The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 24, 1921, Image 6

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THURSDAY. MARCH 24. 1021. (Flip Mntfipr 2mua WINDER, GA. Published Every Thursday Entered at the Postofflee at Winder, Georgia, as Second Class Matter. J. W. MCWHORTER Editor J. B. PARHAM Business Manager Subscription Kates: In Advance One Year $1.50 Bix Months 75 Do You Live In Winder? j Every citizen of Winder ought to be loyal to our city and a hearty well-wisher to ev ery enterprise in our midst. This spirit makes a prosperous community and eviden ces a state of co-operation that leads to suc cess. The merchants of Winder are a live, pro gressive set of men. They know how to buy as cheaply as anybody can buy goods and they are satisfied with as reasonable profits us you will find in any city in the state. Bet our Winder people trade with Winder mer chants. . i If you live in Winder and are interested in Winder's growth and prosperity, trade with Winder merchants. There is no need of anybody's going anywhere to get better goods or to get them cheaper than right here in our own city. The News is not fi nancially interested in any store in Win der, but we believe in being loyal to our own Thtjie men pay taxes here; they help keep up all the public enterprises of the city; many of the public burdens fall upon them, and they are entitled to the sup port of our people. Many people have an idea that you can buy goods cheaper in the larger cities. Such has not been our experience. We can buy goods just as cheap right here in Winder as they can be bought anywhere, and by buy ing here we are helping in the business pros perity of our home city. Lot Winder’s people trade with Winder's merchants. 0 A Notable Advertisement In this issue of The News appears a page advertisement that should be read by every farmer in this section of the state. It is gotten up by several reliable cotton firms in the South and lias been published in many daily papers throughout this section. It is presented to our readers through the liber ality of Messrs. J. W. Summerour, and W. O. Wooten, of the Athens Street Grocery •Cos., and The Winder News. Read it care fully. , 7 '# Railroad Rates. From tlie Walton Tribune. There Is no denying that the public is be coming increasingly restive concerning the present level of railroad rates, both freight and passenger. They are so high that in many instances they are proving prohibitive. O The treasury department of the United States government is still trying to ride the newspapers. Scarcely a day passes but that we get articles from this source for publi cation but there is never any check enclosed to pay for same. The government is strict ly on the job when it comes to making us pay, uud we are reciprocating right along. O Atlanta has been so busy trying to destroy the Georgia Railway & Power Company, and trying to put the Railroad Commissioners out of office that she hasn't had time to look after such small matters as the “bunco” crowd that has been flourishing iu that city for these many years. 0 Winder is a city of many attractive homes and we are glad to note that the lawns and flower gardens of many of these homes show a spirit of love for the beautiful. We can not all have costly homes but we can all have ueat attractive yards and flower gar dens. -1 -1. :J o All the members of Atlanta’s churches have been invited to come together for a day of prayer. Atlanta *‘sho' do need” some body to pray for her. March has been n fine month so far. Let ns hope that the cold rain that Is falling now will not end In a freeze, but that balmy weather may continue. O— The State University Glee and Mandolin Club made a good start In Winder. They are a tine set of boys and we hope they will have a successful tour this year. O The chief assets of Winder are her manu facturing enterprises. May they all pros per. O— Just a short time ago the country was full of men selling oil stock, promotion schemes, He. Wonder what has beoome of them? The old adage, “An honest man is the no blest work of God," is Just as true today as ever. .... ... *•- ■ Why buy bread of an infe rior quality when you are assured of a superior Bread made right here at home, and more of it for the same money. Ask your grocer, he knows. We have faith in our “Winder - Maid” bread. That’s why we give someone a dollar every Sat urday for buying a loaf. We serve, that you may have your daily bread. Phone 37 BESTYETTE BAKERY H. L. Moore, Proprietor EAT MORE OF IT FOOD CASH STORE The place where your money talks.. Note these prices: 2 lb. can sweet potatoes, per can 20c Van Camp’s Chicken & Veg. Soup, any kind, can 14c Best Sweet Sugar Corn, can ... 14c 3 cans Tomatoes . . 25c No. 2 Early June Peas, can 20c 1 lb. Bak-a-Cake, package 30c Libby’s No. 2 Pineapples, can 34c 2 lb. can Yel’w Desert Peaches, 50c seller 29 Libby’s Cherries, per can 34c Olives, per bottle 19c 20c Bottle Pickle t . 13c 35c Bottle Pickle ~ . . . . 25c 50c Bottle Pickle 30c 34 oz. Peanut Butter, 2 for . ... . . 25c 64 oz. Peanut Butter, 25c seller for,. . . 18c Knox Gelatine, No. 3 package 19c Seedless Raisins, 35c seller, pkge 28c Hip-O-Lite, Marshallow Cream, bottle 29c Pure Apple Jelly, 61 z.. bot. 13c, two for 25c Tuna Fish, can . 24c 2 lb. can Hominy . ~ 18c 1 Pt. can Wesson Cooking 0i1........ 29c 1 Qt. can Wesson Cooking Oil 58c 3 lb. can Sour Kraut 18c California Pimentoes, can 16c Libby’s Tripe, can 34c Best Pulaski Pink Salmon, can 15c Mince Meat, can 15c Any 10c size Baking Powder, Pkge 8c Spaghetti and Macaroni, pkge . . 8c 21b. can apples, 30c seller .. 20c Any 30c plug tobacco 25c Three 10c size any snuff 25c Postoasties, 2 for . . . . 25c Oat Meal, 2 for 25c Grits, 2 for 25c 2 lb. package Cream of Wheat 29c Corliy’s 2 lb. Cake 70c Corby’s i lb Cake . * 20c Old fashioned Brown Sugar, 2 pkgs for 25c Cheese, per pound 34c Tetley’s Tea, 25c package for 20c Temple Garden Tea, 50c package for 45c Temple Garden Tea, 25c package for 20c Riley’s Blue Seal Tea, per pkge 15c Pilot Knob Coffee, 4 lb. bucket $1.15 Ophir Coffee, 3 lb package $1.20 Maxwell House Coffee, 3 lb bucket,. $ 1.20 Maxwell House Coffee, 1 lb bucket 40c Luzianne Coffee, 1 lb 35c U-No Coffee, 1 lb .40c Sugar, 10 lbs. for SI.OO Lard, 8 lb. bucket Snow White, net $1.50 Lard, 8 lb. bucket, Snowdrift, net $1.60 Lard, 10 lb. bucket Silverleaf, net $2.10 Lard, 5 lb. bucket, Silver Leaf, net . . . $1.15 Side Meat, Best quailty, pound . 18c Best Patent Flour, per Bbl $11.75 Fine Patent Flour, per Bbl. sll-00 Good Patent Flour, per Bbl SIO.OO Feed Oats, per bushel -75 c Holliday’s Special Best Sweet Green Feed, per 100 lbs $2.75 White Fish, 15c lb, 2 for • • I am still in the market for Peas and Corn. Highest price. Bring me all your chickens, Highest price. Brig me all your chinckes, eggs, and country produce. BAIRD’S CASH STORE The Cash Groceryman Clerk Court’s Old Stand, Broad Street. BREAD THE WINDER NEWS STRANGE’S IS OUR BEST Strange’s Suits All women want and must have a Spring Suit. rffm rzj&jjhsy . Suits are the thing for travel, for /FI 1 | church or all occasions. 11 I Every Suit in the house from $30.00 111 li T V\ ff up, marked down to, VI 111 l *1 s2s.°° W j \\l Come look, we appreciate your f| 11 I presence. Buy if you like. * I 111 J. T. Strange Cos. Mi THE UNJVER&AJL CAR THE FORD COUPE MORE and more this fine enclosed car for two-but it iTl will carry three-is growing in popular demand. Strongly built, the body rests upon that marvelous Ford chassis. It brings to its owner every modern-day conven ience; easy riding-while sliding plate glass windows make it breezy and cool in hot weather; dust-proof and w T ater-proof when the windows are closed-it is cosy and comfortable in inclement and wintry weather. Then there is the durability of the car, coupled with the low economy of first cost and the saving of money in oper ating expense. Behind it, every other Ford car, is that unsurpassed “Ford After-Service” which is given by the army of Ford dealers scattered all over the country, to gether with some 15,000 authorized garages, until the Ford owner is always within immediate touch of de pendable, reliable service, where the genuine made Ford parts and the genuine Ford methods are applied in the care of this car. The Ford Coupe ministers to n great variety of owners, from the physician to the traveling man, from the engineer to the architect, and then for a pleasure ear for two is unbeatable. We ask your early ‘order if you want a Ford Coupe, because we want to make delivery as quickly as we can but we must have a little time. Come in and talk it over. Mott-King Motor Company AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A TEAR