The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 17, 1921, Image 9

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THE_STRAND THEAFFR PROGRAM THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, March IT and 18.—Douglas McLain and Doris May. in “LET S BE FASHIONABLE.’ SATURDAY, March 19. —Win. Duncan liride 13. Comedy. VOL. XXVII. Hear the Georgia Glee Club Monday Night SCHOOL AUDITORIUM OBSERVE THE CITY ORDINANCES SAYS CHIEF M’ELROY Chief Suggests that all Citizens ‘Brush I p’ on City Ordinances in Order to Observe The Law. Ordinance No. 108 of City of Winder makes it unlawful for any person to spit on the side walks. Anyone vio lating this provision is subject to a fine o SI.OO. There is too much disregard ba/r this ordinance and same must be respected or we will enforce the law. Please do not block sidewalk when you are in conversation with your friends or at any other time, as this is getting to be a public nuisance in the Cty of Winder. Keep your chickens off your neigh bors’ premises, as they are planting seed to produce food for their own ben efit. t y There are some who are very care less in parking their automobiles. Those who park on Broad street between the railroads must park in center of said street at right angle to curb. There are some who have not paid advarolem tax for the year 1920. This matter must be attended to at an ear ly date. Take out business license at once, as they are long past due. Be sure to pay your street tax in the month of March. So your street can be worked. The above are very important and I hope same will have due considera tion E. O. McELHOY. Chief of Police. Preachers Conference Monday at 10 O’Clock. The Barrow County pastors met in weekly conference Monday at 10 o'clock President called the body to order. Reports for Sunday as follows: Methodist, Winder 355 S. S. First Baptist. Winder, 278 S. S. Second Baptist, Winder 55 S. S. Colhert, 133 S. S. Bethlehem, 95 S. S. Christian, Winder, 1(55 S. S. Agreed to observe third Sunday in April as Barrow County Go TO Sun day school Day. Appointed committee of three —S. R. Grubb, W. H. Faust and Wilkie Col lins—to arrange with the denomina tional superintendents to work up the day and get all Bible schools to par ticipate. Barrow county should be greatly benefltted and the churches largely strengthened if every citizen would at tend the school of lis choice on that day. The superintendents are urged to get in touch with this committee and begin at once to make this a Red Let ter day in Barrow. City Tax Books Open The city tax books are now open ready to receive tax returns from ev erybody. Do not put off this impor tant duty but attend to it at once. I am instructed by the city that every one must make their return in person at the office of the city clerk. I hope tiiat all will do this —L. E. GRIFFETH City Clerk. STRANGE’S MEN LOOK! Buy Clothes-Save Money • /fir" -f ' HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE 25 BUCKS C i\^\ ' Clothing Department 13 Friday,Saturday and Monday "n ' March’lß, 19 and 21 l l/V ANY SUIT IN ™ E HOUSE JfKO $25.00 / I L'N-C' No Alterations—No Exchange —No Returns. Look them y V / A | over—great values. Only [ Cash $25.00 Cash J. T. Strange Company ®)jc IBimkr Mews. AND THE BARROW TIMES Winder, Barrow County, Georgia, Thursday, March 17 1921 THE METHODIST r . SPRING DRIVE. Last Sunday was the opening day of the Spring Drive of the Methodist church of Winder, and it is being car ried on in every department of the church. At the Sunday school hour a special program was rendered, ap propriate to the season. The goal for this Easter campaign is the enrollment of the entire membership for Bible study at the Sunday school hour anil the attendance of the entire family at the morning service. An intensive personal worker's cami paign is also in progress and every ser vice until Easter will he definitely evan gelistic. Among the other features planned for Easter Sunday, will be the reception of all new members received since the beginning of the conference year. All of the Sunday services in the future will be held in the school auditorium. A cordial invitation is extended to the non-church goers of Winder and the surrounding county. You are promised a hearty welcome and a ser vice that is worth while. L. Wilkie Collins, Pastor. SOUTHEASTERN FAIR ASS’N. The dates of the Southeastern Fair to be held in Atlanta this fall have been fixed for October 13th to 22nd, inelu sive, instead of October 15th to 25, as was previously announced. A great attempt will be made to make the fair the best in its history. Wanted to buy good milk cow fresh in milk. —.1. W. McWhorter, at Win der News. RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY. Whereas we, the members of the Bu raia class of Winder, Ga., First Bap tist church, have learned of the death on March 4th, 1921, of J. W. Pratt, of near Lawrenceville, Ga., father of Col- J. C. Pratt, an honored and beloved member of our class ; And whereas, Brother Pratt, Sr., was a good man, husband and father and a faithful deacon in the Primitive Baptist church; And Whereas: his death, though in his 71st year, lias brought to our dear brother a sad experience; And, Whereas: as penned by Paul in I Cor. 12-2(5 “Whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it." Therefore be it resolved; First, That we hereby express to Col. Pratt and. through him. to his good mother, brothers and sisters, our heartfelt sympathy in his and their sadness; Second: That a copy of these resolu tions be recorded in the minutes of our class; Third, That a copy be furnished The Winder News, with request that the Gwinnett Journal copy the same, and a copy be tendered to Col. Pratt in this of bereavement. March 13th, 1921. COMMITTEE. FIRE ALARM. Last Monday night an alarm of fire wa ssounded about 8 o’clock, which proved to he only a small blaze caused by crossed electric wires. No dam age was done to the Winder Lumber Cos. where the wires were crossed. The University Glee Club Monday Night. On next Monday night, March 21st, at 8 o'clock at the school auditorium, flic Glee and Mandolin Club of the State University, will appear before a Winder audience. The reputation of the Glee and Mandolin Club is state wide. and Its appearance is eagerly looked forward to every year by the towns in which it plays. Mr. Mallon Sheffield, president of the dui>, with the able assistance of Messrs. Eastabrook and Jerry Jones, leaders of the Mandolin and Glee clubs, respectively, have gathered an’aggre gation of artists together and the show this year promises to be one of the most successful in its history. II is composed of the best talent in school and they have drilled faithfully to per fest the organization. A large audience will greet them in Winder. Mountabon News Rev. Lancaster preached an interest ing sermon Sunday. Rev. ,T. J. Shodd is our pastor for this year. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Rob ert Daniel was called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Allen, near Bell’s Mill, who Is quite sick. Mrs. Botten, of Sheffield, Ala., is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Bob Fuller, at this writing. Miss Annie Booth and Sal’le Huntetr were visiting Mrs. Bob Fuller last Sund i-y. Mrs. W. A. Wages and Mrs. Thur mond were guests of Mrs. Bob Fuller Sunday. THE STRAND THEATER PROGRAM MONDAY. March 21.—H. B. Warner, in “THE WHITE DOVE.” TUESDAY—Enid Bennett, In ‘What Every Woman Learns. Ruth of Rockies WEDNESDAY, March 23. THEATER CLOSED. BARROW COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY MET ON MONDAY The Barrow County Medical Society met in regnlar session in Winder last Monday morning. Dr. Daniel presid ed. Splendid talks were made by I)r. Ross of this city, and Dr. Bunce, of Atlanta, secretary of the Georgia Medical Society. Mrs. Worsham was elected an honorary member of the so-* ciety. A resolution was unanimously pass ed endorsing the stand taken by the Atlanta and Fulton county physicians in refuting the allegations tiiat Miriam Rubin, tlie little 8-year old girl, of Wau kegan, HI., who was suffering from a strange “talking uialaily,” had com pletely recovered as the result of the efforts of a chiropractor. “THE WORLD.” Is it not pleasant On a morn in the spring, To smell the sweet odors And hear the birds sing? 1 But still—in the summer With ripe grapes on the vine, And red peaches in the orchard — This is a glorious time. In the months of autumn When the leaves are gold and red And the corn ready to gather, It’s really no time to dread. It’s cold in the winter With ice and snow on the ground But i think (he world is beautiful All the year round. —A Correspondent. No. 48