The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 16, 1921, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Segars-Settle. Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Segars an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Sara Frances, to Edward C. Set tle, Jr., of College Park, Ga., the date of the wedding to be announced later. Sirs. Strange Hostess. Mrs. J. T. Strange complimented her sister, Mrs. McKibbeu, and daugh ter, Miss Lila Mae McKibbeu, of At lanta, and Mrs. E. S. Kinnebretv, of Athens, with an unusually delightful sewing party last Friday afternoon. Vases and baskets of vari-colored sum mer flowers formed the decorations. Late in the afternoon, delicious re freshments were served. Sewing Party Enjoyed by Bachelor Girls Club. Miss, Montine Robinson delightfully entertained the Bachelor Girls club at a sewing party last Friday afternoon. After the usual pleasant hour spent in merry chatter and laughter the hostess assisted by her sister, Mrs. Oscar Sum merour, served a tempting salad course. The guests included Misses Sadie Har ris, Josephine House, Mabel Jackson, Sarah Hayes, Nelle and Charlotte Me- C'ants, Desma Elder, Beulah Ferguson, Evelyn Radford, Marie Herrin, and Jennie Smith, Mrs. Howard Bryant and Mrs. Summerour. Mrs. McCurry Hostess at Lovely Party. One of the most enjoyable of the bright summer parties was that of last Thursday afternoon when Mrs. A. D. McCurry was hostess to a large circle of friends. The rooms in which the guests assembled for the afternoon’s enjoyment were made very attractive ■with many ferns and pretty summer owers. Games of bridge and 500 were enjoyed. Sewing was also an enjoya ble feature. Late in the afternoon a delicious salad course was served. Miss Pauline Camp served punch as guests arrived. Others assisting were Mesdames Johns, P. A. Flanigan and Almond. More than fifty guests en joyed Mrs. McCurry’s hospitality on this occasion. Mrs. Maynard Hostess to Sewing Club. A jolly occasion of last week was Thursday afternoon when Mrs. John Maynard was hostess to the Junior Priscilla Sewing club. Following the delightful sewing hour the hostess serv ed a delicious salad course. Among those present were Mes dames S. H. Ware, A. S. Eberhart. A. T. Harrison, Ralph Smith. Paul Rob erts, W. L. Matthews, G. W. DeLaPer- Tiere, Herschel Smith and Edgar DeLa- Perriere. Mrs. Estes Hostess Last Friday Afternoon. Among the delightful social events last week was the arty given last Fri day afternoon by Mrs. Joe Estes. The rboms thrown together for the occasion were lovely with a profusion of bright garden flowers used as decorations. Games and sewing were enjoyable di versions of the afternoon. A most delicious salad course was served. The guests included the members of the Young Matrons club and the Brides elub and a few other friends. Shedd-Shaekelford. A marriage of much interest to a wide circle of friends was that of Miss Rowena Shedd and Mr. T. K. Shackel ford, of Lawrenceville, Ga., which was impressively solemnized Wednesday morning, June 15th, at the home of the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Shedd, on Broad street. Rev- L. W. Henderson, pastor of the First Baptist church of Lawrenceville, per formed the ceremony. The guests were received and served ptmch by Misses Hilda Faust and Essie Lee Williams. Miss Mary Lou Segars had charge of brides book. In the reception ball where the ceremony was performed was the altar of ferns and festoons of south ern smilax and baskets of pretty flow ers. ' Preceding the ceremony Mr. W. E. Cooper sang “I Love You, Truly." Mrs. Victor Settle, of St. Louis, Mo., played the wedding march. A sister of the bride, Mrs. Ola Hall, was maid of hon or. She wore a pretty gown of laven der organdie and carried a boquet of sweet peas. The bride wore 4 travel ing suit of dark blue tricotine, with a blue hat and accessories of brown. She carried a bridal boquet of pink roses showered with swansonia. The bride on the arm of the bridesmaid was met at the altar by the groom and his best man, Mr. L. Sykes, of Dacula After the ceremony an informal re ception was hold The happy couple left immediately after the reception for a short bridal tour Will be at home in Lawrenceville after June 20th A party composed of Dr. Mott, Dr. Hodgee, Herman Blakey and others l*ft Wednesday for Rabnn Lodge at fountain City where they will be gone •everal day* on a fishing trip. Harris-McMuUan Wedding. Of sincere interest to u wide circle of friends throughout this section of the state is the the marriage of Miss Sadie Harris and Mr. William Otis Mc- Mullan, of Elbertou, which