The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 23, 1921, Image 7

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THURSDAY. JUNE 23. 1021 PROFESSIONAL CARDS RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JU. , Attorneye-At-Law WINDER, GA. Office in Carithers Building. Practice iu All tlie Courts JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attorney-at-Law Office in Old Court House Winder, Georgia. DR. J. H. MOORE 9 Veterinary Surgeon Office over City Pharmacy Office Phone: 62J —Res. Phone 69 WINDER, GA. DR. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 511 Holman Building Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M. S. T. ROSS Physician and Surgeon Rooms 303-304 Winder Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. i Dr. L. C. Allen Dr. Myron B. Allen DR. L. C. ALLEN & SON Hoschton, Georgia Office Hours: Sundays, 9:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M. Wednesdays, 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 M. Saturdays, all day until 3:00 P. M. All other times when not attending calls G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. S. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler -Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DR. C. S. WILLIAMS DENTIST Offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234—Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. DR. W. L. MATHEWS Srdte 410 Winder National Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., and 1 to 4 P. M. Residence Phone 213. Office Phone No. 13. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty DR. R. P- ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 6 ' W. M. THOMA S Cleaning—Pressing —Altering Phone 49 —Jackson Street Winder, Georgia Chinese Perfum*. In China, rt dinners and at then tri al performances. It Is customary to provide guests or spectators wit* imall hot towels saturated with scent id water for wiping their faces. Scent id water is also much used Id eon n op t, don with bathing and the every-day “ivnshlng of faces and hands. In some Latin-Amerlcan countries there Is a Tory great demand for perfumery. If ) person need.' a noth, a dash of per tume is supposed 10 serv-s us tve* *nd Bme and ‘-auble are saved. Easily Ttsied. It fs said t);at the perfume of flow* irs disappears as soon as the starch n the petals Is exhausted. It may. It s said, be restored by placing the lower in solution of sugar, when the Valuation of starch and the emission rf fragrance will be 8t once resumed. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE. SIX GILLETTE BLADES WITH HOLDER $1’ 25 PREPAID IN ATTRACTIVE CASE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded This ofTer for a limited time only Remit by money order or cash, (no stamps) FRAD RAZOR CO. j 1475 Broadway New York City HOW TO PREVENT TYPHOID FEVER Mrs. Ruby Worsham Red Cross Public Health urse. We have shown in a general way the causes of typhoid fever and the terrible danger to life and health that the dis ease is, naturally, we want to know how we can prevent the spread of this disease. lake all communicable diseases the first step toward prevention is avoiding contact with such agencies as contain the germ; especially those agencies where germs easily multiply’ for if there is danger in a few germs of ty phoid there is added danger in many germs. Milk is one of the most important mediums to be considered when we are trying to protect ourselves from ty phoid germs because it has been said that twenty per cent of all cases of ty phoid come from some cause related to milk. If a dairyman should have a case of typhoid fever in his family or should have a typhoid "carrier” in his family or even in the family of one of the per sons employed by him the milk supply might easily be poisoned through indi rect contact with the germ. If a num ber of cases of typhoid should occur on the route of a single dairyman it is time |l ) investigate everything connected with that dairy. Then, too, flies seek milk and as we have shown last week, flies often carry the germ of typhoid di rectly 7 from a person sick with the dis ease to the food or milk supply of well persons with the result that they become infected with typhoid. Water, we know, may become ty phoid poisoned because of contact with insanitary toilets through underground seepage, and any well that becomes muddy after a rain shows that it re ceiving surface water and is danger ous ; any well to be safe should be at least 200 feet from the toilet and it should be on higher ground. Wells or cisterns either over or underground should have wooden tops made of tongued and grooved lumber of two layer of boards running in opposite di rections. Pumps are better than the chains and buckets because there is less outside contact and thus less pos sibility of infection. Leaking sewer pipes which carry ty phoid germs from infected persons to the water supply will pollute the en tire supply and it is most important to treat everything used by a typhoid patient as possibly carrying the germ. Thus the best way to protect water from these germs is to be sure none are allowed to escape the sick room. But there are many apparently well persons who carry these germs with them and who thus unconsciously in fect food, water and milk, and for the reason all uncooked vegetables should be thoroughly washed before being used; all water supplies should be examined at least once a year and if typhoid breaks out in a community, offener than this, while milk should be particularly protected from contact with any hands, vessels that have not ■ Si -• hi ■>r m I M P mm - ML jw __ |lv. v jt H ijfl H Sold only give tire mileage at the lowest cost in history 30 x 3^ NON-SKID RED-TOP CORD $15.00 $22.00 $27.50 Reduction on all styles and sizes A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product been sterilized by i.o.*.ug and that be cause germs t. mnhlply rapidly in milk it is a source of danger always unless perfectly clean. Fresh air. sunshine, hot water, good soap are ttfe best possible disinfectants and when these are used freely in a room where there is or has been, a case of typhoid fever: when cooking vessels are treated with daily applications of the same simple household methods and where cleanliness is the watchword at all times, we may feel that some pre cautions have been taken against ty phoid which will do much to control the disease. Next week we will tell of typhoid in oculation of vaccination which is the contribution made by science to pro tect the race from this disease. Big Julv the Fourth Celebration in Atlanta With an unusually attractive pro gram designed to suit a wide range of taste the Southeastern Fair officials, in Atlanta, are anticipating one of the most successful race meetings and hol iday celebrations, on July 2 and 4, that they have ever attempted. The horse race program will include running, trotting and pacing events, and it bids fair to rival in interest the annual Grand Circuit card. For the automobile races at least a dozen powerful mounts have been en tered. The motorcycle events will bring to Lakewood some of the best known driv ers of the southern ovals, who are fa mous for fluid ability to furnish the thrills. All the various park attractions and amusement devices will be oerating both days and a monster fireworks program will take place both nights. Money In His Shoes. A Pole uained Plctr Tnila, traveling from America to Danzig, was taken 111 recently in the Y. M. C. A hut, Waterloo road. London, and removed to the Infirmary. He had only two shillings threepence In English money, but hidden in his clothing he had 22 $lO gold pieces and paper money to the value of *s9oo. His shoes were found to be very heavy, and when they were photographed by the X-ray. 12 large coins, presumably $lO gold pieces, were found hidden between the leather and the soles of each boot. — Brooklyn Eagle. Recommends Chamberlain’s Tablets. “Chamberlain’s Tablets have been used by my husband and myself off and on for the past five years. When my husband goes away from home he al ways takes a bottle of them along with him. Whenever I have that heavy feeling after eating, or feel dull and played out, I take one or two of Cham berlain’s Tablets and they fix me up fine,” writes Mrs. Newton Vreeland, N. l r . Take these tablets when troubled with constipation or indigestion and they will do you good. Advt. BUY GOOD GULF KEROSENE. by dealers THE WINDER NEWS but rive jne a Camel I’m through experimenting. No more switching. No more trying this and that. It’s Camels for me— every time. They’re so refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild! Why? The answer is Camels exclusive expert blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos. f“R.—Til There’s nothing like it. / f4-3 friL. No other cigarette you can buy gives you the real sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette. . Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your information first hand. You’ll tie to Camels, too. Three More Big Sale Days at J. L. SAUL’S Store Friday, Saturday and Monday June 24, 25 and 27 These three days will close this remarkable big sale we announced two weeks ago. Our stock is still large and it is easy to make selections and the prices remain the same—very low. WE ARE SELLING: $30.00 Schloss Bros. Suits for,. . . $14.75 $ 7.50 W. L. Douglas Oxfords for 3.75 $ 3.00 Cloth top, leather bottom, men’s and ladies shoes and Oxfords, for . ... ..... .............. ...... $ 1.25 SIO.OO ladies Dresses for t . $ 4.95 $25.00 ladies Silk Dresses, for . ..$12.45 65c Organdie for 4 . ... . : . . ... . . 39c 35c White Lawn for 19c $2.50 Taffeta Silks . $1.49 $1.75 Silk Poplin for .. .. . . . ... . 48c 35c Ginghams for 19c 25c Ginghams, for 12^c 25c best Sheeting 10c $5.00 men’s all wool Serge Pants for $2.95 And many other bargains too numerous to mention. We are expecting a large crowd on Saturday and have engaged plenty of extra help to wait on you. So don’t let anything keep you away. J. L. SAUL THE CLOTHIER WINDER, GA. SUBSCRIPTION: SI.BO A YEAR