The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 17, 1921, Image 6

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THURSDAY, MARCH 17. Httl PLENTY OF PROOF From People You Know— From Win der Citizens. The greatest skeptic can hardly fail to Ik* convinced liy evidence like this. It is impossible to produce better proof of merit than the testimony of resi dents of Winder, of f>eople who can be seen at any time. Read the following case of it: .1 R. N. Baugh, retired merchant. 200 Wright street, says: “For years I was troubled with severe pains across the small of my back and it seemed as if pins and needles were sticking into my body. My kidneys actual t<s> freely, too. I saw Doan’s Kdney Pills advertised and decided to try them. J am glad to say Doan’s greatly re lieved me.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Baugh had. Foster-Milburn Cos., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. V. Found a Cure for Indigestion "1 use Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find they suit m.v case better than any dys pepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have used many different medicines. 1 am nearly fifty one years of age and have suffereo a great deal fsora indiges tion. I ca,u eat almost anything I want to, now,” writes George W. Em ory, Rock Mills, Aik. These tablets contain no pepsin but strengthen ibe stomach and enable it to digest the fowl naturally. PROFESSIONAL CARDS RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. Attorneye-At-Law WINDER, GA. Office In Carithers Building. Practice in All the Courts JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attorney-at-Law office in Old Court House Winder, Georgia. DR. J. 11. MOORE Veterinary Surgeon Office over City Pharmacy Office Phone: 62J—Res. Phone 09 WINDER, GA. I)R. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Gil Holman Building Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M. S. T. ROSS Physician and Surgeon Rooms 303-304 Winder Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bnnk. Practice In All Courts. 8. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. 1 W. L. DeLaPEItRIERE Dental Surgery . Killings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DU. W. L. MATHEWS Suite 410 Winder National Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., and 1 to 4 P. M. Residence 'Plioue 213. Office Phone No. 13. 1 ‘ " E. R. HARRIS, M. D. Winder National Bank Building Winder, Ga. Office Hours: Winder: 8:30 to 10 A. M.; 2toGP. M. Bethlehem: 1 t 0 2 "**• M ' Phone: Office No. 154. Residence 174. W. 11. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prentice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty DR. R- P ADAMS General Practlee Bethlehem, Georgia. Thones: Office 24. Residence 6 Dr. C. S. Williams DENTIST offices in the .Winder National Bnnk Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 284—Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. W. M. THOMA S Cleaning—Pressing—Altering Phone 49—Jackson Street Winder, Georgia ITCH CURED In 30 Minutes with Par-a-sit-i-cide 60c from druflflist* <V 55c mailed Mfc, DR. L J. SHARP & CO., Cwmnwci, Ga. do substitute. Sold by Doyou know you can roll 50 Apodj cigarettes tor lOcts from one bag of * . GENUINE “Buil'Durham TOBACCO (J§^ LOST.—Bunch of keys, consisting of Overland car key, I’. O. key and other keys. Finder return to this office and get reward. Friday and Saturday Specials Best Grade chicken feed 2\c pound Baby Chic feed, 3c lb. \ Seed or Eating Irish Potatoes, 10 lbs for 30c Best grade Peaberry Coffee, 5 lbs for 90c t Simon Pure Lard, 10 pounds for $2.14 5 pounds Simon Pure Lard $1.09 Don’t forget to bring your jug and get some of our pure South Ga. Cane Syrup, gal. 75c 8 pounds Uncle Mike Coffee SI.OO t i Watson-Glover & Cos. Phone 80 Jackson Street FIRE INSURANCE IS A S r EP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION As you look with satisfaction at your fire insurance policies you realize that fire is a constant menace and feel secure in your protection against such a misfortune. But how about the many other things that may happen which will cause you financial loss? Nobody knows from what quarter misfortune may come. Your paymaster may be robbed, your employees hurt, your clerks may prove dis honest, your goods may lie lost In transit, your automobile may be wrecked, your own earning capacity may be effected by sickness or accident. These and many,other losses may come any time and when they do come they may cause a greater loss than a tire. If the theory of insurance is sound you should appy it to protect you and your property from every possible loss. What a comforting finding of security it will give you to know that you are protected from every possible danger through the sound, reliable Insurance Service w - OF F. W BONDURANT & COMPANY JZ, WE ARE GINNING "V This is to notify the general public that the Summerour Gin is running daily and will continue to operate daily until further notice. Highest market price paid for cot ton seed and remnant cotton. G. W. SUMMEROUR: The Ginner Winder, Georgia s GOOD BLOOD NEEDED IN SPRINGTIME People With Poor Appetite, Had Com plexion and “Spring Fever” Need A Blood Tonic. HI DE'S PEI*TO-MANGAN IS BEST Makes Rich Red Blood—Renews Vital ity and Increases Body’s Resis tance to Disease Spring is the time when good blood is so vital to health. If you do not feel the thrill of Spring in your blood, if you take no pleasure in living, if your appetite is poor, your complexon pallid or muddy, and you tire easily, you can be pretty sure your blood is not up to the mark. So many feel that way in the Spring. Especially housewives who have so much work to do. They get over-tired and run-down —their blood becomes weak and thin. Build up your health now by taking that splendid Spring blood tonic, Glide's Pepto-Mangan. It will give vital power to the red corpuscles in your blood. THE WINDER NEWS They will go racing through your blood carrying fresh supplies of oxygen to all the tiny ceils. It will help improve your color and appetite. You’ll take more interest in things and enjoy life more. You will stop going around with that tired, all-gone feeling. Physicians have prescribed Gude’s Pepto-Mangan for thirty years. You can get it at your druggist's in either tablet or liquid form. Take whichever you prefer. They have the same medi cinal value. Get the genuine.—Adver- tisement. Reliable Progressive THE OLD STORY “The World's Best By Every Test” ASHEPOO oA'AFI BRADLEY OLD DOMINION V^M UALI !]%§/ SEA FOWL REO. US. PAT.OFF. DRY AND DRILLABLE FERTILIZERS BUILT UP TO A STANDARD—NOT DOWN TO A PRICE The American Agricultural Chemical Cos. Atlanta, Georgia FOR SALE BY ROBT. A. CAMP WINDER, GEORGIA Courteous Service A WONDERFUL YEAR UNFOLDING A wonderful year is unfolding before us —a year of unlimited opportunities for those who are prepared to take advantage of them. We form new classes every Monday—you can start immediately to fit yourself for a splendid position in the bank or office with the assurance that your services will be in demand the moment you are ready. In the new competition which we are entering it becomes increasingly necessary to remove every ob stacle—to be qualified for most efficient work—to know thoroughly the branch of business in which you are en gaged. Our courses are practical and complete. Our grad uates are always in demand. A few months in school will increase your earnings immediately and insure a much more successful future in every way. Arrange your enrollment at once and be in our classes next Monday. ATHENS BUSINESS COLLEGE Athens, Georgia The Georgia Sunday School Convention Barrow county has been alloted 10 as a minimum quota of delegates for the State Sunday School Convention to be held in Macon on April 19, 20, 21. It is hoped that Barrow county will exceed its quota. Board at rea sonable rates can be secured in Macon. Further information regarding the con vention may Is* secured from the of ficers of the County Sunday School SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR Association, as follows: Claude Mayne, President, Windeg; Ed Starr, Secretary Winder; Mrs. E. S. Harris, Y. P. S., Bethlehem; L. S. Radford, Adult Supt., Winder; G. N. Bagwell, Winder, W. E. Baggett, Bethlehem, R. C. Willing ham, Statham, District Presidents. Excellent Remedy for Constipation. It would ite hard to find a better rem edy for constipation than Chamber lain's Tablets. They are easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. Give them a trial when you have need.