The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 09, 1921, Image 8

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THURSDAY, JUXE 9, 1921. NEW GOODS AT NEW PRICES CUSTOMERS MAK ING UP THEIR LIST. THE WHOLE FAMILY Dad, get me a pair of those $2.39 plow shoes at SUMMEROUR’S Mama, I want one of those Hats at Mr. Sum merour’s. They are real nice and the price is cheap We want some of those hose while the sale is on. You’d better get enough to do awhile. Also get us some of those ladies Slippers. NOTICE A A regular communica tlon of Winder lodge, No. 333, F. & A. M„ will l>e held In Ma f \ SOl ,i c Hall Friday ev ening, June 10th, at 8:00 o’cloek. J. K. MILLER, W. M. L. A. COOK, Secretary. STATUAM 1. O. O. F, MEETING. Each and every member of the Stat hum Ixxlge 1. O. O. F. are requested to Ik* present next Tuesday night, June 14. The unwritten work will he ex emplified by Past (Land It. (\ Willing ham. Ixxlge meetings every 2nd and 4th Tuesday nights.—J. A. Wall, N. <>. BUY GOOD GULF KEROSENE. Everybody Knows Everybody knows that we sell Groceries and other Foodstuffs, because a great many peo ple buy from us. It’s a habit they have. And everybody knows that we sell fresh and cur ed meats that are unbeatable, because those who buy from us tell their neighbors about our products. The people of Winder and Barrow county know us. They know we keep an up-to-date stock, that our prices are the lowest, and that our service is unexcelled. We want you to give us a trial. Best Go*ods-Lowest Prices-Prompt Service W. C. JETT Phone 55 It. Y, I*. U. MULBERRY ASS’N. The B. Y. P. U. convention of the Mulberry Association will meet at Zion church near Braselton, next Sunday, June 12th. Every church in the asso ciation is urged to send representa tives.—C. 11. BELL, President. Card of Thanks. We wish to take this opportunity to thank the good people of Winder for their kindness and thoughtfulness shown us during the sickness and death of our dear son. Especially do we thank the physicians and % nurses for their untiring efforts. May God richly bless each one is our prayer.—W. W. Sheridan and family. Near the Cuspiaormrtory. A Kansas student who appears to De related to our old friend, Mrs. Blanderby, was describing the sunken jarden on the school campus. “In the place where they had tulips," he said, ♦they’ve now got a row ot snllvns with iome spitoomas In the center."—Bos ton Transcript. J. W. Summerour Takes the Prize SALE CONTINUES BIG t Friday and Saturday to be big days READ PRICES BELOW: 15 pounds of Sugar SI.OO Tupelo Cheviots for Shirts, yard . . 13c 10-4 and 9-4 Bleached and unbleached Sheeting yd 48c 1 Bale real good 36-in sheeting 9c SI.OO value Men’s Silk Hose 63c Big lot Men’s and Ladies Hose ! .. 8c Many new patterns added to our 12|c table such as Ginghams, Linens, Fly Net, Voiles, Plaids, Chambray. Many new numbers added to our $1.98 and $2.98 ta bles of Slippers. The biggest values we have offered yet 12 Silk Poplin Dresses (real good) $4.75 Organdie, Voile,#Taffeta and Messaline Dresses all at attractive prices. Ladies House Dresses at $1.45 Childrens Dresses at 98c J. W. Summerour \ Winder, Georgia CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The Bible school meets at 10:15 at 10:10 a. in. The subject for study on this date is “Making the World Christian.” This is the great business of the Church. Every member should be interested in knowing how this is to he accomplished. Sermon and Lord’s Supper at 11:20. At 8:30 P. M. a brief program in cel ebration of Childrens Day will lie pre sented by the Sunday school. Follow ing the children’s part of the program there will be given a set of Missionary pictures setting forth the opportunities in Mexico. Friday night is Community night. This week we are to have a seven reel picture entitled The Italian. It is a splendid story. It will move you to laughter and also to tears. Admission is free. All are invited, The Loyal Guards Class will serve a Barbecue on Saturday. Minister, Stanley R. Grubb. Mistake Too Often Made. It Is True thai out of the crosset ind vexations of life. Its petty caret ind trouble.) ns well as Its great jrlefs. Is to come the discipline that Makes sou Is fine and strong. But we mistake our province when we allow rur own 111 temper and selfishness to supply such material to our neighbors riie.v will find all necessary hardships •vlthout our adding to the number.