The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 06, 1900, Image 1

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iHE JACKSON ECONOMIST. VOL. VIII. Grand - CLEARANCE - Sale! J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY, $25,0001 Worth al " l$25,ooo! DRY GOODS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, MILLINERY ETC,, Must Be Disposed of by December 25th, 1900. SWEEPING REDUCTION In Every Department Preparatory For Stock Taking. This Stock Must lie Sold Regardless of Price. _ -, . - -■ ■ ■■■ - ■■■-■- ~ ■ ■'■ - ■■■ ■ ■ - ■ 11 -—■ ■ ■ .... ~ ■■ - - - - 1- The Opportunity of Your Life to Buy Your Winter Suppty. No Such chance ever offered by us or any one in this section. It will pay fou to see us if you only want to purchase io cents worth. Yours for Business, J. ,'T. STRANGE & COMPANY. Leaders in Style, Regulators and Controllers of Low Prices Winder, Georgia. Road Notices.,, Georgia, Jackson County. To whom it may concern: All per sons interested are hereby notified that, if 110 good cause be shown to the con trary, an order will be granted by the uudersigned, 01 tht 22 day cf Decem ber 1900, establishing the following new roads, as marked out by the road con missiouers appointed for that pur pose and reported to be of public utd .y. No. 1 Beginning at the forks of the road above J. C 'Williamson’s and rou ning through the woods to the Athens and Jefferson read, through the lauds o. J. C- Williamson, L O. M-nin, R. H. Elrod and E. D. Whelchel. at Eer.y McCleskey’s, (Col.) No. 2. Beginning at the forks of the road at the residence of Mr. Cairing on, deceased, and running by J. B. King’s, W. A. Carithers’ to W. P, Chandler’s, Mrs. Alexander’s and others and inter secting the new road from Athens, Ga., ju o t above James Streetman’s residence or Joe Alexander’ No. 3. Beginning in front of the res idence of E. M. Cox, running thence practically a’eng the line run by T. P. Stanley surveyor, and marked out b£ stakes to the new road leading fro n Athens to the Jackson county line. No. 4. Beginning ne-r *'e Dry Pond School House and running to the Jefferson and Maysville read above 0 onee chr~ch. No. 5. Beginning at J. V. Alexan der’s in 242d district G. M., of said county, discontinuing the old road at the fi at fork of the old . and estab lishing anew road running in an easterly direction through the laud of Mrs. N. E. Betti and Miss Fannie Hunter, and intersecting the red stone road at the residence of Wm. Ham monds, deceased. No. 6 Beginning at L. B. Prickett’s, 465th district G. M. of said coanty, where the Gainesville road intersects the Hogmountain road and running South through Caloway and Head, running on Baid line and thence oa the iine be tween F. P. Henry and W. W. Han tick, thence on the line between Dr. Underwood and Mrs. Nunn’s place, in tersecting the Jefferson and Clarksville road near F. C. Evans’ store iu the old toad rout. No. 7. Beginning on the Harmony Hrqve and Jefferson road near the resi dence of Geo. L. Martin and following the location of the present road over the lauds of Geo. L. Martin, Henry E. Hardman, J. W. Minis!' Mr- F F Park, E. W. P. Richie and S. W. Jack son and by sc’' 1 .bßcksou’s "o'iuect ing with and ending at j arm - ; y brove and Jefferson ro. and l iaih null. , X°- 8- Beginning at the top of the bill on the Bethlehem ard Hogmouu- WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1900. tain road East of Barbers creek, discon tinuing one prong of the Hogmountain and Bethlehem read leading from the top of said hill to the Athens road one halt mile below Statham, foliowing the old rojd through the lends of Mrs. M. A. Wood and Jack Jack . i to the G. C. &N. R. R.; thence down the R. R. to the present cro sing leading to or inter secting the Athens road. No. 9. Beginning at the Bill Phill ips place in said county and running in ado-, direction and by tbe resi dences and through the lands of W. P. Phillips, G. Edwards, W. P DeLaPer rie~e, L. F. Bel! and Mrs. Willingham, and intersecting the Hogmountain and Winder road about % of a mile East of L. F. Sell’s. No. 10. Cnango in the Jefferson and Claaksville road. Beginning at the Ap pie Valley road, running due East in said road for about 300 yards, leaving sa’d road to the left, intersecting the J M. Wilhite and T. T. Morrison road and continuing therein about 360 t ds, continuing therein and intersecting tbe present old road bed at T. J. Morrison s in Harrisburg district. No 11. Change iu tb" Winder and Hoschton road in the 243d district G. M. Beginning near the White burying ground, leaving tie p esent road bed to left on the old road bed about twenty or 25 yards into the open field of F. L. Sims in said district, through the lands of the said F. L. Sim3 and W. S. Sims; thence curving slightly to the left crossing the present road bed, runi i -g South Easterly direction between the fie’d and woodland to the South East c r ne r of tbe field on into the woods about 200 or 300 yards in the same course; thence curving slightly to the A';; l ’t. running South and intersecting me present read bed on top of what is known as Pea Ridge. The above roads and changes marked out and reported to be of public utility by t' o„Road Commissioners of said Dis tricts. L. it Bradbury, Ordinary J eb. on County, Nov. 16th, 19 Hj. FARMERS, ATTENTION. We Have Money For You. We have Thp TEXAS RED RUST PROOF SEED OATS Di rect i' r oru the hdids of the VV est. Con t ’ :Ib.’o j'eu buy V; . at, will give you the advantage of thebe seed at prices tha ;' 1 -*•. h • you. Come to see us &nu. lei iio snow you what vfp have, Dtjnn, Lyle & Cos. Remember the place and be be wise and only buy where rainbow paper greets your eyes. Women] The entry into womanhood Hal critical time for a girl. Little men- | strual disorders started at that time soon grow' into fatal complications. That female troubles are filling graveyards proves this. Wine of Cardui estab lishes a painless and natural menstrual flow. When once this important func tion is started right, a healthy life will usually follow. Many women, young and old, owe their lives to Wine of Cardui. There is nothing like it to give women freedom from pain and to fit young women for every duty of life. SI.OO bottles at druggists. Miss Della M. Strayer, Tully, Kan.t “I have suffered untold pain at menstrual pe riods for a long time, was nervous, had no appetite, and lost interest in everything, in fact was miserable, i have taken four bottles of Wine of Cardui, with Thedford’s Black-Draught, when needed, and to-day lam entirely cured. I cannot express the thanks I feel for what you have done for me.” Forartvlei* lncsses requlrlnß special direc tions, address, trtvintf symptom*, the Ladles' Advisory Department. The Chattanooga Med icine Company, Chattanooga, Tean. Notice. t , All persons are hereby notified not to hunt, fish or otherwise trespass on onr lands in Randolph’s district, Jacksou county, under the penalty of the law. W. H. Bridges, Sr.. J. J- Maddox, T. S. Maddox, T. W. Bridges, Andrew Evans, Hartwell Brown. 8. P., Higgins, Mrs. B. J. Whitmire. Pendergrass, Ga., Dec. 6th, 1900. Notice. All persons indebted to the Ordinary’s Office, please come forward and settle same at once and oblige. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary. Extra help employed to wait on the trade during this sale. Five Hundred Dollars worth Christmas goods just received included in this sale. WILNER. % Miss Callie Johnson, of Jeffersou has been elected teacher of Lebanon school for another year. School will open the first Monday in January and all the patrons who are interested in the cause of education should start their children the first day and make the tenth term of our school a successful one. Rev. W. F. Colley, of Rome, has been spending a few days in Wilner the guest of the Wills family. Rev H. B: Mays was sent back to us for another year much to the delight of his many frienda. Lct-us all pull to gether the ensuing year for the cause of Christ and make Lebanon church one of the best in Jaokson county. This can be done if we all work iu har mony and a perfect Uniou, which means strength. Mr. J. M. Holliday is on the sick list. We hope he will soou recover. Mr. L. E. Whelchel, of Clarksboro, is in this ne' k of the woods quite often. Mrs. Annie Lou Smith, of Hoschton, spent last Sunday iii our burg, the guest of the Misses Hunter. The latest event in the society of this section was the sociable and candy drawing last Saturday night at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Martin. It was spent most pleasantly by all pres ent. The music added much to the oc casion. Those present were Misses Mary Barrett, lua Holliday, Lizzie Mitchell, Lottie Jarrett-, Pearl undOllie Maddox, Ada Martin, Alice and Marge Holliday and Georgia 'Genest, and Messrs. C. C. and J. T. Fulcher, J. 8., R. O. and N. T. Williamson, Oscar Lav ender, Eldridge and Candler Howing ton, John Carroll, Ira Segars, Mack and Gordon Genest, Rnssell Alexander and others. The evening will loug be re membered by all present. THAT THROBBING HEADACHE Won’d qnickly leave yon, If yon used D\ King’s Ne ff Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matohless merits for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. take. Try them. Only 26 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Winder Drug Cos. Mrs. Quillian Dies. Mrs Melissa Qmlliau died at Harmo ny Grove last Saturday very suddenly. Mrs. Quillian was about soventy years old and was a good Christian woman. She was the mother of Rev. J. A. Quillian, pastor of the Methodist church of our city for the past two years, aud of W. A. and J. T. Quillian, prominent merchants of Harmony Grove. She leaves six sons to mourn her death. Statement City Council Nov. 30, 1900. . ASSETS. Note Board of Education $ 160 00 Uncollected Fi fas 96 96 Note Board of Education 450 00 Annex to School Building 477 00 sllß3 96 LIABILITIES. Note H. N. Rainey $ 649 05 Note Winder Banking Cos 1100 00 Note H. N. Rainey 477 03 $2226 05 RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report $ 65 67 City*Tax Collected Nov. 63 33 Street “ •* “ 11 25 Fines “ “ “ 95 50 Specific Tax “ “ 15 00 Cemetery lot sold 3 00 $ 233 76 DISBURSEMENTS 96 Paid 3 poles * $ 45 97 Sundry Street W0rk...,. 22 30 08 J, R. Smith 38 83 99 R. H. Moore, Servces 30 00 $ 91 58 Cash on hand $142.17 L. C. Russell, Mayor. R. L. Mobley, Clerk. EDITOR’S AWFUL PL GB i. F. U. Higgins, Editor Seneca 111-: , News, was afflicted with Piles that no doctor or remedy hol t A u:' 1!. trl Bucklen’s Arnioa Salve. He writes t.. . boxes wholly cured him I.L . Pile cure on earth aud the be3t salve ' i the world. Cura guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Winder Drug Cos. NO 47.