The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 12, 1921, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1921.
Parish Academy Locals
*. *
Miss Bessie Simpson spent last week
with Mrs. Koxie Flanigan.
Miss Thelma Allen spent Tuesday
night with Miss Bessie Himpson.
Mrs. Florence Flanigan had us her
guests Tuesday night Misses Carmen
Elder and Aurora Attaway.
Miss Flora Simpson spent Saturday
night with Mrs. Florene Flanigan.
Miss Nellie Allen spent Saturday
night with Miss Carmen Elder,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen spent last
Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Flanigan.
Mr. W E. Flanigan went to Winder
Friday on a business trip
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Vauderford have
anew arrival at their home.
Miss Ituth Allen was the guest of
Miss Gertrude Smith Sunday.
Mrs. Allen was the guest of Mrs. A.
N. Elliott Sunday afternoon.
Miss Bessie Simpson spent Friday
night with Miss Jewell Elliott.
Mr. I.ester Simpson spent Tuesday
night with John Jewell Elliott.
Mrs. Sunie Elder and daughter, Car
men, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Allen
and family.
Sunday school is progressing nicely
at this place.
Miss Carmen Elder was the guest of
Mrs. Florene Flanigan Saturday.
Misses Nellie and Ruth Allen spent
Saturday night with their sister, Miss
Maud House, near County Line.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Skelton were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Elliott
and family Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Page spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Elliott.
Mrs. Ella Dalton was the guest of
Mrs. I’enrlie Simpson Sunday after
The singing nt Mr. W. E. Flanigan's
Sunday night was enjoyed by all pres
There will be baptizing at Bethabra
church next Sunday afternoon at three
Miss Myrtle Watson, of near Hosch
ton, spent Saturday night with her sis
ter, Mrs. Talmo Norris.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Vauderford had
as their guests Sunday, two of their
daughters, Mrs. Alma Rutledge and
Mrs. Alonzo Everett.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Allen had as their
guests Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Bramlett and Mr and Mrs. G. W.
Card of Thank*
I sincerely thank one and all who
helpi'd ine ho willingly to get my wheel
chair, especially Mrn. Ire DeLay. I
also thank the good mothers who sent
me so many nice waiters of whole
some food, and flowers they brought
me before I left for the hospital. May
God's richest blessings be with you all.
—Clay borne Sims, Scottish Hite Hos
pital, Decatur, (la.
Fa Sol La Singing
There will be an all day Fa-Sol-La
siiiging at Corinth church in Harrow
county Sunday, May 14th. Dinner on
the ground. Everybody invited to
come and bring baskets,
l’reaebing at 11 o’clock by the pastor.
has overcome the commonest
causes of tire trouble
Stone Bruises
When a tire is driven against a curb
or over auy serious obstruction, the
layers of cords in the body of the tire
are forced inward, subjecting them to
a severe strain tlint tends to separate
and break the cords.
The extra thickness of the Michelin
tread protents Michelin Cords against
such shocks, and the extra rubber be
tween the layers of cords still further
cushions and protects the tire against
Try a Michelin Cord. You’ll find it
lasts longer. (
The Winchester Store.
Winder, Georgia
Do you know
you can roll
lOcts from
one bag of
“Bull Durham
Dove Creek Locals.
There was a large crowd out at He
bron Sunday.
Miss Nelia ltobertson, of Statham,
spent Friday night with her sister, Mrs.
W. E. Fincher.
Misses Emma and Carrie McElroy,
of Statham, were the guests of their
sister, Mrs. Clarence Sims, Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Golden Sims have a
nine-pound boy at their home.
Tberon and Winnefred Wofford, of
Gratis, spent Saturday night and Sun
day with their aunt, Mrs. W. E. Finch
Mrs. Nan Fincher spent Monday
night, with Mrs. Golden Sims.
Mr. C. C. Robertson and family, of
Statham, visited his sister, Mrs. W. E.
Fincher; Sunday afternoon.
Mrs Jennie Morris, Mrs. Annie Lou
Sims and Mrs. Nan Fincher were the
guests of Mrs. C. C. Michael Sunday af
Mr. and Mrs. Beamon Mobley, Mr.
Judson Morris, Mr Leo Fincher and
Miss Ida Martin were guests of Miss
Eddie Mae Fincher Sunday afternoon.
Mr. George Morris was the guest of
Miss Annie Mae Ward Sunday.
Mrs. W. E. Fincher, Miss Nelia Rob
ertson, Miss Eddie Mae Fincher, Mr.
Judson Morris, Miss Beth Malcom and
William Fincher visited Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Wofford of Gratis Saturday af
ternoon. I
Mrs. Euln Ward, Mrs. Jennie Mor
ris, Mrs. \V. E. and Eddie Mae Fincher
were guests of Mrs. Golden Sims Mon
Mr. B. O. Ward’s bees swarm on
Sunday just the same as any other
Luther Morris and Marchie Miller
went to Betliabnra settlement Sunday
as usual.
Swat the Fly.
The University of Minnesota has
sent out word that Infantile Paralysis
lias been found directly traceable to
the larva of the green bottle fly. By
cleaning up fly breeding places you
swat the fly before it is bora.
no kerosene or casinghead mixtures.
Barrow County Goe*
“Over the Top” For the
Near East Relief Fund
ltev. L: W. Collins, comity chairman
for the Near East Relief and Captain
Miles C. Wiley, secretary and treas
urer for the Near East Relief for Bar
row county, have just received letters
from the Stute Heudijuurters, Atlanta.
Un., announcing that the county was
safely “over the top" in cash and in
pledges for the Near East Relief.
Mr. A. L. Terrell, state director of
the Near East Relief and Lieut. N. A.
Boyajian, National Speaker for the
Near East Relief, were in our town
a week ago and tilled the pulpits here
on Sunday, speaking for the "Children
of Sorrow." The churches and the
schools responded splendidly and Gov
ernor Dorsey, Honorary chairman; H.
B. Kennedy, state chairman, and A. B.
Simms, state treasurer, desire to thank
all the ministers of Winder for their
splendid cooperation in this work.
The executive committee also wish
es to thank Rev. L. W. Collins, county
chairman. Captain Miles C. Wiley,
county treasurer, Mr. J. M. Williams,
and Prof. Cash for their hearty coop
eration in making the Near East Drive
a complete success.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Cheek, Mr. and
Mrs. Parks Phillips visited Mr. and
Mrs.. C. G. Ethridge Sunday evening.
Little Misses Adel Ethridge and Uel
Cheek spent Sunday with little Miss
Viola Wood.
Miss Willie Sloan was the dinner
guest of Miss Gerdie Wood Sunday.
Misses Anthy and Callie Bell Wages,
little Misses Desma and Audrey Nor
ris were of Mr. and Mrs.
Parks Phillips Thursday night.
Messrs. G. I nnd T. V. Wood spent
Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J.
O Montgomery of Union Grove
Several from here attended Memo
rial services at Union Grove Sunday.
Misses Liza and Memphis Tims were
the guests of Mrs. Cooper Sunday.
Mrs. J. A. Maddox was the Sunday
afternoon guest of Mrs. <4. C. Ethridge
The singing at Mr. M. J. Rolin’s
Sunday evening was enjoyed by all
Sunday school at this place will be
held at 9 o’clock A. M. next Sunday,
owing to all day services at Sardis.
Tiie Evidence Is at Your Door.
Winder proof is what you want and
the statement of this highly respected
resident will banish all doubt;
M. E. Sharp ton, electrician, says: “A
year ago I strained my back by lifting
and it left my kidneys in a very weak
condition. My back hurt me some
thing awful and it seemed to have nee
dles and pins sticking into it all the
time. I was down and out with this
Fords or
Every bolt and bar made of the toughest steel that
science can produce; every piece of metal put there for
a special purpose with ample reserve strength to with
stand the most unusual strain; and every drop of kero
sene that goes into the tank transformed into power
that is the Fordson Tractor.
Whether it is required to drag the implements of ag
riculture across the fields or to turn the wheels of sta
tionary machines, the Fordson, will do all that is claim
ed for it and more.
We will gladly demonstrate to you this the most
powerful tractor for its size on the market.
We represent the most thorough and up-to-date mo
tor car factory in the world, turning out the best all
round car on the market today—the most adaptable to
every need of every class of people.
The Ford Service organization, of which we are a
branch, is the most extensive as well as the most inten
sive organization of its kind in existence, consisting of
over 18,000 Service Stations in the United States. It is
our duty to uphold the high ideals of the Ford organiza
tion in this territory, to deliver cars as promptly as pos
sible, to give quick and thorough repair service and
courteous treatment to all customers.
trouble and had severe headaches and
nervous spells. I was confined to my
bed for a week and couldn’t move I
was in such pain. I lost about thirty
pounds and I was in pretty bad shape.
I finally bought a box of Doan’s Kid
ney Pills at IKd-aPerrlere & Sons’ Drug
Store. They entirely rid me of the
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan's Kidney Pills —the same that
Mr. Sharpton had. Foster-Milburn
Cos., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Whooping Cough
This is a very dangerous disease, par
ticularly to children under five years of
age, but when no paregoric, codeine or
other opiate is given, is easily cured by
giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Most people believe that it must run
its course, not knowing that the time is
very much shortened, and that there is
little danger from the disease when
this remedy is given. It has been used
in many epidemics of whooping cough,
with pronounced success. It is safe
and pleasant to take.