The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, August 25, 1921, Image 3
THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1921. Rev. Steed Called As Pastor of Maysville Baptist Church. The members of the Maysville Bap tist church held a conference at the close of the Sunday morning service for the purpose of calling a pastor. Rev. George C .Steed, a former pas tor of this church, received a unani mous call and the church officials are now awaiting his reply. During his partorate here Mr. Steed ,was very popular and loved by all de nominations who, with his own de nomination, are anxious that he return to our town, and probably we will know better how to appreciate him and real ize more fully what he was worth to our town as a citizen after giving him up for awhile. —Maysville News. Attention! Singers! The Barrow County Singing Con vention will convene the 10 and 11 of September, with Union Baptist church, four miles north of Winder on Winder and Jefferson Highway. This prom ises to be a great convention. Good singers will be on hand and a real mu sical uplift is anticipated. The con vention is a Barrow county asset and it should concern every one who is inter ested in making Barrow county the most up-to-date county in the State. Important business will be transacted on Saturday, so be there to share your part. Be sure to bring along a lunch so every one will have enough and some to spare. J. L. MOORE, President. First Baptist Church Services for Sunday, v Sunday school 10:15, S. F. Mauglion, superintendent. Prcadhing 11.30, “Rebuilding the Walls.” Junior B. Y. P. C at 7:30. Senior B. Y. P. U at 7:30. Preaching 8:30 P. M. “Go Forward.” The fall work begins. It is earnest ly hoped that eveyr member of the church will be present. Bring your friends. W. 11. Faust, Pastor. FOR RENT—Two rooms and kitch enette. Close in. Call at office Win der News. WILLIAMS-THOMPSON COMPANY On and after September First, we will occupy the original Smith & Carithers Building, corner Broad and Athens Streets, now used by Messrs. Autry-House & Company. We have a lease on the corner room and expect to carry a good line of Hardware, Farm Implements, Wagons, Mowers, Hay Rakes, Riding Plows, Etc. Also we will keep on hand a line of builders’ Hardware, everything that is needed to build a residence, barn, crib or chicken house. Likewise, we will endeavor to keep a good line of cooking utensils; anything from a coffee strainer to a high class cook stove; vessels of the several kinds, aluminum, galvanized, enam eled and the ordinary tin, in fact we try to keep the common things that are used around the home. We will maintain our Candler Street stores for our building material. There you will find the various kinds of building material necessary to build anything from a chicken coop to a mansion. Our .Mr. Williams has had some thirty years’ experience in the building business; his services as an architect or estimator are at your command—without cost to you. Of course, if wemake a plan and a bill of quantities and can make as good price as the other fellow, we would naturally expect to get the business. So, we ask our friends, and everybody else, for that part, to call on us; it will not cost you a cent to see what we have; it might save you several dollars to take a look at our merchandise. Do not forget the places—our building material business on Candler Street, next to Mr. A. A. Camp’s cotton warehouse, our hardware store will be the comer of Broad and Athens Streets, opposite the Granite Hotel. Our ’phones will be 191 for the hardware department; 88 for the lumber store. We will appreciate your trade and will show this by giving you the best service that we know how to render. Williams-Thompson Company WINDER, GEORGIA IN MEMORY OF LITTLE DANNY SMITH. Bom November 21, 1918, Died July 27th, 1921. “The light of her young life went down, As sinks behind the hill The glory of a setting star — Clear, suddenly and still. “The blessings of her young life Fell on us like the dew; And good thoughts where her footsteps pressed, Like fairy blossoms grew.” Little Danny’s life like a beautiful song—can never die. To those who are familiar with her happy disposition, her sweet baby ways, the familiar rhymtli of her sweet life will be like the re frain of some wonderful song, whose pathos and beauty ever lingers in our memory. The little temple in which she lived has been removed from our midst and, “There* seems a shadow on the day Her smile jno oenr cheers JgTrai n, Her smile no longer cheers; A dimness on the stars of night Like eyes that look through tears.” And, yet, we realize God had need of this little flower or He would not have sent, the message, “Come Into Me.” so soon. He let us have her for a bud on earth for some good purpose and now that her mission is finished, she is a lovely blossom in Heaven. Fold her, O Father! in Thine arms, And let her henceforth be A message of love between Our human hearts and Thee. “AUNTIE.” Jurors Drawn to Serve at the September Term Justice Court, 243 Dist. The following* citizens hnve been drawn to serve as jurors at the Sep tember term of the Justice Court of the 243d District, which will be held in the Opera House building on the 13th of September: Job L. Hill, G. IV. Gar ner. S. P. Smith, S. M. St John, IV. M. Kesler. A. P. Austin. J. V. Henson, R. A. IV. Smith, J. T Williams This is a public service required of the jurors that under the law is more honorary than profitable, yet the ser vice is so generally given that it is seldom necessary to inflict the penalty proveided for failure of a juror to re spond to the summons and discharge his duty under the law. WINDER PASTOR AT FLOWERY BRANCH , \ Rev. \Y. H. Faust, pastor of First Baptist church is in Flowery Branch this week assisting Pastor J. T. Griz zle in a series of evangelistic meetings. Several near-by churches will co-oper ate in this meeting. The singing will be in charge of Rev. A. B. Couch, of Buford. The meet ing has been widely advertised and many are attending. BETHEL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bourman and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Ridgeway Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Harbin had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Tanner and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brown. Several from here attended the buri al of Hanson and Austin Sunday after noon. Mrs. Brown had as her guest last week her niece, Miss Annie Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bolton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams Sunday. Mrs. C-. A. Edwards and Mrs. T. IV. Partee were guests of Mrs. J. W. Ad ams Thursday afternoon. Mr. Luther McDaniel spent Friday night with Mr. Reuben Brown. Rev. Settle was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. IV. Brown Monday. Revival services closed at this place Sunday morning with 22 new members added to the church. Rev. Harbin and Rev. Settle done the preaching and Prof. E. B. Brown done the singing. Mr. Jewel Everett of Auburn spent Tuesday night with Mr. Ira Adams. Mr. and Mrs. T. IV. Partee were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Ridge way Sunday afternoon. Miss Susie Brown spent Sunday night with her cousin, Miss Lorabelle Adams, of Chapel. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. IVerner Bol ton Tuesday. Mr. Ernest Adams was in Athens Thursday. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. On account of the great demand on our space, there will be a charge of one-half cent per word for obituaries, memoriams, resolutions of respect, cards of thanks, etc. from this date. In sending in sudh communications count the words and send in amount, at one-half cent per word, to pay for same. THE WINDER NEWS THE UNIVERSAL CAR ANNOUNCEMENT Important - Farmers We have secured two FORDSON Tractor experts- Early Pierce and Clarence Hale.. They will call on Fordson owners every week, to see that your Fordson Tractors, Implements are in perfect condition, and are giving you satisfactory service. Please call on us day or night. We are here ready, and anxious to help you make money. Yours for better farming, KING MOTOR COMPANY C. B. MOTT, Manager Authorized Ford and Fordson Dealers Phone 12 9 SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR