The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, July 28, 1921, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1021. This SALE will positively close Tuesday, August 9th. There will be no extension of time. It won't be but ten days, and your golden opportunity to buy merchandise at these prices will fade away. , The T T CAT TT Winder, Clothier J # jj \J I J Georgia anu vjtjuiKci/ttJ vv ctiSLS m ipo./o | 50 Per Cent Discount on all La dies and Misses Oxfords. SIO.OO Values at. . $5.00 $ 7.50 Values at $3.75 $ 6.00 Values at $3.00 $ 4.60 Values at $2.00 MEN’S PANTS Lot Men’s Pants worth to $4.00, at $1.95 MEN S DRESS SHIRTS Big: lot Men’s Dress Shirts worth up to $3.50. Choice 95c One lot 75c Silk Ties, 35c, 3 for Ladies and Men’s Pure Silk Hose (seam in back) SI.OO value 63c PERCALS —3B-Inch Percals and Shirtings worth 30c for — 19 Cents UNDERWEAR CREPE —6oc Underwear Crepe, only, per yard 27 1 Cents SHEETING —2sc Grade Heavy 30 inch Sheeting at i>er yard 10 Cents BLUE DENIM —soc Blue Denim, only, per yard 39 Cents GALATEA —4oc Galatea, 36 inches wide for children’s Suits, per 1 yard — 19 Cents LINEN —36 inch 40c grade Linen, only, per yard 19 Cents GEORGETTE CREPE AND CREPE DE CHINE $1.95 ALL SPRING and SUMMER MILLINERY \ PRICE $7.50 Hats at $2.75 10.00 Hats at .. : $4.75 20 percent discount on Trunks and Baggage. Spring and Summer Coat Suits at ONE-HALF PRICE • MEN’S SUITS f $50.00 to $75.00 Men’s Suits W. flf)r.oo At | s£> $40.00 to $50.00 Men’s Suits (Jrt/\.OO At j $35.00 to 40.00 Men’s Suits 50 $30.00 to $.’55,00 Men’s Suits * $25.00 to $.’50.00 Men’s Suits • 1 BOYS’ SUITS One-Third Off. $15.00 Boys’ Suits at . . . SIO.OO $12.00 Boys’ Suits at ... $ 8.00 SIO.OO Boys’ Suits at ... $ 6.50 $ 7.50 Boys’ Suits at . .. $5.00 Lot of Ide $4.50 Madras Shirts at . . $2.79 50 per cent reduction on all Silk and Crepe de Cchine Shirts. Children’s $2 and $2.50 Dresses 95 Cents BLEACHING — A Good 25e Bleaching, full 3d inches wide, for only 14 Cents. MIDDY TWILL —455 c Middy Twill, 36 inches wide for only, per yard, 34 Cents RIVERSIDE PLAIDS —4oc Riverside Plaids. Special, only per ward 12? Cents HICKORY SHIRTING —2sc Genuine Hickory Shirting, only per yard 121 Cents CURTAIN SCRIM —3sc Curtain Scrim, only per yard 221 Cents Extra Specials All During Ten Day Sale! W. L. Douglass Oxfords, in all toes, $5.00 and $3.75 and $7.50 quality at $3.75 $2.00 Men’s Best Overalls, at . . . . 95c $25.00 Young Men's Suits at . . $12.50 25c Best Grade Hickory Shirting at 12 Ac Good Heavy 25c Sheeting t 10c 35c Linen .. 17£c Men’s Straw Hats at 95c Men’s $2.00 UNION SUITS at 95c $2.50 Ladies Summer Waists at 95c $5.50 Men’s Blue Serge Pants " $2.85 AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER BARGAINS. 25' DOZEN - : Ladies’ Slippers 1 VALUES TO $12.00, at PER PAIR $1.95 During the three first sale days 25 dozen ladies Slippers will be put on sale. Values up to $12.00. Black, tan, Bronze- grey, all heels, high, low, military; all sizes: CHOICE. PER PAIR. COME EARLY AND GET PICK. THE WINDER NEWS - v v v *• V/ XL VIV/11U1 V 7 v T V7l 111 V/ I. 11V/ ▼ V XX A V/X V/XXMXX dise will begin to arrive at our store by the middle of next month. We must make room for the goods, and are getting through with our summer stock. ' We are going to sell them at some price. In fact at any price to move this immense stock on hand now. Read each and every word with care, and remember our repu tation guarantee stands back of every price and statement. Immense sftock of high grade Clothing, Oxfords, Dry Goods, Fur nishings, ladies’ Ready- to-Wear, Millinery, Etc., priced to sell quick. Opens Fit., July 29; 9 A. M. SUBSCRIPTION; sl-50 A YEAR 1