The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, July 28, 1921, Image 10

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THURSDAY, JULY 28. 1921. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bray on July 24th a baby boy. • • Judge J. X. Ross. of Jefferson was in Winder Tuesday. • • Miss Johnnie Bennett is spending this week in Atlanta. • • Misses Ermine and Lola McElroy spent laVt week with relatives in Stat bam. • • Sheriff Ggorge Walton, of Wilkes county, was in Winder Tuesday an business. • • Mr. E. A. Starr, Jr., of Atlanta, spent the past week-end with home folks. Mr. W. J. Herrin was in Atlanta on business Wednesday. • • Misses Ermine and Lois MeElray have as their guests this week Misses Emma and Carr McElroy of Statham. • • Jack Crovitch, of Birmingham, Ala., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Love today. * • Mr. I. D. Bur son has accepted a po sition with firm in Waco, Texas, and left yesterday for that city. • • Mr. and Mrs. Ham, of DeLand, Fla., were the guests of Mrs. J. B. Brook shire recently. Mr. Frank J. Craigie, of Jefferson, an old newspaper man, was in Winder on business Wednesday. • • NOTICE. Am back at my place of business ready for work. Kodaks finished in 3 days. Have installed a finishing room for the purpose of getting out kodak work.—A. E. KNIGHT. 22 °f Any of These Things for the price of |Q “NIAGARA” Typewriter Platen Renewer— * \ Softens the slippery surface of worn platens, and prevents the slipping of paper, envelopes and postal cards. Fills in 0 the dents and ridges in the rubber. Saves 25 per cent wear and-tear on ribbons. Price, per bottle sl.OO “Clar-O-Type”, the Wonder Type Cleaner- No pin picking. No spattering. Works instantly. Used by American Writing Machine Company on S(H) rental ma chines in Atlanta. Used by the biggest corporations in the country. , , Price, per bottle 50c Typewriter Ribbons 75c and SI.OO Carbon Paper, standard or medium wt. 2.00 Second Sheets, manila or Onion Skin, White or yellow 65c to $2.60 WYLEY LOOSE LEAF SPECIALTIES:- Send samples and ask for prices. JASMINE INK-Superior for all purposes. • Used by all departments of the U. S. Government, bv the Federal Reserve Bank, the Ford Motor Company. Standard Oil Company, General Electric Company, American Rail • ' ' - -A e* way Express Company, Western Union Telegraph Company. Won the Government contract for the fifth time against fort? competitors. Handled locally by HERRIN’S 10 Cent V Store, Winder, Ga.. and Bennett & Sou. Jefferson, Ga. t Dustproof Inkstands 55c PENCILS and PENS-One gross (144) of each-No. 2 High Grade Pencils* and your choice of shape in pen point-all for the price of the pencils. . $6.75 Cash With Order ‘ s (Currency, check or stamps) PARCEL POST PREPAID MONEY BACK GUARANTEE * • Southeastern Systems Company Box 24 JEFFERSON. GA. 10 of Any of Thee Things for the price cf 10 Program For Group 2. Sunday evening, July 31st, at 7:30 o'clock, a Missionary meeting will be held at the First Baptist church in this city. The subject for the occasion will be “Our Foreign Mission Board’s New Fields in Europe.” 1n t rod uction — Frances H übba nl. Topic I.—Spain, Sue Delle perry. Topic 2.—Jugo - 81avia, Marylou Keese. Topic 3. —Hungary, Warren Baggett. Topic 4. —Roumania, Sarah Hayes. Topic s.—Russia and the Ukraine, Louise House. Topic (i. —Palestine, Sylvester Sauls. Talk—B. F. Maughon. Conclusion. Pleasant Hill News. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mobley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mob ley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mob- Icy Sunday afternoon. Misses Winnie Bell and Myrtiee Bed ingfield were the week-end guests of • Miss Avery Bedingfield. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mobley and Mr. J. II Mobley were in Atlanta Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mobley and Mr. and Mrs. Candler Mobley were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Wellborn near Decatur. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Evans were the guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Jim Evans Sun day night and Monday. Miss Sunie Wall was the guest of Misses Ollie Mae and Odelia Mobley Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Zarb Wall were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Welton Jones Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jones and Mrs. Tom Tolbert were dinner guest*'pf Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Mobley Sunday. STATHAM Herschel Lowe of Jonesboro spent a few days here last week with his moth er. Misses Sara Lowe and Velma Cody accompanied him home to spend a few days as the guest of Mrs. W. H. Ed gar. Misses Sara Sue Lankford and Lu cile Haynie returned from a pleasant visit to Athens with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Langford. Mrs. W. M. Fite entertained as her guest last week Mrs. H. 8. Fite and Miss Rheba White of Jefferson. Miss Ruth Whitman spent the week end with her parents and had as her guest while here Miss Hansford from near Crawford. Mrs. W. D. Bolton of Elberton spent a few days here with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. A. X. Porter entertain ed as their guests for several days Mr. and Mrs. Berry Collier and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson of Gadsden, Ala. .Mrs. T. L. Holcomb was the dinner guest Monday of Miss Icie Smith of Winder. Mrs. Lillian Cook and children of Mars Hill are the guests of Mrs. J. H. Wall this week. Frances Hardigree is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. R. Chambers, of Athens, this week. Miss Erma Hancock of Jefferson and Miss Icie Smith of Winder were the guests of Mrs. T. L. Holcomb Sunday night. A. L. Xickelson of Atlanta was the week-end guest of his mother, Mrs. C. E. Xickelson. The Womans’ Missionary Society of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. W. M. Fite Monday afternoon. The study for the hour was “The New Age, A Democracy of Spiritual Privi lege.” The great work of Mrs. ert, Miss Laura Haygood and Miss Hel en Richardson, was read and discussed. Quite a good many present and very much Interest manifested. Several vis itors present. After the study of the lesson delicious refreshments were serv ed. Mrs. Fite was assisted in enter taining by Mrs. G. J. Thurmond. Little Misses Fannie Lee Haynie and Grace Thurmond also assisted in serving. Mrs. At Coker and children of Athens were the guests of Mrs. Elleu Dooly Tuesday. ltcv. W. A. MeMullin of Atlanta is helping Rev. J. B. Gresham in a meet ing at the Methodist church. He is preaching some powerful sermons. Jack Sykes of Atlanta spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. M. A. Mfllsaps. I Sharon News I , * Protracted meeting begins at this place Saturday, July 30th. Sunday school, 15. Y. P. U. at this place are on booms. Misses Viola Mauldin rr.d Lois Lang ford spent Sunday night w’tli Miss Al ma Deaton. Misses Ida Lewis and Rhudesser Cronie spent Saturday night with the Misses Beulali and Idelle Little, f Messrs. Ralph Evans, Ernest Parks j and Misses Gwendolyn Mann, Ermine Simpson and Bertha Cruee visit' Mrs. Viola Maim near Flowery Isi Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roekmore and Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Roekmore and son, Otis, spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. .T. T. Little and family. Misses Pauline and Jennie Mae Parks spent Sunday night with Misses Lois and Gladys Ferguson. The singing at the home of Miss Er vmine Simpson Saturday night was highly enjoyed. Mrs. Lent Flanigan visited her daugh ter, Mrs. Charlie Cruee, Sunday. Mr. J. M. Simpson and family visit eel Mr. J. G. Atttuvny Sunday. PARADISE Mr. and Mr*. J, M Barber visited Mr. ami Mrs. W. T. Barber Tuesday. Miss Ethel Sailors is spending this week With Mr and Mr* Joe Lee. FINCHER MARTIN Married Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. E. C. Perkins. Mr. Leo Fincher and Miss Ida Martin; theli many friends wish for them a long and happy life- Sunday school at this place is pro gressing nicely. Everybody come every Sunday afternoon. Several from here attended the preaching and singing at Chapel Sun lift V* Mr. and Mrs. Tom Austin had as their guests last week-etul Mr. and Mrs. \\ i ley Evans and children of Oglethorpe. Misses Ethel Sailors And ltossie Belle Barber spent Saturday nighl with Mr. and Mrs. Joe I-ee. Mrs. J. R. Lee spent Saturday with Mrs. T. Y. Lee of Winder. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin had as their guests Monday Mr. John Martin and Mr. Willie Martin. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE. THE WINDER NEWS Savers and Winners! It is very interesting to observe enthusiastic savers. We watch them as they come regularly to the bank to make their deposits. There is on their faces the smile that is peculiar to winners. Their glory is not alone in the amount they have sav ed, they know that it is not always easy to save and are proud to have succeeded. And then there is the fascination of growth! Only those who have really saved know the pleasure of watching a savings account grow. A growing savings account is something to be proud ®f • .. ~4 ..-Ait _ l . t.— -’'t ±- I A nESERVT^^> STE NORTH GEORGIA TRUST & BANKING CO. Winder, Ga. ' Capital and Surplus $224,000.00 Phone 286 Phone 286 Given Away—FREE! Don’t confuse the offer below with the ordinary bar gain sales. You have never seen this offer befoie and we dare say you,will never see its equal again. Here Is Our Offer! Beginning Friday, July 29th, and as long as they last we will give you absolutely FREE with'each purchase of MENNEN’S SHAVING CREAM and our DANDY LOTION one genuine Durham Duplex Safety Razor. Just think of itj the required purchase is less than the purchase price of the razor alone. Ask anj one who knows the price. Remember we have only a limited # supply. ...... - •' Winder Drug Cos. £. • Leading Druggist* r . Winder, Ga. t... Phone 286 Phone 286 SUBSCRIPTION: SIBO A YEAR