The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, August 18, 1921, Image 6

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 18. 1921. Legal Advertisements. Application for Administration GEORGIA—Barrow County. J. H. Adams of said State, having in proper form applied us a person se lected as the next of kin for letters of administration on the estate of Mis. Caroline Adams, lute of said county, this is to cite all and singular, the cred itors and heirs of said Mrs. Caroline Adams, deceased, to appear at my otiice at the September term of the Court of Ordinary of dnid county on the lirst Monday in September, 1921, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent letters of administration should not lie granted to suid applicant upon said estate. Witness iny official signature this August Ist, 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Letter* of Administration (GEORGIA— Barrow county. To ail Whom it may Concern: R. B. Finch of said State, having in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. F. C. Finch, lute of said county, deceased, this is to cite all and singular, the creditors and heirs of Mrs. F. C. Finch to lie and appear at the September term of court, on the first Monday in September, 1921, and show cause, if any they can, why per manent letters of administration should not lo granted. Witness my official signature this sth day of August. 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. W. J. AUSTIN VS. ERNER HARRELL GEORGIA —Barrow County. In case of W. J. Austin vs. Edner Harrell, equitable suit, the defendant is required to appear on the 4th Mon duy in September in Barrow Superior Court, to answer plaintiff’s complaint. Witness Blanton Fortson, Judge of Su perior Court of Western Circuit. A. T. HARRISON, Clerk. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA —Barrow county. Will be sold before tlie court house door of said county within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in September, 1921, the following proper ty, to-wit: One Empire automobile, seven passenger, 1918 model, motor No. 7W56839. Said property levied as the property of E. J. Hutchins, and sold to satisfy a mortgage execution issued from the Superior Court of said county against said E. J. Hutchins in favor of A. L. DeLaPerriore. This August 3, 1921. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. (J E( >K( i IA —Barrow county. Ida Dowdy vs. Garland W. Dowdy. No. 799. Libel for Divorce. Barrow Superior Court, March Term, 1921. To Garland \V. Dowdy: You arc hereby requlred personally or by attorney to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Barrow county, Georgia, to be held in and for said county on the fourth Mon day In September, 1921, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s libel for di vorce in above stated ease, as in default thereof the Court will proceed as to Justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. Blanton Fortson, Judge of said Court, this loth day of July, 1921. _. „ A. T. HARRISON, Clerk. L’t In Aug. 2t iu Sept Legal Advertisements According to law all legal adver tisements must be paid for iu advance. In order to avoid any confusion or de lay In the publication of these legal notices all parties sending in legal no 41ces for publication must pay for the mime iu advance. The law fixes the price of the legal ads at $4.00 per one oik* hundred words or fractional part thereof. ! Hot Weather Diseases. K Disorders of the bowels are extreme ly dangerous, particularly during the hot weather of the summer months, and in order to protect yourself and family against a sudden attack, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Di arrhoea Remedy. It can be depended upon. Many have testified to its ex cellence. Great Newspaper Bargain Winder News ... $1.50 Atlanta Tri-Weekly Journal * 1.50 South Iturnlist ----- .50 Regular Price for three - $3.50 We can send you these throe papers one year for - * * $2.50 If you accept the offer immediately. We will renew your subscription to the Winder News for one year and send you both of the ether papers for $2.50. This ofTer will be withdrawn in Just a short time. Typewriter ribbons and carbon paper lor sale at The Winder News office. I Classified Ads. A BARGAIN —One Buick Touring car in first class condition.—Smith Hard ware Company. Buy SUNBEAM Mazda Electric Lamps from Smith Hardware Cos. Smith Hardware Company is head quarters for GALVANIZED and COM POSITION ROOFING. In buying an automobile consider what comes after the purchase price. Buy a Dodge Brothers Motor Car from Smith Hardware Company. Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses. Jar Caps and Rubbers at Smith Hardware Cos. It will pay you to see Smith Hard ware Company before purchasing au tomobile casings and tubes. They have some special close outs. Packers Tin Cans in both TWO and THREE pounds, at Smith Hdw. Cos. 'ARM LANDS FOR SALE OR TRADE We have options on and for sale nearly fifty farms in Oconee and other North Georgia counties, ranging in size from 25 to 9<X) acres. Tills is tlie finest farming section of the entire state. Write us for our list of farms, terms and prices, and let us list your property in our next Bulletin. No sale —No cost to you. Anderson & Porter, Real Estate. Bishop, Georgia The Real, Real Estate Dealers.” We have some Fords, Buieks and one Overland 90 for sale cheap. See us. — WILLIAMS BROS. GARAGE. Phone 27. Smith Hardware Cos. for Polishes and Floor Oils. • __ • Syrup Cans in Ones, Fives, Tens — Also barrels at Smith Hardware Cos. CHATTANOOGA*S.vrup mills and pans have no superior. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. If you want a good used oar cheap we have them.—-Williams Bros. Garage. WANTED.—4 or 0-room house. Ap ply to Winder News. T7SED CAR BARGAINS.—WiIIiams Bros. Garage. WINCHESTER Shot Guns, Shells & Cartridges satisfy the most fasthleous. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. This is the season of the year to paint—(nothing better than MASTIC Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. WANTED.—IS girls to make “Wlmco’ overalls. Good pay, steady employ ment. Apply at once to The W iuder Manufacturing Cos., Winder, Ga. Loans made on farms and city prop erty. Lowest rates of interest and commissions.—W. 11. Quartennan, At torney. We still have meal and hull for sale. Millsaps & Eley. WANTED PEACH SEED.—WiII pay SI.(X) per bushel for peach seed.—See J. H. Jackson, Prop., Jackson Coun ty Nursery. Bunker Hill Monument. Bunker Hill monument is 221 feet 2 Inches in height It is 80 feet wide at the base and 15 feet 4 Inches square it the point where the apex begins. Eight thousand seven hundred tons of granite were used in building it Phone 65 Phone 65 We are now ready to supply you with BLUE GEM COAL for Winter. Blue Gem Lump SIO.OO Other good coals for less money. Phone us your order. • „ City Coal Cos. Geo. Thompson W. C. Harris # Phone 65 Phone 65 Gasoline Engine For Sale. For sale, H. P. Gas oline engine, in good con dition and will be sold cheap. Call at this office for further information. *********** * PROFESSIONAL CARDS * *********** RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. Attorneye-At-Law WINDER, GA. Office in Carithers Building. Practice in All the Courts JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attorney-at-Law Office Over DeLaPerriere”s Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law Office in Old Court House Building Winder, Georgia DR. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 511 Holman Building Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M. S. T. ROSS Physician and Surgeon Rooms 303 304 Winder Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. Dr. L. C. Allen Dr. Myron B. Allen DR. L. C. ALLEN & SON Hosehton, Georgia Office Hours: Sundays, 9:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M. Wednesdays, 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 M. Saturdays, all day until 3:00 P. M. All other times when not attending calls W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. Dlt. C. S. WILLIAMS DENTIST Offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234 —Office Phone 81 WINDER. GA. DR. W. L. MATHEWS Suite 410 Winder National Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., and 1 fco 4 P. M. Residence Phone 213. Office Phone'No. 13. DR. R. P. ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 0 S. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. W. M. THOMA S Cleaning—Pressing—Altering Phone 49—Jackson Street Winder, Georgia Buy GOOD GULF KEROSENE. THE WINDER NEWB Providence News Miss Annie Hunter spent the week end with her uunt. Mrs. C. H. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Hunter and chil dren and Mrs. Effle Coopere spent Fri day night with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Mon Sykes were guests of Mr. andMrs. Ilpft' Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Ruby Armstrong of South Caro lina is spending two weeks with her .Hint, Mrs. Henry. Mr. Brown, of Athens, spent a few days last week with his counsin, Mrs. Emma Sikes. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLocklin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter Monday. Miss Cordelia Gofer spent Sunday night with Mrs. Z. A. Sikes. Miss Lois Nichelson was the dinne guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. A. Wages, Sunday. Miss Gertrude Skelton was the guest of Miss Nicholson Friday and Sat urday. Mrs. W. S. Hunter ad as her guests Monday, Mrs. Emma Sikes, Mrs. Hen ry and Mrs. Ruby Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grizzle were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Wages Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Grizzle Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lois Nicholson spent Sunday night with Miss ellie Haynie. Master Dupree Wages spent Sunday with Master Bill Hunter. Sunday school at this place every Sunday afternoon, everybody invited. Same Old Story But a Good One. Mrs. Mahala Burns, Savanna, Mo., relates an experience, the like of which lias happened in almost every neigh borhood in this country, and has been told and related by thousands of others, ns follows: “I used a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about nine years ago and it cured me 6f flux (dysentery). I had another at tack of the same complaint three or four years ago and a few doses of this emedy cured me. I have recommended it to dozens of people since I first used it and shall continue to do so for I know it is a quick and positive cure for bowel troubles.” Typewriter ribbons and carbon paper for sale at The Winder News office. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE. f Everything for QUALITY I -nothing for show A THAT’S OUR IDEA in making CAMELS—the Quality Cigarette. Why, just buy Camels and look at the package! It’s the best packing science has devised to keep cigarettes fresh and full flavored for your taste, v Heavy paper outside—secure foil wrapping inside and the revenue stamp over the.end to seal the pack age and keep it air-tight. And note this! There’s nothing flashy about the Camel package. No extra wrappings that do not improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense that must come out of the quality of the tobacco. Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins on merit alone. Because, men smoke Camels who want the t taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly blended. Men smoke Camels for Camels smooth, refreshing mildness and their freedom from ciga retty aftertaste. Camels are made for men who think for them- Coal! Coal!! We have in transit Red Ash, Blue Gem and Creech Coals for August delivery at per ton, $9.50 / Montevallo Coal, the world’s best on hand at all times. Peoples Fuel Cos. Phone 214 WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE THINK OF NORTH GEORGIA TRUST & BANKING CO. LIFE : FIRE : HAIL : LIGHTNING : CY CLONE : PARCEL POST : ACCIDENT HEALTH : AUTOMOBILE : (Full Cover age) : LIABILITY : COMPENSATION. : Phone 82 S. F. MAUGHON, Manager. Winder, Ga. SUBSCRIPTION: 11.50 A YEAR