The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 24, 1921, Image 2

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THI'KWPAY. MARCII 24 I _lft2T_ Legal Advertisements. For Barrow County. Georgia, for (lie Month of March, 1921. Application for Twelve Months Support GK( >R( i IA —Ba rrow o >unty. The appraisers appointed to set apart a year's support to Mrs. Callie McDon ald. widow of G. McDonald, deceas ed.'late of said county, having filed their returns in the office of the Ordina ry of Harrow county, this is to cite all concerned, kindred and creditors, that I will pass upon this return at the reg ular April term of court of Ordinary of Barrpvv county to be held on the first Monday in April, 1921. and if no legal cause is shown to the contrary the return will be made the judgment of tliis court. C. \V. PARKER, Ordinary. CITATION CK< IRGIA —Harrow county. The appraD; rs appointed to set apart a year's support to Mrs. Lou h. Lang ford, widow of H. C. Langford, out of the estate of H. C. Langford, deceased, late of said county, having filed their returns in tin* office of the Ordinary of Harrow county, tliis is to cite all con cerned. kindred and creditors, that I will pass upon this return at the reg ular April term of the court of Ordinary of Harrow county to he held on the first Monday in April, 1921, and if no legal cause is shown to the contrary the return will he made the judgment of this court. C W. PABKEIfc Ordinary. —Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons having demands against tlie estate of It. 11. F. McElroy, late of Harrow county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law: And all persons indebted to said es tate are required to make immediate payment. This 7th day of March. 1921. ot mullek Mcelroy, Ad in r estate of It. . F. McElroy, de mised. W. H. Quarterman, Atty. CITATION GEORGIA —Harrow county. J. A. Perry, administrator of C. E. Davis’ estate, deceased, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully ad ministered C. E. Davis’ estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day iu April, 1921. C. w. PARKER, Ordinary, Application for Administratrix GEORGIA—Harrow county. To all whom it may concern. Mrs. Gallic McDonald has applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of U. W. McDonald, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Mon day in April, 1921. Witness my hand and official seal this March 7tli, 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. NOTICE To the heirs and next of kin of H. J. Gnrrisou, deceased, late of said County, B. E. Patrick, of said County having applied for an order requiring tlie Ad ministrator of tlie Estate of said H. J. Garrison, deceased, to execute titles to land in said application described, you are hereby notified to lie and appear at the March Term of the Court of Ordi nary of Barrow County, ns saifl appli cation will then be heard. This February 7, 1921. C. W. Parker, Ordinary. Ctl2 SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA Harrow county. There will tie sold before tlie court lmusc door of Mild county within tin* legal hours of sale on the 2nd lues day in April, 1921, the following prop erty, towit: One Ford automobile, < r > passenger, gray body, upper wind shield out, no top, Model ISUS, Motor No. 1427871. Said property sold as the property of J. It. Matthews to satisfy mechan ic's lien, execution issued by A. T. Har rison Clerk Barrow Superior Court, in the name of the Judge thereof, on Mare 2nd, 11121, in favor of Flanigan & Flan igan against said J. It. Matthews, This 3rd day of March. 1921. H, O. CAMP, Sheriff. SHERIFFS SAIF GEORGIA Harrow County. There will be sold before the court house door of said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday of April. Hl2l. the following described property, towit: One bale lint cotton in the Rock Warehouse, No. M 122; one bale lint cot ton in the Farmers Warehouse No. Sod's About 3">o bundles of fodder m harm About 1200 lbs. cottcta seed. Also about 20 bushels of corn. Said corn, cotton stasl and fodder in barn of W. 11. Mcllaniel in the 240th District, G. M., farrow county, Geor -1 * Said property levied on as the prop rrtv of W. H. McDaniel and sola to satisfy landlord s lien, iu fHjor °f T. uidgeway, against said W 11. ‘ Daniel. Execution issued from Har row Superior Court on February 3rd. -mot vil of said property will be sold by" sample and' delivered to at tln> place where same is stated to be located, the same being cumbersome and too heavy to move. rrw.jho first day of March. 