The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 20, 1900, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOiTIST. VOL. VIII. Grand - CLEARANCE - Sale? J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY, AAA Worth of Seasonable Merchandise 2 o,yyy_ Consisting of $25,000 DRY GOODS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, MIL LINE RY ETC., Must Be Disposed of by December 25th, 1900. SWEEPING REDUCTION In Every Department Preparatory For Slock Taking. This Stock Must lie Sold Regardless of Price. The Opportunity of Your Life to Buy Your Winter Suppty. . No Such chance ever offered by us or any one in this section. It will pay you to see us if you only want to purchase io cents worth. Yours for Business, J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY. Leaders in Style, Regulators and Controllers, of Low Prices Winder, Georgia. Road Notices., Georgia, Jacksou County. To whom it may concern: All per sons interested are hereby notified that, if no good cause be shown to the con trary, an order will bo granted by the undersigned, on the 22 day of Decem ber 1900, establishing the following new r roads, as marked out by the road commissioners appointed for that pur pose and reported to be of public utility. No. 1 Beginning at the forks of the road above J. C. Williamson’s and run ning through the woods to the Athens and Jefferson read, through the lands of .!. €• Williamson, L O. Martin, R. H. Elrod and E. D. Whelchel. at Berry McCleskev’s, (Col.) No. 2 Beginning at the forks or the road at the residence of Mr. Carrington, deceased, and running by J. B. King s, W. A. Carithers’ to W. P. Chandler s, Mrs Alexander’s and others and inter secting the new road from Athens, Da., just above Janies Streetman’s residence or Joe Alexander’s. . No 3 Beginning in front of the res idence of E. M. Cox, running thence practically alcng the line run by i. P- Stanley surveyor, and marked out by stakes to the new road leading from Athens to the Jacksou county line. No. 4 Beginning near the Dry Pond School House and running to the Jefferson and Maysville road above Oconee church. No. 5. Beginning at J. V. Alexan der’s in 242d district G. H., of said county, discontinuing the old road at the first fork of the old road and estab lishing anew road running thence in an easterly direction through the land of Mrs. N. E. Betts and Miss Fannie Hunter, and intersecting the red stone road at the residence of Wm. Ham monds, deceased. No. 6 Beginning at L. B. Prickett’s, 455th district G. M. of said county, where the Gainesville road intersects the Hogmountain road and running South through Caloway and Head, running on said line and thence on the line be tween F. P. Henry and W. W. Han cock thence on the line between Dr. Underwood and Mrs. Nunn’s place, in tersecting the Jefferson and Clarksville road near F. C. Evans’ store in the old road rout. ~ _ No. 7. Beginning on the Harmony Grove and Jefferson road near the resi dence of Geo. L. Martin and following the location of the present road over the lands of Geo. L. Martin, Henry E. Hardman, J. W. Minish, Mrs. E. E. Park, E. W. P. Richie and S. W. Jack son and by said Jackson’s Mill, connect ing with and ending at the Harmony Grove and Jefferson road near said mill , . No. 8. Beginning at the top of the hill on the Bethlehem and Hogmoun- WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1900. tain road East of Barbers creek, disoon tinning one prong of the Hogmountain and Bethlehem read leading from the top of said hill to the Athens road one half mile below Statham, following the old road through the lands of Mrs. M. A. Wood and Jack Jackson to the G. C. &N. R. R.; thence down the R. It. to the present crossing leading to or inter secting the Athens road. No. 9. Beginning at the Bill Phill ips place in said county and running in a due South direction and by the resi dences and through the lands of W. P. Phillips, G. Edwards, W. P DeLaPer riere, L. F. Sell and Mrs. Willingham, and intersecting the Hogmountain and Winder road about %of a mile East of L. F. Sell’s. No. 10. Cnange in the Jefferson and ClaaksviHe road. Beginning at the Ap pie Valley road, running due East iu said road for about 300 yards, leaving said road to-fhe left, intersecting the J M. Wilhite and T. J. Morrison road and continuing therein about 350 yards, continuing therein and intersecting the present old road bed at T. J. Morrison’s in Harrisburg district. No 11. Change in the Winder and Hoschton road in the 243d district G. M. Beginning near the White burying ground, leaving the present road bed to left on the cld road bed about twenty or 25 yards into the open field of F. L. Sims iu said district, through the lands of the said F. L. Sims and W. S. Sims; thence curving slightly to the left crossing tho pi isent road bed, running South Easterly direction between the field and woodland to the South East corner of the field on into the woods about 200 or 300 yards in the same course; thence curving slightly to the right, running South and intersecting the present road bed on top of what is known as Pea Ridge. The above roads and changes marked out and reported to be of public utility by the Road Commissioners of said Dis tricts. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary Jackson County, Nov. 19th, 190a FARMERsTATfENTION: We Have Money For You. We have The TEXAS RED RUST PROOF SEED OATS Di rect from the fields of the est. Come to see as before you buy your Oats and we will give you the advantage of these seed at prices that will astonish you. Come to see us and let us show you what we have. Dunn, Lyle & Cos, Remember the place and be be wise and only buy where rainbow paper greets your eyes. Little Drew Willie Haynard Dead. In last week’s Economist mention was made of th serious illness of little Drew Willie Maynard, the five-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs T. A. May nard. She lingered on until Sunday at 12 o’clock when her sweet little soul took its flight to the beautiful home beyond the Sbe was a great joy an*', comfort to her parents, and in this sad hour of gloom and sor row to them, they have the si core sympathy of our people. COLD STEEL OR DEATH. “There is but one small chance to save your life and that is through an opera tiou,” was the awful prospect set before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis. by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomich trou ble and yellow jaundice. He din’t count on the marvellous power of Electric Bit ters to cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she heard of it. took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided surgeon’s knife, now weighs more and feels bet ter than ever. It’s positively guaran teed to cure Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles and uever disappoints. Price 50 cents at Winder Drug Cos. Tickets on sale for everybod for the Christmas holidays, on Seaboard Air Line Railway December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th and also December 30th and 31st, 1900. and January Ist, 1901, good until January 4th. inclusive. Notice, Sale. Will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, the following property at my res idence, 2 miles West of Statham, Thurs day December 27th: OneMule. 1 Horse, Cows, Corn, 2 Baggies and harness, 1 Two horse wagon and harness, 1 Mow er, 1 set Black-Smith Tools, Farming Implements, etc. Mrs. Fannie Hardigree. The One Day Cold Cure. Cold in head and sore throat cured by Ker mott’s Chocolates Laxative Quinine. As easy to take as candy. “Children cry for them." Extra help employed to wait on the'trade during this sale. Five Hundred Dollars worth Christmas goods just received included in this sale. Little Grace Jackson’s Wonderful School Record. We venture to say thero is no little girl in Georgia who can show a more wonderful school record thau little Grace Jackson of the Winder Pubic School. She started to school when only six years old and has been, at the close of this week, three full terms and has not missed a day nor has she been tardy a single time. She has always gotten 100 in deportment and has trav eled about 800 miles iu going aud com ing from school as her father lives one and one-half miles out. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often cause a horrible Burn,Scald Cut or bruise, Buckleu’s Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Be3t pile cure on earth. Only 25 ots. a box. Cure guar anteed. Sold by Winder Drug Cos. New Barber Shop. Mr. E. F. McAdams, of Virginia, has opened up a first class Barber Shon up stairs over J. G Puett & Cos. He can give you a smooth shave or a fino hair cut aud will appreciate the patronage of Winder and thi9 section. Seed Wheat. I have 50 or 75 bushels of good Seed Wheat for sale. W. H. Brewer, Seymour, Ga. Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to hunt, fish or otherwise trespass on oar lands in Randolph’s district, Jackson county, under the penalty of the law. W H Bridges, Sr.. J J. Maddox, T. S. Maddox, T. W. Bridges, Andrew Evans, Hartwell Brown. 8. P. Higgins, Mrs. B. J. Whitmire. Pendergrass, Ga., Dec. ftb, 1900. Notice. All persons indebted to the Ordinary’s Office, please come forward and settle same at once and oblige. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary. \ Christmas. The following- is what a little girl writes us from Malinda what she want* to see: “I want so much to see an old time, merry Christmas in Jackson county ouce moie. A real old fashioned Christ mas L°t ui all throw off our troubles and perplexities for a while aud be hap py once more. Not only be happy our- # selves, but say or do something to make others happy, especially the children. So many forget they were once children and that childhood soou passes away. Christmas will bring happiness and j >y to us just in proportion as we bring these to others with whom we come in contact. The little things that we may do for others, the little remembrances, will make the hearts of those we think of happy and make us feel better, Failing to do this because we cannot do much is wrong. What may seem trif ling and insignificant to you, may make some little innocent sing your praises all tho day long. Without this little 3 oken this same little innocent might pass the day without a note of happi ness or pleasure. I would like to see us not forgot the Christmas traditions and what we should do to bring sunshine and pleasure to every one in our com munity. Christmas is too often celebrated with drunken brawls when it ought to he a season for rejoicing. We wish one and all a merrv and happy Christmas. ” M. R Back From Texas. Mr. J. O. Hardigree reached home first of last week from his visit to Texas. He enjoyed his trip very much and thinks Texas a great country but that there is no section that will compare with Winder and its territory when everything is considered. We are like Mr. Hardigree, we had rather risk our chances here than anywhere. He re ports all of those who have gone from around Winder for two years past to Texas as doing well and pleased with the country. NO 46.