The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 29, 1900, Image 7

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KRUGER VISITS PARIS Exiled Transvaal President Is Greeted as a Conquering Hero. HE IS CHEERED BY MANY THOUSANDS Hit Tour Through the French Itepnbllc Wilt Continuous Ovation —No Trouble Apprehended. Oom Panl Kruger has become for a time at least the popular idol of the French. His triumphant progress northward through the country from Marseilles to Dijon and from Dijon to Paris settled this beyond doubt. He met a tremendous reception in each town along the route where the train stopped, culminating in scenes of frenzied enthusiasm calculated to turn the head of any man. The population of Marseilles gath ered in thousands to escort him to the railroad station and gave him a rous ing send-off, while at Tarascon, Avig non, Valence, Lyons, Macol and Dijou the inhabitants, who crowded ihe rail road stations, made the rafters tremble with enthusiastic shouts of “vive Kru ger” and “vive les Boers.” Saturday the city ol Paris welcomed Mr. Kruger in a whole-hearted man ner, according him a sincere reception at the railroad station and showing by the cheering,of the crowds along the route that he was cordially welcome Mud had the sympathy of the populace. From early morning the street haw kers did not permit the throngs to forget that it was Kruger day. All sorts of insignia were offered for sale. Small Boer flags, badges of the Boer colors and scarf pins of the same character were called out on the bou levards and lucky were the salesmen, for almost every one wore a Boer t mblem. By the time Kruger’s train was due all the places of vantage about the rail road station and the hotel were packed for the distance of about a block. Among those gathered at the railroad station were Count Boni do Caste-liane and several other well known national ists and M ss Maude Gonne and a party from the Irish delegation. The crowd on the platform pressed so closely about Mr. Kruger's salon car that for a time he was unable to alight and stood on the footboard, bareheaded, acknowledging the plaudits of his ad mirers. Mr. Crozier, chief of the protocol department of the foreign office, to which is intrusted the questions of etiquette and the reins of diplomats, and others advanced and bid Mr. Kruger welcome in behalf of President Loubefc nud the French government. Mr. Kruger bowed his thanks. Mayor Grevaul then greeted Mr. Kruger in behalf of the municipality of Paris, and the president of the pro- Boer committee and others presented the aged traveler with addresses of welcome, to which Mr. Kruger replied that he was extremely happy to-apaiu find himself in the beauty city of Paris, and asserted that he was touched to the bottom of bis heart by the welcome he had received and could not find words to express his appreciation of the sympathy Frenchmen were dis playing toward his country. He con cluded with sayixg ho had faith in the Boer nation, which, though temptest tossed, would keep afloat aud never sink. A sight which stirred the feelings of the crowd to the utmost was the ap pearance on the hotel balcony of the great, grandchildren of Mr. Kruger, waving a Boer flag. The little ones were cheered to the echo ns, held aloft by a servant, they unfurled the Boer colors. Through all this fervid welcome the anti-British sentiment did not appear. The cries were confined to plaudits of Mr. Kruger and the Boers. If there were any shouts opposed to Great Britain they were not heard in the general tumult. * Engineer Was Killed. Fast passenger train No. 78, of the Plant syutt-m, eoflided with a freight traiu on a siding at Green Pond, S. C., Saturday morning at 4 o’clock, killing Engineer T. N. Jones, of the passenger train, and seriously injuring his fireman, Thomas Lester. BUY AN MEETS TOWNE. Conference I* Ifi Clilcagro But ltf Import Is Kept Spcret. Mr. W. J. Bryan arrived in Chicago Saturday from Lincoln. He drove to Uie auditorium ennex, he did not reg ister, but was at once shown to the room occupied by Charles A. Towne of Minnesota. There be remained in consultation with Mr. Towne and for mes Seuaior Fred T. Dubois, of Idaho, uutil night when he returned to Lin coln. Br. Bryan refused to say what was discussed duriug the meeting, but did not deuy that the future policy of the Democratic party was one of the topics discussed. HAIR physical attraction is secondary to it. We have a book we will gladly send you that tells just how to care for the hair. If your hair is too Ih , * n AtitfNP'Cl or los- ing its luster, vigor Growth becomes vigorous and all dan druff is removed. It always restores color to gray or faded hair. Retain your youth; don’t look old before your time. $lOO a bottle, AI! druggists. “ I have used your Hair Vigor now for about 25 years and I have found it splendid'anti satisfactory in every way. I believo 1 have recommended this Jiair Vigor to hundreds of my friends, and they all tell the sumo story. If any body wants the best hind of a Hair Vigor I shall certainly recommend to them just as strongly as I can that they get a lw>tt!o of Ayer's Hair Vigor.” Mrs. N. E. II a vii.tox, Nov. 23, 1396. Norwich, ?T. Y. Writes tha Doctor. If you don’t obtain all the bench!-, you desire from the use of the Vi;;or, write the Doctor about it. Address, _ Dli. J. C. AVEK, I.owell t Mass. linionWapc The real worth of W. "V. X,. Douglas *3.00 and ML. 1[ 8,3*50 shoes compared gj* .. fi with other makes Is Sy 84.00 to 35.00. 3/ Our34Gilt ICdgeTJne f /W cannot he equalled at Affiliated r any price. Over 1,000,- j 000 satisfied wearers. ■ 'JSE One p'dr'cf W. L^fieug'ss If FA ST COLCf&T Wr. $3 or S3 50 shoes will kl wci % ■ys*,^will positively outwear £YtLEis two pairs of ordinal/ ...... . \\> $3 cr $3.50 We are the largest makers of men’s S3 and 83 50 shoe 9 In the world. Wo make and sell more 93 and 53.50 shoes than any other two ra ami far furore in tho U> 8* The repuiitlM® of W. I*. fif-o'y uUW 8 Btjle. comfort, and wear!* known DEO I evt*ry where throughout the world. /h O They h ive to eive totter *ati!ac- Hfl sbJtDtJ tion than other n:akea hccauae vpdiSJU the etaudard h'a alwayv been placed co high that the wearer* CUfjC ORUItM export more for their money WllULi than th;-y can pet elsewhere. > TIIE llAsO.\ more \vT7. Ucuj;ltt* $3 anu |3.50 ihoeeare old than any other make i* beoauae T2IEV AitE THE BEST. Your dealer should keep them ; we give one dealer exclusive sale in each town. Take no tuilictif uto! Insist on having W. L. Douglas shoes with mrrto nr.d price stamped on bottom. If your dealer will not get them for you, s<nd direct to factory, enclosing price and extra for carnage. 6tatc kind of leather, sire, and width, plain or cap toe. Our shoes will reach you anywh re. Catalogue Jrce, W. JL. Dougins Shoc C'o. Brockton, JUtssa. ENGINES'^ |g l anks, Stacks, Stand Pipes and Sheet-1 roil work; Shafting, Pul leys, (.’earing, Duxes, Hangers, etc. ast everyday; work ISO hands. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY COMPANY, Augusta, - - Georgia. Dr. Bull’s Cough Cures a cough or cold at encr. Conquers croup, bronchitis, y | gj) griupe and consumption. 13c. J R Took Her at Her Word. May Putter—Everybody’s talking about the way you let Jack Iluggard kiss you on the links yesterday. Belle Hazard-Well. I couldn’t help it, I was just teeing of? when he asked me if he could have just one kiss. I yelled, “Fore!” anu he took them.— Philadelphia Press. A Tumultuous Moment. Doctor—l’m afraid your husband doesn’t get enough exercise. Mrs. De Style-Well, he'll he exer cised euougli when my dressmaker sends in her bill. tiffim Chill Cure is Guaranteed I IGfIIUIIUII Ulllll wUI W IUUUUI UIIIUUU Wealth of hair is wealth indeed, cspecial -1 y to a woman. Every other ELECTROCUTED BIRDS. Attractive Looking Perches Which Prove Treacherous When Tried. If birds only knew better they wouldn’t do their love making on eloc -1 • transmission wires. The impru dence of 1 hat procedure lias been fre quently proved, notably last year in the ease of the two owls and the two eagles which were oremated on the lint's of a long distance transmission circuit in California. It will be re membered that by a strange element of selectiveness iu the action of the current the owls were unusually fa vored, being killed without the sligh est disfigurement and failing to the ground with hardly a feather ruffled, while the greater part of the two eagles went up iu blue smoke. A similar fate had befallen a pair of fowls which sought the shelter of a powerhouse in Canada for their even ing roost. The power company which supplies ihe City of Three Rivers gen erates its current sixteen miles away aud transmits i( to the city at a pres sure of twelve thousand volts. A few evenings ago, just as the dusk was coming on to feed the city lights be gan to show on tiie ampere-meters, the circuit breakers blew, the fuses blew and the lights were out. The lights soon started up again, and there was no further trouble. The following day the electrician went ou a tour of in vestigation. Entering the sub-station at Three Rivers, lie noticed in a pro nounced form tiie smell of a badly conducted restaurant. Looking around, he found tiie cause of the previous night’s interruption. A window’ had been broken in tiie station,and through this two chickens had slipped inside and roosted on tiie bare copper con ductors. As Chanticleer kissed Riddie “good night” lie completed tiie circuit, the lovers were electrocuted and tiie lights were put out.—St. Louis Globe- Democrat. Quick Collection. “My! What a splendid library your husband has. Mrs. Flashington. It must have taken him years and years to get all those books together.” “Oh, no. We moved into a house two years ago that had book shelves built all around one room, and he done it in about three weeks.”—Chicago Tlmes-Herald. CURES RHE i: MAT|jM OR CATAR'H IN A DAY. TREATMENT FREE. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) euros the worst oases by <1 ruining ths poison out of the blood and bones. Aches and pains in the bones or joints, swollen glands, drop pings in tlse throat, hawking, spitting or bad breath, impaired hearing, etc., all dis appear promptly and permanently. B. B. B. cures Where ail else fails. B. B. B. in ak eg biood pure an 1 rich. Druggists, sl. 'treat ment of It. B. B. sent free by writing Blood Balm Cos., I Mitchell fit., Atlanta, On. Div scribe trouble and free medical advice given until cured. Medicine sent prepaid. 3000 testimonials of cures by B. B. 8., so don't give up hope, but try Blood Balm. Beyond (lie llrsatna of Conscience. ‘‘Clytlc, is this young man you are engaged to well to do? ' “Oh. pa. he’s riuh; he's so rich that h- doon’t care whether he pays his debts or not. In dianapolis Joti! nal. To Cure :t Cold in Olio Pay, Take Ltrktivk Bnojio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to care K.AV. Gkovk's signature is on each box 2>e '•Thank Yon, Sir.” The barber's itch has touched me many a time. But never has It don • me any harm. To cure It. I have but to pay a dime The barbel’s Itch Is mostly in hls palm. Happine s cannot be bought, but one of the great hindrances to its attainment can be removed by Adams’ Pepsin Tutti Frutti. Useful. ‘•Say. that hunting dog is no good: I wouldn't have him around ” “Yes. you would; wo keep him to lend. — Chicago Record. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of i starrh that eanuot he cured by Hall’s Catarrh l ure. F. J. Chen :y & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undo signed, have known V J. Che ney lor the l ist 1.1 years, and believe him per fee ly* In nil business transactions aid Unanelully able to carry out any obliga tion m id.- by their firm. West & The ax, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wald i kg, Kin nan £: Marvin, Wholesale Drug r la’s, Toledo. Ohio. Ball’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the bhxtfi mid xnu ous Bar fives of the synem. I’rlce, 75c. per hn'.tlo bold by all Dur f us. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are ihe best. Plso’s Cure Is the best medicine we ever used lor all affections < f throa' and lungs Wm. u. Kndslky, Vanburen, lud., Feb. 10, 1600. jPrr. Winslow's t-eothlng Syrup for children ie ethfne, softens ibo gums, reduces In flan* in a :i, u. aliujb i am. cures wind colic. ~->c. a boltie Judged Bv Appearanciw. Mrs. Leo Hun’er Why are you so snsplcb irs of 1 omit Von .vjuint? lie can't help hciugcHMe "jlr. Hunter—J know It, but he look - crooked. —Smart bet. mpm OL’RSE GIVEN. Pom W a a" "IONS GCAI'ANTEEB b? KL raj? fv_ fL- fj.ooOdep. eft. R. R Fare Bpg m&Z If® paid. Write quick. §9 fa IS n (JA-ala. Bus College, H is §B3 Macon, Georgia PAIN OPENED HER SKULL ESrs. Lasher's Remarkable Story—Dr. Greene’s S&rvura Cured Her. " * u MHS. FRED. C. I.AHnKR, Jll. The case of Mrs. Fred. t'. Lasher, Jr., a well-known woman of Westport, N. Y„ is one of the most interesting on record. It is an actual fact that head aches caused her head to split. “ For thirteen years,” she says, “I suffered from terrible headaches night and day, until the bones of my skull opened ho that the doctor could lay his thumb right iuto the opening on to my bruin. Two doctors attended me and claimed that I was on the verge of insanity. 1 was ..under their care for nine years, but got no relief. Then 1 tried Dr. Greene’s Nervura biood and nerve remedy, and inside of a j’ear the bones of my head had taken their natural shape again.” That Mrs. Lasher’s statements are true Is vouched for by reliable men of Westport, and by a Justice of the Peace there. Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood and nerve remedy cured M rs. Lasher when all other remedies failed, and it cures thousands of sufferiag women every year. If your head aches, if you cannot sleep and are weak and nervous, remember that this great curative agent, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, will make yon well and strong. Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood and nerve remedy is a physician’s prescription, formulated from a discovery after years of invest Ra tion and experiment. Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th St., New York City, is the discoverer. He can be consulted free personally or by letter. Cigar Dealers Like to have their regular customers smoke OH V lrgmia Cheroots because they know that once a man starts smoking them he is “fixed/' and that he will have no more trouble with him trying to satisfy him with different kinds of Five Cent agars. Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots sou Iced this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT If r.ui <•]> (o: think you can) solicit LIFE l/NSCTRA/NCE, Write (with references for terms to lo r.l and special agents, to R. F. Slil DDEN, lien. Agent, Atlanta, fia. THK MUTUAI! T.IFK I VSIJI: VNCK GO. of N. \. Assets Over 83 {<>,000,000.00. mas* (R mm stooped free i: lS '&( Permanently Cured by m @ DR. '{LIRE’S GREAT M I I NERVE R[!STOPi£R B 5 *24 Sol .1”. brut • u#®. Covunation ®r Mi TRIM. nUTTI.R FU F.R mto Tit fU .m. rt, f.r ’■ >*' •'? ""'Vl' B-S rrrmm.l > ur. r olon J l.r,p.,f.rj relief, tor *.! Acr n,,.rd.r. rt.crr... tuumj M \'o>. Omnee. Drbiltlr. RlbMHinß I) Is. 11. W lal N 1 laO* ““ 631 Arch Stre'et. Hinladeiphis. *on<id iau. ID SELF4BPPBRTIXI WOKEN Without Interferin'* with y. ur ronjlar duties jrl can make money by mean* <*t our oiler of 9 njouo 1 (lit KTHSf uiPTIONS. Send for fuU parUc- ETuE?. ' TIICTTI'ETSfatou, . 7 to 17 W. lath St., New York. Malsby & Company, "9 R. liroail St., Atlanta, On. Engines and Boilers Mriini \VatT llmli'r*, Slfittu l*ntii|ii and I’enljertliy Injortor*. 4* mm&Si, Mmntirtnrtn) and Pettier* In SAW MHaliS, („rn Mill*, Kr<l Mlll*,Colton Oln Machin ery it ml tint In Separator*. SOUP and I.NSKUTHD Saws. Saw Tenth and I . ck-s, li nlght ’il J'atent lUrlHll Saw Mill and Knplne Hepalm, (Jovoriiin*. Orate lian and a lull line of Mill Supplies. Price ami riualUr of iroods guaranteed I liee by mentioning till* paper.