1-- • CAMP, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SAMS. GEORGIA—Barrow county. There will be sold at the court house door of said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu April, lirjl, the following described property to-wit. All the stock of goods and implements of every sort contained in the store in Statham, Georgia, located on the Conner of alley and Jefferson street formerly occupied by W. F. Roberts and F. H. Chambers, wherein said par ties carried on prior to said mortage. Said stock of goods consisting of all such things as are usually found in a general store; among them being dry goods, shoes, hats, notions, hard ware and other merchandise. .Said property levied on as the prop erty of tV. 11. Hardigree and sold to satisfy n mortgage execution issued from Harrow Superior Court on tlie Bth day of March, 1921, in favor of C. It. Chambers against said W. H. Hardigree. Said property will be sold by sample and inventory and delivered to purchaser at store house, being cum liersome and too heavy to move in Stathain, Ga. This March 9th, 1921. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORG IA I {arrow county. There will be sold before the court house door of said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in April, 1921, the following prop erty, towit. (>ne lot of land in the 210th District, G. M., said county of Harrow, one-half mile E. of Carl, Georgia, meted and bounded as follows: Beginning at rock on N. side of S. A. L. Ky; thence along the Jack Hutch ins estate line 105 yards to rock; thence along the line of the Jack Hutch ins estate 85 yards to rock in the wes terly direction; thence in a southerly direction 139 yards to S. A. L. Ky.; thence along said railroad an easterly direction 105 yards to beginning corner, containing 2 4-10 acres, more or less. Said property levied on as the prop erty of Pa tat & Chesser and sold to satisfy a tux fl. fa. issued by \V. T. Ap pleby, Tax Collector of Harrow coun ty, Georgia, against said Patat & Ches ser for state, county and school tax for tlie year, 1920. Due and legal notice has been given to tenant in posesaion. This Ist day of March, 1921. 11. O. CAMP, Sheriff. NOTICE OF OFFICIAL ORGAN. STATE OF GEORGIA, Harrow county. We, the undersigned, hereby desig nate The Winder News as the official Organ for the county of Harrow to January Ist, 1925. This 4th day of March, 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. A. T. HARRISON, Clerk. At Chambers, Ijawrencevllle, Ga. March the 10th, 1921. It being made to appear to the Court that on account of the fact that the Court House of Barrow county is not completed to the point making it con venient for the public use and for the purpose of holding court therein that this condition will he the same at the time of the March Term of said Supe rlor court of Harrow county and upon recommendation of tlie members'of the Bar of Harrow county it is not deemed wise or expedient by the Court to try to hold the March Term, 1921, of Su perior court of Harrow county; it is therefore ordered that the grand ju rors and traverse jurors summoned for service at March Term of said Court lie excused from attendance on the Court he convened only for the purpose disposed of at the regular March Term as may come before the Judge without the intervention of a jury and that the Court be convened onll for the purpose of disposing of such matters as do not require tlie presence of a jury, such as motions, call of the appearance docket, etc. The Court will hear on Monday, March 28, 1921, on the convening of the Court all motions and dispose of any matters not requiring the intervention of a jury and will cull the appearance docket and will draw a grand jury and a traverse jury to serve at the June Term, 1921, of Harrow Superior Court and it is ordered that a grand jury and a traverse jury be drawn and irn pannelled for the June Term, 1921, of Harrow Superior Court, because of the facts already recited and for the speedy transaction of the business of the Court at that time. It is ordered that this order he spread upon the minutes uf the Court and that it he published In The Winder News, the official organ of Harrow County, for two weeks prior to the March Term, 1924. BLANTON FORTSON, Judge Superior Court, Harrow County, Georgia. 