The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 22, 1900, Image 7

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111. WILLIAMS TALKS Hakes Statement Explaining His True Motives and Work, IS ENGAGED in legitimate business SaTJ He Has Been Ml*ja<lg£<l In Many 1# Awaiting* Supremo Court Decision. jlr. R. A. Williams, better known is “Peg,” mvho opened a railroad emigrant office in Atlanta a few days ,ro—which fact was the subject of au article in The Atlanta Constitution— •nakes ar. interesting statement of his position and gives a clearer insight into his side of the question than has yet appeared. He declares that he has never taken uegroes from any county during the Slithering of crops and says his work hse been of benefit to Georgia, despite the statements that have been made by persons in counties from which negroes have been sent. A representative of Tax Collector Stewart called on Mr. Williams in refer ence to the license. It seems that no active work has been done and the of fice was opened up preparatory to commencing work as soon as the de cision of the supreme court is render ed, and in order to give notice so that persons wishing to leave Georgia will not make new contracts. This was not fully explained to The Constitution representative who saw Mr. Williams. The most important part of lire state ment is as follows: To The Constitution—l notice in this morning’s paper your article no tifying the tax collector that I had no license, and had opened a railroad em igrant office. This is true. The office is open, advertising to the woHd the number of people I want to go west and inducements offered io them for picking cotton at 75 cents per hundred, which is nearly double what they get in Georgia. When I went to the Constitution to give an advertisement, I was asked if I had a license for Fulton county. I said no; that I have a license in Greene county and am working there. I opened my office to be ready when the decision of the supreme court of the United States was handed down to commence business in Fulton county, advertising in The Constitution to let the people know that they could go before they contracted for the<enstiing year. The Constitution erred in the state ment where it says “I took the people out and left the crops to go to ruin.” When I took the people all crops had been gathered, and the majority of the people were on starvation, with noth ing to do. The counties where I got most of the emigrants had applied to the governor for aid to keep them from starvation. The citizens of the county seat of Green county invited me to come and take out fiem 1,000 to 1,500, but after 600 or less had gone they asked me to stop, which T did until the 15th day of this month, not withstanding I had taken out and paid a SSOO license for this county. The matter of representation was taken up when I was in Greensboro, and from statements in the columns of The Constitution, the negroes that I took had no effect, as they were short about 1,500 besides. If I am correctly informed, they should have 19,500 to secure the second representastive, which proves that it is not my fault. It is true that I had a good deal of trouble and was arrested when moving the people, but I was uever threaten ed with being tarred and feathered. This is an idea that originated with The Constitution. I was never in the •counties of Hancock or Morgan solic iting, further than passing through on vhe train, although they arrested me while passing through Morgan eounty. without knowing me, having to eall on the oonductor to point me out. 2£ow it’s very easy to "Peg Williams” arrested, whether he is guilty or not; that can be determined later. If lam not mistaken, someone will have 'to pay for all this vitupera tion. My business is a legitimate one. I am a law-abiding citizen and not ati outlaw or criminal. My home is in Memphis, Tenn., and I shall appeal to the United States court if necessary. I have been a benefactor to the state of Georgia to both the white and col ored population. I believe a majority of the citizens of Georgia concur wifn me iu this opiniou. There is always two sides to a story, and it’s high time that the newspapers that seek to give me unsought and un pleasant notoriety should show a little justice in their columns. Would it not he well to look into the facts and let the truth shine out occasionally? Population ot \ew York State. The population of New r York state, as officially announced is 7,268,012, against 5,997,853 in 1890. This is an increase ol 1,270,159, or 21,1 ner cent. | Coated Look at your tongue. Is it coated ? Then you have a bad taste in your mouth every morning. Your appetite is poor, and food dis tresses you. You have frequent headaches and are often dizzy. Your stomach is weak and your bowels are always constipated. There’s an old and re liable cure: pm Pill'S Don’t take a cathartic dose and then stop. Bet ter take a laxative dose each night, just enough to cause one good free move ment the day following. You feel better the very next day. Your appetite returns, your dyspepsia is cured, your headaches pass aw'ay, your tongue clears up, your liver acts well, and your bowels no longer give you trouble. Price, 2S coots. AM druggists. “ I have token Aysr’s rills for *5 years, and 1 ooiuttdar them the t>* made. Ons pill does ate more good than half a box of any other kind I have orer tried.” Krs If. H. Talbot, March 39,1969. Arrington, Kans. Can You Blaine Him! “Wagstaff says he will take off his hat to no flag, but will to a woman.” “Well, he seems to have a pretty good ides as to which of the two is the more dangerous when roused.”—ln dianapolis Press. Qooo Position. Trustworthy men wanted to travel. Experi ence nor absolutely necessary. For particulars, address Peerless Tob. Wks„ Bedford City, Va Tk Main Thing:. "Twombley tays be thinks he'll co In for yachting. He's mors than half equipped al ready,” "Has a yaoht, eh?” "No; the clothes ” To Cur, a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Qcininh Tabi.bts. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure E. W. Gkoyb'S signature is on each box. 25a. Disagreeable Features. The Landsman—Well, I suppi Be the yacht ing season is over. The Yaolitmen—Oh, I don’t know—the bills have not shipped coming In yet.—Puck. FITS jierinanentlycured. Nofltsoruervous uossafter first day’s tiso of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. *2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. R. H. liLlxg, Ltd., 981 Arch St.. Phlla., Pa. > An Oecult Influence. “The fortune teller told me that some powe-- ful Influence was standing between me aud success In life.” “Do you suspect any one?" “I can’t decide whether It Is our baby or the cook.” —Chicago Record. [> -a j _ Safest, surest cure for rir Eaiiti s> thr<>at iud ,uu * * m h-iw ta ■ a trouble*. People praise Cough Syrup Quick, *ure result*. Refuse substitutes. <Get Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. LIBBY'S Soups TEN CENTS Libby'* soups are at good as soups can be. Some cooks may know how to make soups as good. None can make them better—none so cheaply. Six plate* of delicious soup for ! o cent* —and think of the bother saved! OxtaH, Mullaoatawny, Chicked, Mock Turtle, Tomato, Vegetable, and Chicken Gumbo. At your grocer*, in cans ready for instant serving ju*t heat them. LIBBY, McNEILL * LIBBY Ghloago Write for our booklet, “How to Make Good Thing* to Eat.” Plantation Chill Cure is Guaranteed X T* hyToHr Merchant,soV/hv jVfl Hl* One Brave Deed. Bh* was a hero worsh per. Often she would read '*istory, just to fled some new hero to wor*hlp. Otherwise she would rad such nov els ns "Beautiful Betsy, the Belle of the Brass Works, or the “Baronet’s Bride.” Of course this made her feel that she had married beneath her, for her hus band had not grown round-ahouldered from wearing heavy medals. Occasionally he would tell him that •he wished he was a hero. Once the foolish man told her that he would be a hero If he had a chance. “You would?” she said, In tones of lneredulity. “Did you ever ‘do any thing In your life that looked like bravery, or that seemed valorous in after years?” He thought of the day when they played Mendelssohn’s wedding march, nnd he gave the minister $lO and she became his wife. But he didn’t say anything about It. For a true hero never talks about his glorious, dare-devil deeds. So she never knew that her husband was a hero. Isn’t it a sad story.—Baltimore American. Anticipated. Consulting our stoul British hearts, we pressed on, fighting like demons. Of course the yellow devils gave way before us. “Bow to the inevitable!” we shouted to them, sternly. “But we have already bowed to one inevitable this morning!” the Chinese called back, in much seeming per plexity. From this we knew that the ac cursed Russians had been too quick for us.—Detroit Journal. Wrnitod. A traveling Bailsman tn Bach southern state: s')o to #BO per month aud traveling expenses; experience net absolutely necessary. Address Penlcks Tobacco Works Cos., I‘enicka, Va. Too Late. Stuttering Employe (writing letter) —B-b-b- --boy. hand me a b-b b-bl -bl bl— Office Bov—A blotter, air do you wish?'’ Stuttering Employer—Never mlud n-n-n --nuw; the ink hash U <l-dried. llt Host Preemption for Chills aud Fever Is a bottle of OnOVB'S Tastilss* Chill Tonic. It it simply iron and quinine La a tasteless form. No cure—no pay. Fries Ado. PUc>tlnc the Power*. “Our cook oarrlea Harry's gold-bandied um brella all the ttiue ” “I wouldn’t submit to It." “Oh. yes. you would We wouldn't do a thing to make her dislike us—lndlaaapolla Journal. Indigestion is a bad companion. Gat rid of it by chewing a bar of Adams’ Pap sin Tuttl k’rutti after each meal. Itii'lnes* tirttp. “What! Fifty cents for putilng in tills load of coal? You charged only 26 cents the last time.” “Yes’m, but coal has rls.” It requires no experience to dye with Put nam Fadeless Lies. Simply boiling your goods In the dye Is all that’s necessary. Bold by all druggists. A Philosopher. “I should think you would spend your money for clothes Instead of whisky." “Oh. they’s always old clothes to give away, but the older booe* gits the worse people hang on to It.” —Indianapolis Frees. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the ense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such arilc es should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Cos., Toledo. 0., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood ami mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine. It Is taken Internally, aud Is made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. ( h -noy A Cos. Testimonials free. fif*~Sold by Druggists; price, 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Her Fate. “So Iren has met her fate at last.” “Indeed?” owns a grocery.”—lndianapolis Press. .Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften* the gums, reduces Inflamma tion. allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle He Mud Have Had. “Did you have a good time on your vacation?” “Good time? Ire got to wear my o:d clothes for two years.” Best For the Bowels. No matter what alls you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. Cabcabetb help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, produo# easy natural movements, oot you Just 10 cents to start getting your health back. Oasc a rets Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tab let has C. 0.0. stamped on It. Beware of imitations. An Apt Accountant. “Mis* Sllrnniorhorn tells me that De Smetts great on figures, Is he a college profetsor of mu' hemai Is?" “No; ladles' tailor." Plso’s Pure for Consumption Is n infalli ble medt Ine for c ugh* and CO’ds— N. W. Bamcbl, Occ-an Gr ve, N. J., Feb. li, 19 b. The Pressure. Kate—Dell Daniels must be bard presses for a beau to tat up with Charley Chowders. Mate—Rather she Is hard pressed by a beau In taking up with him. —Denver News. FADED IN HER YOUTH Pretty faces and graceful forms of young 1 women i Why Is it th#y are so •oon replaced by plainness and lankness? It is because the young girl just i entering into womanhood does not know how to ke care of herself and has no one competent to struct her. It is not necessary that there should i anything weakening or wearying about the nctions of a female organism. Parents of young ris should inform themselves and prevent their r ones from making costly errors. That young woman has a just cause of com plaint, who is permitted to believe that great periodic suffering is to be expected, that severe mysterious pains and aehes are part of her natural experience as a woman. These things arc making constant war on her health, her dis position and her beauty. It is a wanton sacri fice, absolutely unnecessary and cruel. It i Dr. Greene’s for the Blood and Nerves Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood aud nerve remedy, is the right meilleine for every young girl who is just entering the first stage of womanhood. It prepares the system in every way to act nor mally. It enriches the blood supply, and keep* the nerves calm and steady. Fortified with thia great medicine, all the womanly duties may ba undertaken aud experienced without the slight est jeopardy to health. It preserves tho gifts of nature and assists their development into glow- Mns. Mart Frances Lytle, of 2 Hunter “ I was very pale and delicate-—had no color, I took Dr. Greene’s Nervura, blood and nerve remedy. now I am well and strong, my face is plump, ana Mrs. William Babtki.B, 239 East 87th St., “Dr. Greene's Nervura made a wonderful Improve ment in my health, and that dark, sallow look left mf fare. M v friends hardly know me, I have gained flesh The nervousness in women which invariably comes with pain is of itself certain to stop tho development of beauty in face and figure. Ex cited nerves make sharp lines and hasty speech. The beautiful curves which make women so attractive are not possible when the female organism is out of order, as it surely is when discomfort and pain are always or even periodically present. It is only necessary to look in the faces of young women everywhere to se that this must be so. Else why are they so pale and thin ? GET FREE ADVICE FROM DR. GREENE Real beauty is rare. It belongs to perfect health. It Is possible to every woman who takes the matter In hand Intelligently. Get advlca from Dr. Greene, the great specialist in these matters. He will tell you why all this la so, and show you how to avoid the 6tumbling blocks that bar woman’s way to happiness. You may consult Dr. Greene without cost by calling or writ ing to him at his office, 35 West Hth Street. New York City. Don’t throw away your beauty. Write to Dr. Greene to-day. The man who smokes ! Old Virginia Cheroots' has a satisfied, “glad I have got it” J expression on his face from the time < he lights one. He knows he will J not be disappointed. No matter s where he buys one—Maine or Texas, j Florida or California—he knows they will be just the same as those he gets j at home—clean—well made—burn j even—taste good—satisfying! Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. j Family Secrets. Inquisitive Relative —Willie, wliat floor do you live’ on In the apartment house In the big city? Willie (on a vi*lt)—Mamma Buys I mustn’t tell stoiies.—Chicago Tribune. turn RB ‘ OURSK GIVEN. Pori er** tioxs Guakantbed by E_ M 7$ SL_ BL_ ss,oood>t* sit. H.R. Fakb BE Wfagy ap* Er'"* Paid. Write quick. ■ A !; _ Ga.-ai.a. Bpb. Coi.i.boe. B B kft vr*3 Macon, Georgia PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT If you can (or think you can) s dlclt LIFE I/SSU’RANeE, Write (with references for terms to lo al and special agents, to R. F. SHEDDEN, Gen. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. TIIK MUTUAL LIFE INSUKANCKCO. of Ni. Y. Assets Over 350,000.000. 00. Saw Mills $129 TO $929.00 With Improved Hope and Beit Feed. SAWS, FILES nnd TEETH In Stock. Engines, Boilers and Machinery All Kinds and Repairs for same. Shafting, Ftilloya, Belting, Injector*, Pipes* Valves and Fitting*. LOMBARD IRONWORKS SUPPLY CO, AUGUSTA, GA nOADCY NEW DISCOVERY: give* $|Y £9 a otitok r i' nd eunn wmrs* care*,- fcooV of tetunoni*li <! 10 days’ traatraea* I rev. Dr. H. B. OBEEH B SONS. Boz B. Atlanta. S Mm OuHtSWHERfc ALL ?L3£TaTs. „ B ■Rest Couph Syrup. Tu.-tes Oood. Ue g In time. Bold by dnigHstn. g