The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 03, 1921, Image 4

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THURSDAY. MARCH 3, 1021. Slip Tomiirr Npuih WINDER, GA. Published Every Thursday Entered at the Postofflce at Winder, Georgia, as Second Class Matter. j. w. McWhorter Editor J. It. PARHAM Business Manager Subscription Kates: In Advance One Year $1.50 Hi.\ Months 75 Judge Lindsey’s Contempt Case Judge Ben B. Lindsey, of the Denver Ju venile court, has been adjudged in contempt of court for his refusal to testify in a mur der trial because he said he could not be tray tin* confidence of a child. The ludge was fined SSOO or a number of months in Jail. He lias decided to serve out his jail sentence instead of paying the fine. We be lieve he is making a mistake. By serving a term in jail be appears to he posing as a mar tyr. and to hold himself above the law. He has a perfect right to chosse between di vulging what was told him in confidence, and paying the penalty of that refusal in a court of justice. We would have paid the fine, we believe, thus upholding the majesty of the law and at the same time not divulging those tilings that were told us in confidence. O How Far Should Labor Go? An editorial that, appeared in the News two weeks ago concerning the unfortunate situation in which the Gainesville Midland Railway lias been placed ixeause of the de pressed condition of business enterprises, was reproduced in last week’s issue of The Jour nal of Labor and comments made on same by the editor of that paper. In that edito rial tlie News expressed the hope that the employees of the Gainesville Midland road would consent to a readjustment of their wage scale to such an extent as to permit the road to continue to operate. The presi dent of tlie road had stated that it ehould not continue to operate without a reduction in the operating expenses. The Journal of Labor, from the tenor of its comments, seems to lie laboring under the impression that tin* News was blaming the employees for tin* present plight of the rail road. We w ish to assure our contemporary that such is not tlie case. The present con dition of tin* road is caused by the demoral izing shrinkage in the value of the staple products of this section. We do not think labor has had any hand in putting down the price of cotton. Our contention is that, now as the farmers, merchants and all business enterprises, rail roads included, are straining every nerve to keep out of bankruptcy, many of them going down under the strain, the employees of the Gainesville Midland should appreciate tlie condition in which all these other lines of business have been thrown and lie willing to accept a wage in line with that, received by Other workers. The concluding paragraph of the editorial •of the Journal of Labor is as follows: “An appeal should lie made to the cities along the routes of these roads, to merchants, manufacturers and farmers —this is the class that has fattened on the railroads and they an* the people who should respond when dis tress overtakes one of these great institu tions.’’ Tlie editor of the Journal of Labor must not be familiar with financial condtions in the smaller cities and rural sections of tlie south. Farmers, merchants and manufact urers. though facing disaster, are paying a large increase in freight and passenger rates in order to save the railroads, yet the em ployees of these roads are getting the same wages that they received when the farmer was getting 40 cents for his cotton. He is now getting 10 cents for it, and paying a higher rale for railroad service than he did when he was getting the high price for his product. The Income of hundreds of en gineers in Georgia today for one month is equal to the income for the entire year of thousands of farmers in the state for 1920, who worked a one-horse farm on halves, with the labor of their wives and children 4 brown in. This is unfair and unjust, and no organi sation can stand in this world, for long, that is unwilling to be fair and just in its rela tions to its fellows in all lines of endeavor. laibor has won its battles in tin* past be cause public sympathy was with it. It will tost* its battles in the future unless it treats lie public fairly und shows that it is worthy • that sympathy that has been extended, to ■ in the past. Jr © — 'he fact that passenger rates from the ited States to European ports have been iiterially incrrtised doe* not cause -any dety In this neck of the woods. Georgia on a Cash Basis If Thomas W. Hardwick will put Georgia on a cash basis when he becomes governor, he will deserve the commendation of every citizen of the state. We have been opposing for years the appropriation of any funds by the legislature until provisions have been made for meeting those appropriations. We are in favor of just as liberal a policy to wards the state institutions as our ability will permit, but tlie past legislatures have gone on making appropriations without any provisions for tin* payment of same 'until the finances *f the state have gotten in bad shape. This is the time for economy, and we trust Governor-elect Hardwick will stand by the promises lie has mnde in giving Geor gia ari administration that will put our fi nances in good shape. u Q To Subscribers of Barrow Times As was announced last week in both papers the Barrow Times lias been consolidated with tlie Winder News and the one paper goes out this week to all subscribers to both pa pers. If you are paid in advance to both papers your dat,. will be run up sufficient to cover tlie time for which you have paid both papers. If you are due the Barrow Times any amount on subscription this is payable at the Winder News. Some errors may occur this week on account of the shortness of the time we have in consolidating the two lists but if you will let us know we will correct any mistakes we may make. We hope by next week to have all the Barrow Times subscribers labeled so that all can tell by the label how they stand with the consoli dated paper. We are going to leave no stone unturned to give the people of Winder and Burrow county a good paper. We want to print all the and we ask that you send us any news items that will be of interest to any one. The consolidated paper now has a fine sub scription list and we can give our advertis ers the best service in the history of the pa per. In fact, we are sure that no paper in this section can offer its advertiseing patrons better service than the News. We trust that tlie depressing times will soon pass away and that we all may get down to business and that 1921 will be a prosperous year with us all. The News is going to do its best to serve the people ac ceptably, and sincerely trusts it will have tin* support and patronage of all our people. If at any time you fail to get your copy of the paper let us know and we will lie glad to send another copy. We hope our county friends will call at the News office when in town and let us get acquainted. We want to know you. O rtHM P jp PROGRAM THURSDAY • FRIDAY Margurite Fisher “WEEK END.” SATURDAY BRIDE 13 Wm. Duncan, in Fight ing Fate. COMEDY MONDAY Jack Pickford TUESDAY Dorothy Dalton “His Wife’s Friend” Ruth of the Rockies. WEDNESDAY CLOSED. THE WINDER NEWS Just received a carload of Porto Rico Sweet Pota t toes. Can sell you any amount you desire. I am also bedding 400 bushels of Porto Rico Sweet Potatoes and will be ready to sell you the plants in the spring, in any quantity, whether your order be small or large. I am making arrangement to build a large Sweet Potato Curing House in Winder and will be ready to store sweet potatoes in the fall in unlimited quantities. It will be ready in ample time to take care of this year’s crop. So you need not fear to plant potatoes this year. Let me sell you your Seed Sweet y Potatoes now or your potato plants later on. If you will want the plants put in your order at once so that you will be sure to get them. First come, first served. Next fall I will be in shape to give you the highest market price for all your potatoes or store them for you until you get ready to sell. G. W. Summerour At Warehouse, near Gin House Winder, Georgia Sweet Potato * Curing House FOR Winder SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YE AH'**