occurred Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Georgia Harris, on Woodlawu Avenue. Just before the ceremony Mrs. Wil lie Timms Osborne, of Atlanta, sang: "I Love You, Truly,” and then to the strains of Lohengrin's Bridal chorus the bridal group assembled in the liv ing room where the ceremony was per formed by Rev. Stanley R. Grubb, in his impressive manner. Only the immediate family and a few close friends were present. The lovely bride was gowned in a most becoming suit of dark blue with accessories to match, her corsage bou quet was of roses. The bride is one of Winder’s most attractive young la dies and unites with the most lovable and substantial qualities a charm that surrounds her with affection, and for the past two years she has been one of our most efficient teachers in the pub lic schooL Mr. McMullan is one of Elberton's rising young business men and a young man of sterling qualities. After a two weeks’ trip through Ten nessee and North Carolina they will be at home in Elberton. Mr. G. C. Moseley has returned from a trip to South Georgia. * • * Mr. R. F. Hosch and son, Ralph of Commerce, was in Winder this week. • * Prof. J. P. Cash left last Saturday for Calhoun, Ga., where he will be for four weeks in Institute work. • • Dr. Moore, of Colbert, is the guest of his brother, Dr. J. H. Moore, this week. • * Messrs. John Phelps, Carl McMullan and John Tabor, of Elberton, attended the Harris-McMullan marriage on Wed nesday. • • Rev. J. S. Settles will leave Friday to preach at the churches that he is serving in South Georgia. He will be gone about ten days. • • Mr. Clyde Eskridge left yesterday for Shelby, N. C., to attend the funeral of his uncle. While there he will vis his parents. * • Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Maddox and baby went to Jefferson yesterday to attend the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. Maddox’s parents, which will be cele brated by a family reunion. NOTICE! ' The Barrow* County Union singing choir will meet with the Wesleyan Methodist church in Winder next Sun day afternoon, June 19th. Everybody is invited. E. B. BROWN, Pres. The Whole Family Enjoys Shooting. Men and women who love outdoor life are taking up target-shooting. It’s great sport wonderful relaxation. Boys and girls are learning to shoot. It trains the eye, develops confidence and is always good fun. Get a Winchester .22 caliber rifle. Take your family with you when you go shooting. Winchester Model 06 Light repeater, shoots three lengths of .22 ammunition. Good lines, per fect balance. A favorite for small game and target shooting. Winchester Junior Trapshooting Outfit. Includes the Winchester, 410 shotgun, hand trap, loaded shells, clay targets, cleaning equiment, all in a compact carrying case. Enjoy trap shooting, anywhere, anytime. Boys, join the Winchester Junior Rifle Corps. Compete for the medals and prizes for skill in markmauship. We are local W. J. R. C. headquarters. Smith Hardware Company THE TYf/S[Cff£ST£R STORE Col. R. B, Russell, Jr., spent last week-end In Athens. • • Miss Nora Wills spent the first of the week in Atlanta. • • Mrs. Sam Stein has returned from a few days’ stay in Atlanta. • • Mrs. Henry Pledger sent the first of the week in Athens. • • Miss Audrey Wills is visiting in Law renceville this week. • • Mr. M. C. Wiley sent last Tuesday in Atlanta on business. * 9 Miss Rosa Roberts is visiting rela tives in Eatontou this week • • Dr. J. H. Moore spent the past week end with his parents at Colbert. • • Miss Rosa Roberts is visiting rela tives In Hoschton, Ga, this week • . • Mrs Parks Stewart is the guest of friends in Atlanta this week • • Mrs L W. Hodges is up in Rabun county to spend the summer months. • Mrs. Robert Arnold and little daugh ter, Ann, are vLsitiny relatives in Mil ledgeville. • • Mrs. L. W Hodges is spending the summer at Rabun Lodge “Our House Mountain City. * • • Mrs. Walter Lyle returned Tuesday from a stay of several weeks at Min eral Wells, Texas. • • Mrs. Roy Smith has as her guests her mother, Mrs. Pitts of Cordele, and sister, Mrs. Cox. of amilla. • • Mrs. Grady Whitehead, of Greenville, S. C., is visiting Mrs. Whitehead and Mrs. Vonderleith here. • • Miss Frances Hubbard has as her guests Misses Mabel Lee, Blythe Bur nett and Fay Johnson of Royston. • • Mr. G. C, Moseley and Mr. J. R. Coker have returned from a trip to Cordele. • • Mrs. Paul Williams, of Athens, was the guests of friends and relatives here last week. Mr S M Wellborn, one of Oconee’s leading citizens, was in Winder on business Tuesday • * Mrs. Cliff Wages and children of Tig nall arrived Wednesday to spend awhile with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Morgan. • • Mrs. W. J. Timms and Mrs. Willie T. Osborne, of Atlanta, are guests of Mrs. Georgia Harris. • • Messrs. A. O. Hood and Griffin, of Nicholson; were visitors in \\ inder Tuesday. The party who took my rubber hose from side of my porch on Saturday night, June 4th, is known, and had best return it to avoid embarrassment. — Mrs. L. D. McNabb. THE WINDER NEWS Mr. A. N. Porter, one of Statham’s hustling merchants, was in the city Tuesday on business. • * Mr. and Mrs. Parks Stewart were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wil liams in Athens recefitly • • Mr. Robert Barber, who is working in Elbertou, stmt last week-end with his family in this city. • • Miss Beatrice Wilhite spent last Sunday with her parents near Mays ville. * • • Mr. Parks Stewart left Monday for Roanoke, Va., and other cotton ports, and will return in about two weeks. • • Mrs. F. C. Graddick and daughter. Helen, left Saturday to visit relatives In Newberry, S. C. and Saluda, S. C. • • Mr. R. W. Hinton, of Lumberton, Miss., who has been spending some time with friends in this section, has return ed to his home. • a Rev T C Buchanan left Tuesday for a trip to Monroe, Covington, Atlanta and other points to be gone about two weeks a a Mrs. McKibben and daughter, Miss IJda Mae, of Atlanta, are guests of Mrs. J. T. Strange and Mrs. E. A. Starr. a a Rev. L. C. Watson and wife, of For syth county came down last week and spent a few days with their nephew, Mr. J. D. Watson and family. a a Mrs. Hubert Eberhart and baby of Atlanta are spending awhile here with her mother, Mrs. W. A. Rrooks, during the absence of Mr. Brooks in Texas. a a Mr. and Mrs. L. A Fortson entertain ed at dinner last Sunday. Their guests were Miss Sadie Harris, Mr. W. O. Mc- Mullan of Elberton, Miss Mabel Jack son and Miss Josephine House. a a Mrs. S. E. Holloway, of Leggett, Tex. renews her subscrition to the Winder News, for which she lias our thanks. Hope ofhers who live at a distance wid follow her example. a a Rev C W Henderson, the pastor of the Baptist church at Statham, is not only a good preacher but a fine gard ner as well He has had roasting ears on June Ist STRANGE’S Boy Scouts We are always for our boys, our girls, our schools, our churches and our town. Now Boys Off to the mountains—the long looked for trip is about to be realized. A regulation Scout Hat “fits” you for the “hike”. Strange’s have them specially priced for the occasion. Worth up to $2.50. Choice ♦ $1 .50 Come in; select your size and be ready when the command is given to go forward, / J. T. Strange Company Department Store Misses Fay and Fannilu Tucker spent last week with friends in Monroe. a a Dr. L. W. Hodges has just returned from Mountain City and reports that his hotel, Rabun Lodge, “Our House” is now completed and ready for the public. Mrs. Byrd Harris, of this city, has leased the lodge for the season. It is said this is an ideal place to spend a vacation You have to sleep under cover during the hottest nights. Beautiful Hand Painted Jap anese Cup and Saucer Free! Purchase from us a 2i pound can of VOTAN COFFEE today. You will find a beautiful Japanese Cup and Saucer in the can. We guarantee Votan toi please or your money back. Hargrove Brothers Phone 151 Unexcelled Service Integrity —Reliability—Courtesy—These are the things that count in business. The confidence of the people must be won by reliable goods and courteous treatment. This is what people call “Service.” And never before in the history of this country has Service counted in business as now. The people are demanding Service —Satisfactory Service —Service that gives quality in goods arid economy in price. We are thoroughly uptodate in our service. It’s our business to give our customers the best and the best is always the cheapest. Our Gasoline and Oils are five best. More miles per gallon is the test. Now Is the time to practice economy, and you get full value for your money at the MOTOR INN. WE GIVE SATISFACTION QUALITY—PRICE—SERVICE Motor Inn Filling Station THOMPSON BROTHERS SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR Mrs. W. S. Shank left Tuesday for her home in Salem. Va. She was ac companied as far as Gainesville by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mathews, Mrs. L. A. House and Miss Johnnie Lou Smith. • • Mrs. B. B. Jackson and children re turned Sunday from Conyers, Ga., where she has been some time on ac count of the illness and death of her father, Hon. Frank McDaniel. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE.