The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 31, 1921, Image 6

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THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1921. THOROUGH WORK How a Winder CitUen Found Freedom Kidney Troubles. It you suffer from backache — From urinary disorders — Any curable disease of the kidneys. Use n t(*sti*<l kidney remedy. Doan’s Kidney Pills have been test ed by thousands. Winder people testify. (’an you ask more convincing proof of merit? Mrs. W W. Sheridan, Wade St., nays: “I have used Doan’s Kidney Pills off and on for a good many years and found theta to be just us represented. Mv back was sore and my kidneys were out of order. I began taking Doan’s Kidney Pills and they regulated my kidneys, and put my bark In good con dition. I think Doan’s are a wonder ful kidney medicine.” Price 00c, at all dealers. Don’t sim jily ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs Sheridan had. Foster-Milhurn <Mfra, Buffalo, N. V. Mutilation of a Coin. There is no penalty attached to the jutilation of a coin, but a penalty ia ittoched to restoring to circulation a toln which has been fraudulently re luced in weight, v __ Try It We may set it down a= a great truth. I think, that the sense of mo notony and drudgery In our work gen erally shows rlint we have come to put our emphasis In the wrong place— that we have become concerned more in getting our work done and off our hands than In the way we are doing It. Change the emphasis to the latter, and the situation will be mastered. The Sense of drudgery will vanish, and the life and the work will have an other aspect—M. Q. Simona. GOOD GULF HAS stood the test. • • ; Classified Ads. • , • All kinds of values in new and sec ond hand Chevrolet Automobiles; also plenty of Fords at Woodruffs. Ford Parts, guaranteed, at Wood rutTlT's. Save money. Buy the best Ford Parts; every piece guaranteed at Woodruff's. Screen Doors and Screen Wire at Woodruffs. Prices right. Screen your borne. Wire and Doors at Woodrow's. V-. ' -*■ ——■ ■■■ - ■ K 1 Only a few more 25 cent Plow Points on hand at Woodruff’s. (let a Barnesville Buggy or a Chev rolet Far. Prices right at Woodruff's. Paint your car over with Murphy s Auto Paint. Sold by Woodruff Hurd ware Cos. Automobile Paints and Varnishes In all colors at Woodruffs. NANCY HAI.L SWEET POTATO PLANTS for sale, government insp >ct ssl, $2.00 jhm* 1,000, cash with order. Heady for shipment. —11. Grady Evans. ■Graham, Ga. Mar-4t-pd r LOWERS FOR SALE. On account of my sickness and not being able to work 1 will sell my flow ers at once; all kinds; youie and see them even if you don't buy. Most re spectfully. Mrs. J. K. X. Baugh. 2t For ltough or dressed Oldfield lum ber see Allen Guffin. 30-tf. Choice Timothy Hay at $38.00 per ton. —Emory Smith at L. L. Moore's barn. tf. Compare our hay prices with others. Emory Smith at L. L. Moore's Barn, tf Choice Timothy Hay, one bale or a ton at per hundred pounds.— Emory Smith at L. L. Moare’s barn. Stable Manure for sale. Will de liver inside city limits. —L. L. Moore. Allen Guff In can supply you with rough or dressed lumber at attractive prices. 30-tf. There is MOKE POWER in THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE and SU PREME AUTO OIL. 11AV FOR SALE. I will have in a very short time a car of choice Timothy Hay. See me before buying. Cheap for cash.—L. P. Floy, Phone 345. Call Winder Drug Cos., phone 2M> for (our fountain drinks, and notice the luddeu service. Winder Drug Cos. Phone 2SO, agents for Norris, Whitman's and Hollings worth Famous Candies. NANCY HALL POTATO PLANTS. Government inspected; $2.00 per I.tKH) cash with order, through April. May and June.—Mrs. Addle Evans. Graham, Ga. mch24-81pd “SWAT THE FLY PREVENT DISEASE Now is the time to protect ourselves from the house fly which is a carrier of disease germs. The best way to ac- coinpllsh tliis, of course, is to see to it that there are no breeding places for flies near the house; that stabh*s, burns, out-houses are kept clean so that there will be no standing piles of filth or manure, stagnant cess pools, unclean garbage, kitchen waste, all from breed ing places for flies, and it is easier to avoid furnishing these places than it is to kill the millions of flies that are bred in them. Of course, a thorough screening of the homes ns well as of tin- out-houses would be one way of keeping out the flies and preventing their resting on i'(od ami making it dangerous for men to eat. The house fly looks like a simple, in nocent little insect and it is hard to re alize that its seemingly shiny body is covered with long hairs and bristles vliich catch uj> every germ with which it comes in contact. In trying to clean this body the fly uses its feet and thus covers the feet and bristles also with the germs which coat the body. The fly has the disgusting habit of depos- iting the contents of its stomach on anything on which it alights, for its mouth is not a beak but a soft tube through which its food regurgi ates and is thus dropped on our food, our hands or faces r anywhere that tin* fly chances to step on. Under a microscope the feet and mouth of the fly seems to be covered with foreign matter that looks like huge grains of sand on the bristles of a monster, and if we could see the fly as it really is we would not think any pains too great to take to protect our selves from its attacks. Flics carry the germs of typhoid fe-. ver, dysentery, tuberculosis and many other diseases and unless our food and water and milk supply is kept free of flies we are In constant danger of being at lacked by these diseases. Surely “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" and this is il lustrated in no better way than in pro tecting ourselves from the house fly now for this is his breeding time and from now all through the summer he will “increase and multiply” unless we take the necessary steps to prevent it. Winder News Want Ads—sc line. # ———■ * County Line | * * Miss Bertie House visited M.iss Fan nie Sims Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Murphy spent Saturday uiglit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flanigan. The singing given at Mr. O. B. House's Sunday night was enjoyed by all present. Miss Ollie Murphy had as her guest Sunday morning Misses Florence and Lucile Hooks aud Mild ml Haynie. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy spent Saturday night and Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Rutledge visited Mr. J. W. Vanderford and family Sun day. Miss Euln Ilardy spent last week with Miss Ollie Murphy. Miss Bertie House visited Miss Ger trude Muxey Sunday afternoon. Misses Desma Murphy and Bertie Hudgins were guests of Euln Hardy lasi Sunday afternoon. Miss Annie Clark visited Miss Fan nie Sims Friday afternoon. Miss ('.utile Hooks fpeut Sunday night with Miss Mildred Haynie. Mrs. E. E. Clark and daughter, An nie, spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. G. Attnway. COTTON CROPS OF YEARS 1919 & 1920. Tin 1 report of cotton ginned in 1919 and 1920 has been nnnunced by the gov ernment. For the entire state the num ber of bales ginned in 1920 was 1,446,- 577 as against 1,678.758 In 1919. The ginnings in the counties of this section are as follows: County 1919 1920 Barrow 18,364 20,270 Banks 11,255 10,674 Clarke 16,651 17.233 DeKalb 11,690 17,223 Elbert 25.876 25,673 Forsyth 10,080 13,587 Franklin 33.057 30,562 Greene 14,082 20,793 Gwinnett 24,160 31,142 Hall 16,429 20,325 Jackson 35,719 37,187 Madison 30,717 29,915 Morgan 29.820 34,869 Newton 22,140 80,041 Oconee 18,052 18,674 Oglethorpe 28,798 28,008 Walton 35.093 37,784 Want Ads in the News at 5c a line. CURED In 30 Minute* with Par-a-sit-i - cide 30c from druggist* or 55c mailed Mfr., DR. L J. SHARP & CO., CoramNce, Ga. Take no substitute. Sold by Found a Cure for Indigestion “I use Chamberluin’s Stomach and Diver Tablets for indigestion and And they suit my case better than any dys pepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have used many different medicines. I am nearly fifty one years of age and have suffereo a great deal fsom indiges tion. I caji eat almost anything I want to, now,” writes George W. Em ory, Rock Mills, Aik. These tablets contain no pepsin but strenghteu the stomach and enable it to digest the food naturally. *********** * PROFESSIONAL CARDS * *********** RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. Attorney e-At-Law WINDER, GA. Office in Carl them Building. Practice in All the Courts JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attoruey-at-Law Office in Old Court House Winder, Georgia. DR. J. H. MOORE Veterinary Surgeon Office over City Pharmacy Office Phone: 62.1—Res. Phone 69 WINDER, GA. DR. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 511 liolman Building Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M. S. T. ROSS Physician and Surgeon Rooms 303-304 Winder Bunk Bldg. Winder, Ga. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over C'urithers Hank. Practice In Ail Courts. S. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. W. L. DeLaPERIUKRE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge aud Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. Dlt. W. L. MATHEWS Suite 410 Winder National Bank fildg* Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., and 1 to 4 P. M. Residence Phone 213. Office Phone No. 13. r— ’ E. R. HARRIS, M. D, Winder National Bank Building Winder, Ga. Office Hours; Winder: 8:80 to 10 A. M.; 2tosP. M. Bethlehem: 1 to 2 P. M. Phone: Office No. 154. Residence 174. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law’ Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law’ a Specialty DR. R. P. ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 6 Dr. C. S. Williams dentist offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234—Office Phone SI WINDER, GA. W. M. THOMA S Cleaning—Pressing —Altering Phone 49—Jackson Street Winder, Georgia Excellent Remedy for Constipation. It would be hard to find a better rem edy for constipation thau Chamber lain's Tablets. They are easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. Give them a trial when you have need. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Nothing Salmon Worth Taking. Tbe biggest salmon ever taken tn tho fresb waters of New Hampshire re cently was caught tn Lake Sunapee. Its weight was 27 pounds. The larg est previous salmon caught In Sunapee weighed about 15 pounds. GOOD GULF is not an experiment An Old Reliable Tonic Alton Park, Tenn. “Dr. Piarce’s Golden Medical Discovery cannot be exoclled as a tonic —— _ and blood purifier. I have taken it as // vk a tonic and to ju purify the blood t j _ _ and it was excel- 38 lent. I also found ty / tf it good for stomach \ >m\ r trouble. And Dr. \ / Pierce’s Pleasant V” Pellets arc a fine AX N *'*iO 'fty system regulator. jSSF I found them espe- cj.t dally good for con- " “T* stipatiou and bilious attacks and they also tone up the liver and drive impur ities from the system in a very mild way.” —J. S. HUGHES, 114 Rogers, Street. A’oti can procure a trial package of the •‘Discovery Tablets" by sending 10cents to the Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. THE WINDER NEWS Titan Tractor Back to the Old Price SI,OOO \Y/E have reduced the price of the Titan 1 0-20 to W its former low price of $ 1,000 f. o. b. Chicago. This is the same Titan tractor which 75,000 farmers have put into remarkably successful service the same tractor, plus 1921 improvements and additions. A full set of removable extension angle lugs sold as extra equip ment under the former $ 1,000 price is now included without extra cost. Fenders, Platform, Angle Lugs, Throttle Governor, Friction Clutch Pulley, Wide Range Adjustable Drawbar, Water Air Cieaner—all are included in the $ 1,000 price. International 8-16 and 15-30 Tractors Also Reduced in Price Farmers who want a lighter tractor, built like a high-grade automobile but with the same sturdiness and reliability of the Titan, can now get the Interna tional 8-16 at SI,OOO f.o.b. Chicago. We have long restricted the sale of this model to a limited territory, but increased production enables us to re Prices of Other Lines Reduced * Prices have also been reduced on chilled plows, tractor plows, cream separators, kerosene engines, seeding machines, Inter national threshers, harvester-threshers, wagons, hay presses, and a number of other lines on which your dealer can give you full information. International Harvester Company _ OF AMERICA Chicago 4hcomk>r*t((v USA 92 EWiich Houses wad 15,000 Dealemn the United States A WONDERFUL YEAR UNFOLDING A wonderful year is unfolding- before us—a year of unlimited opportunities for those who are prepared to take advantage of them. We form new classes every Monday—you can start immediately to fit yourself for a splendid position in the bank or office with the assurance that your services will be in demand the moment you are ready. In the new competition which we are entering it becomes increasingly necessary to remove every ob stacle—to be qualified for most efficient work—to know thoroughly the branch of business in which you are en gaged. Our courses are practical and complete. Our grad uates are always in demand. A few months in school will increase your earnings immediately and insure a much more successful future in every way. Arrange your enrollment at once and be in our classes next Monday. ATHENS BUSINESS COLLEGE Athens, Georgia SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR lease it to all sectionsoftheUnited States. The International 15-30 tractor has been reduced to $1,950 f. o. b. Chicago. Bear in mind that we give unequalled service, made possible through 92 branch houses and thousands of local dealers, to every International tractor owner, no matter where located.