever put ou. J • Cx. Cooper. If you need Shingles let me hear from you. Mill near Statham, Ga, J. T. Evans, Proprietor. It makes no difference what other people may tell you about selling- you and at what prices, if you consult your own interest, you will see what we arc offering as we cannot and will not be undersold, We pride ourselves on our Millinery department which is complete in every sense of the word. MEDALS FOR ROUNDLAP SYSTEM. The Franklin Institute Awards Three to The Roundlap Press and Bale. Iu giving to the roundlap baling sys tem the Elliott Cresson gold medal, the highest awa and iu its gift, the si 1 ver med al, tna highest award in its gift, the silver med ' aud diploma (the highest award) of the Nati mrl Export Exposi tiou, held in Phi’adelphia last year and 10 Magnus Swenson the John Scott Legacy premium and medal for the im proved roundlap press, the Frauk’in In stitute of Pennsylvania hat conferred an unusual honor upon the American Cotton Company’s press and bale. Not only is the American Cotton Company’s the one exhibit out of nearly 900 to re ceive all three awards, but its process is the sixth invention in more tha" 50 years to receive both the John Scott and the Elliott Cresson medals, the former of which was established by the will of its founder made in 1816, and the latter, in 1848. Thau those, uo distinction be stored by any scientific bodv in Ameri ca is more highly regarded either iu this country or abroad. Since their founda tion but 161 of the John Scott and only 43 of the Elliott Cres3on medals have been awarded. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY It is certainly gr tifying fo the pub lie to know o* ono concern in the land who are not afra s d to be geuerou to the needy and suffer ug. The pro prietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery or cousortiptiou, coughs and cold, have given away over ten million trial bot ties of this great med ; cme aud have the satisfaction of know ug it has absolute ly cared thousands of hopeless c: -es Asthma. Eronc iius, ..oarseness, a id all dise* es of the throat, chest aud lungs ,-re surely cr ed by it. CaH on Winder Diug Cos. and get a trie’, botile free, regu lar biz3, 50c aud |I. Guarant-ed to cure or price reiuuced. Notice. All persons indebted to the Ordinary's Office, please coma lor ward and settle same at once and oblige. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary; Wo will undersell aud do under sell any house in this section, be cause we buy in large quantities from the manufacturer and take advantage of cash discounts. We are at the seat of commer cial war all the time with way down prices for desirable goodsonr only ammunition. Wealwavswiu in the battle of competition, be cause wo aim not to destroy, hut to build up the business of our custo mers, and we never miss the target. Big Clothing Sale. We will make a special sale on Cloth ing for the next 30 davs. If you need a suit now is the time for you to see us. No such bargains ever offered in Cloth ing. Hodges, Cami* & Arnold. A Double Marriage. Last Thursday evening a double mar riage occurred at tue home 01 Rev. A H Holland, o f Lawrenceville. Mr. J. A. Coffee, of Car 1 , and Miss Cora Leo Holland and Mr. M. M. Sammons and Miss Anna Hoduud were tho contract ing parties. Many beautiful and cost ly preseuts were presented to these pop ular young people aud a largo number of invited guests and friends were pres eat to wiDness the union of these two couples. Rev. H. N. Riiney, in h'< happy aud impressive manner, per formed the ceromouy. RED HOT*FROM THE GUN Was the ball that hit G. B. 6ce dman of Newark, Mich., in the Civil W. It caused horrible Ulcers that uo treai meut helped (or 20 years. Then Buk leu’s Arnica Stive cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, B lib, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best File cure on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cme guaran tee! Sol i by. Winder Drug, Cos. FARMERS, ATTENTION. We Have Money For You. We have The TEXAS RED RUSTPROOF SEED OATS Di tect from thh fields of tho West. Come to see us before you buy your Oats and we will give you the advantage of these seed at prices that will astonish yon. Come to see us and let us show you what we have. Dunn, Lyle & Cos. Announcement. I hereby announce myself a candidate for constable for the Jefferson district, election to be held ou Ist. Saturday in Ue ember. Resp’tly. A. J. Watson. 45