The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, July 28, 1921, Image 9

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THPRSDAY. JPLY 28, 1921. ! Classified Ads. • _____ Garage for Rent —Apply to Col. Ross Mrs. M<K-e, 210 Candler street, tf Loans made on farms and city prop erty. Lowest rates of interest and commissions.—W. H. C'mrterman, At torney. FOR SALE —One brand new Lord Touring car, self-starter, §450.00. ■Woodruff Hardware Cos. No. 2, Stat . bam, Ga. -- - ■ ALL KINDS turnip seed in bulk at Smith Hardware Cos. • We still have meal and hull for sale. Millsaps & Eley. CANNING, any size glass jars, screw tops or glass tops at Smith Hardware Company. Wax, Paratin for your jellies at the Smith Hardware Cos. i if it's a good little farm near school and church you want. 29 acres for see R. L. Woodruff. FRUIT JAR Rubbers, the Red kind. 3 dozen 25c at Smith Hardware Cos. JAR TOPS, any kind at Smith Hard wae Company. • * Typewriter ribbons and carbon paper for sale at The Winder News office. TIN CANS for tomatoes and beans. No. 2 and No. 3, also extra tops for tin cans at Smith Hardware Cos. FLIES and DOCTORS are still here. Screen them out. buy your screen wire, windows and doors at Smith Hdw. Cos. T typewriter ribbons and carbon paper .or sale at The Minder News office. COOL THAT KITCHEN with an oil stove, buy it while it is hot. Smith Hardware Cos. FAN, SWEEP and IRON your troub les with electricity. Electric fans, sweepers, irons, toasters and grills at Smith Hadware Company. See R. L. Woodruff for good one horse farm, 29 acres for §IBOO. ICE YOFR WATER, we have the coolers at Smith Hardware Cos. Fish, they are biting good, get f hnt rod and reel, artificial bait and flies. Good water close, see us.—Smith Hard ware Company. F< >R SALE —As improved level farm 20 acres for $1800: in sight of cliureh and school: public road : close in : good community of white folks all owning their own farms. —R. L. Woodruff. Winder, Ga. SEINE NETTING, hooks, lines, sink ers and corks at Smith Hardware Go. BOLL WEEVIL, we have Calcium Ar senate, tested by government at Smith Hardware Company. 29 acres for SISOO, high level im proved farm in sight of school and church; see R. L. Woodruff. NOTICE, to your neighbors now that you have your syrup mill and are ready is wise. We can supply you with the power mills, pans, etc, at Smith Hdw. Company. ■ BARRELS —kegs, gallon, tin buckets ami smaller cans for your syrup supply now. Smith Hardware Cos. FOR RENT —In desirable location, 1 large 8-room house lights, water, and large garden, poultry yard, orchard and barn.— See W. A. Craft. 2t BOYS train your eyes. Practice with that Winchester rifle. We can supply your wants.—Smith Hardware Cos. AUTOMOBILES keep cool when you use Mobile oils, buy it in 5 gallon cans at Smith Hardware Cos. Remember we carry all kinds of tur nip seed in the bulk.—Winder Drug Cos., Phoue 286. GREASE THAT LASTS and clings to gears at Smith Hardware Cos. BATTERIES for your automobile, any make. Drive in and let us advise you.—Smith Hardware Cos. -TIRES and TUBES, a good stock, hhe kind that you want. —Smith Hard r ware Company. Buy GOOD GULF KEROSENE. VICTORY NEWS School here is progressing nicely with 40 on roll. Misses Jurell Bailey, Pauline and Novine Johnson, Gladys Evans, Lillie and Mattie Lou Freeman, Rosa Rey juolds and Lois Murphy were the Sunday afternoon guests of Misses Es ter and Bessie Hayes. Miss Miriam Braselton was the guest of Misses Ruth and Nellie Allen Sunday. Mr. Arthur Wages was the guest of Mr. Sylvester Cheek Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen, of near Au burn, were guests Sunday night of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. John son. Miss Mandie Lee Hall was the guest Sunday of Miss Mae Reynolds. Mr. Ernest Murphy and sister, Lil lie, of Lawrenceville, were the dinner guests of their brother, Mr. William Murphy. Sunday. Miss Gladys Evans was the guest of Miss Norine Johnson recently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manders are the proud parents of a fine daughter, named Maude Opal. Miss Lois Langford had as her guest Sunday afternoon, Mr. Carl Maul din. . Mr. Herman Johnson, mother and lit tle sister, Olee, were guests of Mrs. Fred Allen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rockmore and tie son, Otis, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Boss Sunday. Mr. Herman Johnson was in Bras elton Monday on business. Miss Jurell Bailey was the guest of Miss Gladys Evans Sunday. The Woodchucks took the game of ball at Thompson's Mill Saturday. Preaching at Sharon next Sunday and the following week. OAK GROVE * — —— * Mr. .and Mrs. Andrew Guest of Ak ron, Ohio, are spending some time with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones spent sev eral days lust week in Greensboro. Mrs. T. N. Suddath were called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. J. A. Suddath, last week, who is very ill. Little Robert Sellers was carried to Downeys Hospital in Gainesville Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willbanks spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Pat rick. . Mr. J. R. Holliday of Grayson is with his sister, Mrs. J. J. Both, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Pike Hutchins of Stat ham were guests of Mr and Mrs. J. L. Harwell Sunday. Oak Grove School Honor Roll. Fay Adams, Joe Booth, lene Boyd. Claire Boyd. Marie Chapman, Adell Chapman, Sam Chapman, Hazel Chap man, Helen Hays, Nellie Garner, Beth el Jones, Harold Jones, Roy Lyle, Gar land McElhannon, Rogers Patrick, C!if frod Rutledge, Rudez Sellers, Thelma Sellers, Ezra Sellers, Herman Guffin. Bertie Guffin, Leonard Reynolds. Ruby Reynolds, Lillie Mae Reynolds, Horace Wilbanks, Mossie Wilbanks, Vera Wil banks, Claude Williams. GO TO THE RESCUE Don’t wait ’til It’s Too Late—Follow the Example of a Winder Citizen. Rescue the aching back. If it keeps on aeliing, trouble may come. Often it indicates kidney weakness.. If you neglect the kidneys’s warning. Look out for urinary disorders. This Winder citizen will show you how to go to the rescue. Mrs. R. L. Sharpton, Bush Ave., says. “I suffered a whole lot with sharp pains in the small of my back. I had severe nervous spells and the least noise would irritate me. Dizzy spells were pretty bad, too, and my kidneys didn't act as they should. Doan's Kid ney Pills were recommended to me. so I bought a box at DeLaPerriere’s Drug Store and they greatly relieved me." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Sharpton had. FOster-Milhurn Cos., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Busy With th* Fllwur. What has become of the old-fash ioned family that used to reach the •onelusion that It would have to econ mlze? —Detroit News. How’s This? We offer One Hundred iDollarv Reward for any case o' Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. tVe, the undersigned, have known Y. 3 Cheney tor the last l' years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry ut any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL, BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo. O nail's Ca*arrh Cure is fatten Internally acting directly upon tin- blood and mu •ous “urfi-' i-K i.( iK sys'ern. Testimonial H>nt tree Price 7’t an is per bottle. Sol >y all ITrufrirists. ■"aVe Unit'® C's • **„ -■ Buy GOOD GULF KEROSENE. CANNOT EXPRESS HIS GRATITUDE Memphis Man Is Grateful For Wife’s Recovery Front Severe Attack of Pneumonia. Among the hundreds of people who have realized the powers of Tanlac is the wife of Jeff Chastain, of 712 Chel sea, St., Memphis, Tenn. “I am convinced,” said Mr. Chastain, “from the wonderful improvement Tan lac has made in my wife’s health that there’s nothing so good for a run down system. Last January she had a se vere attack of pneumonia and for a time no hope was held out for her re covery. Finally the crisis passed, how ever, and she was able to sit up, but had to be lifted in and out of bed. She had no appetite, could not eat and just ingered on in her weakened condition. “After the ordinary treatment failed to start her up hill I bought her a bot tle of Tanlac and the way she has im proved is astonishing. In a few days she had a splendid appetite and was up and down about the house and is like an entirely different person. It has helped her like it had been made especially for her case and I have nev er heard of anyone getting back their strength so rapidly. She sleeps sound ly every night, gets up in the mornings feeling thoroughly refeshed and rested. She has also gotten rid of a very an noying cough the penumoiiia left her with and is gaining right along in weight. I am so thankful to see her getting strong and well again that 1 just can’t express my gratitude.” Tanlac is sold in Winder by G. AY. DeLaPerrlere & Sons, and by all lead ing druggists. CORINTH NEWS Revival meetings closed Sunday nigh' A number of people were saved and ev erybody seemed to enjoy the meeting. The pastor, Rev. T. F. Cook of Law renceville, (lid the preaching. Our Sunday school is progressing nicely and also our young people work. Everybody is cordially invited to come and worship with us. Mrs. M. F. Shelnut of Griffin is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sauls. Misses Mary Callahan and Maty Al ice Parker, of Winder, were the guests „f Miss Bonnie Tec Bedingfield tills week-end. t Miss Willie Mae Gower of Monroe was the guest of Miss Mamie Odum for the week-end. Mr. W. H. Cross is spending a few days with his brother yi Gainesville. Miss Clara Smith of near Statham was the guest of relatives and friends here last week. • The many friends of Mrs. John Hines loy who has been sick for the past four months, were glad to see her out at church last week for the first time. Misses Pauline and Albertice Sauls had as their dinner guests Sunday Miss janie Thomas, Miss Callie Thomas and Misses Willie and Elizabeth Snellings. Miss Inez Morrow of Atlanta was the gues t of Dorris and Sibyl Odum last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jitn Austin of Winder spent Sunday with relatives at this place. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thomas and chil dren of Union Point were the guests of Mrs. G. L. Thomas and family last week. Mrs. It. L. Thomas and Mrs. Long Indigestion Many persons, otherwise vigorous and healthy, are bothered occasionally with Indigestion. The effects of a disordered stomach on the system are dangerous, and prompt treatment of indiges tion is important. "The only medicine I have needed has been something to aid diges tion and clean the liver," writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a McKinney, Texas, fanner. "My medicine is Thedford’s BUCK-DRAUGHT | for Indigestion and stomach I trouble of any kind. I have never found anything that I touches the spot, like Black- I Draught I take it in broken . doses after meals. For a long I time I tried pills, which grip- | ed and didn’t give the good i results. Black-Draught liver I medicine la easy to take, easy | to keep, Inexpensive.” Get a package from your druggist today—Ask for and insist upon Thedford’s —the I | only genuine. i | Get It today. ! in em oi THE WINDER NEWS Thompson visited Mrs. Tom Day Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fuller of Win der spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fuller. School is progressing nicely under the instruction of Miss Mamie Odum and Mr. Sylvester Sauls. Mr. Henry Snellings spent the week end with relatives at Campton. The friends of little Una Howington will be sorry to learn that she is sick but wish for her an early recovery. Buy GOOD GULF KEROSENE. GENUINE “BULL" DURHAM tobacco makes 50 good cigarettes for 10c Typewriter ribbons and carbon paper for sale at The Winder News office. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE SERVICE A word often misused, but a thing quite essential in giving satisfaction in Groceries and Meats. We think we have the right conception of SERVICE, and our efforts to please you and warrant your patron age will prove it. Our stock of Grceries is always uptodate and we know our prices are unbeatable. You can rest assured of that. Our Market carries the very best in Fresh and Cured Meats and our prices and Service are unexcelled. Plenty Fine Corn Meal per bushel $1.25 Bring us your chickens and eggs and country pro duce. We pay the highest market price for it. WATSON-GLOVER & CO. Phone 80 Special Cut Price for 10 Days Only $2.00 Pocket Ben Watch $1.25 $3.00 Glo-Ben Radiolite Dial ................... $2.00 $1.75 Ingersol Yankee Plain Dial .... ... $1.25 $4.00 Ingersol Eclipse Radiolite Dial $2.50 $3.75 Big Ben Alarm Clock $3.00 $3.75 Jack’O’Lantern, Radiolite Dial $2.75 $2.00 to $2.50 Wrist Watch Bands Gray or Black Black Ribbon ................... 99c All Watch Chains at half price. 40 percent discount on all Rings, Bar Pins and Brooches $21.00 Elgin Watches . . ... $13.99 $35.00 Elgin Watches $21.99 $35.00 to $50.00 Hamilton Watches at 33 1-3 discount. Fountain Pens at cost or 40 percent less than list price. The above prices are as low as you will find anywhere and if you need a watch, clock, some silverware, or a birthday or wedding gift, you will save money by buy ing from me in the next 10 days. MOSS E. GARRISON Broad Street Garrison Building Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbors and the doctors for their kindness shown us during the Illness and death of our dear husband and father, especially the Odd Fellows. May God bless each and every one Is the prayer of the broken-hearted wife and children.—Mrs. J, T. Adams und chil dren. Great Newspaper Bar crain Winder News ... §1.50 Atlanta Tri-Weekly Journal - 1.50 South Ruralist .50 Regular Trice for three - $3.50 We can send you these three papers one year for ... §2.50 If you accept the offer immediately. We will renew your subscription to the Winder News for one year and send you both of the other papers for $2.50. This offer will be withdrawn in just a short time. . FINE FARM FOR SALE. Farm of 412 acres—22s acres cleared, 3 splendid settlements with fl, 5 and 3 room dwellings, barns and outbuild ings, 325 acres under wire fence, run ning water, on public road, I*4 miles from Lyons, Ga., the county sent of Toombs county. One of the best farms In the county. Soil is red pebbly with clay subsoil; very productive; school and churches nearby. Will take §3O per acre for this farm; §2.000 cash will handle the proposition, balance 5 years at 8 per cent interest. J. W. McWhorter, Winder, Ga. •eoijjo g.uaN aopniAV 3RL ei s -ioj jaded pun snoqqij .4jj.vlod.iL SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR Vacations While you are on that camping or fish ing trip, have your watch overhauled. It will last longer, and run more accu rately if it is cleaned and oiled once every year or so. If it is in our care, you run no risk of losing or damaging it. B. E. PATRICK 403 Winder Nat. Bank Building WINDER, GA. Georgia Railroad AND The West Point Route OFFER Summer Excursion Fare Summer Excursion Fares TO 1 bH ‘ North Carolina j South Carolina Colorado California Michigan New York Which include attract- Steamship trips. J. P. BILUPS, For further information write to — Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga.