The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 10, 1921, Image 7

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THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1921. News of Interest Gathered hy Our Cor respondents Throughout the County PARADISE School is progressing nicely at this place. Mr. anil Mrs. Jim Sims were Satur day night and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Golden Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Hunter spent Sunday with Mrs. Lydia Fincher. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Perkins spent Saturday sight with Mr. and Mrs Cur tis Miller Mr. and Mrs. Claud Wills were the guest Sunday afternoon of Mrs. Lydia Fincher. Mr. Everett Clack spent Saturday night with Mr. Robert Perkins. Miss Eddie Ruth Delay spent Sun day with Miss Maggie Ruth Jones. \v e are sorry to know that little Brunell Miller is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Herscliel Clack spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Patton. The singing at Mr. D. D. Jones Sun day night was enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Price Miller spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Frost. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Miller spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miller. Carither* Mill Miss Jewel Cooper spent Wednes day'night with Miss Lila Delay. Mrs. McDonald spent last week with her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. H. Mobley. Mrs. W. T. Mobley had as her guest Sunday afternoon Mrs. G. A. Dunigan. Misses Lula Mae, Annette and Runette Moon. Mr. Lucious Mobley and Albert Mc- Elroy 'spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Belle and Lottie Moon. Miss Ezar Mobley is spending this woek with her sister, Mrs. McDonald. Mr. Arthur Harper, of Camp Jack son, is at home for a few days. Mr. J. W. Moon spent the week-end with his mother near Hosehton. The party at Mr. Frank W ard s Saturday night was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Clydie Johnson and Miss Ber tha Mobley spent Monday night with their sister, Mrs. McDonald. ""he singing Sunday night at Mr. J. Moon’s was enjoyed by all. Mr. John Sims’ little son, W. TANARUS., is very ill at this writing. Miss Dru Willie Ward had as her guest Sunday afternoon. Mr. Luther Morris. Mr. Emory Herrin and Marchie Mil ler were the guests of Misses Mattie Lou and Ruth Mobley Sunday after noon. Mr. G. A. Dunnaigan and Tom Sims went to Winder Saturday on business. Tallassee Dot* Miss Montine Wallace ami Miss Liz zie Wallace were guests of Misses Ma zle and Poliue Hartley Saturday night Miss Lillian Sbaford spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. Willie Williams Saturday. Mr. I. TANARUS, Hartley was the guest of Mr. ..To:a Shaford Saturday afternoon. Mrs Zeke Dummage clildren were guests of Mrs. Hartley Saturday afternoo. a Mr. and Mrs. Itichard Sikes and chil dren were guests of their sister Sat urday night Mrs. Robert Maynard and Mrs. J. u Sikes, Sr., are spending a few days with relatives in Decatur. Mr. Lee Duncan has returned to his home after spending a week here. Mr. and Mrs. Huff and children spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Patterson. Miss Prudie Belle Sikes spent Mon dav afternoon at Bunker Hill school with Miss Marie Bards. Misses Thulma and Birenes Daniel were guests of Mrs. J. C, bikes, Sr., Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Wage, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wages Saturday. Miss Birdie Sikes has returned home aftey spending a week with her uncle, Mr. Harvie Carruth, near Jefferson. Mrs. R. L. Sikes was the guest of Mrs. Ben Maynard Monday afternoon. A large crowd attended Sunday school last Sunday. TAX RECEIVERS SECOND ROUND Cedar Hill, Mureh 14, from 9 to 10. Signion’s Store, March 14. from 12 to 3 Thompson’s Mill March 15, 9 to 10. Victory School house, Mar. 15, 2 to 4. Auburn, March 16, 10 to 1. Carl, March 16, 2 to 4. Bethlehem, March 17, 10 to 2. Jones, March 18, 10 to 1. Chandler, March 21, 10 to 1. MeElroy’s Store March 21, 3 to 4. Statham, March 22, 10 to 2. Court house every Saturday. J. J. SHEDD, R. T. R. * Barrow county. Excellent Remedy for Constipation. It would be hard to find a better rem edy for constipation than Chamber and mild and gentle in effect. Give them a trial when you have need- County Line Misses Aurora and Christine Atta way spent Tuesday sight with Miss Clara Cooper. Miss Carmon Elder had as her guests Sunday Misses Fannie Sims and Bir die House. Miss Oilie Murphy is on the sick list this week. Mr. F. M. Hardy is improving slow ly- Miss Myrtie Watson spent t riuay night with Miss Birtie House. Mr. and Mr.4 Ode Rainey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvis Murphy, Mr. J. L. Greeson visited his uncle Mr. Jim Manders Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy spent Saturday night and Sunday with the latter’s parents near Jefferson. Mr. Rubie Cronic ispest Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mur phy. The dance given at Mr. Justice’s was enjoyed by all present. Sharon News Mr. Carl Stone and Mr. Eugene Jones, of Winder, were in our burg Sunday afternoon. Miss Gwendolyn Mann spent Friday night as the guest of Miss Viola Maul din. Miss Pauline Parks spent Thursday night with her cousin, Miss Lois Lang ford. The singing at Mr. Henry Feagans was highly enjoyed by a large number of young people Sunday night. Misses Jane and Mae Lancaster spent Friday night with Misses Seanie and Charlie Bell Kilgore. Messrs. Ernest and Howell Parks attended the debate at Braselton and report a nice time. Mrs. J. T. Brock spent Sunday after noon with Mrs. H. A. Mauldin. Mrs. G. W. Maddox spent awhile Sunday afternoon with Mrs. W. D. Lancaster. Miss Gwendolyn Mann and Miss Pauline Parks attended preaching at Mt Moriah Sunday morning. The party at Mr. Ben Justice’s was highly enjoyed by a large crowd of young people. Brown and Blue-Eyed Beauty. SNAP SHOTS W. H. FAUST Evidently the Masonic Order will re ceive more consideration at the hands of President Harding than it did at the hands of President Wilson. Why boast of liberty of speech in free America and not allow Mr. Debbs to talk out and say what he thinks. Thank the good Lord Georgia news papers no longer are filled up with Pal mer and his policies. Can sensible men tell you why two bales of cotton picked out of the same field, at the same time and ginned the same day, will sell, one for 15 cents and the other for 8 cents. ” The Pope now jumps on the Y. M. C. A. that was supposed to work among Catholics and Protestants, but the Pope is naturally “ergin” anything protes tant, anyway. Governor Hardwick is going to cut off the salaries of a lot of fellows who have been hoboing the state. It sounds good and here’s hoping that he will carry his threat into speedy execution. The editor of the Constitution sug gests in an editorial that those in charge of road working be not criti cised, but we fellows who pay our tax es to make costly and absolutely un necessary detours propose to talk out in meeting. The farmers who plow among wild onions do not smell as fragant as the users of Paris cologne, but they have too much sense to pay present prices de manded for fertilizers. Eduaation ai|d agriculture receive an increase of $20,000,000 while army and navy receive $647,000,000. What horrid fools some folks are, to be sure. Now, Mr. Hoover is in a position to help the starving multitudes of Europe. It is to be hoped that drives for tha purpose will cease. If Georgia forces children to attend school and she should force the schools to provide free text books for them to use while in school. Why shed your blood to make the world safe for democracy and then curtail free speech. Every fellow who can’t run his own business successfully is telling the far mer how to act. The only advice we have to offer him is not to borrow over SIOOO per mule, or buy more than three to five tons of guano per plow. Grammar and arithmetic do not change but the text books change year ly; evidently for the good of the book seller, and for the detriment of the poor fathers and mothers. The farmers have neither lost their voices, their visions nor their courage, and these fellows who are spending our taxes, bonds and auto license tags mon ey for Sunday Joy riding will now be under the shelter because of the lack of a pink tag. Providence News Mr. C. E. Hunter spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. W. S. Hunter. Mrs. G. R. Sikes and mother, Mrs. Henry, spent Thursday with Mrs. Fes tus Kenney. Mrs. Fannie Cofer was the guesi of Mrs. Mon Sikes Thursday. Mrs. Ida Maxey spent Thursday af ternoon Mrs. C. E. Hunter. Misses Gertrude Skelton and Cor delia Cofer sir*nt Wednesday night with Miss Lola Cook. Master Lester Hunter was the guest of his cousin. Master Bill Hunter, Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Haynie and Roxie Pot ter spent Saturday night with Mrs. G. R. Sikes. Mrs. C. E. Hunter and children are spending this week at Lawrenceville, the guests of her mother, Mrs. H. J. Butler. We are sorry to say that Mr. Bill Maxey is sick at this writing. Misses Skelton and Cordelia Cofer spent Friday night with Misses Nellie and Bell Haynie. Mrs. Sallie Potter and Mrs. Pearl Barnett and little son, William, and Mrs. Rosa Potter and children spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Fannie Haynie. Miss Addie Martin was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Roxie Potter Thurs day night. Little Miss Miriam Ohlliam spent Tuesday night with little Misses Bula Mae and Fannie Ruth Sikes. Little Belva Fowler was the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Sallie Pot ter, Thursday night. Miss Sara Hunter spent Wednesday night with her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Hun ter. Mrs. Edgar Fleming spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Kennedy. Miss Cordelia Cofer had as her guests Saturday night, Misses Nellid Belle Haynie and Lois Nicholson. The entertainment at the home of Tommy Oldham Saturday night was very much enjoyed by those present. STRANGE’S Specials LOOK ACT - BUY Thursday, Friday and Saturday The prices are way down Crinkle Bed Spreads 72 1 Lot 36-inch Satin Mes- 1 case Pajama checks, x9O SPECIAL saline. $2.50 value 38-inches wide; easily. SPECIAL This Week worth 25c. Special $2-95 $1.50 jg c A beautiful Crinkle 81 x gj jf 90. SPECIAL Crepe, ail colors. 1 Case beautiful Silk,— finest Middy twill, the ~ T j. a 75c grade. SPECIAL— i Lot 36-in Taffeta, the Entire Lot Crepe de $2.50 quality. SPECIAL ' 1 oa $1.50 sl-50 59 C Ask to see these bargains, and where your dollars stands for 100 cents. J. T. Strange Company THE WINDER NEWS Miss Susie Nicholson was the guest of Miss Myra Hammond Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hunter were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Sikes Sunday. The singing at Mr. G. H. Gofer’s Sunday night was enjoyed by all pres ent Mr. and Mrs. Alford Sims and daugh ter, Naomi, visited Mr. and Mrs. Her man Wages Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Richardson, or Monroe, were the guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Page, Saturday and Suuday. Mr. Henry Queen is sick at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheelus visited the latter’s brother, Mr. Odum, of near Bethlehem, Sunday. Miss Eunice Dillard spent Sunday with Miss Ethel Vanderford. Mrs. F. C. Wages and three children are on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Queen spent the week-end at Winder, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Collins. Miss Oilie Wheelus was the guest of Mrs. Alma Rutledge Saturday af trenoon. \ Mrs. Willis McDaniel spent Satur day with her sister, Mrs. Will Tanner. Mr. Elmer and family, of Monroe, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Page Sunday. Messrs. Fortune and Sentell were visitors to Atlanta Sunday. The singing at Mr. W. H. McDaniel’s Sunday night was highly enjoyed by all present. Mrs. J. M. Fuller was the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. H. Beddingfleld, of Winder, Friday afternoon. Mr. Willie Hudson, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with Mr. Clarence Page. Mrs. Alma Rutledge was the guest of Mrs. Omie Dillard Friday afternoon. Mr. Jimmie Treadwell and daughter, Miss Luree, of Statliam, were visitors at Sunday school Sunday afternoon. Mr. Roberts, of Gainesville, was a visitor to our community this week. Mr. and Mrs. Florence Casey spent CARTER HILL Post Oak Locals Sunday night with Mr and Mrs W. M. Holloway and family. Mr. and Mrs T. W. Perkins and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mas. W. M. Holloway and family. Mr. A. J. Casey was in Bogart Satur day on business. Mr. and Mrs. C G. Casey’s baby is very sick at this writing. The farmers are very busy getting their land ready to plant. Mr. ami Mrs. Everett Edgar spent Saturday night and Sunduy with Mr. and Mrs. Bush Edgar. Misses Susie and America Dillard were the guests of Miss Lillie Mae Holloway Sunday afternoon. Miss Rollle Austin and Mr. George Wall were! happily married Sunday afternoon and we wish them a long WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING I have removed my Jewelry and watch repair office to room 403 Win der National Bank Building. Where I am prepared to do all kinds of watch and jewelry repairing First Class Work Reasonable Charges B. E. PA TRICK 403 Winder Nat. Bank Building. Winder, Ga. SUBSCRIPTION: |1.60 A YEAR and happy life. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lackey, Sr., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bush Edgar Sunday. How’s This? We offer One Hundred £)ollark Reward for any case o' Catarrh that cannot be cured by Kail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, O. XVe, the undersigned, have known r. J. Cloney for the las* If, years, and believe him perfectly lionorabi- In all business transactions and financially able to carry .ut any obligations ms le by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, o. nail’s Oa'nrrh Cure is fatten Internally, acting directly upon the .blood and mu 'o;is surfß j' -i of the system. Testimonials .tent free Price 75 tents per bottle. Sold by all Druptt'sts. Take Hall Fa>->lv p!): tor ecnetlpatton-