The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 29, 1900, Image 4

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m imwrn Official Organ Ordinary. Official vim an of winder. FUTH.ISHKD F.VEKY THURSDAY EVEN!NO JK.FF/iRSON OFFICE: With th r Oidiri.n 0 b < Cmt Bous F. W. Qnattlobiuim will represent the pnp< r#nd take subscriptions. utrcrntion Pates. Yfap - - ♦I.OO A. G. LAMAR, Editor ard Publisher. THURSDA £ NOVEMBER 29. 1900. Church wedding’* -TJ no louucr fash ionable Another plot has b en unearthed to ■ssasinate president McKinley. Mrs. Lease refuses to longer support her husband and has applied for a di vorce. Few people stop to think these days. They just keep pushing and lisk the consequences. Never surrender your principles of re foim. Truth will linuallv triumph it manhood is preserved. From the way Kruger is received by the people of France it looks like his came is not yet dead. Chairman James K Jones still says the election was a surprise to him Poor Jones we cauH help but-pity him. According to the reports from New York city it would seem that some of the people of that little village are being regenerated and born again. The world continues to move and you will stumble over some clever people as you go around as well as a great many mean ones. We gue-s things wiibabout balance up in the windup. France is now showing the same spirit towards Kruger that she did to Wash ington. Of all countries France shows more sympathy for those oppressed and more bravery in letting the world know it. The world smiles on the fellow with * good bank account, bat has little mercy on him if he happens to be minus this requisite which is at the present time the test of his fitness as a good citizen financially, socially and religiously. There are many things for which we ought to be very thankful. Any way we are thankful that we are still living and would feel more thankful if all our subscribers thought enough of us to pay their subscriptions and to talk for The Economist. We gaes°, however, things could have been worse with ns than they are so we are not going to kick. Chang Chih-Tuug, the great reformer of China, asserts a truth that cannot be questioned in the following language: “Translators have wrongly rendered the word republic, ‘people rule.’ In west ern republics the people can discuss matters, bnt do not pnt them into exec iCion.” There are few matters in this government that the people really need ar and discuss that are executed into law. But a Name. There are few men at the present time to whom one can go and pour out his grief an-1 tell his difficulties and en list their sympathy aud assistance when the clouds of adversity aud disappoint % meuts envelop you. Men seem to repe l one who is in despair and turn from them with a coldness that speaks loud tr than words. Friendship is but a name and in most cases leaves the wretch of dispppoiuiment to weep alone. Morgan's Sawdust. Too many soft snaps makes hard ' times. Government by injunction is the blos som of revolution. The man who will act dishonestly to secure an office will ketp it up after he is elected. A 100 l is a man who doo6 the same fool ish thing a second time. The ballot talks louder than anything else. There wore a great many Democrats this year who were Republicans. The two old parties presented their Bills to the people. Below allissu s of all platforms is the great question of human rights. Education will beat fusion. Usury is ihe sting of robbery. Monopoly of all public utilities ought to be enjoyed by all. Justice is said to be blind, audit saves her ma: y a heart pang. What wo ueed is flexible currency in stead of flexible statesmen. The new Democracy has never scrap ed ihe moss off its back. Money is not yalue itself but a order for value. Government ownership means service ift c >st. Direct legislation means the people shall rule. With government bauks panics would be impossible. Some men seem to have made up their minds to be suckers always. It won’t do to trust even a good man when he is aboard the wrong craft. Im quality is the child of iniquity. Calling a man a crank don’t c mvicfc him of error. If gold is “God’s money,” how does it happen that the devil controls ii? No cause is week that is right; God aod one man is a majority. The politicians sell the voters and the voters deliver themselves. There is no independent manhood without independent thought There is a good deal of paternalism about the free school system. The trouble is we allow our public servants to ‘Work us” instead of work for us. Direct legislation is the king bolt of liberty. Religion may be the sail, but Christ ianity is the rudder. FIGHT ONI Hon. Wharton Barker to The Faithful Populist. Ihe Popnlist vote east in the country on Tuesday last wa9 regrettably small. And now iu the presence of the verdict of the American people expressed at the ballot box, a verdict upholding the poll cies of the administration, upholding anything but the policies for which we stand, and before going on with the fight, may we pause for just one mo meat aud ask ourselves: Are we right'/ Each man mast ask this of bin. self, each must answer it for himself. And if, when he finds this answer, it is yes, there is bnt one course for the true man, the man worthy of the name of mau to pursns. And that is: Fight on—fight on for the right auto death, or uutil it dc es prevail. We have asked ourselves this ques tion as we have takeu note ox the judgments just rendered by the Amer lean people, judgments so averse to us. aud oontaiued in the Democratic and Republican vote alike, and as we often have before, and the answer stands out clearly before us. It is yes And that answer points out the path of duty. We feel the American peo ple have voted in blindness, it is for us to do our mite to enlighten them that the right prevail, that the power of money in our government be de stroyed, that our people be not stripped of their heritage, "the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness”—the right to life, which is tile right to work and draw wealth and sustenauce from nature’s iuexhausti ble resources; the right to liberty, which is the right to labor and enjoy the fruits thereof without payment of tribute to anyone enjoyiug special privileges, and in such way as one may choose, so long as the rights of others are not trespassed upon; the right to happiness, the assurance of which the opportunity to reach higher aud better things for self aud for one's children. Aud to this work, a work that duty bids us to take up, or rather forbids us to put aside, that love foronr tellowmau calls us to, we dedicate our selves anew. Aud, within such limita tious as mortal mau is subject to, that ,work we will pursue. Tax Notice. .1 will bi at Winder D c. 7—9 a. in. to 2 p in. rioschtou Dec. 7—3 too p. iw. Meet me at that time if you have not paid your tax. Respt’ly, A. H. Brock T. C„ Jackson County. A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT. Air. W. A. Hines of Manouester, la., writing of liU almost miarculous escape from death, says: “Exposure after meas les induced serious luug trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages aud coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, which completely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost $5,00 a bottle. Huudreds have used it on my recom mendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest aud Lung troubles.” Regular size 50c aud SI,OO, Trial bottle free at Winder Drug, Cos., Guano for vYheat. We want your cotton seed aud will make you special prices ou Wheat Fer tilizer for cash. Bring on your seed aud get your wneat fertilizer. M. D. Irwin Notice. All persons are notified not to fish hunt or trespass on my laud in House’s district, Jacxsou county Geor gia, under penalty of the law F. L Sims. L. D. YEARWOOD. The Groceryman Can now be found in the new store next to Col. Quarterman’s of fice on Broad Street with a full line of FAMILY and FANCY GROCERIES at prices that are hard to down. Here are a few of them to think about: Standard granulated (]' I AA Sugar 16 pounds to \[ < IJ|l Imported granulated (i'l AA Sugar 17 pounds to CI,\JU Extra C. Sugar 0| AA 17 pounds to iM.UU Lion Coffee per pound 12£cts. Cuba Molasses per Gal. 45 cts. Common ” per Gal 25 cts. Ribb ui Cane Molasses Reboiled per Gal. 40 cts Daisy Flour 25 pounds 50 cts. Pearl Flour 25 pounds 60 cts. Nonpareil Flour 251bs. 65 cts. Dove Hams per pound 141cts. California Hams per lb. 10 cts, Breakfast Bacon, Dove Brand per pound 14^cts. Meal, water ground per bushel 65 cts. Tobacco per lb from 35 to 75 cts. Big stock Cigars aud Smoking Tobacco as cheap as the cheapest. Telley’s Indian and Ceylon, the choicest of green ai.d black mixed Teas per pouna 60 cents. Soap to Beat the Band. Fine toilet in the biggest Scents cake in the city. Laundry in the biggest bars at 5 cents a bar and in 2 bars for 5 cents. Canned Goods a Specialty. Alaska Salmon 10 cents a can, Chipped Beef 14 cents a can, Tripe 20 cents a cau, Heinz’s Baked Beans with Tomato Sauce 10 to 13 cents. A full line of Heinz’s Pickles, Sauces, Mustard, etc. always on hand. The place to buy Grocer ies. Come right along and let me wait on you. HE FOOLED THE SURGEONS. All doctors told Reuick Hamilton, of West Jefferson , 0., after suffering IS months.from Rectal Fistula, he would die uiffess a costly operation was pre formed; but he ccred himself with five boxes of Buckleu’s Arnica Salve the sorest Pile care on Earth, aud the best Salve iu the World. 25 cents a box Sold by, Wiuder Drug Cos, A WINNING COMBIN ATION! New Goods! Best Material! Moderate Prices! GIVE US A call. Here in our New Hillinery Store are plenty of beautiful creations in New Fall and Winter Millinery. Hats are now arriving such as would warm the heart of every woman, and win admiration. DRESS GOODS! ~ Those who have inspected this line, declare them to be Strictly New in color, which is the key-note to their ready sale. Our line of Meltons, Venetians, Broadcloth, Homespun, Polka Dot, Henriet tas, and many other styles that are not surpassed anywhere. - JACKETS. A beautiful new line just received TO-DAY. In all the new cuts and colors —those Jackets trimmed in applique —the very thing you want. Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Overcoats, And, in fact, anything you want, can be found at cur New Store. All we ask is a call, and we know you will say with the others, that J. G. PUETT & CO.’S Is the place to Trade, Yours respectfully, A. D. HcCURRY, Manager. New Millinery Store. We take pleasure in announcing to our friends and the public gm erally that we have opened, at the stand formerly occupi-i b/ the Bank of Winder, a CHOICE SELECTION of Up=to=date Millinery Goods, Embracing all the latest styles and uobbiest novelties of theses m. £ Call, examine our stock, and you can be suited iu goods, while our prices cannot be beat. JEWELRY- • We are adding to our Jewelry Department, and in Wit M3, Clocks, Silverware,,Etc., can show you a choice Selection, at the very Lowest Prices. Give us a call. H J. GARRISON* GOING WEST. The Nashville. Chattanooga & St. Lewis Railway, and western & Atlantic Railroad. Is the shortest, quickest and best route to all points West, North and North West. Eor cheapest rates, time table, maps and other information write J. L. Edmondson, Southeastern, P. A., No. 1 Nirt v ' Pry r S\, Atlanta, Ga. Money to Loan. We negotiate loans n improved farms, payable in five years in au uunl installments. Interest 7 per cent On 1 ! s us at Athens, Ga. Shackelford & Cos. Notice Farmers. Those of you who want to pay cash for y ur wl: it fertilisers, see us before buying, as our wees are always cheap est for the best goods. Dunn, Lyle & Cos. Big Clothing Sale. We will make a special sale on Cloth iUi u.ui ov. days. It you need a suit now is the time for you to see us. No such barg lie- vjr offered in Cloth ing. Hodges, Camp & Arnold. Notice. All persons are notified not t> hunt, fish or trespass ou our lauds in Cut Off district, Walton county. Georgia under penalty of the I iw. \\. 11. Holioway, E. S. iieuue<.i, J. VV’. H. HauilliOil, Alack Alauders, Joun Green, Airs. Ad line Fuller. Notice. All persons are warned not to hunt, fish or trespass on our lands in Jefferson districts, Jackson County Georgia, un der penalty of the law. L. Mathews J. T. Wood. GOING WEST. The Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Lewis Railway and Western & Atlantic Railroad. Is the shortest, quickest and best rout to all points West, North and Nor* West. 3 through fast trains daily. F choapest rates, time table, maps f other information write J. L. Edmondson, Southeastern, P. . No. 1 North, Pryor St. Atlanta 1 * Cure Cold In Head. Kermott s Chocolates Laxative to take and quick, to cu cold in head - throat.