The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 31, 1921, Image 5

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THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1921. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Calendar for Week Monday, March 28. W. C. T. U. meeting at Christian church. Mrs. Fleming Thompson hostess to Bridge Club. Tuesday, March 29. Ladies Aid Society of Baptist church met with Mesdames G. W. Woodruff, L. A. Vortson and R. L. Eavenson at church parlors. Silver Tea at home of Mr. and Mrs. *B. B. Jackson in the evening. Methodist Men’s Club met at the home ofc Dr. and Mrs. S. T. Ross in the evening. Wednesday, March 30. Mrs. Guy Kilgore was hostess at Sewing Party. Mrs. Reba Vonderleith entertain ed her Sewing Circle and a few friends. Thursday, March 31. Mrs. W. N. Bailey is entertaining the Junior Priscilla Sewing Club. Friday, April Ist. Parent-Teaelipr Association will meet at 3 o'clock P. M. at school auditorium. MRS. HERSCHEL SMITH HOSTESS. One of tli e lovely parties the past week was the Spring party given by Mrs. Herschel Smith in her apartment on Athens street, to the Young Mat rons Federated Club and a few other friends. The rooms were thrown together and beautifully decorated in dog-wood, lilacs, roses and Easter lillies. As the guests arrived they were greeted by the hostess in her cordial and gracious manner and invited to the punch bowl, where Miss Jennie Smith and Mrs. Jo seph Broome served punch from a howl embedded in Spring blossoms. The tables were arranged in the dining room and living room where “pro gressive Cootie,” was played which proved to be a most laughable and en joyable game. The prizes were drawn by Mrs. Haw thorne Ware and Mrs. John Maynard, beautiful hand-made handkerchiefs and the “booby” a Cootie game, by Mrs. E- F. Saxon. The hostess was assisted in receiv ing and serving by her mother, Mrs. Watson of Athens, who was an honor ed guest, and Mrs. W. N. Bailey, Mrs. Joseph Broome and Miss Jennie Smith. The guests were Mesdames W. L. Jackson, Clyde Williamson. Mac Potts, E F. Saxon, H. E. Millikin, Claude Mayne, Robert J. Smith, G. A. Johns, H. T. Flanigan* Alice Dunn, Haw thorne Ware. Paul Roberts, Joseph Broome, O. M. Jackson, W. A. Bradley, J. L. Jackson, G. S. Millsaps, W. N. Bailey, John Maynard, Stanley R. ■‘Grubb, W. O. Perry, J. W. Griffeth, Mrs. Watson, of Athens; Miss Jennie Smith. , ' Mrs. B. B. Jackson Entertains. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Jackson enter tained at a delightful “Silver Tea” at their beautiful home on Church street last Tuesday evening, for the benefit of the Red Cross work in Barrow coun ty. The hours were from 6to 10, and during this time scores of M inder cit izens showed their appreciation of this work in the county by calling and en joying the occasion and making a con tribution to the work. Delicious punch and sandwiches were served most bountifully throughout the evening, Mrs. Jackson and those asso ciated with her proving themselves most delightful hostesses. Many remained until 10 o'clock, and many old time games were participated in by those present, such as “Showing the Ghost,” “Parsons Cat,” “Find A Seat,” etc. Many beautiful musical selections wer e enjoyed during the ev ening, and the entire. occasion was most enjoyable. Something over $20.00 was realized for the Red Cross work in the county. Mrs. Vonderleith Hostess. *o Young Matrons Club. *YVmong the many beautiful affairs of the spring was the lovely party last Thursday afternoon given by Mrs. Reba Vonderleith to the Young Matrons club and a few other friends. The flowers used in a most effective decorative scheme was the ever lovely lilac, a large quantity was used which, with their beauty and sweet fragrance add ed much to the rooms where the guests assembled. Upon arrival Mrs. J. S. Hargrove and Mrs. T. A. Maynard served the guestts tea and sandwiches and after a series of interesting games the hostess served an unusually delight ful salad course and ices, the lovely color motif of lilacs was skilfuly car ried out in the ices. Those enjoying Mrs. Vonderleith s hospitality were Mesdames Maynard, Hargrove, B. B. Jafkson. G. C. Mose ley, H. A. Carithers. Howard Rogers, I*. W. Hodges, I). F. Thompson, Ralph Smith, J. M. Aikin. Roy Smith. Rob ert Camp. E. V. Snipes. R. 11. Kimball, j. J. Wilson, W. L. DeLaPerriere. Geo. -H. Fortson, Henry Pledger. Arthur De- LaPerriere of Hoschton, and Miss Ed na Bush of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henson, of Ath ens, visited the former's mother, Mrs. Henson, the first of the week. Bachelor Girls’ Club. Miss Charlotte McCants was hostess to the Bachelor Girls’ Club last Satur day afternoon at a lovely party. Sew ing was the feature of the afternon, followed by a delicious salad course. Those present were Misses Montine Robinson. Sadie Harris, Sarah Hayes, Josephine House, Edna Bush, of Atlan ta; Xelle McCants and Mrs. John Ed wards. Bridge Club Entertained. fine of the delightful affairs of this week’s calendar was the meeting of the Bridge Club on Monday afternoon with Mrs. D. F. Thompsu as the hostess. After several interesting games of bridge a delicious salad course was served. The guiists were Mesdames H. A. Carithers, Ralph Smith, Roy Smith, J. W. Griffeth, Robert Camp, Henry Pledger, E. F. Saxon and How ard Rogers. Mrs. Snipes Honoree at Party. Mrs. E. V. Snipes, of Atlanta, was honoree at a delightful little party last Friday evening given by Mrs. O. M. Jackson. Delicious refreshments were served after a merry time was spent playing bridge. Besides the honor guest those present were Mesdames R. H. Kimball. J. W. Griffeth, J. F. Broome, Bird Harris, J. M. Aiken, George Fort son and Miss Mabel Jackson. Birthday Party. Little Miss Dorothy Carrington en tertained in honor of her Bth birthday, March 22, with a party and an Easter egg hunt. Thirty little girls and boys enjoyed playing games, hunting eggs, refreshments and a nice ride out into the country, after which the children departed with bright, happy faces, wish ing little Dorothy many, many more happy birthdays. Carrington-O’Shields. Last Thursday, at the Methodist par sonage in this city, occurred the mar riage of Mr. Allen Carrington and Miss Annie Lou O’Shields, both of this city. Rev. L. W. Collins spoke the words that made the young couple one. Mr. Carrington is one of the popular mail carriers that go out from Winder, while his bride is one of this city's most attractive and lovable young la dies. The heartiest congratulations of a host of friends are extended to the happy couple. Bridge Party Saturday Afternoon. One of the enjoyable occasions of last week’s calendar was the informal but thoroughly delightful party on Sat urday afternoon with Mrs. Reba Von derleith as hostess. Vases filled with bright Spring flow ers formed the decorations, and at the conclusion of several games of bridge the hostess served a most deli cious salad course. The guests were Mesdames J. W. Griffeth, S. 11. Ware, Ralph Smith, W. L. DeLaPerriere, Guy Kilgore, A. D. McCurry, P. A. Flanigan and Roy Smith. Young Matrons Federated Club April 7. The regular monthly business meet ing of the Young Matrons Federated Club will meet with Mrs. E. F. Saxon on Thursday afternoon, April 7th, at four o'clock. This is a very important meeting and all the club members are urged to be present. The members of the Federated clubs of bur city are looking forward with a great deal of pleasure in entertaining on May 10 and 11 the Xinth District convention of the Georgia State I ed eration of Womens’ clubs. Mrs. Ralph Smith Entertains. Mrs. Ralph Smith was hostess last Friday afternoon at a beautiful party. The rooms which were thrown together for the occasion were adorned with a large quantity of spring flowers and the graceful arrangement of them pre sented a lovely scene. Bridge was the feature of the afternoon after which a most tempting salad course was serv ed. The guest personnel was composed of Mesdames W. L. DeLaPerriere, Reba Vonderleith, E. V. Snipes, Parks Stewart, J. M. Aikin, J. J. Wilson. G. C. Moseley. A. D. McCurry, S. H. Ware. J. F. Broome. J. W. Griffeth, Paul Rob erts, Roy Smith. I). F. Thompsu, E. F. Saxon. George Fortson, L. W. Hodges. Herschel Smith, H. A. Carithers, li. H. Kimball and Robert Camp. Mrs. Kilgore Hostess. A jolly occasioff of the week was the little sewing party Wednesday after noon given by Mrs. Guy Kilgore. Late in the afternoon the hostess served a variety of sandwiches and tea. Those enjoying the afternoon with Mrs. Kilgore were Mesdames Henry Pledger, S. R. Grubb, Erh, C. S. Wil liams. G. W. DeLaPerriere, Reese Couch, L. A. Fortson, J. B. Parham nd Miss Ida Kilgore. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Xiblack enter tained at dinner last Sunday. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kilgore, Mr. Atti cus Lyle of Fort Worth, Texas, and Miss Mozelle Tumlin of Atlanta . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pirkle left Sunday for Americus for a visit to relatives. • * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pledger spent the past week-end in Atlanta. • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp spent last Sunday in Atlanta. * * Mr. Claud Mayne was a visitor to Atlanta Monday. * . • Misses Ola and Ellen Redmond were visitors to Gainesville Sunday. • • Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Strange motored to Athens Sunday to visit relatives. • • Miss Xelle McCants of Atlanta spent the week-end here with home-folks. • • Mr. Paul Roberts was in Atlanta on Wednesday on business. • * Mr. A. D. McCurry was a business visitor to Atlanta Wednesday. * * Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Williams spent Monday in Athens. * * Dr. C. S. Williams attended Eighth District Dental meeting in Athens last Monday. • Mr. Carl Brooksher returned Monday from a trip to Atlanta. • • Mrs. J. E. Wood spent the week end in Athens visiting friends. • • Miss Sarah Frances Segars spent last week-end with friends in Atlanta, • • Mr. and Mrs. John H. Baird spent Sunday with relatives in Hoschton. • 9 Mr. and Mrs. L. Love spent Wednes day in Atlanta. • • Mrs. Herschel Smith and little son are visiting relatives in Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stein spent a couple of days in Atlanta this week. • * Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Phillips, of Mon roe, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson, in this city. • * * Miss Charlotte McCants entertained her Sunday school class with a party at her home Tuesday night. • • Mrs. Roy Jackson and little son, Royce, are spending a few days in At lanta. • * Mr. John McCants is spending a few days in Atlanta. • • Mrs. W. L. Bush, Mrs. L. A. House, Mrs. W. J. Smith are attending the School of Methods which is being held at the Baptist church in Monroe this week. * * Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Maddox had as their guests Sunday Mr. Maddox’s par ents, of Jefferson. • • Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hargrove and children spent the past week-end with relatives in Stephens. • * Mr. and Mrs. Pendergrass of Jeffer son visited friends in Winder last Sun day. • Mrs. Gibson Xowell and little daugh ter, Martha Rosalyn, of Atlanta, are expected in the city the last of the week to spend a month with relatives. * * Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Eberhart and chil dren spent a few days in Atlanta the first of the week. • • Misses Eleanor and Kathleen Estes of S. X. S. Athens, were visitors in Win der last Sunday. * * Mr. Frazier Law of the Tech school, Atlanta, spent last week-end with his father, Mr. J. B. Law, of this city. * * Mrs. E. V. Snipes was a visitor to friends in Winder a few days last week. • • Rev. S. It. Grubb and Dr. Erb spent a few days of this week in Clayton and Mountain City. • * Misses Cola Campbell ajml Eloise Temples of Hartwell were guests of Mrs. L. A. Fortson the past week-end. 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Herrin and little daughter, Evelyn, spent last Sunday in Pendergrass with relatives. • • Mrs. J. M. Aiken and daughter, Car olyn, spent a few days of this week in Atlanta. • • Messrs. Clifford DeLaPerriere and J. M. Aiken went up to Atlanta last Friday to attend the Tech game. * • Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Oakley spent the week-end in Westminister, S. C., with relatives and friends. * * Miss Ola Redmond had as her guest last Sunday* her sister, Miss Ellen Red mond, of Atlanta. • • Miss Ruth Mitchell, of Atlanta, Is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Coker. • * Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Griffeth’enter tained at six o'clock dinner Sunday. Their guests were Misses Annie and Clyde Patman, of Athens, Mrs. M. Bush and daughter, Miss Edna Bush, f Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffeth, isses Cleo Bush and Urania Hayes. THE WIXDER XEWS Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Coker, of Ath ens, were guests of the former’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coker, Sunday. * * Mrs. Herschel Smith is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. O. Chandler, at Watkins ville, this week. * * Mr. J. E. Callahan made a business trip down in Oglethorpe, Greene and Oconee counties Monday. • * Mr. John Hinesley, we regret to say, has been quite sick for the past two weeks; we trust he will soon be up again. * • Miss Pauline Sauls, of Athens, spent the week-end with home folks in the city. • • Mr. and Mrs. 11. P. Williams, of Ath ens, spent Sunday with the latter’s father, Mr. J. G. Cooper, in the city. • * Misses Ola Porter and Beatrice Wil hite spent Sunday with home folks in Jefferson. • • Sheriff E. S. Garner, of Gwinnett county, was a visitor in the city Mon day. • • Hon. J. A. Perry, a member of the state railroad commission, was a vis itor in the city Wednesday. • • Mrs. Arthur DeLaPerriere of Ilosch ton was the guest of friends here last week-end. • * Misses Annie and Clyde Patman of Athens visited relatives here a few days last week. • • Mr. Charles Henson, who is travel ing throughout this section, spent a part of this week in the city with rel atives. • • Mr. and‘Mrs. W. M. Dillnrd and lit tle daughter, of Ben Hill, Ga., were in Winder Saturday night and Sunday visiting relatives and friends. • • Mrs. Myrt Bush and daughter, Miss Edna Bush, have returned to their home in Atlanta after spending a week with relatives here. • • Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Autry and chil dren motored from Athens last Sun day and were guests of Rev. and Mrs. S. It. Grubb. • * Miss Mozelle Tumlin has returned to her fiome in Atlanta after a few days’ visit to her sister, Mrs. C. O. Xi black. • • Messrs. Paul Hosch, J. A. Riley and H. I’. Stanton attended the sales con gress of Georgia underwriters at the Hotel Ansley in Atlanta Monday. Miss Kathleen Wilson returned to Sullivan College Tuesday to resume her studies after spending the Easter holidays with her parents here. * * Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Russell spent last Sunday in Gainesville with their daughter, Miss Marguerite, who it at tending Brenau college. * * Mrs. W. A. Brooks has returned from a few days stay in Atlanta and Was accompanied home by her daughter, Mrs. Hubert Eberhart and baby. * * Mr. and Mrs. George It. Houghton, of Washington, D. C. are the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Lee 8. Rad ford, in the city. * * Mr. and Mrs. It. T-. Harrison and lit tle son, Harold, of Bethlehem, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Har rison of this city’. • * Mr. Keith Quarterman, after a ten days’ vacation, which was given by the University on account of Easter, re turned Monday to his studies at the State University. • • Judge G. A. Johns is improving his front lawn on Candler street and the grass that has been sown is beginning to come up. He will have one of the most attractive front lawns in the city. • • We are in receipt of a letter from Mrs. Alvah Pearce of Franklin, X. C. enclosing $1.50 to renew her subscrip tion to The News. Mrs. Pearce will be remembered here as Miss Ruth Hale and was formerly associated with this paper as society editor and bookkeeper. Ruth was one of Winder’s sweetest and most popular young girls and her many friends here will be interested to learn that she is well and happy in her new home. • • Dr. and Mrs. C. 8. Williams and son. Lewis Harper, went out to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Williams Saturdav evening to attend a birthday dinner given by Mr. J. X. Williams which was attended by Mr. and Mrs. George W il liams of Lawrenceville. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams of Athens, and Mr. and Mrs. Millard Harper of Loganvllle, and many others. On Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Williams went to Statham to attend a birthday dinner . given by Mrs. Wil liams' mother, Mrs. Har]>er. 9 9 This is the year to raise Forage, Syrup, etc. We can supply you with German Millet Seed. Soudan Grass Seed, Orange Cane Seed, Blue Ritrbon Cane Seed, etc.—Smith Hardware Cos. An examination of the One-Piece Por celain Lined Leonard Refrigerator will convince you. It is some of the best lerchandise sold by the Smith Hdw. Cos. Sharon Vivacious News School at this place closed Friday, March 25, with an egg hunt at noon, and in the afternoon Miss Gwendolyn Mann took five of her students to Mul berry and had a spelling match. Sha ron being so fortunate as to be the winner again. Sharon on its head, Sharon on its feet, Hurrah for Sharon! Can’t he heat! Sharon wins the victory wherever she may go. That’s what we call a good “Conciliation.” We are sorry to relate that Mrs. W. E. Sailors, Mrs. Will Bowles, Mrs. ],. C. Stone and daughter, Ruby, and Mrs. W. C. Lancaster are on the sick list this week. Some have suggested build ing a hospital. Mrs. Hoss Watson of Chestnut Mt., spent Friday night with Mrs. R. Wat son of the lower part of this connnu nitly. Mr. Albert I). Kilgore, of Braselton, spent Friday night with Mr. Collie 11. Lancaster. Miss Isabel Holland, of Atlanta, is spending awhile with her sister, Miss Jessie Holland. Mrs. J. T. Brock spent awhile Friday afternoon as the guest of Mrs. 11. A. Mauldin. Miss Colena Elder, of Statham, spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Ermine Simpson. Masters Emory and Xewman Brock spent Saturday night and Sunday with Masters Tilman and Carl Brock, of County Line. We are glad to welcome Mr. Herman Lord and family into our community. They occupy what is known as the Blalock farm. Miss Gwendolyn Mann and Pauline Parks spent last week end as the guests of Miss Mary Duncan, of Auburn, where a delightful party was given in her home near Flowery Branch Sunday She will return and be quite welcome to this community in the summer to resume her school, Mr. Jessie Gilland spent Friday night with his cousin, Mr. J. T. Brock. Messrs. Charlie Cruce and Charlie Moulder made a business trip to Win der Friday. They report Winder on a boom. Barrow county is proud of her capital city. We notice Mr. Clyde Cronic all “doll ed up” for the last few school days. We wonder why? Mr. James F. Cook is at prfsent in Guautamo Bay, Cuba, where he will Watson-Glover & Cos. \ We are giving our customers the full bene fit of every reduction in price wherever we can do so and live. Note These Reduced Prices on all Fresh Meats Mixed Sausage, per lb 20c Steak, per lb 22 ic Roast Meat, per lb. . . ........ _.j 15c Stew Meat, per lb Bic Best Goods, best service, best prices. We want to please you. TRY US. WATSON, GLOVER & CO ' V Our Fountain Music Our fountain is open from 7 o'clock in the morning till 11 o’clock at night and the mer ry, noisome “sizz” of our ice cold soda is heard always. Everything is very COLD-the water, the syrups, the crushed fruits and the Ice Cream. Everything is clean on top the counter and behind. Everything we serve is absolutely pure; every drink is delicious; we serve it just right. / Winder Drug Company National Bank Building, Winder, Ga. SUBSCRIPTION : $1.50 A YEAR remain for several weeks and then em bark for the navy yard at Brooklyn. We ar e glad to have Mr. M. Vermil lion with us again after an unlimited time. He was discharged from the U. S. Xavy in Charleston, S. C., March 11. Mr. Charlie Cruce has also’ been on the sick list hut we hope to report him better next wt*‘k. Miss Lois Langford entertained Miss Is>is Langford, Miss Laura Lancaster and Bertha <’ruo, Saturday afternoon. Johnnie Langford, of Braselton, was in this burg Saturday afternoon. Little Miss Fola Lancaster had as her guests Saturday Luciie and John nie Mae Mauldin, Grace Hall and Mo dane Lancaster. Mr. Clarence Simpson who was re cently discharged from the IT. S. Xavy in Hampton Roads, Va., is the guest of his cousin, Miss Ermine Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Holand and fom ily. of County Line, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brock. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Langford, of Braselton, spent awhile Sunday after noon with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Stone. Messrs. Lyman Sloan, of Sardis and Hugh Davis, of Duncan Creek, were ht this burg Sunday afternoon. Mr. Charlie Moulder has purchased a cornet and we hope to have some good music soon. Misses Lois and Viola Maudin at tended the Easter dance at Miss Pau line Johnson’s at Victory Saturday night. Don’t forget the Sunday school at this place every Sunday afternoon at 2:30 sharp, except third Sunday which is meeting day and then it is held at 10:30 in the morning. Everybody come. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our kind friends and neighbors and especially Mr. IV. J. Millsaps for their kindness through the sickness and death of our dear hus band and father,. May God bless each and every one. Mrs. G. W. Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. It. 11. Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Howard, Mr and Mrs E. S. Dodd, Mr. and Mrs. J. PLANTING SEED FOR SALE. Rolled cleaned, specially selected White’s Improved Cotton Seed. The best variety known for the boll weevil section. See or write R. D. McDonald, Winder, Ga. Buy Good Gulf Gasoline.