The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, August 18, 1921, Image 5

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THURSDAY. AUGUST IS, 1921. Social and Personal News JMrs. T. A. Maynard Entertains Sewing Club Mrs. T. A. Maynard entertained her sewing club Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. W. J. Burch, of Elber-j-on, It was a surprise linen shower. The rooms were decorated in golden glow and the same color was carried in the refreshments which was a delicious salad course. Those present were iMesdames Burch, Aiken, Lee DeLaPer riere, Mrs. Almond, Mrs. B. B. Jack son, Mrs. Niblack, Mrs. Walden, Mrs. Hargrove and Mrs. Maynard. Miss Ruth Lanier Honored. Miss Ruth Lanier of Atlanta, was sthe honor guest at a delightful Heart- Dice party given by Mrs W. L. DeLa- Perriere last Monday afternoon. Three tables were set and the decorations were goldenrod and marigold attract ively blended. The refresments were course of salads and tea. Those enjoying the occasion were Misses Ruth Lanier, Hazel Smith, Mar garet Walker, Mary Quarterman. Lou ise Rainey, Runette Benton, Eurania Eavenson, Elise Starr, Sara Joe Rob erts, and Imogene Herrin. Mrs. Roy Jackson Hostess. Mrs. J. Roy Jackson entertained the Young Matrons club most pleasantly last Thursday afternoon at a bridge party. The tables were placed on the lawn and a very delightful time was spent by the guests. During the afternoon a tempting salad course with tea was served. Those present were Miss Mellie Stanton, of Social Circle; Mesdames W s J. Burch of Elberton; Mrs. Ilulme Kinnebrew, Mrs. Carter Daniel, Mrs. Fleming Thompson, Mrs. Ralph Smith, Mrs. L. W. Hodges, Mrs. J. F. Broome, Mrs. S. H. Ware, Mrs. J. W. Grif fith, Mrs. H. A. Carithers. Mrs R. H. Kimball and Mrs. E. R. Harris. Little Miss Jane Carithers Hostess. Miss Jane Carithers was the charm ing hostess to a number of her friends last Friday afternoon in honor of her third birthday. Mrs. Carithers, the little lady’s mother, gave each guest a, paper cap as they arrived and Mrs. Parks Stewart and Mrs. Blasingame served them lemonade. The afternoon was spent in playing games and “build ing houses” with blocks. Late in the afternoon ice cream cones were served. Those invited were Master George and Howard Perry. Mac Jackson, Royce Jackson, Roddy Saunders, Jack Fort son, Ben Juhan, Claude Mayne, George Smith, Paul Brooksher, John Thomp sofa, John Oliver, Joe Parham, Louis Harper Williams, Derrol Nowell, Clyde Collins, John Maynard, Hugh and Rob ert Luther Carithers, little Misses Gwendolyn Autry, Bessie Tom May nard, Jean and Bobbie Kimball, Nan nelle Starr, Frances Collins, Dean Now ell, Mary Nell Prickett, Eflie Thomp son, Virginia Oliver, Ruby Autry, Jo sephine Saunders, Anna Arnold, Eve lyn Harris, Barton Jackson. Frances Higgins, Elmer Hubbard, Mary Eliz abeth Eavenson, Nan Moseley and /*v Howard Rogers. In Honor of Mrs. W. J. Burch. Mrs. W. L. DeLaPerriere entertained most delightfully last Friday afternoon iu honor of Mrs. W. J. Burch, of Elber ton. She was assisted in entertaining by her sister, Miss Mellie Stanton, of Social Circle, and Mrs. John Hargrove, of this city. The decorations were golden glow and marigold and a large •uumbrer of vases of these beautiful flo ral plants adorned the spacious rooms. On the dining table stood a large bas ket of murigold and around it were placed smaller vases of the same dec orations. Attractive ferns on pedes tals added to the beauty of the scene. The guests filled six tables and heart dice was played most interestingly. A delicious salad course w*ith tea was served during the afternoon. The honor guest was presented with a dainty piece of lingerie. Those enjoying this occasion were Mesdames W. J. Burch of Elberton, the honor guest; T. A. Maynard, J. S. Har grove, Hulme Kinnebrew, Carter Dan iel, J. F. Broome, S. H. Ware, Otis Jackson, Miss Mellie Stanton, of Social Circle; C. B. Almond, J. M. Aiken, C. <>. Niblack, G. C. Moseley, J. W. Grif feth, H. A. Carithers, R. H. Kimball. Ralph Smith, E. R. Harris, L. W. Hodges, Fleming Thompson, J. J. Wil son, Howard, Rogers, Roy Jackson, Mrs. E. E. DeLaPerriere and Guy -Kil gore. • • Mrs. C. C. Gregory left this week f bn an extended visit to relatives and friends in 8. C. Mrs. Sam Stein Enter tains in Honor of Mrs. Miller. One of the prettiest of the summer parties was that of Saturday after noon when Mrs. Sam Stein entertain ed in honor of her sister. Mrs. Miller, of Baltimore. A profusion of bright summer flowers were used in a most charming decorative mamner. “Pro gressive initials’ featured the after noon’s merriment, the prize being won by Mrs. C. S. Williams, Punch was served by Misses Louise House and Gladys Harris. Late in the after noon a delicious salad course was ser ved. About forty guests enjoyed Mrs. Stein's delightful hospitality on this occasion. Miss Icie Smith has returned from a visit to Spartanburg. S. C. • * Miss Annie Lay of Gainesville is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. N. J. Kelly. • • Miss Robbie Maffett spent last week in Lawrenceville and Gloster with rel atives. • • Mr. and Mrs Homer jla ; rd spent the week-end with the latter's mother, near Jefferson. • • Mrs. Homer Baird had as her guest Thursday Misses Onie and Pearl Bow man, of Buckhead. Mrs. B. A. Juhan and son, Ben, Jr., have been visiting relatives here the past few days. • • Miss Dorothy Nell Boyd, of Stat ham, was the guest of Miss Millie Mae Autry te past week-end. • • Mr. and Mrs. Blake Fielding have returned to their home in Macon af ter a visit to relatives here. * * Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stein, Mrs. Miller and Miss Mary Cohen spent last Sun day in Atlanta. * * Mrs. Carl McNelly, of Athens, was the recent guest of her mother, Mrs. Henson, and other relatives. • • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and lit tle daughter, of Gainesville, spent last Sunday here with Mrs. W. E. Mathews. • • Mrs. Will Wilson and two children and Miss Mary Maffett, of Atlanta, have been visiting relatives in Winder re cently. • * Miss Mellie Stanton, of Social Ciycle, spent from Thursday until Saturday in the city with her sister, Mrs. W. L. DeLaPerriere. • • Miss Fay Wilkerson of Akron, Ohio, is being cordially welcomed and enter tained here as the guest of her many friends. * * Misses Winnie Belle and Myrtice Bedingtield have returned home after spending a week with relatives and friends at Bethlehem. • * Mrs. G. W. DeLaPerriere hns as her guests her mother, Mrs. Fannie Cham bers. and little nephew, Bob Chambers, and aunt, Mrs. Alice Turner, of Car rollton. • • Mr. and Mrs. Stockton Hudson, of Fortsonia, Mrs. Mamie Oglesby and Miss Katie Lou Oglesby, of Elberton, were the guests the past week-end of Mr. and Mrs, Roscoe Eavenson. Groceries and Meats To render the best service to our custom ers is our constant effort. Get our prices on your groceries and meats before you buy elsewhere. The best in quality at prices that are entirely satisfactory. We ask that you give us an opportunity to serve you. W. C. JETT Phone 55 Miss Ethel Wills is visiting friends in Atlanta this week. * • Mr. J. W. Summerour spent several days in Atlanta this week. • • Miss Bonnie Teck Bedingtteld is vis iting relatives in Athens this week. • • Miss Kathleen Dodson of Atlanta is visiting her father, Mr. Hardy Beding field. • • Mr. Joe Ouzts and sister. Miss Mae, are visiting relatives in Elberton this week. * • Misses Mellie Stanton, Ruth Lanier, Margaret Walker and Mrs. Hargrove, spent last Saturday in Athens. • • Miss Kate Piver, of Atlanta, has re turned home after several days visit with relatives and friends here. • • Messrs. Lewis Braselton, of Brasel ton, apd Dean Lott, of Hoschton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Jackson Sunday. • a Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Eskridge left Wednesday for a two weeks’ vacation to Shelby, N. C., with the former's parents. * a Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sims have re turned home after spending a week with the former's parents, at Bethle hem. * * Misses Leita Braselton, of Brasel ton, Eula and La Trelle Hill, of Hosch ton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Jackson last week end. Mrs. W. B. McCants and daughters. Mrs. John Edwards, and Misses Nelle and Charlotte McCants and Mr. John McCants spent last week in Clayton and Franklin, N. C. • * Mrs. H. N. Rainey, Mr. Nixon Rain ey, and Miss Louise Rainey motored from Atlanta to Winder Sunday and were the guests of friends the first of the week. • • Mr. Ralph Moon, book-keeper at the North Georgia Trust & Banking Cos.. is spending several days with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. D. Moon, near Hoschton. • • Mr. W. N. Skinner, of Winder, was up a few days ago looking over his farm in this county, accompanied by his wife. They seemed to be well pleas ed with this section and we would be glad to have them locate in our county. —Dahlonega Nuggett. • • Miss Sunie Johns will entertain on Friday evening at a party in honor of her house guests, Misses Eliz abeth Park, of Greensboro, Ga., Kate Thompson, of Atlanta, Elizabeth Nor man, of Griffin, Ga., and Mary Med of Greensboro, Ga. A numlver of love ly parties are being planned for these attractive visitors. • • Rev. J. Hamilton Ware, brother of Mr. S. H. Ware, of this city, has been visiting friends and relativbes in this section for the past few weeks. He graduated this year at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Lou isville, Ky., and will leave in a few days for China, where he goes as a for eign missionary from the Southern Baptist Foreign Board. His many friends in this section wish him well in is work in foreign fields. Many have expressed a desire to hear him preach and may do so before he leaves the city. THE WINDER NEWS Do You Bank by Mail? There are many of our customers whom we rarely ever see. Some of them we never have seen. These customers make frequent deposits, but send them by mail. They may live many miles from Win der, but Uncle Sam’s postal service makes it convenient for them to bank with us. We promptly acknowledge receipt of all deposits received by mail, and render periodical statements, thus enabling depositors to keep close check on their accounts. If it is not convenient for you to call on us regularly, why not try banking-by-mail? You will be pleased with our service. Trt:DERAL RESEirVB^ North Georgia Tru& & Banking Cos. Winder, Georgia Capital and Surplus $224,000.00 To Buy Tires Right You Must Buy Goodyear’s WE HAVE ALL SIZES IN CORD AND FABRIC TO FIT YOUR CAR. YOU CAN GET REAL SERVICE AT OUR STORE, WE ARE FULLY EQUIPPED FOR ALL TIRE RE PAIRING. THE VULCANIZING WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A REPUTATION IN TIRE REPAIRING AND WE TRY TO UPHOLD THAT REPUTATION. WE GIVE FREE ROAD SERVICE IN TOWN TO OUR CUSTOMERS t'he Tire Service Station Robert A. Camp, Prop. WINDER, GEORGIA SUBSCRH'TION: 51.50 A YEAR