2t. Prolific Banana. The productivity of the bnnnna is greater than that of any other food tearing plant. One acre and a little labor will annually produce 17,tX10 pounds of hannnns. One remarkable teature is its immunity from disease. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Ooltars Reward for any case c>£ Catarrh that cannot be cured by 1 fail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHEN'ET A CO., Toledo. O. We, the under, Igned. have known F. J "h-ney for tile list 15 years, aril 'relievo him porfei.'.v honorable in all business ra ,-a lion i and linanclally able to carry in unv ol .tgatlons made by his drrn. XA i IO.N \la BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, o tT'tVi’s Ca' irrh Cure !s Ivtcn li.tvrn.iUv v-fiiK dti < nty m e the blood and mil - os Mir.! -s • f (>'v f'-R'et l. Tesilmonlao r.i li-e Pr’eo 75 Mils per bailie. £oi y ah l>r- ■ris's. r.,Ve 111,.. < . ir'lv I'll a tor constlpallo: LUCKYSTRIKE cigarette. Flavor is sealed in by toasting ($) Providence News Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Havin' had as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hud Wages and Mr. and Mrs. Hart: Lyle. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wages spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Nichol son. Misses Sara and Annie Hunter spent Saturday niglit and Sunday with Miss Nellie and Miss Bell Haynie. Miss Lois Nicholson speift Saturday night with her aunt, Mrs. Jesse Wages. Mrs. C. C. Nicholson spent Friday night with with her aunt, Mrs. Jesse W ages. Mrs. C. C. Nicholson spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Rosa Potter. Mrs. Otis Grizzle and children spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. C. C. Nicholson. Master Dupree Wages spent Satur day night with his grand father, Mr. Hud Wages. Mr. and Mrs. Ella Wages spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. June Wages. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Oldham spent Sunday with Mrs. Fannie Haynie. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Cofer and daugh ter, Cordelia, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Z. A. Sikes. Mr. and Mrs. Mon Sikes were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sikes Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Titshaw was the week end guest of Mrs. Maud Wages. PENTECOST. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Elrod and children of Winder were guests of Mr. und Mrs. Job Haynie Sunday. Mr. it. L. liay aud daughter, Rob bie, of Bishop, spent Friday night with Mr. W. T. Prickett. Mrs. Woodie Wallace and son, are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Haynie. Rev. and Mrs, J. B. Gresham and children were the dinner guests of Miss Weldn Pentecost Sunday. Mrs. Anna Hammond spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Laura McDon ald. Mrs. R. C. Pentecost had as her guest Sunday her sisters and cousin, the Misses Sims. Mrs. tV. J. Haynie is very sick at tliis writing. Mrs. M. L. Williamson and daugh ters, Ruth and Kina, were guests of Mrs. D. B. Miller Saturday afternoon. Birds and Traps. Curiously enough, many birds. In stead of fearing traps, develop a fond ness for them, probably because they find them a source of ample feed which can be secured without danger to themselves. While this trait occa sionally Is something of a nuisance to tlie trapper, it often Is of great as sistance. It ts believed that birds, having learned to recognize traps, will be apt to go to them for feed in the course of their migrations, and so, when caught, will furnish material for ornithologists’ reports. The Pneumonia Month. March is a typical pneumonia month and usually, gives a high rate of mor tality for the disease. After a long and hard winter, the system loses much of its resistance and people grow careless. When every cold, no matter how slight, is given prompt and intel ligent, attention, there is such less dan ger of pneumonia. It should be borne in mind ttiat pneumonia is a germ dis ease and breeds in the throat. C liaui berlain’s Cough Remedy is an expecto rant and cleans out the germ ladened mucus and not only cures a cold hut prevents its resulting in pneumonia. It is pleasant to take. Children take it willingly. j |^| CURED In 30 Minutes with Par-a-sit-i - cide 50c from druggists or 55c mailed Mir., CR. 1. J. SHARP & CO., Commerce, Sa. Take no substitute. Sold by THE WINDER NEWS PARADISE Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Perkins spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Jones. Mr. and Mr.s Tom Austin had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Austin. Miss Ethel Sailors hail as her guests Sunday afternoon, Misses Mattie and Mary Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin spent Saturday night, and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Crow and family. Master Ralph and Foster Adams were the guests of Mrs. W. 11. Sailors Saturday night and Sunday. Beatrice Perkins had as her guest this week-end,. Linnell Perkins. Master Earnest J. Flack spent Sun day with Master Fhester Perkins. Mr. Robert Perkins had as his guest Saturday night and Sunday, Mr. Otis Barber, Mr. H. A. Perkins spent Sunday with Mr. E. A. Perkins and family. There will be an egg hunt at the church Sunday afternoon. Everybody come. , County Line Mr. and Mrs. Henry Puckett spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Mary Pickett. Mr. and Mr.s. James Everett visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Vanderford Sun day afternoon. Misses Mildred Haynie, Florence and Lucile Rooks were guests of Miss Fannie Sims Sunday. Messrs. Jillie Freeman and Harvie Clark were guests of Miss Ollie Mur phy Sunday. M iss Bertie Hudgins spent Wednes day night with Miss Ruth Wheeler. Mrs. Melvin Murphy and Eula Har dy were in Hoschton Monday P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Freeman of Hosch ton were in this burg Sunday after noon. Messrs Melvin Murphy and G. W. Hardy were in Winder Saturday af ternoon. Miss Mary Lou Rainey visited Miss Jewell Doster Sunday afternoon. Mr. Grady Cronic visited Mr. Har vi>e Clark Sunday. Misses Aurora and Christine Atta way spent Thursday night with Misses Fannie and Elizabeth Sims. ' STOMACH MISERY Meadow Creek, W. Va. —“I had boon sick for about c. year and had doctored with sev eral different doc- tors and none K seemed to do me I£B 2 any good. Any- V r) th* n 7 - ate seemed x. v; p to bloat me and J. / cause great mis ery, and at night 1 would take ' spells with my X&VI heart and had to \ 4 . f jump up to get ’ my breath. I had Just about given up all hope of ever getting well when I decided to try Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov ery. After taking the first bottle I could see a difference in myseif so I continued until I took six bottles and now I am sound and well.” — BEN BOWLES. All druggists. Reliable Progressive THE OLD STORY “The World’s Best By Every Test” ASHEPOO BRADLEY ((of A A ))i~)j OLD DOMINION X@^ AU W&// SEA FOWL REG. U.S. PAT.OFF. DRY AND DRILLABLE FERTILIZERS BUILT UP TO A STANDARD—NOT DOWN TO A PRICE The American Agricultural Chemical Cos. Atlanta, Georgia FOR SALE BY ROBT. A. CAMP WiNDER, GEORGIA Courteous Service f DRY CLEAN—DYE AT THE CAPITAL CITY To Beautify and Be Thrifty At this time of the year every woman with a thrift spark gets out her last season frocks, and has them dry cleaned and re-colored at tho Capi tal City. And every town and hamlet in the South boasts of scores of these thrifty and always-in-fashion women. Get the Capital City Habit s "Parcel Post Your Package—Look to Us for Results.” Capital City L>~ y Cleaning & Dye Works a ATLANTA, GA. gggggggggg This Illustrated Free Book * *'Zshe Modern Method of “Decorating ** ® will be of great value to you and your decorator in planning the interior decorations of your home. It contains instructive articles on art in the home, color harmony, concrete information regarding . the artistic finishing of your walls and ceilings. 'All suggestions and practical advice come fiom experienced decorators. A great many color plates designed by leading artists vividly show attractively decorated rooms. You can plan your home from these and articles, from bathroom to parlor. * 5 It also gives exact specifications for obtaining har monious color effects with PEE CEE FLA TKOA TT, the modem datable, sanitary flat oil finish. It comes in 24 rich, deep, velvety colors, which are easily combined , into the most charming color schemes. Ask us for Free Book or write direct to Peaslee-Gaulbert Cos., Louisville, Ky. IMGORPOHATCD Smith Hardware Cos. gggggggg SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR