The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 16, 1921, Image 8

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THURSDAY. JUNK 16, 1921. Paradise Locals Mr. and Mrs. Grady Austin wpcut Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Toni Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Do Lay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. \V. Per kins. Mrs. Smith and daughter, Clara, were guests of Mrs. Oscar Casey Fri day afternoon. Miss Eula Crow liad us her guest Sat urday afternoon Miss Nora Kellum. Miss Hossie HeUe Barber spent last Sunday with Miss ltuth Clack. Jauiie Lou Morris sent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Lee and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Healan of Win ter Garden, Florida, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. < lack. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith spent Sun day with Mrs. 11. M. Sailors and chil dren. Miss Beulah Miller had as her guest Sunday Miss Eddie ltuth DeLay. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Perkins spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Boyd. Miss Maggie ltuth Jones spent Sat urday afternoon with Miss Itutli Clink. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Lee had as their guests Saturday night Mrs. Lee and daughter. Ozell, of Winder. Mrs. Ruth Brewer spent Friday af ternoon with Mrs. Hunle Austin. Mrs. Tom Austin had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wiley Evans, of Oglethorpe county. Mrs. E. E. l’erkius spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. G. 11. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Clack sent Sun day with Mr and Mrs. W. A. Clack. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Griffcth had as their guests Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith. Mrs. J. It. Lee spent lHst Tuesday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Mor ris. Mrs. Let* spent Sunday with Mrs. H. M. Sailors. Miss Ruby Crow spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. ,7. 1,. Lack ey. The ice cream supper at Mr. Golden Griffeth's Saturday was highly enjoy ed by a large crowd. Miss Ethel Sailors and Mr. Enrlie Willoughby went to Bethlehem Sunday afternoon. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE. Our screen doors are up to date, none better and none cheaper in price. —New Winder Lumber Cos. BUY GOOD GULF KEROSENE. HERRIN’S 10c STORE GRANITE HOTEL BUILDING The Government during the war ran the clock forward one hour, and prices went up! up!! up!! & UP. We have decided to set it back and put prices down to cor respond with 1914. And hundreds of satisfied cus tomers is the result. We have a few specials to of fer this week. Ladies Crepe de chine and geor gette waists $5.00 values, to go at $1.98 each Ladies House Dresses, well made you want. YOU CAN GET IIAIR PINS— NEEDLES— PINS— SAFETY PINS— BUTTONS- SNAPS— ELASTIC —- BH A ID RIBBON CLASPS— SCISSORS— COMBS— BRUSHES— POWDER PUFFS— tooth PASTE TOOTH BRUSHES— TALCUM POWDER FACE POWDER COLD CREAM VANISHING CREAM FRECKLE CREAM TOILET WATER ROGUE— PERFUME— S< >AP— VA SALINE —* MIRRORS — PICTURE FRAMES— HERRIN S TEN CENT STORE Winder, Ga. We sell vanishing cream and Kerba Face Powder, the best that can he made.—-J. 11. Wheeler, the groeeryman, Phone 119. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE. Wise people screen their houses so ns to keep out the pestiferous fly. We can furnish the doors or the wire.— New Winder Lumber Cos. Time to screen your house. We can furnish the screen doors or the screen wire. See us.—New Winder Lumber Cos. Tan-no-More at the store of J. H. heel er. 100 Candler street. Phone 110. You can find the popular powder, I/iok after your health and comfort throughout the summer by screening your houses. We can supply you with both the doors or the'wire. —New Win der Lumber Cohpany. “Tan-no-More” the popular Face Pow der. the best made, sold by J. H. Wheel er, Phone 119. BETHEL NEWS. Several from here attended the sing ing at Carter Hill Sunday and report ed a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Hendrix and Miss Ossie Belle Barnes were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. and Miss Ara Par tee Sunday afternoon. Miss Larne Ridgeway has ns her guest tills week Miss Oneta Tanner, of Oxford. Mr. Ira Adams was the guest of Miss Alma Walls Sunday evening. Mrs. E. A. Adams and Mrs. T. W. Pnrtee visited Mrs. J. J. Bolton Wed nesday afternoon. A LIST OF ARTICLES BELOW: COLORED CANDLES— LIP STICK PICTURES— INK—STATIONERY— of ALL KINDS— PEN STAFFS— TABLETS— MEMORANDUMS— GLUE- PASTE LEDGERS— PENCIL BOXES— SHOE POLISH HANDKERCHIEFS— HUSK LADIES VESTS— TEDDIES—GOWNS— CA MISOLES—DRESSES LADIES WAISTS— t-t SKIRTS of all kinds —? TOW UNDERVESTS MEN’S UNDERWEAR OVERALLS— SHIRTS— LADIES PETTICOATS— BOYS SUITS, all sizes— (URLS GINGHAM DRESSES —. all sizes— BABY DRESSES and MILLINERY— Classified Ads. FREE CANISTER of VOTAN TEA with the first thirty pound cans of Votan Coffee purchased from us on Saturday, we will give you FREE a 15 cents canis ter of Votan TEA. Hargrove Brothers Telephone 151 of good material ....... 95c each 15 yards good smooth standard width sheeting $l.OO 3 quart tin coffee pot 10c One lot extra good alarm clock at .- $l-00 SUGAR! SUGAR!! SUGAR!! 15 pounds Granulated SUGAR SATURDAY $l.OO Herrin’s 10c Store is the place to get your money’s worth. Where every penny counts. We have most any little thing STEW POTS—KETTLES— BREAD PANS— COVERED BUCKETS — PRESERVING KETTLES— COFFEE POTS— BUTTER MOULDS— CAN OPENERS — KNIVES AND FORKS,— CUPS and SAUCERS — PLATES—DISHES— BOWLS and PITCHERS— QUART CUPS—DIPPERS— BUCKETS PAR INO KNIVES— BISCUIT CUTTERS— II AM M ERS—H ATCHETS— FRUIT SKIVES— TRAYS— CLOTHES WIRE SCREW DRIVERS— RAT TRAPS— SPIRIT LEVELS— FUNNIES— W.VSIT TUBS— BUCKETS AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES NOT MENTIONED HERE. * Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ridgeway and daughter, Larue, and Mr. Willie Par tee motored to Winder Thursday after noon. We are sorry to say that Sunnie, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brown, is very ill at this writing. Mrs. T. W. Partee has ns her guest tills week her mother, Mrs. Purtain, from Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams and chil dren were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thompson of Bethlehem .Sun day. Miss Ara Partee was the guest of Miss Susie Brown Friday evening. Mrs. J. W. Adams was the guest of Mrs. T. W. Partee Saturday afternoon. We are glad to say that little How ard Adams and Louise Bolton are some better. Mr. Ernest Brown, of Winder, was the dinner guest of Mr. Reuben Brown Sunday. Messrs. Grady and Ernest Bolton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Adams Saturday afternoon. Misses Ara Partee and Annnie Brown were the guests of Miss Ossie Belle Barnes and Mrs. Clarence Hendrix Sat urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Edwards and children were the guests of the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, Sun day. Mrs. C. A. Edwards was the guest of Mrs. W. C. Shore Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Edwards were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brown Saturday afternoon. Misses Lona Belle and Mary Lee Ed wards were guests of Miss Susie Brown Thursday afternoon. Mr. D. S. Sjturdivant was the guest of ills son, Mr. Frank Sturdivant Sun day afternoon. Mr. Lester Huff was thQ,guest of Mr. Coleman Brown Mday night. BUY GOOD GULF KEROSENE. Cigarettes Reduced SMOKERS! LOOK HERE! Special Sale on Ci garettes for Friday Saturday and Mon day : Chesterfield 20's —— 16c pkge, $1.60 car'n. Chesterfield 10's—— Sc a package Home Hun Gigarets 13c pkge, 2 for 25c ricayune Cigarettes ll!c pkge, 2 for 25c Come in and get your supply. THE WINDER NEWB Watson-Glover & Cos. Our store has earned distinctive recognition for the high quality of the goods that we sell. We feel a pride in this —an honorable pride in knowing that we have a large list of satisfied customers. Housewives who phone us their wants knowing that they will get only fresh groceries and meats, can tell you about our goods and our service. To the good housewife, the kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the house, and it’s our busi ness to supply the kitchen with everything needed. You can get anything you want in the eating line at our store. The merchants, the bankers, the lawyers, the editors, business men of all classes, farmers and workers are represented among our customers, and we are pleasing them. If you have never traded with us, suppose you try it and let us show you how pleasant it is to do busi ness with us and how close our prices are on all lines of groceries and meats. WATSON-GLOVER & CO. Phone 80 THE UNJVER&AE CAR Announcement Mr. Edsel B. Ford, President of the Ford Motor Com pany, gives out the following statement: “Another reduction has been made in the list price of all types of Ford cars and the Ford truck to take ef fect immediately. The list prices delivered here, are now as follows: TOURING CAR $576.23 RUNABOUT 529.38 COUPE 795.93 SEDAN 862.99 CHASSIS 425.60 TRUCK CHASSIS 604.50 TRACTOR 695.00 “The big reductions last fall were made in anticipa tion of low material costs which we are now getting the benefit of, and this fact together with increased manu facturing efficiency and the unprecedented demand for Ford cars, particularly during the past three months permitting maximum production, have made another price reduction possible immediately. “Ford business for April and May 1921 was greater by 56,633 cars and trucks than for the same two months in 1920; in fact, the demand has been even greater than the supply, so that our output has been limited, not by unfilled orders but by manufacturing facilities. “During May we produced 101,424 Ford cars and trucks for sale in the United States alone the biggest month in the history of our company—and our factories and assembly plants are now working on a 4000 car daily schedule for June. “The Fordson tractor is still being sold at less than the cost to produce on account of the recent big price reductions, and it is impossible, therefore, to make any further cut in the price of the tractor.” Can you afford to go without a car any longer when Fords are selling at these new low prices? There is no reason now why you should delay purchasing a Ford car, Ford truck or Fordson tractor. We will gladly advise you concerning the delivery of a Fordson tractor or the particular type of car in which you are interested. Just ’phone us or drop us a card. KING MOTOR COMPANY C. B. MOTT, Manager SUBSCRIPTION: 91.00 A YEAR