The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 26, 1921, Image 10

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THVRRDAY, MAY 26, 121. BETHEL NEWS. Sunday was regular preaching day here. Preaching in the morning and an enjoyable singing in the afternoon. Mrs. William Edward* and daugh ters, Ruth and Rose, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Brown and fam ily spent Tuesday in Winder with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Brown. Mrs. T. W. Partee had as her guest Monday afternoon Mrs. Cora Adams and Mrs. Lillie Ridgeway. Mrs. Loyd Edwards and Miss Annie Brown were guests of Mrs. Lillie Bol ton Monday afternoon. Mr. Willie Partee was in Winder shopping Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brown and chil dren spent Thursday night with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ridgeway and daughter, Larue, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Gresham and children of Bethlehem Friday night. Mlast's Lona Bell and Mary Lee Ed wards were guests of Miss Susie Brown Monday afternoon. Mr. D. S. Sturdivant spent Sunday night with his brother, Mr. W. A. Stur divant of near Dacula. Mr. Reuben and Miss Susie Brown had ns their guests Friday night Mr. FLASH LIGHTS BATTERIES —BUILBS-ETC. New W I 1 J A USt . Arnv- MOCK 4 1 Now’s the time to get that Flashlight, or let us repair that old one. Buy one Today. You will need it tonight. OUR PHONE WORKS SO JP 108 p h°” e * =& J i Can -202 V CALLUS I /or lamps Idler Page C. Gregory Electrical Contractor Overcome Disappointment: If you have met with disappointment or discouragement, stick out your chin and go ahead. To the man of courage, disappoint ment acts as a spur to larger accomplish ment. Do not permit any little obstacle to stand between you and the position you desire. Do not spend years at an underpaid task where you are constantly overworked and where your ambition is never satisfied. Join our classes immediately. Fit your self for an excellent position in the bank or business office, where your talent, industry and ability will be rewarded. You will find promotion easy and rapid in response to demonstrated ability. The time you spend with us will prove the most profitable of your entire life. Athens Business College Athens, Georgia Willie and Miss Ara Partee. Mrs. C. A. Edwards was the guest of Mrs. W. C. Shore Monday afternoon. Mr. Reulien Brown had as his dinner guest Sunday Mr. Clifford Pruitt. Misses Ruth and Rose Edwards were (lie guests of Misses Mary Lee and Lona ■ tell Edwards Saturday night. The singing given by Mr. J. J. Bol ton Sunday night was highly enjoyed by all present. Messrs. W. T. Brown and I). 8. Stur divnnt were in Winder on business Saturday afternoon. Mrs. G. W. Brown was the guest of Mrs. W. C. Shore Sunday afternoon. Misses Nancy and Ina Lynch had as their guest Sunday evening Miss Callie Lynch. Mr. Ira Adams was the dinner guest of Mr. Willie Partee Sunday. Mr.“and Mrs. E. H. Ridgeway had as their guests Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Luther Harrison, of Bethle hem. Evils of Constipation. Perhaps the most serious of the dis eases caused by constipation is appen dicitis. If you would avoid this dan gerous disease, keep your bowela reg ular. For this purpose Chamberlain’s Tablets are excellent, easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE * * * Paradise Locals * * • Mr. and Mrs. Will Clack bad as their guests Sunday Sir. and Mrs. W. C. Sor rels and family. Miss Jewel Griffeth spent Saturday night in Winder the guest of her sis ter. Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin. Miss Rossie Belle Barber had as her guest Saturday night Miss Eddie Ruth DeLay. Miss Ruth/ Clßck spent Saturday night with Miss Lillie Mae Sorrels. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jones. Miss Nora Kellum spent part of last week with relatives in Statham. Mrs. Sailors had as her guests a while Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clack and Mrs. Maude Hosch and children of Bethlehem. Miss Effie Hunter of Winder visited for brother, (jolumbus Hunter, Sunday. The singing” at Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Perkins Sunday night was highly en oyed by all present. f PLEASANT HILL * * _____ * Mrs. Jewel Kinney and Miss La va ta Wall were guests of Misses Siuiie and Cleo Wall Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Mobley and daughters, Mrs. Vera Grizzle and Miss Gladys Mobley were .guilts of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mohlc-y Wednesday. Mr. Duel Mobley spent Tuesday night with Mr. Roy Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Weltou Jones were the guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. (5. W. Jones Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Wall were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Donald Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Shawdie Mobley and Miss Exa Mobley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jones Saturday night. The ice cream supper at Mr. John Hil burn were enjoyed by all present. Miss Cleo Wall were guests of Mrs. \V. C. Mobley Saturday night. Messrs Jack Jones and Berlin Booth of Oak Grove spent Saturday night with Messrs. Roy and Gurry Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Sims of Stat ham were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mobley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wall spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mobley of Stat ' am were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N Mobley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Jones of Oak Grove were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. (i. W. Jones Saturday night. Pentecost ltev. W. B. McDonald and son were guests of relatives here for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Greenway and baby spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. H. A. Hardigree. Miss Ora Miucey of Winder was the guest of home folks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patten and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patten. Mr. It. M. Hardigree of near Law neucevllle spent one night last week with his mother, Mrs. H. A. Hardi gree. Messrs P. C. Pentecost and George Sims went to Alto Sunday to bring Mr. Willie Sims who has been in the sanitarium there for some time, home. Mr. and Mrs. Landrum McElroy en tertained a number of the young peo pie with a most delightful ice cream supper Saturday night. Miss Lucile Miller had as her guests Saturday afternoon Misses Minnie Mae Wood. Jewel Williamson and Margie Holliday. We are having a fine Sunday school here, and cordially invite others who are not in Sunday school to be with us. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Eberhart and ba by, spent Saturday night with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Henry. Mr. Willie Lee Priekett, who Ims en listed in the IT. S. Navy, left the 17th for Hampton Koads. Va„ where he will lit> in training. The many friends of Mrs. W. J. Hay nie will be sorry to know that both continue very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Will Clack and chil dren of Paradise were guests of rela tives here Sunday afternoon. Lumbago. This is a rheumatism of the muscles of the hack. It cornea on suddenly and is quite painful. Every movement ag gravates the disease. Go to bed, keep quiet and have Chamberlain's Liniment applied and a quick recovery may be expected. Mrs. F. J. Dann. Brock port, N. Y., writes: "I can honestly say that Chamberlain’s Liniment cured me of lumbago a year ago last summer. When I began using it, I was flat on my back in bed and could not turn to the left or right. I had a bottle of Chamberlain’s Liniment In the house and this was ap plied to my back. It promptly drove away the pains and aches.” Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE THE WINDER NEWS In the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia. In re- Pirkle Jackson, Bankrupt. No. 1022 In Bankruptcy. A petition for discharge having been filed in conformity with law by above named bankrupt and the Court having ordered that the hearing upon said pe tition be had on June 25th, 1021, at ten o'clock A. M. at the United States District Court room, in the city of AT LANTA, Georgia, notice is hereby giv en to all creditors and other persons in interest to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the bankrupt for discharge should not be granted. 2t O. C. FULLER, Clerk. Buy THAT GOOD GULF KERO SENE. STRANGES VUDOR PORCH SHADES Why suffer with heat? Make your front porch a sum er living room. You can see out; the passerby cannot see in. Dampness does not affect them. Call, investigate. The Only Shade Made With a Ventilator vvvvvvvvvvvvv Sold only by J. T. Strange Company THE UNIVERSAL CAR t -the car of many uses, the car for the whole family. While elegance, refinement and comfort are dominant features, the Sedan affords sturdy dependability on all roads in all weather. The famous Ford engine provides more than suffi cient power for every need. The sturdy, rugged construction of the whole chassis is a surety of year in and year out endurance and economy. We will round out this service in the car itself by keep ing your Sedan in good condition. We sell Genuine Ford Parts and our fully equipped repair shop handles repairs promptly and well. Let us come and demonstrate. KING MOTOR COMPANY Blacksmithing and Horse- Shoeing Best of work— prompt service-- Lowest prices. Your patronage appreciated. • City Garage C. H. Stewart Old Stand. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR