The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 22, 1900, Image 4

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MmiMIST Official Organ Ordinal y. Official organ of winder. pvb' kvkuy tutuspay kvksiso jfffskson omci! With th e Otd.n.ry intbe Court ‘Hods p *y Qnattlebaum will represent the paper and take subscriptions. Subscription Rates- Year, - - - l-00 LAMAR, Editor and Publisher. "tHURSDAF NOVEMBER 23. 1900. Mr. Croker hn- led for Europe and the Democratic piirty is left without a leader. The North Georg'a Conferenco of the Methodist church is in session tnis week in At'anta. • The p eat hu’k of humanity think lit tie about posterity or what will become of tho:e wno iollow them. Selfishness is the predominating in finance that .on tiols mo :t men and women at the pre. eut lime. Col. W. H. Mattox, one of the lead ing citizens of Elbert comity, had a dif ficulty lasts .tm-day with his son-iu-law, J. B. Jones, Jr., over the ownership ot some stock. Both men shot and Co’. Mattox was kil'ed. Jones cla ms that he killed him in self defence. The Evil Still Remains. The cr/ for a white primary and secret baHot oems to rmoant to. very little so far a eliuvn&ting money from oc r elec tion! ind securing purety of the bal lot. The buying and selling of votes goes right c'ong just the same as of old. The purchasable vote among the whites ap peals to be just r* approachable as tha negro vote only it cost a great dee’ more. The municipal election in Augusta Tuesday demonstrated this very plainly. Augusta had a white prime y aud a se cret billot, but the news through the lig dallies is that the election cost the two candidates for mayor $50,000, and that white men were pr/d as high as $15,000 for their vote. When white men become so degraded, that they will sell their franchise, the country'is get ting in a bad condition, and it is a diffi cult matter for us to believe the world is growing better, purer and g auder with this disgrace on onr ci\ lizatiou. A secret ballot and a white prim- vy does not remove the eril. Atlanta’s New Depot. Outside of the members of the legis lature and the speci** 1 pet' of Atlanta and those few great Statesraen(?) pro miscuously scattered p-ound, who de light to fawn at the feet of certain in fluences inirnio ’ to the best interest of the people generally, itisqr'te amusing to notice the importance attached to the b’' : ’(”ng of a magnificent depot. for that city by the state at le-ge. The above class bitterly oppose and ridicule government ownership of pub* lie nti'it'eo that would benefit r'l the people, but ere strong advocates of gov ernmont ownership of a depot for the benefit of Atlanta We word like to see a fine depot for At anta, and while it is not popn’ar to oppose the scheme now on foot to get one there, we feel that it won'd be as consistant to advocate the building or one in Wilder and other cities by the state a in Atlanta The higher price of cotton this season shonid not cause P me rs to neglect sowing wheat aud oats and making their own supplies auother ye—. Ex perience ha? taught ns p’l to know it will not pay to r : se cotton to buy these neoe saries. Died of “Desuetude.” ; In The Advocate, Cr rolton, Ga. Now that the Democratic party is dead we take please"e in inviting the former members of that party to join in the young vigorous Populist party. By the help of all honest democrat’ the populists can get control of the State and Union by another election and we would have an ideal government. Of course mmy democrats wou’d uevar leave that party as long as there was any hope of it as a national organiza tioo. Bat it ha3 died of “desuetude” not by any means “innocuous” and all real true patriot”! should rejoice that the stumbling block is removed from the path of jforiu Now we can all pull together in the Peop'es party. Old scores will not be remembered against democrats seeking affttation with us. They w’U be received with open r -ms, nnd treated kindly on aH occasions Prominent democrat! have declp~ed if that p?~ty con'd not win this race, with every thing in it! favor there would nevir be any use iu iti running a na tions’ ticket again So no one need hope for a resurrection. Derr brothers of the former demr cratic party, we say to you: Br- y your dead out of sight, dry your tears and come over into the only in this country that for years hao advocated any real democratic principle and that is the party of the People. There you will receive warm welcome and soon be comforted for aH your loss. Lr T. Rlsset'.. Boston hr.e more women than men. It world be a good place for a fellow to go who wrnti to ge' married. The Georgia Legislatn-e hr- been in session t v ree weeks, a'id up to Tnesdav night had passed one bid of general ap plication. Nealy all of its time has been taken up in visiting fairs, carni vals, horse shows, midway attractions and the like, aud playing politics in the matter of small loor’VUs, the majority of which were no doubt designed to give some “corrtho'jse eliqn ” a stronger pull It is su f e to say that all of the need ful business that hr. • so f; • been done at th’s session con’d be easily compressed into one week. How long are the tax payors going to aubar't to be ridden by tha politicians in this manner? Bienni al sessions woud put a stop to a very great deal of the wanton waste of the people’s time and money by legislators. The above from the Savannah News is rather hard on it ; Democratic legis iaWs. “Despotism” in Georgia. In his message to the G orgia Legisla ture Governor Candler recommends an amendment to the State Constitution ptov.dng for "a qualified suffrage ba~s ed on an education a' or a property qua’- ification or both.” Governor Candler mr.kei th ; s recommendation “in the in terest of good gevernment ami in the interest of the negro rat incidentally, wepre ume,:n the interest of the Crack er Democrr .-y. If the propo'ed restrictions are to bind both white and black who a-e illiterate and w'thout property, there can bo no | good D .oc’id of objection, iibtsic the ! coarse of suffrage in the United State; hassteadiV w dened, and no political party in the North would dare to advo cate such obstructions to universal sn*- frage as the Georgia Governor advo cates. Almost everybody who is not a pauper, a tramp or a convict without property pays t: ~es in reality if not nominally. There is no way fly ing away from taxes, but the old sjstena, once found in so many State Constitu tions, of making the possession of pro perty of a cert .in amount a requisite either for voting at all or for voting for certain specified officers, is no longer attractive. In spite of the lugubrious catterwauliugs of th 9 Bryanites, the country is much more democratic than it used to be. It is a 1 most amusing to find the Georgia r- nters nst pluto c. acy getting ready to sit up a pluto cracy, for such a government with a property qua'ification for tho suffrage would be. Some of the Georgia Bryauites pre tend to be mighty frightened on account of the “despotism” which they say that the Republicans r~e not going to found in the Philippines. Gradual self gov eminent, with a suffrage not more re stricted than Governor Candler want! to see in Goorgia, is the worst despo tism that will be established in the Phil ippines. And.note that there, new rights wi'l be given A’liile in georgia some e x isting rights rre to be taken away.— New York Sun. PROGRAMME For the Chuiches Served by Rev. T. E. McCutchen —Centen- ial Movement and Church Work. The following churchei natnedin this prog amme w 1 hold a Centeoial Meet ing aud chr - ch work in December in their regr'av order: Bethabrra 1 Sunday and Saturday before. Winder 2 Sunday and Saturday before. A'cova 3 Sunday and Saturday before. Hfrmony 4 Sunday aud Saturday be fore. B. S. Walker Chapel 5 Sunday aud Sate day before. Saturday 10 a. m., prayer, praise and giving of thanks for pest blessings. Led by J. L Loc!Mu, Rev. S W. Arnold, J. W. Stowe, J. J. Prather and G. A. Gib son. 10:30 a. m. t Church Work, R 9 ports from the Church Missionary So ciety and Sunday School. Led by Wal ter Griffith, N. J. Kelly, W. A. Herin, O. A. McDowell and E. Griffiths. Satr day 11 a. m. Preaching by pas tor, Fundament?’ Principles of the Baptist. 12 noon dinner. 1:30 p. m Baptist One Hundred years Led by J. L. Griffith, W. H. Kimbell, H. E. Burton, M. ¥ Brown and Rev. J. W. Burson. 2p. m What the Figives say of Baptist Growth. Led by W. G. Welbr n, N J. KeUy, O. R. Lindsav, E. W. McDowell acd E. Griffith. 2:30 p. m A Century of Religious Liberty Led by D. W. Lockliu, D, H. Hutchins, W. L. Blassingame, R. F. Kelly aud Rev. J. F. Eden. Sunday 10 a. in. Sanday School Mass Meeting. Led by G. E. Griffith, Archie Janes, W. J. Dabney, N. J. Kelly W;l --lie Blaesiugame, A. A. Barton, W. J L .ngford, J. P. Almond and C. M. Walker. 11 a. m. Treadling by the pastor, A Cent' -y of Organized Work 12 Noon Dinner. 1:30 p. m A Ceatuiy of Baptist Growth in Education a id in telligence Lea by J. Z. Locklin, Rev. S. W. Arnold, J O. Breed ove, W. E. IveyandC. M Walker. 2p. r ACen tn j of Foreign Mission. T -d by S. M. Welhr n, W. H Sheats’ Josiah Blassingamo, A. E. McDowell aud Rev. W. S. Walker. 2 p in. A Century of Home aud State Mission. Led by J. E. Tinley, Rev. J. F. Jackson, B. C. Dick enson, J. W Pnillips and W. E. Ivey. All the speakers pre requested to at -1 tend as many of the above meetings as possible, and fail not to be in their place at time mentioned. If speakers find they can not be present they may noti fy Rev. T. E. McCutcheu, Monroe, Ga, Come rain or shine. Welcome. WORKNIG NIGHT AND DAY. The busiest and rr ghtiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugr--coated globe’e of health, that changes weak ness into strength, listlessuess into en ergy, brain-fag into mental power. They’er wonderful in building up the her'th. Only 25o*per box. Sold by Winder Drug, Cos. GOING WEST. The Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Lewis Railway, and Western & Atlantic Railroad. Is the shortest, quickest and best route to all points West, North and North West. Eor cheapest rates, time table, maps and other information write J. L. Edmondson, Southeastern, P. A., No. 1 North Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. Money to Loan. We negotiate loans on improved farms, payable in five years iD an nual installments. Interest 7 per cent. Call and see us at Athens, Ga. Shackkt.forh & Cos. Guano for \¥heat. We want your cotton seed and w : ll mke you special prices oa Wheat Fer tilizer for cab. Br: jg ou your seed and gee yorr wneat fer tilizer. A1 . D. iKWiN Notice. All persons are notified not to fish hunt or trespass on my laud in House’s district, Jackson county Geor gia, under penalty of the law. F. L Sims. Notice Farmers. Those of you who want to pay cash for yor - ’ wheat fert.’fizers, see ns before buy mg, as our Drees are .always cheap est for the best goods. Dunn, Lyle & Cos. A WINNING COMBINATION! ■*' •> i New Goods! Best Material! Moderate Prices! GIVE US A CALL. Here in our New iTillinery Store are plenty of beautiful creations in New Fall and Winter Millinery. Hats are now arriving such as would warm the heart of every woman, and win admiration. DRESS GOODS. Those who have inspected this line, declare them to be Strictly New in color, which is the key-note to their ready sale. Our line of Meltons, Venetians, Broadcloth, Homespun, Polka Dot, Henriet tas, and many other styles that are not surpassed anywhere. JACKETS. A beautiful new liue just received TO-DAY. In all the new cuts and colors—those Jackets trimmed in applique—the very thing you want. * Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Overcoats, And, in fact, anything you want, can be found at our New Store. All we ask is a call, and we know you will say with the others, that J. G. PUETT & CO.’S Is the place to Trade, Yours respectfully, A. D. HcCURRY, Manager. Winder Foundry and riachine Works Is One Of The New Enterprises Of The i Growing City Of Winder. This is one of the best equipped Machine and Foundry Works in the state and is prepared to do all kinds of work, such as building and repairing of ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW and SYRUP MILLS, GINS and all kinds of Mackinery- Orders will be attended to promptlyjjand all work guaranteed, Send your work to us and we will jgive you satis faction. Winder Foundry,]] AND Machine Works. New Millinery Store. j We take pleasure in announcing to our friends and the public gen erally that we have opened, at the stand formerly ocoupied by the Baukof Winder, a CHOICE SELECTION of Up=to=date Millinery Goods, Embracing all the latest styles and nobbiest novelties of thes9a9oa. £ Call, examine our stock, and you can be suited in goods, while our prices cannot be beat. JEWELRY- Wo are adding to our Jewelry Department, aul in WGju, Clocks, Silverware/Etc., can show you a choice Selection, at the very Lowest Prices. Give us a*call. J. GARRISON*