The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 03, 1921, Image 8

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THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1921. II CARTER HILL * Mr. find Mrs. Herman Wages and son Herman, Jr., visited the latter's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Alford 81ms, of near Winder, Saturday and Sunday. Miss f.uree Treadwell, assistant teacher of this place, was the week end guest of her parents at Statliain. Little Annie Belle Queen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Queen, has Been very sick, but is bettey at this writing. Mr. asd Mrs. C. A. Edwards and fam ily of Bethel, visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Fuller and family Sunday. Miss Ollie Wheelus, principal teach er of this place, visited at Winder a fihort while Saturday. • Mrs. ,1. M. Fuller visited her sister, Mrs. W. A. Smith at Bethlehem a short while Sunday hfternooiv Mrs. Ida Wages is visiting at Beth lehem this week the guests of her son, Mr. Henry Wages. Sunday school at this place is on a (worn, everybody cordially invited to attend at 2:80 I’. M. Clement Bentley and Barto Crow of Winder spent Sunday with Odus and Lodus Fuller. Judge H. G.Hill, f Winder was in our burg Sutday. The farmers in this section are very busy preparing their land for another crop. The singing at Mr. Thomas Pruitts Sunday night was highly enjoyed by all present. OAK GROVE Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Crook, of Bishop, f-pont Sunday with Mr. It. I). Cr oic Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Chapman visited Mr. and Mrs Deo Chapman near Win der Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Suddeth visited relatives in Jefferson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Patrick visited Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Willbanks near Statllam Sunday. Mr. Carl Boyd spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jones of Mt. Ta bor spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones Mr and Mrs. PavefLyle visited the former’s sister, Mrs. Dora McDonald, at Ebenezer Sunday. Tlie sinking given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Chapman Sunday night was enjoyed by all present. Day by Day. Every day Is a little life, and ont whole life is but a day repeated, Those, therefore, that dare lose a day are dangerously prodigal; those that flare misspend It. desperate.—Bishop Ball. Phone 286 Phone 286 Winder Drug Cos. Winder Natl. Bank Bldg. WINDER, GA. You will eventually be one of our customers. Why not begin now? The store that satisfies it’s patrons; the place you feel at home in. The place we want you to feel an interest in, is the new place-WINDER DRUG COMPANY. We are exclusive agents for Norris’, Whitman’s and Hollingsworth’s fine Candies. When better candy is made, we sell it. It costs no more to have your prescription filled here where you get the service of a Pnarmacist of ten years experience. Our Soda Fountain maintains a service that is un equalled in Winder. We make ’em better for the same price. Our delivery service is at your command. If you are out of the city we send it Parcel Post and we pay the charges. We are here to please you. If its from here it’s right, Winder Drug Cos. (■" Winder Natl. Bank Bldg. £ ‘‘Accomodating Druggists” Phone 286 Phone 286 Providence News Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Sikes and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fleming. Mrs. Fiestas Kenney had her guest Fridj^^ Mrs. Kilby Sikes. Miss Gertrude Skelton, who is teach ing at Bear Creek, spent the week-end with her parents in Lawrenceville, and had as her guest while there Miss Cor delia Cofer. Little James Hunter was the guest of little Settle Ruth Hunter Sunday. Misses Bird and Prudie Belle Sikes spent Friday in Statham. Master Dupree Wages was the guest Saturday night and Sunday of Master I Bill Hunter. Mr. Walter Huff spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mon Hikes. Misses Sara and Annie Hunter had as their guest Sunday night Miss Ger trude Skelton. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hunter and chil- dren spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hunter. Mr and Mrs. Bud Kenney and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Makey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hunter Sunday at Ilacula. Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Nicholson and children were guests of Mr and Mrs. J. J. Wages Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Butler and children spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. W. S. Hunter. Mr. arid Mrs. Walter Haynie and children were the dinner guests of Mrs. Snllle Potter Sunday. Miss Lois Nicholson spent Sunday with ids grandmother, Mrs. Wages. The Sunday school is progressing nicely at this place. Mr. Brodie l’oss was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Rosa Potter, Sunday. Miss Annie Lou Patton had as her guest Saturday night and Sunday Miss Jewell Smith and Miss Luke. Mrs. Fannie Titshaw was the week end guest of Mrs. Pearl Barnett. PARADISE The farmers are feeling Hue to see the sun shining and art* getting ready for plowing once more. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sims were Satur day night and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Golden Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lackey are spend isg a few days with her sister, Mrs. Woodfe Watford near Lawrenceville. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Miller are spending the week-end with the lat ter's father and mother, near Social Circle. Mr. George Casper and family were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cas par. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Perkins were Saturday night ami Sunday guests of Mr. \V. 11. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hollifleld were guests of Mrs. Hull Clack. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Foster were the guests Sunday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. Wills. Master Clarence and Pallie Miller and Ella Martin were Sunday guests of Misses Beulah and Ruby Miller. Misses Nora Kellum and Rossie Bar ber were Saturday and Sunday guests of Misses Eddie and Rath Delay. We are very sorry to know that Mrs. 1,. P. Miller is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey were the guests of Mr. und Mrs. Roy Martin Friday night. Mr. Curtis lost a fine milk cow on last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Morrow were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lackey, Jr. Classified Ads. JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attorney-at-Law Office in Old Court House Winder, Georgia. Meet your friends at the new Drug Store. Phone 286. Winder Drug Cos. LOST.Chevrolet ear crank in Win der.—J. B. Brookshire. HAY FOR SALE. I will have in a very short time a car of choice Timothy Hay. See me before buying. Cheap for cash. —L. I*. Eley, Phone 348. FOR SALE —One good mule, about 7 years old. Close price.—W. E. El der, Winder, ltt. 1. It Make your telephone pay its rent. Call 286. Quality first. Service next. Winder Drug Cos. Buy Galvanized Rootling, Ridge Roll and Valley Tin froc Smith Hardware Company. Reid’s Early Yellow Dent Seed Corn, sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Violin, Banjo, Guitar and Mandolin Strings sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Its just off Broad on Candler St. in Winder National Bank Building. Winder Drug Cos. Red, Yellow and White Onion Sets at Smith Hardware Company. FOR RENT—B-rooms upstairs corner Athens and Broad streets. Steam heat and'all conveniences. Apply to Moss E. Garrison. FOR RENT —Six room house with water, lights, garden and pasture; on Athens street.—M. It. Maynard. FOR RENT —8-room house with 3 rooms rented, lights, sewerage, garden. Apply at this office. THE WINDER NEWS Friday and Saturday to be BARGAIN days at Summerour’s Our Sale closed last Saturday and must say it was a great success. We sold more goods than we anticipated and reduced our stocks so we can replace with new goods at very attractive prices. We are going to contin ue to sell cheap, but naturally had to advance our prices just a little on a few things. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NEXT. A We find that a few of our customers failed to purchase all their wants and some failed to get here on account of sickness and the weather. So we have decided to let everything go at the sale price on these two days. We are going to add a few specials also in addition to what we already had, which we quote below: Good hickory Shirting at, per yard 12£c 1 lot ladies & childrens Sweaters, to close out SI.OO 1 lot high priced ladies sweaters to go at $3.95 1 lot nice Georgette and Crepe de Chine waists at less than HALF PRICE. 1 lot ladies and childrens shoes and oxfords, real cheap Also a close out lot of men’s shoes and oxfords at prices that will astonish you. Come on and get them. We appreciate your trade and want you to have them. Will look for you Friday and Saturday. To the Ladies: We will have anew lot oi hats and millinery goods in Saturday. Wait and see our new stock before you buy. Yours for cheaper prices, J. W. SUMMEROUR Winder, Ga. The Stock Sacrificing Special Cash Raising Sale AT Smith Hardware Cos. is saving the farmers and people of this section thou sands of dollars in their purchases of hardware, tools, implements, wagons, paints, etc, etc. We have on hand some Imitation Oliver Plows and Points made by the Lynchburg Plow Cos., we offer our stock as follows: Plows Points B. C. 9.50 45c Goober $0.90 25c Xo. 10 11.50 45c A. C. 30c Xo. 13 7.50 50c Fowler Cultivators, called by some BUZZARDS. The regular price of Fowler Cultivators for this season as made by the manufacturer is $15.00 each. Any time during March a SIO.OO Bill will buy one. Best 4-ply cotton plow lines 36 ft. long, weigh 17 ozs. at 35c per pair, 3 pairs for SI.OO. Adjustible Logger Head Hames, regular $2.25 Grade, for only, per pair $1.50 Fresh Garden Seed in Bulk; you get more for the money We Have: Large White Marrow Fat English Peas Early Telephone English Peas. Extra Early Yellow Dent Corn McCaslan Pole Beans Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans Moseley Home Raised Cornfield beans Early Red Valentine Bunch Beans 1000 to 1 Bunch Beans ’ Earliest of all Bunch Butter Beans Running Butter Beans. Visit our store where your money goes further and where quality is never sacrificed for price. Smith Hardware Cos. The Winchester Store. SERVICE AND QUALITY Winder, . : Georgia. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YE^B Giant Stringless Green Pod Bunch Beans Tom Watson Water Melon Seed ’ Kleekley Sweet Water Melon Seed Rocky Ford Canteloupe Seed Red, White and Yellow Onion Sets Boston Pickling Cucumber Lettuce—Kale—Turnip— Okra Squash—Mustard—Tomato—Sweet Peas—Xasturtiums and Etc.