— Exchange. Saw It In Different Light. Mr. Billus (greatly bored by th* play)—"Marla, that fellow is positive ly the worst stick I ever saw on the itage. He makes love to that pretty little countess like a hippopotamus trying to court an angel." Mrs Blllus (much Interested)—"He does. John; V doesi But bow vividly It seems to •ecall the days of our courtship, lohn r To Remove Lead From Gunbarrela. Chemically pure and strong nitric acid will dissolve the lead tn a gun barrel, and win not Injure the metal of the barrel unless the acid becomes diluted with a little water. To re move the acid, pour all of It out and wipe the gun dry with a rag soaked In olive or cottonseed oIL Do not get the acid on the bands or clothes. If by chance this happens It should ba washed off Immediately with water and then some weak alk&lL Truth Is Worse. , When folk lie about you don’t get angry—suppose they had known the truth about j;ou and told that! —Bos- ton Post. THE WINDER NEWS Classified Ads. Plenty of ice cream cones, ice cream, brick cream delivered on shirt notice. Bentley Ice Cream Cos. Phone 354. Plenty of ice cream cones, ice cream, brick cream delivered on shirt notice. Bentley Ice Cream-Co. Phone 354. Plenty of ice cream cones, ice cream, brick cream delivered on shirt notice. Bentley Ice Cream Cos. Phone 354. Plenty of ice cream cones, ice cream, brick cream delivered on shirt notice. Bentley Ice Cream Cos. Phone 354. —i • ——— Bentley’s Ise Cream Cos., for your ice cream —the best made. Phone 354. Fine Jersey Heifer to trade for wood. Call at Winder News office. “Tan-no-more” the popular face pow der, best made, sold by J. H. Wheeler. Subscribe for Atlanta Georgian. Subscribe for the daily Georgian and Sunday American, both for 2<k* per week. The daily without the Sunday far 16c per week, both delivered at your home. See Willie TANARUS) Pendergrass. We sell Vanishing Cream and Kerba Fat-e Powder, the best that can be made. —J. H. Wheeler. TRUCK EXCHANGE Two-Ton to exchange for a Touring car or Roadster. Call at this office. Winder News. Winder, Ga. FORD WANTED Want to trade for good second hand late model Ford. Call at Winder News office. Winder, Ga. Why Not? -Mother." said little Ray. who has a >oy's aversion to soap and water. "If fou can hire a wem/u to do youi washing for you why can’t I hire a Sttle boy to take my bathe for me?”— 3oston Transcript. Education In Ireland. The national system of education wns Introduced Into Ireland In 1831 to take the place of the Society for the Education of the Poor. Prior to the establishment of the national system the schools had been conducted by the ?hurches as non-pny schools, or were conducted by charitable societies, with the help of grants from the govern ueuL UNABLE TO RAISE FUNDS FOR BARROW’S RED CROSS NURSE. Winder is losing with a great deal of regret their Bed Cross Health nurse, Mrs. Ruby Worsham, who for the past nine months, has been on duty at this place. Mrs. Worsham since coming to Winder, has made many warm friends by her personal and professional abili ty. We feel that this work is of great importance and regret that inefficient funds make it necessary to discontinue our nurse. However, we hope to be in position to call Mrs. Worsham back shortly. JOHN W. CARRINGTON, Jr. Red Cross Pul). Cbm. SACRED HARP SINGING There will be an old Sacred Harp Singing at County Line at 2 o’clock next Sunday afternoon, June 12th. Bring your song books and come. —G. W. .Teal. cactus urows r eet. ~ln the hot Mexican deserts speci mens of cactus have been known to reach 80 or 40 feet in height D. 0. Carrington CAN NOW BE FOUND AT 107 Broad Street With a stock of the best Fresh and Cured MEATS Everything Clean and Sanitary PROMPT DELIVERY Up To Date Restaurant in Connection D. 0. CARRINGTON Phone 105 Old Man, here’s SI.OO to get 15 pounds Sugar. Also here’s a list of what I want ypu to get today. Now, you be sure to go to SUMMEROUR’S Dry Goods Store. He has all these things and the price is cheaper. Sure, that’s where I mean to go. He sells for cash and can afford to sell cheaper. These prices are for the needy only. The person that has all the money he wants is not included. MR. CHARNER DILLARD DEAD. The death angel came to the home of Mr. Charner Dillard and carried him away to rest on June 2nd. He was 26 years, 7 months and 13 daysoldouthe day of his death. He tvas buried at Chapel church, the funeral being con ducted by Rev. Stanley R. Grubb. Charner leaves a wife and three llt le children besides his father, Mr. Chas. Dillard, and four brothers and three sisters, and many other relatives 'to mourn his loss. A large number of Odd Fellows took charge of his remains and buried them with honors at the grave yard. We thank the friends for the beautiful owers that were placed on the casket. We also thank our friends and neighbors for their goodness and kindness through his sickness and at his death. There is a vacant place in his home that never can be filled. A FRIEND, By No Mean* Time Wasted. Jud Tunklns wishes to explain that he was not wasting precious time ivhen he was sitting on the fence whittling. What he was cutting up vas the family oulja boaiM. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR