The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, August 18, 1921, Image 7

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THURSDAY'. AUGUST 18, 1921. Carithers Mill A large crowd attended protracted meeting at Bet.babara last week. Mr. and Mrs .1 W. Moon had as tbeh guests Sunday Mr. J. H. Anglia, Misses Eula and Ada Anglin, Mr. Pryor Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardigree, of Winder and Mr. and Mrs. ’.Jim Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Mrs. G. A. Dunagan was the guest of "Mrs. William DeLay Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Mobley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Finch of Stat am Saturday night. Miss Lottie Moon is at her parents, with typhoid fever and we are glad to know that she is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Williams spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mob ley. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mobley spent last week with relatives at Statham. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Elder and chil dren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sims Sunday afternoon. Miss Lottie Moon had as her guest Tuesday night Mr. Emory House, Mr. Joe Guffin, Miss Belle Moon and Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Moore, of Winder. The singing at Mr. Doggett’s Sunday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. RED, SEAL LYE iiGifrcs tihwr % Make 10 lbs. of Soap and Save SI.OO THE cleansing power in any soap or cleanser you buy is lye. Soap is tallow (grease) mixed with lye and water. You can make it yourself and save a great deal of money. It will suit your needs better, too, for you can make just the kind of soap you want, either hard or soft. Simply take 5*4 pounds of clean grease (lard or tallow) free from salt. Melt it down. Then set aside / to cool. Take a large can of Red Seal Lye and dissolve it in 3*4 pints of cold water. Bring this to about Summer heat and pour it slowly into the melted grease. Stir until the mixture becomes uniformly thick and pour into a mould. Cover up and set in a warm place until next day. Then you can cut it into pieces and you’ll have 10 lbs. of the finest cleansing soap you ever used —and will have saved about SI.OO. Isn’t that well worth while? You bet it is! And then just remember these other fine uses for Red Seal Lye: It is a water softener, saving a great deal of soap. It kills all disagreeable odors, purifies and dis infects at the same time. Dissolve a spoonful of it in a quart of water and you have a wonderful cleaning solution for helping lighten your work in washing dishes, doors, floors, woodwork everything about the house. A little of it sifted into the sink cleans out the pipes and prevents them from becoming stopped up. But make sure the lye you buy is Red Seal Lye. This pure lye is granulated and packed in cans that are easy and convenient to use. Always ask your storekeeper for, and be sure to get, the old reliable Red Seal Granulated Lye. P. C. TOMSON & COMPANY, Philadelphia, Penna. * - —T* . ‘ The Very Best Lye Your Money Can Buy Follow directions when you use Red Seal Lye. There is a full printed set on the reverse side of the label. Simply tear this off, and keep it for reference. Misses Annette ami Runette Moon spent Saturday night with Misses Ber iha ami Exar Mobley. Mr. Duel Mobley and Mr. Columbus ('handler were in our community last •Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mobley of An derson, 8. C., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mobley last week. Mr. James Jones, of near Statham, was the guest of Mr. J. H. Mobley last Monday. Misses Lottie and Lula Mae Moon had as their guests Saturday after noon. Mr. Joe Guffin, Mr. Henry C. I.yle, Misses Bertha Mobley and Belle Moon, of Winder. Mr. Arthur Gunnin of near Hosch ton, and Mr. Attieus Sims, of Greene county, were the guests of Mr. Tom Sims. Saturday afternoon. Misses Stella Helton and Belle Moon spent Friday with Miss Lottie Moon. Hunger, the Best Sauce. Sauce is used to create an appetite or relish for the food. The right way is to look to your digestion. When you have good digestion you are certain to relish your food. Chamberlain’s Tab lets improve the digestion, create a healthy appetite and cause a gentle movement of the bowels. BUSINESS HAN IN FINE CONDITION Little Rock Grocer Restored to Health Four Years Ago.—ls Still Feeling Fine. t * “Taalac is my stand-by, for it re stored me to health four years ago and I have kept in the pink of condition ever since by taking an occasional dose” said Paul Snodgrass, 229 West Capital St., Little Rock, Ark. Mr. Snodgrass has been in the fancy grocery business for thirty years and is known as a whose word is as good as his bond. “In all my life I have never known a medicine like Tanlac. When 1 began taking it I was in such an awfully weak, run-down condition I was hardly able to attend to business. I had had no appetite for a long time and the lit tle 1 managed to eat did not digest properly and caused me no end of trouble. I was nervous in te day time and restless at night, and I felt miserable in the mornings it was all I could do to force myself to get up and go to the store. “I began’ to improve almost from the first dose of Tanlac and it was not long before I was my old self again, in u few weeks’ time 1 gained fourteen pounds weight. There is no doubt about it, Tanlac certainly delivers the goods.” Tanlac is sold in Winder by G. W. DeLaPerriere & Sons and by leading druggists everywhere. ADDalachee Locals Protracted services atlhis place came to a close last Saturday with addi tions of ten members. Rev. J. C. Har lin, our elflcient pastor, has a tender place in the hearts of his many friends here. He delivered some very forceful sermons in his usual kind and impres sive way and we feel sure much lasting good has been done. Let us all re member Sunday school and prayermeet ing and keep up the splendid interest that is now being shown in this work. Misses Ethel Mauders and Rubye Parr spent Sunday with Mrs. N. J. Ca sey. Miss Lena Everett spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mys. Tom llawkins and Mrs. N. J. Casey. Miss Emma Mamlers spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Fairy Belle Greg ory. Mrs. J. M. Parr spent several days last week with her parents, near Hog Mountain. ,Ve are sorry that the little baby of Mr. and Mrs. J. Casey has been very ill. Miss Cora Helton of Gloster spent last week with relatives at this place. Miss Lillie Manders of near Winder spent Friday night with Mr. J. N. Manders and family. Miss Ruby Parr spent Wednesday afternoon with Miss Martha Hutchins. Messrs. W. A. and David Helton and Dewey Tanner, of Gloster were in this burg Saturday. Miss Alma Manders spent a few days at Gloster last week. Mr. Nick Helton spent Saturday night with Mr. Reuben Brown, of Bethel. Mr. Luther McDaniel, of Bethel, spent last week with Mr. Claude Hel ton. Messrs. John Jarvil and Bill McDan iel, of Floyd county, was the guest of Mr. J. H. Manders Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Collins and families were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins Saturday. AVe are sorry to say that Miss Jewel Maughon who has typoid fever, has suffered a relapse; we hope she will soon recover. Mr. E. L. Edwards spent Sunday night with Mr. C. F. Gregory. Miss Emma Manders spent AVednes day with Miss Bert Maughon. Messrs. Nick and Grady Helton, Miss Emma Manders and Mr. J. H. Man ders spent Monday with Mr. AA’. A. Helton and family, of Gloster. Mr. Jewel Everett spent Sunday night with Mr. Helton. FARMERS AND GINNERS TO MEET The farmers and ginners will hold a mopt important meeting at the old court house next Saturday, August 20. The cotton business of the fall will be discussed, and every farmer and glnner should be present. The meeting will l>e held at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. The ginners of adjoining counties are invited to be present. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. On account of the great demand on our space, there will be a charge of one-half cent per word for obituaries, memoriams, resolutions of respect, cards of thanks, etc. from this date. In sending in sudh oommunications count the words and send in amount, at one-half cent per word, to pay for THE WINDER NEWS vvvvvvvvvvv • • • QpiferfliW IW CIGARETTES Liggett & Myers Tobacco Cos. Georgia Railroad AND The West Point Route OFFER Summer Excursion Fare Summer Excursion Fares TO North Carolina South Carolina Colorado California Michigan New York Which include attract- Steamship trips. J. P. BILUPS, For further information write to — Gen. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Missouri Lady Suffered! Until She Tried Cardui. —Says “ Result Was Surprising.”—Got Along Fine, Became Normal and Healthy. Springfield Mo.—"My back was so wak 1 could hardly stand up, and I would have bearing-down pains and waa not well at any time,” says Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife of a well-known fanner on Route 6, this place. "I kept getting headaches and having to go to bed,” continues Mrs. Williams describing the troubles from which she obtained relief through the use of CarduL "My husband, haring heard of Cardui, proposed getting It for me. “I saw after taking some Cardui ... that I waa Improving. The result was surprising. I felt like a different person. -Later I suffered from weakness and weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not rest well at night, I was so nervous and cross. My husband said he would get me some Cardui, which he did. It strengthened me . . . My doctor said I got along fine. I was in good healthy condition. I cannot say too much for It" Thousands of women hare suffered as Mrs. Williams describes, until they found relief from the use of CarduL Since it has helped so many, you should not hesitate to try Cardui li troubled with womanly ailments. For_ sale everywhere, E.BB Oi' words 4o 4h a£ effect *IT BEATS tho band. * * * THE WAY this thing. • t * KEEPS POPPING up. • t THE OTHER night. t • • I BROKE all rules. • * * AND READ a highbrow book. • • * AND HERE’S a hot one. * * i* THAT IT handed me. t * * “MANY OF us find. * * * THAT TASTE afford3. * * * ONE OF the fairly. * * # DEPENDABLE SATISFACTIONS. • t OF EVERYDAY living. * • * AND IT seems. * * * UPON LONG reflection. * * * THAT SATISFACTION. * * * COMES CLOSE to being. • • THE LONG sought. • • • ‘HIGHEST GOOD.”' * * * OF COURSE that isn’t. * • WRITTEN WITH the ease. • * • AND POLISH to which. Dry Clean —Dye at the Capital City THE CER TAIN WAY * WE RENEW Men’s Suits Overcoats Draperies Curtains Blankets Capital City Dry Cleaning & Dye Works ATLANTA, GEORGIA ZZ INSURANCE Your neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago and a likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US d*, t night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELax. ’ay mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A AVISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peace .of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith Veterinary Surgeon I have located in Winder for veterinary practice. Calls answered promptly. I can be found at J. M. Brooksher & Sons Stables. I. G. Gauntt Veterinary Surgeon # Day Phone 313 —Night Phone 287. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR WE ARE accustomed. ... , BUT IT’S a mouthful. * * * AS YOU’LL agree if yom # * * JUST PUT it into good. # * • UNITED STATES, like this. * * # “SON, YOU’LL be running. * * * ON FOUR flat tires. * * * IF YOU don’t hurry. * * • AND WRAP yourself around. * * * THE ONLY cigarette. • • • THAT SATISFIES.” • • • THEY Satisfy” — nothing else so well describes Ches terfields’ mildness, their mellow ness, their delicacy of aroma and smooth, even “body.” It took the finest varieties of Turkish, and Domestic tobaccos to do it —and the highest order of skill in blending them. Yes, the Ches terfield blend is a secret.. It can’t be copied. Have you teen the new AIR - TIGHT tins of SOT Women’s clothes were never before so delightfully simple. Freshness and lines, that’s all. Keep them always fresh. Our care and experience pre serve the lines. The Capital City Is the certain way. Adopt this perfect service! “Parcel Post Your Package —Look To U For Results"